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FCL 6 PRELIM REVIEWER The central essence of biblical world view of

stewardship is managing everything God brings

into the believers lite in a manner that honors
MEANING and NATURE of STEWARDSHIP God and impacts eternity.

Stewardship, thus, teaches human beings to

know their roles as caretakers of God's creation,
SCRIPTURAL FOUNDATION wherein God is the sole owner of this world.
"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve Likewise, P. M. Fernando states that ...
one another as good stewards of God's varied
grace." (Peter 4:10) "Jesus, on his part, defined stewardship as
managing the household which included both
people and property, the appropriate
MEANING OF STEWARDSHIP distribution of resources, people-oriented
functioning in offices without abusing people
Bishop John McRaith, in his article, "The Disciple and using resources selfishly". - Luke 12:35-48
of Christ as Steward," asserted that
On the other hand, Robert Morneau, in his
"..the most serious issues we face in the Church book, "Stewardship: A Disciple's Response,"
and in our society are directly related to our defines stewardship as
understanding and misunderstanding of
Christian stewardship. "the placing of humans in the Garden to till and
look after it and to subdue and make it fruitful
The observation of Bishop John McRaith about not only the responsible work, but also the
the proper understanding of stewardship is stewardship over the Garden and its resources."
correct. This proves the importance of correct
understanding on the concept of Christian Maximus Fernando concludes that stewardship
stewardship. has two roles: the responsible management of
the Garden Earth and the responsible
STEWARDSHIP is a belief that humans are management of people and societal resources
responsible for the world, and should take care with utmost respect for the people.
of it. It can have political implications, such as in
Christian Democracy. Thus, the concept of Stewardship refers to the
responsibility that people should wisely use the
In Christian tradition, STEWARDSHIP also refers gifts God has bestowed on all human beings.
to the way time, talents. material possessions,
or wealth are used or given for the service of
understanding of GOD's ownership of all.
STEWARDSHIP is further supported and
A biblical world view of stewardship can be sustained theologically on the l understanding
consciously defined as: of GOD's holiness as found in such verse as:
"Utilizing and managing all resources God GENESIS 1:2. PSALM 104, PSALM 113, 1
provides for the glory of God and the CHRONICLES 29: 10 - 20, COLOSSIANS 1:6, and
betterment of his creation." REVELATION 1:8
CHRISTIAN VIEW OF STEWARDSHIP realized God's graceful, supporting presence in
all our good thoughts, words and deeds. Far
STEWARDSHIP in a Christian Context refers to
from being "in competition with God," we
the responsibility that Christian have in
recognize in the depths of our hearts and minds,
maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God
the truth of Christ's simple assertion: apart from
has bestowed. Increasingly this has referred to
me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
environmental protectionism.

The word "STEWARDSHIP" refers to the Catholic

approach to the gifts that God has bestowed STEWARDSHIP IN THE OLD TESTAMENT
upon us.
1. "To the Lord your God belong the heavens,
STEWARDSHIP is living out a commitment to be even the highest heavens, the earth and
Christ-centered rather than self centered. everything in it." - Deuteronomy 10:14
Profound gratitude, justice and love become the
This biblical verse from the book of
fundamental motives for giving back to God.
Deuteronomy again speaks about the absolute
Everything that God has given to us is intended ownership of God of the world and heaven.
to serve the divine plan. Therefore, our life is to Humans are being reminded by this biblical
be lived in gratitude toward God. verse to understand their primary role in this
world in which they should not act as the owner
In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord
of the world, instead they are tasked only as
Jesus Christ, shared our time, talent and
caretakers of this world.
treasure to build up the church and make our
world a better place.

The CHURCH needs you and GOD has chosen 2. "Who has a claim against me that I must pay?
you to go out into all the world. Everything under heaven belongs to me." - Job
Christian is to take an active part in the life of
the CHURCH and to share the gifts of Job 41:11 states the ownership of God.
SALVATION. Everything under heaven belongs indeed to
God, our Creator. God does not owe anything
from human beings. Human beings owe from
TOPIC 2: God the wonderful creation He entrusts to us.


3. "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it." - Psalm 24:1
This biblical verse from the Book of Psalms
(CFC 341) "We are called to exercise responsible explains to all people that the earth and
STEWARDSHIP over all creation. Such a everything in it come from God. Humans should
stewardship is exercised in our daily activities know this teaching of God in order that they will
which we can rightfully consider as a know their proper place in the world. God is the
prolongation of God's continuing work of owner of this world and humans should respect
creating, and a service to our fellowmen and all creation since they come from God. Abuses
women. One sign of "Living Faith" is that we and exploitations over creation happen because
humans think that they are superior over other Leviticus 25: 1-5 gives importance to the value
beings. They have the tendency to act like God. of rest in the creation of God. This will limit the
Psalm 24:1 will remind people to be God's abuses and exploitations against the goods and
stewards, not abusers and exploiters. resources of the earth. The Sabbath Day
reminds people to take a rest in their lives. They
should also give rest to all creation like land.
4. "The land must not be sold permanently, They need to pause and ponder their
because the land is mine and you are but aliens relationships with the creation of God. They
and my tenants." - Leviticus 25:23 should check their words and actions in their
lives particularly in relating with their
Leviticus 25:23 firmly affirms the importance of environment. In doing so, they will realize to
land to the lives of the people. The land is protect and care for all God's creation.
owned by God as part of His creation. Human
beings are His tenants. They are considered
stewards and caretakers. The implication is that
the land is not to be exhausted for short-term


