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ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023

Subject: SCIENCE – Grade 2C

Student’s name: ……………………………………………………………. Class: ...........

Exercise I. Multiple Choice.

1. Materials around us can ________ changes.
a. lose b. undergo c. change
2. Sand can be made into _______.
a. seesaw b. sandcastle c. swing
3. We can use a _____ to change the shape of materials.
a. force b. balloon c. stick
4. Water, when heated, can change into ________ and goes into the air.
a. solid b. liquid c. steam
5. Which method can turn a material into another material with different properties?
a. heating b. freezing c. twisting
6. Some materials change when they are _______ with water.
a. played b. mixed c. twisted
7. The sugar _______ in the hot water after stirring.
a. disappears b. appears c. melting
8. When there is no light _______ off things, we cannot see them.
a. bouncing b. appears c. lighting
9. What is she doing in this picture?
a. stretching
b. twisting
c. flattening

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10. What is she doing in this picture?
a. twisting
b. stretching
c. flattening

11. What is she doing in this picture?

a. stretching
b. folding
c. flattening

12. How long does it take for the Earth to complete a full spinning turn?
a. 22 hours b. 12 hours c. 24 hours
Exercise II. Arrange these following steps to order how rain happens. Write 1-5.
_______ a. When the drops (clouds) become too heavy, they fall as rain.

___1___ b. Tiny drops of water join together into the clouds.

_______ c. Clouds became thick, dark, and grey.

_______ d. They are also low in the sky.

_______ e. Droplets of water rise to the sky.

Exercise III. Circle T if the statement is True. Circle F if the statement is False.
1. A piece of butter melts after it is placed in hotter surroundings. T F
2. Under the Sun, a snowman freezes to become ice. T F
3. When heated on the fire, liquid chocolate becomes solid chocolate. T F
4. When paper catches fire, it turns into a different material called ash. T F
5. When cooled in the freezer, fruit juice becomes popsicles. T F
6. Dried sand can be molded to form different shapes. T F
7. Oil is used to make plastic that can be molded into all kinds of shapes. T F
8. Recycling helps to increase the amount of rubbish. T F

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Exercise IV. Look at the shadow and fill in the missing letter.
1. 2. 3.

fl _ m _ ng _ cr _ c _ d _ le _ l _ ph_ _ t
4. 5. 6.

_r_p_s s _ n _ c _ stl _ b _ r _ hd _ y c _ k _

Exercise V. Match.
Part A. Match these terms with its definition.

Change materials so that they can be used

1. melt  
again instead being thrown away.

2. dissolve   the partial or total absence of light.

the area of an object blocks the path of light and

3. recycle  
light cannot reach the other side of that object.

a material which is a solid can change into a

4. darkness  
liquid form.

when sugar or salt mixes with water, it

5. shadow  

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Part B. Match the thing with its material.

1. clay 

2. cotton  

3. oil  

4. sand  

5. wood  

EXERCISE VI. Fill in the blanks.

bounces dim Sand environment

light sources living things recycled
1. ______ is heated with other materials to make glass.

2. Glass and plastic are materials can be __________ and made into something new.

3. Recycling helps to reduce the amount of rubbish and save the __________.

4. Light is a form of energy. Light can come from many different ________.

5. Natural or man-made, ___________ or bright, these are some sources that give off light.

6. _________ helps plants make food and grow.

7. Without light, no _____________ can survive.

8. We see things that do not give off light when light falls on them and ______ into your


____ THE END ____

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