Kotha 2019

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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2019

3. Teichgraeber JF, Seymour-Dempsey K, Baumgartner JE, Xia 100 mg caffeine/8 oz) on postoperative day 1. Two
JJ, Waller AL, Gateno J. Molding helmet therapy in the treat- patients underwent immediate unilateral reconstruction
ment of brachycephaly and plagiocephaly. J Craniofac Surg. with muscle-sparing transverse rectus abdominis myocuta-
neous flaps, and one patient underwent delayed bilateral
4. Vecchione L, Smith DM, Losee JE. Neonatal mandibular
molding: A novel method of treating congenital open bite.
reconstruction with superficial inferior epigastric artery
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;125:648–651. and deep inferior epigastric perforator flaps. The average
5. Prevedello DM, Kassam AB, Carrau RL, et al. Transpala- flap ischemia time was 53.5 minutes (range, 42 to 60 min-
tal endoscopic endonasal resection of a giant epignathus utes). End-to-end anastomosis to the internal mammary
skull base teratoma in a newborn: Case report. J Neurosurg. artery and single anastomoses to the internal mammary
2007;107(Suppl):266–271. vein was performed for all flaps except for the first muscle-
sparing transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap,
which had dual internal mammary vein and thoracodor-
Coffee and Free Flaps: Foes No More sal venous anastomoses. Skin paddles, all zone 1, were part
Sir: of a vertical reduction pattern intended for future nipple-

P ossibly because of acquired preferences from mentors,

many microsurgeons continue to fear the vasospastic
effects of caffeine on a fresh anastomosis. Although sup-
areola complex reconstruction. Care was taken not to
place sensors directly over perforators, because doing so
may limit sensitivity. All patients were regular coffee drink-
porting evidence is equivocal, the Hagen-Poiseuille law is ers, confirmed before surgery. Because caffeine has an
often used to justify these fears, as small changes in ves- approximately 5-hour half-life, flaps were monitored for 6
sel caliber (radius) may confer large alterations in blood to 8 hours after caffeine administration. Figure 1 depicts
flow. Some studies have demonstrated peripheral vaso- flap oximetry after the coffee consumption by the patient
constrictive effects of caffeine; many others have found who underwent delayed bilateral reconstruction. Minimal
no significant impact on anastomosis following micro- oximetry changes were noted (average change, 3 percent;
vascular repair.1–3 Near-infrared spectroscopy allow for range, 1 to 6 percent) (Fig. 2). The greatest change (6
contemporaneous detection of circulatory fluctuations. percent) occurred in a patient who consumed decaffein-
Using near-infrared spectroscopy, we examined the effect ated coffee. All flaps survived without complication or
of early postoperative coffee consumption on perfusion. reoperation.
We routinely apply ViOptix (ViOptix, Inc., Newark, Like other xanthines, caffeine’s mechanism of action
Calif.) tissue oximetry, a form of near-infrared spectros- varies by tissue. Systemic increases in sympathetic tone
copy, on our free flap reconstructions. Perfusion changes result from caffeine antagonism at adenosine recep-
on ViOptix in three consecutive autologous breast recon- tors, but endothelial vasodilation results from caffeine-
struction patients (mean age, 52 years) were examined after induced increases in nitric oxide.4 The patency of femoral
patients consumed a single 5.25-oz coffee (approximately artery anastomosis in rats is not influenced by systemic

Fig. 1. ViOptix tissue oximetry readings for two abdominal free flaps for bilateral breast recon-
struction [above, superficial inferior epigastric artery flap (channel 1); below, deep inferior epi-
gastric perforator flap (channel 2)]. The screen shot captures oximetry readings within 1.5 hours.

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 144, Number 2 • Viewpoints

Fig. 2. Minimal change 6 to 8 hours after coffee consumption.

administration of caffeine.2 Multiple studies on digital ves- Department of Plastic Surgery

sels, including those using laser Doppler flow monitoring, Georgetown University Medical Center
have shown no response of blood flow to caffeine.3 Corti et Washington, D.C.
al. found a rise in muscle sympathetic tone activity following
Correspondence to Dr. Song
caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and intravenous
Department of Plastic Surgery
caffeine administration in both habitual and nonhabitual
Georgetown University Medical Center
coffee drinkers.5 However, only nonhabitual patients expe-
3800 Reservoir Road NW 1PHC
rienced increases in blood pressure; habitual coffee drink- Washington, D.C. 20007
ers ultimately develop tolerance to acute, caffeine-induced, drdavidsong@gmail.com
hemodynamic changes. Given that 90 percent of Ameri- Instagram: @drdavidsong
cans consume caffeine daily, withholding coffee to patients Twitter: @drdavidsong
who regularly drink it makes little sense.3 Although sur-
geons may not find coffee restriction problematic, it may
negatively impact well-being during recovery by inducing ‍‍DISCLOSURE
withdrawal effects. This article challenges dogma: restrict- Dr. Song receives royalties from Elsevier for Plastic Sur-
ing normal, dietary caffeine consumption may not be fac- gery, 3rd and 4th Editions, and Biomet Microfixation for
tually based, and is clinically irrelevant in habitual coffee Sternalock. The other authors have no financial disclosures,
drinkers. Larger clinical studies are required. commercial associations, or any other conditions posing a con-
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000005854 flict of interest to report.
Vikas Kotha, B.S.
Christovalantis Lakhiani, M.D. REFERENCES
Department of Plastic Surgery
Georgetown University Medical Center 1. Terai N, Spoerl E, Pillunat LE, Stodtmeister R. The effect of
caffeine on retinal vessel diameter in young healthy subjects.
Washington, D.C.
Acta Ophthalmol. 2012;90:e524–e528.
2. Shaughness G, McKittrick J, Akelina Y, Strauch RJ. Caffeine
Dong Won Lee, M.D. does not reduce blood flow following arterial anastomosis in
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery the rat. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2016;32:657–660.
and Institute for Human Tissue Restoration 3. Knight R, Pagkalos J, Timmons C, Jose R. Caffeine con-
Yonsei University College of Medicine sumption does not have an effect on digital microvascular
Seoul, Republic of Korea perfusion assessed by laser Doppler imaging on healthy vol-
unteers: A pilot study. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2015;40:412–415.
Kenneth L. Fan, M.D. 4. Umemura T, Ueda K, Nishioka K, et al. Effects of acute
administration of caffeine on vascular function. Am J Cardiol.
David H. Song, M.D., M.B.A. 2006;98:1538–1541.