5. "Serve and keep the garden in which we have A broader concept of stewardship is illustrated
been placed." - Genesis 2:15 in Jesus' parable of the “talents", which refer to
an amount of money but by l implication (and
Genesis 2:15 is used by Pope Francis in teaching
by common use of the word in English as
ecological stewardship. Human beings are
tasked by God to serve and keep the garden,
which means enriching and caring for our earth. The parable basically teaches that people are
Genesis 2:15 is against exploitation and accountable and responsible to bod tor the way
dominion over the environment. Humans they use the resources they are given. They are
should serve and keep the garden - the expected to “steward" or “manage" these for
environment and the world. the ONE who owns and has given them for this
b.) Sharing in the living conditions of the others,
I.e. sufferings. - Heb. 13:1-4 Additionally, frequent references to the "TITHE",
or giving of a "TENTH" (the meaning of TITHE)
Hebrew 13:1-4 talks about integral ecology and
are found throughout the Bible.
that everything is interconnected. Humans as
stewards should share with the living conditions The TITHE represents the returning to GOD a
of others especially the poor people in society. significant, specific, and intentional portion of
Humans will only be true stewards of creation material gain.
by caring for all creatures including the
vulnerable and poor.

7. The institution of Sabbath set a limit to the

overuse of resources. Lev. 25: 1-5
However, giving is not limited to the tithe or a should utilize their God given talents for the
specific amount, illustrated by Jesus' comment betterment and improvement of our society.
that a woman who gave a very small amount
3.) "I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the
had given more than those had given large
Last, the Beginning and the End." - Revelation
amounts because "while they gave out of their
abundance, she gave all she had to live on."
(MARK 12:41 - 44, LUKE 21:1 - 4) Revelation 22:13 reminds people that God is the
beginning and the end. That is why He owns
everything on earth. Humans are His entrusted
1. Bringing the best out of personal, human, children. They are His stewards and managers.
societal, and natural resources. This is the story God is the ultimate owner of everything on
of the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25: 14- earth.

Matthew 25: 14-30 is about the Parable of the

4.) Distribution of resources according to the
Talents. A master entrusted talents to his three
needs without hoarding or storing for the future
servants. The first and second servants
security - Luke 12: 16-20
abundantly returned their entrusted talents to
their master hundred-fold. On the other hand, This biblical verse reminds people to share their
the last servant hid his entrusted talent without resources and possessions with others for the
any improvement. That is why the master got betterment of society. People are blinded by
angry with the last servant who did not enrich greediness and insecurity in which they tend to
his talent. possess all the earth's resources. Consequently,
others become poor. Only by sharing the earth's
The master is God. The three servants are the
resources, will people eradicate poverty in
different people in this world. Humans should
society. Stewardship teaches sharing and caring
emulate the first and second servants who use
for one another.
wisely and accountably their God-given talents
for the service of others.

The parable teaches that people are TOPIC 3:

accountable and responsible to God for the way
they use the resources they are given. God gives Four Principles of Biblical Stewardship
human beings everything. Humans should READ!
responsibly and accountably use all the gifts he
bestows. Matthew 25:14-30

2. "As each one has received a gift, use it to PRINCIPLE

serve one another as good stewards of God's ... a moral rule or belief that helps you know
varied grace. (Peter 4:10) what is right and wrong and that influences your
Peter 4:10 acknowledges that everyone m actions : a basic truth or theory : an idea that
receives gifts from God. It implores all people forms the basis of something: a law or fact of
who freely receive gifts from God to use them in nature that explains how something works or
the service of other people. As stewards, people why something happens.
B. God has entrusted authority over the
creation to us and we are not allowed to rule
I. The Principle of Ownership (vss. 14-15)
over it as we see fit.
A. It is clear that man was created to work and
C. We are called to exercise our dominion in
that work is the stewardship of all of the
managing his creation in accord with the
creation that God has given him. (Gen. 2:15,
principles he has established.
Gal. 6:4-5)

B. This is the fundamental principle of biblical

stewardship. God owns everything, and we are IV. The Principle of Reward (vss. 28- 30)
simply managers or administrators acting on his
A. Stewards who do the master's will with the
behalf. (Duet. 10:14, Jn. 3:27)
master's resources can expect to be rewarded
C. Therefore, stewardship expresses our incompletely in this life. (Col. 3:23-24)
obedience regarding the administration of
B. Biblical stewardship deals with more than
everything God has placed under our control
finances but encompasses all that God has given
D. Stewardship is the commitment of one's self us to advance His kingdom on the earth.
and possessions to God's service (Duet. 8:17-18)

II. The Principle of Responsibility (vss. 16-18)
Four Principles of Biblical Stewardship
A. Although God gives us "all things richly to
1. Principle of Ownership
enjoy,." nothing is ours. Nothing really belongs
to us. God owns everything; we're responsible 2. Principle of Responsibility
for how we treat it and what we do with it (|
Cor. 4:2) 3. Principle of Accountability

1. Owners have rights; stewards have 4. Principle of Reward


B. While God has graciously entrusted us with TOPIC 4:

the care, development, and enjoyment
everything he owns as his stewards, we are THE ROLE OF CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY
responsible to manage his holdings well and
according to his desires and purposes.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy. peace,

