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Final Report

Production Chain Management


Project members:

Anurag Joshi
Nitin Singh
Rajesh K.R
Vinay Shukla

Project blog:


1. Acknowledgement

2. Abstract

3. Introduction
4. Technical review

4.1. Existing packages

4.2. Machines to use
4.3. Conclusions about existing work

5. Design

5.1. Analysis of Design

5.1.1. ER-Diagram
5.1.2. Data Flow
5.1.3. State Transition Diagram
5.1.4. Overall Morphology

5.2. Screen Shots

6. Test

7. Future work

8. Conclusion

9. Bibliography

1. Acknowledgement

We would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Venkatesh who guided this group to
perform the project and organized everything including the permission for computer
resources. I would also like to give a special thank to Mr David Mathew who helped me
to use computer resources. Also, I really appreciate our client Supreme Roll who gave us
the opportunity do make a project for them. Finally, we express my special thanks to our
batch mates who were really helpful and supportive.

2. Abstract

For Production point of view the data is very much important and to store the data
is a big challenge in the industry. If the machines are different, the product design is
different but the operations and processes are same in that case every product has its own
So, the data related for a particular component or tool is having its unique importance. If
shop floor Engineer wants to check the history of particular product, which made before
some months, he has to put strong efforts to get the data. He has to check all the logbooks
of all the operations, which is very time consuming. So there is a need to make a system,
which can store the data and access the data at any time.

In India there are more than 30,000 of small scale and medium scale industries.
Which are working on conventional manufacturing system. Computer systems are used
only for particular office works. There is no permanent system or database, which can
store the data. Some good automation software s are available in the market but due to
the cost and application limitation these companies are not able to adopt these systems.

Computer systems have become an integral part of most companies. The latest one is
Automated System for Manufacturing, a technology that provides a software system that
companies rely on to manage their production data. Applying these systems, company's
production management can be improved. It shows how to manage the production data
into a better production process using an integrated computer system.

3. Introduction

A production chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the
functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into
intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to
customers. Production Chain exist in both service and manufacturing organizations,
although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and
firm to firm.

The industry can automate and manage their information s and data related to the
various departments viz. Production, Heat-treatment, Marketing, Sales, Procurement,
Planning and Exports. As the time passing, the growth of an organization and
according to that growth all the related things were getting complexed. So now to
over come the conventional file system we need to make the information automated.

This system is made after proper planning and proper understanding of the problem.
The team put strong efforts and documented the work with software engineering
approach. All the databases are well designed and used ER diagram representations.
The basic limitation of this project is that the user should have basic knowledge of
Computers. This project is a point of articulation where Conventional engineering
meets with the Information technology.

4. Technical Review

4.1. Existing Package

In our project we used EJB for connecting to the database (PostgreSQL 8.1.5).
The control to the EJB was given using Servlet. We started our project after installing
JDK1.5, ApacheTomcat5.5, Eclipse3.0, PostgreSQL8.1.5, and Dreamweaver6.0.

4.2. Machine To Use

4.2.1. For Client

o Minimum Pentium II
o Hard Disk 20Giga Byte
o Windows XP

4.3. Conclusions about existing work

To start the project we analyzed that a database is needed for storing data. We have
chosen MySQL as the first step. We started with MySQL 4.0. The installation was
successful but to say there was no personal account for the MySQL server i.e., there was
a need to make an account for our self. Now after installation we went through many sites
like Then we were able to
create an account for that. Finally we created the database and also tables inside the
database, everything was working fine from the command prompt. Since there was a
latest version so we thought of switching on to the new version of MySQL i.e.
MySQL5.0.The installation was successful, the difference that we found from the
previous version was that it had both installation and configuration wizard. In the
configuration wizard there was provision to create our own account. Then we tried with
that for about four days, it was working fine at the beginning, but some problem came in
between when we were trying to make some more tables and connecting them and also
the connectivity to the server.

We came to know that most of the groups are using PostgreSQL 8.1.5, which was
comparatively easy to use as our classmates already explored it. Now we installed
PostgreSQL 8.1.5 into our system. So we tried with that creation of table and also
maintaining the tables was found to be simple and user-friendly. The thing that we found
was it was simple to work on tables in PostgreSQL.