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • August 2019

5. Corti R, Binggeli C, Sudano I, et al. Coffee acutely increases

sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure independently
of caffeine content: Role of habitual versus nonhabitual
drinking. Circulation 2002;106:2935–2940.

Greater Saphenous Vein-Patch Interposition to

Facilitate Flow-Sparing Microanastomosis of
Calcified Arteries in the Distal Lower Extremity

C alcified atherosclerosis, affecting donor and/or

recipient vessels, is a known predictor of microvascu-
lar complications and flap loss following lower extremity
free tissue transfer.1 Among the mechanisms implicated
in this association, the tendency toward intimal separa-
tion during passage of transmural sutures and relative Fig. 2. Flow-sparing anastomotic arrangement demonstrating
loss of vascular compliance increase the risk of anasto- the flexible greater saphenous vein patch interposed between
motic failure due to thrombosis and pedicle kinking, the calcified lateral circumflex femoral donor and posterior tib-
respectively.2 Although operative planning/recipient- ial recipient arteries. The two donor vena comitans are shown
vessel selection should facilitate microanastomoses out- coupled to the posterior tibial vein and the divided limb of
side of calcified zones, avoidance of this situation is not the greater saphenous vein, thereby permitting flap outflow
always possible and may be limited further by pedicle
through both the deep and superficial venous systems, respec-
length requirements and/or diffuse calcific disease.
tively. Optimal geometric arrangement of the calcified arterial
pedicle is achieved without kinking or turbulence at the anas-
tomoses. GSV, greater saphenous vein; LCFA, lateral circumflex
femoral artery; PTA, posterior tibial artery; VC, vena comitans.

Incidentally, numerous technical modifications

have been described to improve the reliability of micro-
vascular anastomosis in this setting. These include (1)
circumferential excision of the arterial stump to reduce
shear stress on the vessel wall, (2) preservation of adven-
titia to control leaks along the rigid suture line, and (3)
use of an inside-to-outside microsuture technique to
ensure full-thickness intimal approximation.2 A unique
challenge arises, however, when end-to-side anastomosis
of calcified donor/recipient arteries is required to pre-
serve inflow in patients with compromised distal perfu-
sion. In this scenario, lack of vessel elasticity renders the
feasibility of anastomosis/arrangement of ideal pedicle
Fig. 1. Intraoperative photograph depicting transposition and geometry nearly impossible. Although strategies that
inset of the greater saphenous vein patch into the calcified pos- incorporate T or Y flow-through grafts have been pro-
terior tibial artery of the left lower extremity. Proximal and distal posed to eliminate end-to-side configurations between
control of the recipient artery is obtained using vascular clamps, calcified arterial limbs, these techniques often necessi-
with application of minimum occlusive pressure to avoid frac- tate distant donor-graft harvest and fail to address size
tures of the calcified arterial wall. In the setting of diffuse athero- mismatch caused by global calcification and/or plaques
sclerosis, creation of a single-pass, slit arteriotomy is preferred within the recipient vessel lumen.2
over other excisional techniques that impart mechanical crush In our experience, flow-sparing microanastomo-
and/or delaminating stress on the intima. The lumen must be sis/optimal pedicle arrangement in the distal leg can
carefully inspected for the presence of intimal flaps (arrow), be reliably achieved through greater saphenous vein
which require meticulous débridement and inside-to-outside
patch interposition between the calcified donor/recipi-
ent arteries. The greater saphenous vein is easily identi-
transmural fixation, during anastomosis, to prevent propaga-
fied in the same field by means of direct subcutaneous
tion of a false passage. To optimize flow through the patch, the undermining anterior/proximal to the medial malleo-
donor vein is beveled at a 30-degree angle and inset into the lus. Beveled division of the distal vein optimizes the lumi-
arteriotomy, with the toe secured proximally, using tapered 9-0 nal cross-section/angle needed to facilitate laminar flow
nylon. Heel and sidewall sutures are left long and tied sequen- through the graft. Once recipient control is obtained,
tially to ensure precise placement of full-thickness bites under a longitudinal arteriotomy—corresponding in length to
direct visualization. the diameter of the patch—is created using an angled

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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