III. The Principle of Accountability (vvs. 19-27) patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
A. We are all stewards of the resources, abilities gentleness, self-control; against such things
and opportunities that God has entrusted to our there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
care, and one day each one of us will be called
to give an account for how we have managed
what the Master has given us. MEANING OF SPIRITUALITY
Thomas H. Green, SU states that "in a broad person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the focus
sense, spirituality may be described as a way to of Christian spirituality. It is a way of life living
holiness." Likewise, Fernando Maximus defines like Jesus Christ.
spirituality as "feelings, attitudes, values, and
practices related to supernatural beings, to God,
or a horizon of meaning. “Miriam-Webster's CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY
Collegiate Dictionary defines spirituality as
“sensitivity or attachment to religious values."
From these definitions, spirituality means a way Meaning of Christian Spirituality
of life of people in expressing their relationship
with God. Joseph Tetlow, then, concludes that “Christian
spirituality implies direct relationship with God."
Human beings yearn to experience a direct
TWO TYPES OF SPIRITUALITY relationship with God. They desire to know God
in their lives. That is why, he states that
According to Maximus Fernando, he categorized "experiencing and knowing God is spirituality.
two types of spirituality, namely intentional The Holy Spirit has summoned us to remember
spirituality and folk spirituality. that God has called us by our names and known
us from our mothers' wombs." Hence,
spirituality guides and motivates human beings
1. Intentional Spirituality to experience and know God.

Intentional spirituality is characterized by

horizon of meaning, which consists of
Importance of Christian Spirituality
rationalized and impersonal beliefs about
ultimate realities. This spirituality is called • Spirituality will guide people to
intentional spirituality because it is a rational know their proper place on earth. It will lead
horizon of meaning. Spirituality means leading people to know God in their lives. It will lead
human beings to a meaningful life guided by people to love God and His creation. Spirituality
God. puts God in the center and heart of all human
being’s actions and decisions.

• Pope Francis also gives

2. Folk Spirituality
importance to spirituality because it "proposes
This spirituality is characterized by personal an alternative understanding of the quality of
relationship with God, which includes all life, and encourages a prophetic and
relationships to supernatural beings consisting contemplative lifestyle, one capable of deep
of feelings, attitude, value and practices. This enjoyment free of the obsession with
spirituality is called folk spirituality because it is consumption" Christian spirituality is giving the
most common among ordinary folks. In the case people deeper reflection on the very meaning
of Christianity, Christian spirituality is of the existence of human beings. It also makes
considered as folk spirituality because it people live simply tree from desire of worldly
emerges from the personal relationship to the things. Thus, it leads people to have a deeper
historical person called Jesus and extends to relationship with their bod, their Creator, who is
God the Father and the Holy Spirit through the the source of their lives.
conception and should end naturally only when
GOD calls us back to HIM.
The Role of Spirituality in Human Life

Holy Spirit also known as Holy Ghost - means

wind or breath and by nominal definition by ТОРІС 5:
etymology, it came from the Greek word
"Pneuma" that it is being used 385 times in the
New Testaments. It is basically used "Pneuma"
as wind or breath that tends to us to become

This role of Spirituality in human life, the life ..."the good for all and each of the individual,
style and practices of Christian virtues must be because we are really responsible for all"
embodied in each believer through sacraments, (PCP295:).
personal prayer, which contribute to the
richness of ministerial action.
It means we are called to exercise responsible
The very conformity to Christ requires one to stewardship over all creation. Such a
Breathe, so to speak, in a climate of friendship stewardship is exercised in our daily lives and
and personal encounter with the Lord and in activities which we can rightfully consider as a
service to Church, His body, for which the prolongation of God's continuing work of
minister of Christ shows His divine love. creating, and a service or diakoniato our fellow.
It is necessary therefore, that the minister or
the priest programs his life of prayer through
the following items: Three convictions in particular underlie our
understanding of stewardship
1. Attending the celebration of the Holy
Eucharist; 1. Mature disciples make a conscious, firm
decision, carried out in action, to be followers of
2. Frequenting the sacrament of Confession or Jesus Christ no matter the cost to themselves.
Reconciliation and spirit direction:
2. Beginning in conversion, change of mind and
3. Saying personal prayer or mental prayer; heart, this commitment is expressed not in a
4. Having the Marian devotions like Holy Rosary single action, nor even in a number of actions
and other pious exercises. over period of time, but in an entire way of life.
It means committing one's very self to the
The care for spiritual life should be felt as a 3. STEWARDSHIP is an expression of
joyful duty and a right of the faithful. Life is the discipleship, with power to change how we
greatest gift that God has given us, a precious understand and live out our lives. Disciples who
and divine gift from GOD that we must give the practice stewardship recognize God as the origin
full respect. The Roman Catholic Church truly of life, the giver of freedom, the source of all
believes in the sanctity of life. The Holy Church they have and are and will be.
teaches us that new life starts at the moment of
Three convictions in particular underlie our “Too many people today know the price of
understanding of stewardship everything and the value of nothing.” – Ann
They are deeply aware that


In this world, God gave human life to his nobles
PSALMS 24:1 creature. It must be the greatest of gifts
because with it, MAN has been able to achieve
They know themselves to be recipients and
all the progress that flourishes today.
caretakers of God's many gifts. They are grateful
for what they have received and eager to But this life is not perfect peace.
cultivate their gifts out of love for God and one
As a result of the original sin, men find
themselves succumbing to ENVY and HATRED.
GOD'S GENEROSITY WILL NEVER BE OUTDONE And falling into what CAIN did to ABEL, men
BY OUR OWN resort from time to time to violent enmity and
So God has to remind us to keep valuing the gift
of life. “Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13



KILLING is one of the worst offenses men can do

THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION as it desecrates a most valued gift from the
You have heard that it was said to the man of
old, “You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be It puts an end to what one human being can
liable for judgement.” But I say to you that possibly do and achieve.
everyone who is angry with his brother shall be
In the spirit of Christian Justice, even the “least
liable to judgement. (Matthew 5:21-22)
of humanity like hardened criminals, terminal
patients and fetuses of unwanted pregnancies
are human being who deserve MERCY and
Instead of getting through the day, ask HOPE.
yourself: “What do I get form the day?”
CHRISTIANS should love life because it is the
door of happiness and fulfilment.
“The value of life is not in the length of days, Anything that threatens it constricts the
but in the way, we make use of them; a man possibility of enjoying the world, more so
may live long yet very little.” attaining what GOD has ordained for us in the