The next thing that came to us was to connect the database using MVC architecture and
make it a functioning system. We tried with codes for connection, which we got from our
friends who were already used those codes in their project. First it was not working fine
because many errors were appearing. So we searched through the net for code and at last
we found a site, which had code for connecting to the database to enter the data and also
to retrieve the data from the tables in database. The code was working fine but it was JSP
codes. JSP pages are just used for viewing i.e., it works similar to that of an HTML page.
But this page had code for connecting to the database. But it is not good to use JSP itself,
as due to somewhat security reason.

Finally we planned to use MVC architecture. So we used the code for connecting to the
database into the EJB.Using JSP we entered data which was forwarded to the servlet
from there to EJB, and from there to database. We have about four tables: Master table,
Customer table, Material table and Product table. We were able to connect to these table
using Servlet and EJB. After a prolonged use of Eclipse3.0 errors came to appear while
running the server .To say it was during the verge of completion of the project. At last we
managed by using the same code in Tomcat server. We reached that point where we
created a template for viewing and also entering data, this was just the use of JSP pages.

5. Design

5.1. Analysis and Design

5.1.1. ER-Diagram

5.1.2. Data Flow Diagram

5.1.3. State Transition Diagram

5.1.4. Overall Morphology

5.2. Screen Shots

6. Test

6.1. Unit Test

Unit testing is normally considered as an adjunct to the coding step .Now after writing the
source code we reviewed it and verified it by performing white box testing.

6.2. Integration test

We did it in a top-down integration manner .We performed regression test in which

whenever a new model was added complete test was done. Here black box and white box
testing both were done.

6.3. Validation test

Here we test for validation of the software. In this we basically put an input and check for
the desired output. It was basically with black box testing.

6.4. System testing

In the system test we performed certain test that are as follows:

ü Stress test
ü Security test
ü Recovery test

7. Future Enhancement

Traditionally, marketing, distribution, planning, manufacturing, and the purchasing

organizations along the supply chain operated independently. These organizations have
their own objectives and these are often conflicting. Well marketing's objective of high
customer service and maximum sales conflict with manufacturing and distribution goals.
Many manufacturing operations are designed to maximize throughput and lower costs
with little consideration for the impact on inventory levels and distribution capabilities.
Purchasing contracts are often negotiated with very little information beyond historical
buying patterns. The result of these factors is that there is not a single, integrated plan for
the organization---there were as many plans as businesses. Clearly, there is a need for a
mechanism through which these different functions can be integrated together. Supply
chain management is a strategy through which such integration can be achieved.
Now here we going to make a different view for different vendor so that they can keep a
check on the stock they are concern. This will make the inventory minimum and be
benefit for everyone. The marketer have a view of stock, vendor will know about the
stock, owner will have his view so that he can make a deal accordingly. Here is a diagram
to explain the concept much clear.

8. Conclusion

Production Chain Management System can be Production Chain Management System

can be proved an efficient and effective solution if it is proved an efficient and effective
solution if it is deployed not only in a one industry but in any deployed not only in a
one industry but in any manufacturing setup. This system can give manufacturing
setup. This system can give solution for various problems faced by different solution
for various problems faced by different departments and sections in an organization. It
can be the point of articulation where can be the point of articulation where
conventional engineering meets with conventional engineering meets with Information
Technology and improve their Information Technology and improve their operations.
This System is also very much operations. This System is also very much useful in
application of reverse engineering. This can be useful in application of reverse

9. Bibliography

1. Core Servlet and Java Server Pages Marty Hall and L Brown
5. Software Engineering by Roger S Pressman
6. Breitman, R. L., and J. M. Lucas. 1987. PLANETS: A Modeling System for
Business Planning. Interfaces, 17, Jan.-Feb., 94-106.
7. Cohen, M. A. and H. L. Lee. 1988. Strategic Analysis of Integrated Production-
Distribution Systems: Models and Methods. Operations Research, 36, 2, 216-228.


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