Penal Accountability

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Reaction paper: Penal Accountability

Penal accountability is fundamental to the Philippine criminal justice system, ensuring fairness
and societal order. It involves holding individuals and institutions responsible for their actions within the
legal framework. Understanding the legal context, significance, challenges, and strategies for promoting
accountability is crucial for a just society. The legal framework for penal accountability in the Philippines
is governed by the Revised Penal Code and relevant statutes, defining offenses, penalties, and
procedures. Recent legislative reforms, like the Juvenile Justice and Anti-Torture Acts, highlight the
country's commitment to human rights and accountability.

Penal accountability refers to the responsibility individuals and law enforcement have for their
actions within the justice system. It requires adherence to laws, ethical standards, and transparency,
fostering public trust in the legal process. Penal accountability is vital for upholding justice and fairness,
ensuring individuals are held accountable for their actions. It also protects human rights and promotes
rehabilitation, deterring future crime. However, achieving accountability faces challenges such as
systemic inequities, lack of transparency, and resource constraints. To address these, stakeholders can
enhance transparency, implement oversight, promote restorative justice, and strengthen legal

In conclusion, penal accountability is essential for upholding the rule of law and promoting
justice in the Philippines. Addressing challenges and implementing strategies to enhance accountability
strengthens the justice system and fosters public trust. Effective penal accountability is key to a fair and
equitable society.

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