Maintaining and Protecting a decent and

healthy life is a duty of every CHRISTIANS.
Since life is sacred, we are bound to care for it
Many of us hate a lot of things in life: obnoxious
and anything we do that threatens life is
traffic jams, irritations from people, distracting
nothing less than irresponsible. But while
news items and the list goes on. At times, they
murder and other actions destructive to life are
make our life miserable so that some of us may
obviously violating the fifth commandment, a
simply curse living.
lot of people close their eyes to the neglect of
Everyone of us wants a good life. human health as if it were casually acceptable.

And it is ACHIEVABLE, only that we have not The greatest wealth is health. - Virgil
looked deeper into what we have gone through
This is where we should take a stand Christians
plus what still have to go through with the
should recognize the human body as a temple
correct attitude, it is easy to see what blessings
of the Holy Spirit. Acts and practices that
we have received amidst depressing realities.
weaken or tend to weaken the body disrespect
LIFE will be good for as long as we see God’s God, the giver and owner of the temple.
goodness should be our lead thought.

GOD humbled Himself and lives as human

among us.
Health is the “capacity to lead a satisfying life,
He showed us the way of living life of fulfilment
fulfill ambitions, and accommodate to change”
despite its hardships and sorrows.
(Ottowa Charter, World Health Organization,

“I have come that they may have life, and that Health is:
they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
- Specific to person’s life – it is personal

- Dynamic, ever-changing process

- Holistic, not simply the absence of disease
- Related to quality of someone’s life

- Multidimensional
- Related to person’s ability to cope with the
Human life is sacred because from the challenge of change
beginning it involves the creative action of God
and it remains forever in a special relationship
with the creator, who is its sole end. (CCC 2258) Health is multidimensional. The following are
the dimensions of health:

- Physical
- Social
- Mental Ultimately, it is up to each individual to choose
what combination of healthy choices create a
- Environmental
healthy balance for them
- Spiritual
Remember, do things in moderation. Too much
- Emotional or too little of anything is a potential problem

E.g., Too little exercise = poor cardiovascular

Too much exercise = weakened immune system
The dimensions are interdependent i.e., they
interact and overlap with each other to produce
As these dimensions interact, they produce a
Reactive or curative approach
unique health and wellness profile for each
individual. - Worrying about your health only when sick.
Not asserting control over your health in the
absence of disease.
- Chris’ approach: “if you’re sick take a few pills;
Health and wellness is related to person’s ability otherwise, have fun and enjoy yourself! I’ll quit
to cope with many interactions and transitions smoking later.”
that are occurring in his/her life.
Proactive approach
Transitions specific to adolescence include:
- Adopting lifestyle habits that in the long run,
- Include in autonomy and individuality will enable you to lead a more healthy life.

- Increases in responsibilities - Erin’s approach: “I am building for the future.

What I do for my body today lays the foundation
- Increase industry for a lifetime of involvement in healthy
- Intensification of relationships activities.”

- Changes in body structure



JOURNEY - Reflected in a way a person chooses to live his
or life

ACHIEVEMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Making informed choices and taking

responsibilities for the way we live our lives
Not a single event, it is an ongoing process
Sence of wellness is influenced by the following
Making healthy choices (e.g, good nutrition) are factors:
important guidelines to consider
- Family
- Culture - Example: Parent Sideline Range – aggressive
parents are poor role models for their children
- Media

- Peers

Media messages can be highly motivational:

- E.g. Sports coverage in the media has created
Family positively influences your health, well-
role models that can motivate children to
being, and a general sense of satisfaction
pursue physical activity

- The advice your parents give you to stay
healthy. E.g., “Wear a coat outside or you’ll Unfortunately, media also has to power to
catch a cold” encourage unhealthy choices:

Values - E.g. Commercialization of the body image has

distorted interpretation of healthy body
- Family values can influence lifestyle choices.
E.g., Families that value physical activity Further, media has distorted interpretation of
introduce their children to sports at early age. what it means to be an accomplished performer.

Support Media coverage has some believe that the

pinnacle of achievement comes from beating
- E.g., Emotional support during stressful life
the competition, being the toughest, and
gaining multi-million contracts.
e.g., Financial and mental support to pursue
However, wellness is about the journey towards
sports that will enable optimal development
personal improvement and aspiring to achieve
your individual potential.


Alternatively, family can have negative It's Up To You!

influences on one’s health
" In conclusion, images of the sporting life can
- E.g., Families that push their children to be motivational or cause unhealthy distortions.
compete for rewards outside of the physical,
- Ultimately, it is up to each individual to judge
mental, social, and spiritual benefits of activity,
these images in relation to his or her personal
can cause their children to withdraw
goals and values.
prematurely from participating in physical
- Participation in sport comes with social
- Health is multidimensional
benefits incurred in meeting new people
- One must make informed decision that relate
- As we have seen in Chris' example peer
to all the various dimensions of health
influences can be of negative nature.
- Perspectives and decisions about health are
influenced by family, peers, media, and the
- The journey towards health is lifelong


Views about health are understood differently
Well-circulated message "Dialogue with God"
across cultures. North Americans tend to think
mentions one big irony today: That men spend
about disease from a scientific point of view.
most of their time to earn money and forget the
- Western medicine deals largely with treatment well-being of their body, and towards the end of
of organs and systems, in isolation from the their lifetime they spend most of their money to
person's mind and environment. recover the lost health of their body.

- Increasingly, a more holistic approach is This is definitely not the kind of STEWARDSHIP
emerging. that God requires us. Our dignity in being the
noblest creature on earth stems form our ability
- E.g. Recognition of the influence of personality
to be with God in our ideals and practices. Care
on cardiovascular health
for the body should be a top priority for
- E.g. Recognition of the influence of Christians. Negligence of it is unchristian.
environment on obesity



- In many non-western cultures, health has a
strong spiritual quality.
“At its core, sexual morality is about expressing
E.g., Oriental culture and chi e.g., Aboriginal
through our bodies. This is why John Paul II can
culture and sweat lodge
say that ‘if we live according to the truth of our
Therefore, disease is understood in terms of sexuality, we fulfill the very meaning of our
individual's spiritual harmony with oneself bodies and existence.”
and/or his or her environment.
We study TOB to make sense of our world, THEOLOGY AND THE BODY
because right now we live in a culture of death
- Theology is the study of God
that distorts the beauty of our creation and we
can only begin to live in a culture of life if we - Therefore, theology of the body is the study of
know what that potential is supposed to look God as revealed by the human body.
like and our bodies are a map, a sign, a
blueprint to fulfillment. The TOB helps us to see - The body and one flesh union of man and
our bodies in a revolutionary way. woman reveals something of the mystery of
“The body and it alone is capable of making
visible what is invisible, the spiritual and the
The TOTB is more than just a biology, it is a BODY?
theology, (study of God), because the body - We are made in the image and likeness of God
makes God visible. Genesis 1:17 (Genesis 1:26-7)
The TOB teaches us that God is telling us - We are mortal beings that go from ashes to
everything we want to know about who He is, ashes, dust to dust.
how we are trying to live, who we are, the
reason He created us and even our is contained - We believe in the resurrection of the body.
in the truth of our sexualities written in our - God became man through the incarnation.


- Part One: A/ Catechesis on book of Genesis
- A series of Scriptural reflections on the
meaning of human love and sexuality written by - B/ Catechesis on sermon on the mount
Pope John Paul in a series of 130 speeches.
Part Two: A/St Paul's teaching on the human
- What does it mean to be human? How should I body
live a life of happiness and fulfilment?
- B/ The resurrection of the body

- C/ Virginity for the sake of the Kingdom

- D/ The sacramentality of marriage
- Humanae Vitae (Church teaching on birth
- E/ Reflections on Humanae Vitae
- First, who am I? Then, what should I do?
- Catholic teaching on the value of the body.

- Our vocation and identity as sons and


- God's plan for life and love, God's design for - Original Man - Humanity before the fall
human sexuality.
- Historical Man - Humanity after the fall to the
return of Christ
- Eschatological Man - Humanity after the return without a true companion; it also refers to the
of Christ. We will be perfectly united with God human experience of being alone in the world
with no tensions between body and spirit. as a person, as someone fundamentally
different from the animals.

• Original Unity: The initial experience of

perfect unity between man and woman as they
- Original Solitude lived in perfect communion with each other and
gave themselves to each other through the
- Original Unity mutual gift of their bodies.
- Nuptial (spousal) meaning of the body

- Communion of persons ORIGINAL SIN

- Naked without shame • Effect:
- Freedom of the gift • Disunity/fragmentation of humanity, of man
- Language of the body from God, of male and female from each other,
of the passions within each person, experience
- Shame of shame.

• Concupiscence is the inclination to sin.


Original Happiness: A happiness that was rooted Communion of Persons

in the perfect gift that was initiated by God,
received in love, and shared in love. • The common union of two or more persons
who give themselves to one another in love.
• Original Innocence: The state of Adam and Eve
prior to their knowledge of sin, when their • Love - "Love is willing the good of another
minds, hearts, and bodies were perfectly person." Aquinas

• Original Man: The era of humanity in the NUPTIAL MEANING OF THE BODY
"original experiences" before the Fall, up until
the original sin of Adam and Eve. • The body is an outward sign of an inward
reality (sacramental)
• Original Nakedness: the first experience of
Adam and Eve when they were naked without • Adam and Eve are made for each other
shame. Before original sin, lust did not even
• We are all meant to give to others and receive
exist and all sexual desires were pure.
from others.
• Original Sin: The first sin of Adam and Eve,
when they distrusted God's plan and chose their
own will over the will of God. HUMAN SEXUALITY AS A LANGUAGE

• Original Solitude: The original state when • I want to give myself completely to you and to
Adam realized he was alone because he was receive you as a gift.
• I am not going to use you. • "The desires of the flesh are against the spirit,
and the desires of the spirit are against the
• I respect your dignity.
flesh." (Gal 5:17).
• I delight in you.
• Galatians 5:19-22 - Works of the flesh as
• I want to be a parent with you. compared with the fruit of the spirit.

• Paul exhorts Christians to make good use of

freedom. "Do not use your freedom as an
BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART opportunity for the flesh, but through love be
• Reflection on the sermon on the mount servants to one another." (Gal 5:13).

• "You have heard it said, 'You shall not commit • Purity is a requirement of love.
adultery. “But I say to you that everyone who • The Body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
looks at a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery with her in his heart." (Mt • A section on the ethical responsibilities of art.
5:27-8) Art must not violate right to privacy.

• In between the extremes of materialism and


• The redemption of sexuality after the fall.

We are on a journey of redemption.
• "What God wants is for you all to be holy. He
• Christ's word on adultery of the heart are a wants you to keep away from fornication, and
call to conversion. each one of you to know how to use the body
• Lust is a deception of the heart and a that belongs to him in a way that is holy and
distortion of the language of the body. honourable, not giving way to selfish lust like
the pagans who do not know God. He wants
THE HUMAN HEART IS A BATTLEFIELD BETWEEN nobody at all ever to sin by taking advantage of
LOVE AND LUST a brother in these matters." (Thessalonians 4:3-
• The only proper attitude towards another 5).
person is love.

• "Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved PERSONAL REFLECTION

children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and
gave himself up for us. In sacrifice." (Eph 5:1-2). • How is TOB relevant to the concerns and
needs of the Church in the world today?
• Christ appeals to the human heart.
What are the signs of the times?
• Is it possible to commit adultery with your
own wife? Yes- according to Pope John Paul. • How can John Paul's teaching influence and
transform culture and society?

• How is this message relevant and timely?


• The opposition of the flesh and the spirit

THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY • Mt 19:12 Christ talks on celibacy for the
• How do we picture life after death or heaven?
• "For there are eunuchs who have been so
• Sadducees denied resurrection of body (Mk
from birth, and there are eunuchs who have
12:18-27) been made eunuchs by men, and there are
eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs
• JP2: "The resurrection (of the body). means... for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. He who
A completely new state of human life itself." is able to receive this, let him receive it."
• Gender a permanent dimension of our being • Self-denial required
even in heaven. We do not marry in heaven.
• A charism or gift from God, and an invitation.
• "The resurrection means a new submission of
the body to the spirit." "The forces of the spirit • "Man (male and female) is capable of
will permeate the energies of the body." choosing the personal gift of his very self, made
to another person in a conjugal pact in which
• 1 Cor 2:9-10 "No eye has seen, no ear heard... they become ‘one flesh,' and he is also capable
what God has prepared for those that love him." of freely renouncing such a giving of himself to
• "Divinization in the 'other world' will bring the another person, so that, choosing continence
human spirit such a 'range of experience' of 'for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven,' he can
truth and love such as man would never have give himself totally to Christ." (John Paul II, April
been able to attain in earthly life." (Dec 28, 1982).

9, 1981). • 1 Cor 7:32-5: brings undivided attention on

the Lord.
• Resurrection of body complete fulfillment of
nuptial meaning of the body. • To be anxious of the things of the Lord and to
please the Lord.
• Nuptial meaning: "The capacity of expressing
love: that love precisely in which the person • Celibate person a signpost of our destiny with
becomes a gift and- by means of this gift- fulfils God.
the very meaning and being of his existence." • To consider: 1 Cor 7:17, 1 Cor 7:20, 1 Cor 7:28.
(Jan 16, 1980).
• Paul is not anti-marriage.

• Marriage and celibacy complimentary. Both

CELIBACY are an act of donation.
• Our masculinity and femininity is a physical
sign given to us so that we might know that we
are called to enter a loving communion in MARRIAGE
imitation of the trinity.
• Marital love reflects God's love for his people.
• Marriage common and natural response to
• Marriage is a symbol of Christ self-giving love
desire to love and be loved.
for the Church.
Then why celibacy?
• Hosea and Ezekiel speak of Israel being like an
unfaithful wife, even a prostitute.
Ephesians 5 • Chastity means to live in the order of the
heart. (Nov 14, 1984).
• "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved
the Church and gave himself up for her." (Eph • Continence protects the dignity of the
5:25) conjugal act.

• How much did Christ love the Church?

• JP2 calls marriage the 'primordial sacrament PROPHECIES OF HUMANAE VITAE N.17
as it "transmits effectively in the visible world
• Contraception leads to marital infidelity.
the invisible mystery hidden in God."
• General lowering of moral standards.
• God reveals himself to our world through
marriage. • Man forgets the reverence due to his wife,
reduce her to an instrument of his own desires,
no longer a partner with care and affection.
Tobias and Sarah
• Who will prevent public authorities from
• A beautiful testimony to marriage in the book imposing their use on everyone.
of Tobit.

• Marriages do not have to be pre-scripted by

the mistakes of the past
• Key characteristics of human love: free,
• Prayer before wedding night: Tobit 8:7-9- "I
faithful, total, fruitful.
take this wife of mine not because of lust, but
for a noble purpose. Call down your mercy on • Contraception not part of God's plan.
me and on her, and allow us to live together to a Obstructs love of donation.
happy old age."
• Language of the body should be expressed in
the integral truth of its meaning.
REFLECTIONS ON HUMANAE VITAE • Contraception takes the gift of fertility out of
the gift of self.
• Contraception is every action before, during,
or after sexual intercourse that attempts to SUMMARY
prevent it from being procreative. These acts
are intrinsically evil and can never be approved. • These are some of the positive effects of
(CCC 2370). studying the theology of the body:

• Contraception is every action before, during, • What it means to be a human person

or after sexual intercourse that attempts to • A beautiful teaching about love and life-The
prevent it from being procreative. These acts original beauty of God's plan for humanity and
are intrinsically evil and can never be approved. its application towards our lives.
(CCC 2370).
• An understanding of the beauty and goodness
of the body
HUMANAE VITAE • A positive message of the gift of sexuality
Understanding the relationships between love
and sex and the difference between love and
lust. Hope and redemption in Christ.
God's covenant with man is interwoven with the
• What the Church teaches about sexual gift of human life
However with man's anger and envy results to
• Train in faithfulness, building marriages for the murderous act

• Help to discern your vocation and calling in

Human life being sacred should not be
• What God's purpose is for the body.
dispensed with no person has the right to do so,
• A clear understanding about chastity. for every lost life means a loss to his loved ones,
an interruption of his earthly existence and all
• Learn about faith and what God has planned
of God's plans that go with it, and a termination
for your lives. New found hope about faith and
if not total destruction of a temple of the Holy
Spirit. Actions or practices that relate to ending
or ruining human life should therefore be
subject to moral scrutiny.
God= the ultimate Lord and the Master of Life.
" You shall not kill" Mas was given a mission to protect and
preserve human life



Theological Foundation When looking at the Fifth Commandment, we

need to first look at the word "kill". If you were
For your life blood I will surely require to look at the original Hebrew, the term
reckoning....whoever sheds the blood of man, "ratsakh" is used. Literally translated
by man shall his blood shed; for God made man
in His own image (Genesis 9:5-6). Do not slay "ratsakh" is to "murder". Thus, we must be
the innocent and the righteous. (Exodus 23:7). aware that in the case of this commandment, it
is the term of murder that we must look at. We
" God alone is the ultimate Master of life, he is also must realize that these commandments are
the creator." for how we interact with other humans. Thus,
• Human life is sacred the argument that eating meat is murder, does
not apply.
• Creation

• Result to murder
Each and every single person is made in the
• Abel story image and likeness of God. Because of this basic
fact, each person is unique and is deserving of
• Anger and envy
life. God is very clear in this commandment that war, the Church insistently urges everyone to
we are not to murder each other. God is the prayer and to action so that the divine
giver of life, and thus, He is the taker of life. It is Goodness may free us from the ancient
up to God and only to God when a person may bondage of war. 105
2308 All citizens and all governments are
Intentionally murdering someone, killing obliged to work for the avoidance of war.
someone for the sake of it (homicide) or killing
However, "as long as the danger of war persists
in the moment or by neglect (manslaughter)is a
and there is no international authority with the
mortal sin that breaks this commandment in
necessary competence and power, governments
each of these scenarios, you have murdered
cannot be denied the right of lawful self-
someone either intentionally, or through your
defense, once all peace efforts have failed. "106
neglect of the situation you happened to be in.
2309 The strict conditions for legitimate defense
by military force require rigorous consideration.
Murder is one of the four sins that cry out to The gravity of such a decision makes it subject
Heaven for justice. We read this in Genesis to rigorous conditions of moral legitimacy. At
when Cain killed Abel (c.f. Genesis 4:8-10). one and the same time:

- the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the

nation or community of nations must be lasting,
Let it be clear that killing in self-defense killing
grave, and certain;
to defend another person i.e. an assailant trying
to kill a child) is not a mortal sin. Itis also - all other means of putting an end to it must
important to mention that pets do not count as have been shown to be impractical or
humans, and thus do not apply under this ineffective;
- there must be serious prospects of success;
As mentioned earlier, only God can determine
- the use of arms must not produce evils and
when and how a person can die. Likewise, in the
disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated.
Old Testament when God would destroy cities,
The power of modem means of destruction
this is not murder. As God is the Maker and
weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.
giver of life, He has every right to take it away,
however He sees fit. Generally, He would be These are the traditional elements enumerated
violent to show that you are not to cross Him, in what is called the "just war" doctrine.
that He is
The evaluation of these conditions for moral
serious in the commandment that He gives us, legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment
and that physical pain and sufferings is what of those who have responsibility for the
awaits those who oppose Him. common good.

Avoiding war ABORTION

2307 The fifth commandment forbids the Abortion deliberately causing the death of an
intentional destruction of human life. Because unborn baby. A fetus is a defenseless person,
of the evils and injustices that accompany all regardless of its appearance and conditions of
pregnancy. All means should be taken to protect last gesture even alleviates the decency of life of
it, and even the State Policies of the Philippine the relatives who are enduring the burden of
constitution are behind this expenses for the patient.

Contraception a means to prevent the meeting

of the sperm cell and egg cell, is a step away
from abortion. In principle, a potential human 2280 - Everyone is responsible for his life before
life is stopped herein from becoming one. The God who has given t to him. It is God who
sperm and egg possess characteristics of two remains the sovereign Master of life. We are
human parents so there is no question to the obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it
possibility of a human offspring. The intention for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We
of avoiding pregnancy is there from the start. If are stewards, not owners, of the life God as
pregnancy makes it through despite entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.
contraception its agent will take the next step
which is abortion. Says St. John Chrysostom: 281 - Suicide contradicts the natural inclination
of the human being o preserve and perpetuate
"Why do you sow where the field is eager to his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of
destroy the fruit?". self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because
it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with
family, nation, and other human societies to
EUTHANASIA which we continue to have obligations. Suicide
is contrary to love for the living God.
Euthanasia or assisted suicide is when an
individual wants to die and they get someone to 2282 - If suicide is committed with the intention
"put them down "like Old Yeller. Being in favor of setting an example, especially to the young, it
of or actually engaging in this puts your soul at also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary
risk. If suicide is murder against the self, then co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral
"assisted" suicide is plain murder. It is the law.
deliberate killing of another human being. It is
Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or
wrong and evil regardless of who is committing
grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can
the heinous act. It is never merciful to end a
diminish the responsibility of the one
human life. The ends (ending the pain and
committing suicide.
suffering does not justify the means (killing an
innocent person). 2283 - We should not despair of the eternal
salvation of persons who have taken their own
Euthanasia - No one has the right to terminate
lives. By ways known to him alone, God can
life just to ease the unbearable sufferings of
provide the opportunity for salutary
another. The word was taken from Greek terms
repentance. The Church prays for persons who
"eu" meaning good and "Thanatos" meaning
have taken their own lives.
death. But euthanasia or mercy killing is not
good death, thus not acceptable. If the person
asks for it, the act amounts to suicide making
use of another person. The Church, however, BIRTH CONTROL METHODS
allows the unplugging of sophisticated medical Is it true that using birth control can be a
apparatus that sustain a comatose existent. This violation of the fifth commandment?
Yes, it is. Most people are unaware that most Most of the time, yes, it is. For simplicity's sake
birth control pills act as an abortifacient, which we will keep this answer relatively short and
means that it causes abortions. simple by describing the general way in vitro
fertilization works, though there may be
The primary way that the birth control pill
variable methods for doing it. All, however, have
prevents pregnancy is by preventing a woman
the general concept and are wrong for the same
from releasing her eggs from her ovaries. If a
principal reasons. In vitro fertilization is wrong
woman does not release an egg from her
for a number of reasons, one being the fact that
ovaries, the sperm cannot fertilize them, and
is a violation of the fifth commandment (for the
she will not be able to conceive a child.
other reasons, please see more questions i and
However, the birth control pill does not always
answers about in vitro fertilization).
prevent ovulation (as well, when women skip
days of taking the pill, this can also lead to The basic concept behind in vitro fertilization is
ovulation). When this happens, it is possible that eggs are fertilized outside a woman's body
then that the egg that is released will be (which is why they are often called "test tube
fertilized by a sperm and a child will be babies"), and they are then
conceived. From this point on, a new human life
"stored" as fertilized embryos. Most who
with a new human soul exists.
perform in vitro fertilizations would like people
However, the birth control has another effect. to believe that they embryos are not individual
babies yet. However, as we have already
Because of the hormones present in the pill, it
mentioned, at the moment that an egg is
prevents the wall of the uterus from building up
fertilized by a sperm, life is conceived and new
a lining. This lining is needed, however, for a
human person exists. At this point, any killing of
newly fertilized to implant and to grow.
this embryo or human person would be the
Therefore, when a woman is taking the birth
killing of an innocent life.
control pill, the new child cannot implant in the
uterine wall, and therefore, it will die. All of this With in vitro fertilization, these embryos are
happens unknown to the woman; she will never often willingly discarded, thereby constituting
have known she had conceived and was an abortion.
pregnant, in only for a few days. It is very
As well, when a woman is trying to get
important to realize that even though an
pregnant, she will have placed in her multiple of
abortion may not have been the direct intention
these newly conceived human embryos.
of the woman taking birth control, it did
However, this is done with the hope that one of
happen, and the abortion was committed. It is
the embryos will implant, knowing that not all
important for all people to come to realize that
them will do so. The others will be lost.
birth control pills are morally wrong for their
contraceptive intention (see more questions Each one of these "lost"
and answers on contraception) and for the fact
that they are abortifacients. human person. As well, if multiple pregnancies
occur, doctors will often use a technique termed
"selective reduction" in which they will abort
unwanted babies and allow the other babies to
be brought to term.
Is in vitro fertilization a violation of the fifth
commandment? (Donum Vitae)
Consequently, the practices used in vitro molecular testing to fully determine whether an
fertilization are usually a violation of the fifth embryo is healthy and whether the cloning
commandment. process is complete. In addition, as
demonstrated by 100 failed attempts to
Donum Vitae by the Congregation of the
generate a cloned macaque in 2007, a viable
Doctrine of the Faith states, "The connection
pregnancy is not guaranteed. Because the risks
between in vitro fertilization and the voluntary
associated with reproductive cloning in humans
destruction of human embryos occurs too often.
introduce a very high likelihood of loss of life,
This is significant: through these procedures,
the process is considered unethical.
with apparently contrary purposes, life and
death are subjected to the decision of man, who There are other philosophical issues that also
thus sets himself up as the giver of life and have been raised concerning the nature of
death by decree." reproduction and human identity that
reproductive cloning might violate. Concerns
about eugenics, the once popular notion that
DEATH PENALTY the human species could be improved through
the selection of individuals possessing desired
traits, also have surfaced, since cloning could be
Capital Punishment: used to breed "better" humans, thus violating
principles of human dignity, freedom, and
The state has taken back its stand on death equality.
penalty. The truth is deterrence from crimes
does not hold much water to push for execution
of criminals. Christians believe that they deserve Human being should be excluded from these,
a chance for reform, considering that many of because God ordained definite manner of
them are victims of social circumstances. procreation by male and female. Cloning is
asexual or agametic a complete departure from
the natural origin of life. Stem cells, growing
CLONING organs or tissues from human sources life
Cloning is the process of producing individuals fetuses, are a different story. If done for the
with identical or virtually identical DNA, either purpose of life-saving or life enhancement
naturally or artificially. In nature, many research, the Church allows it.
organisms produce clones through in
biotechnology refers to the process of creating
clones of organisms or copies of cells or DNA Particular offenses against human life
fragments (molecular cloning). HATRED & REVENGE

Ethical Controversy: • DONATION OF ORGAN

Human reproductive cloning remains universally ORGAN TRANSPLANT
condemned, primarily for the psychological,
social, and physiological risks associated with Blood donation= every 3 months
cloning. A cloned embryo intended for
For vital organs= after death= is a noble act
implantation into a womb requires thorough
No no no if the donor has no full consent


No right to over one’s life even his own

Our body is not our own, its God's

• Take care of our Body= it also affects the soul


Imprudent action is a high risk for taking life

Must be avoided

To take care of our body. Eat properly, avoid

things that can hurt the body


• Leads other to do evil

• Damage virtue and integrity

• Draw others to spiritual death

• What does the bible say on having tattoo?

The Bible warns us against tattoos in

Leviticus 19:28 (Amplified)

"You shall not make any cutting in our flesh for

the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon
you: I am the Lord"


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