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Front. Comput. Sci.

, 2024, 18(2): 182401


A proof system of the CaIT calculus

Ningning CHEN, Huibiao ZHU ( ✉)

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Higher Education Press 2024

Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) can realize the effectively alleviate the above problems. Unfortunately, most
interconnection of people, machines, and things anytime, of the work focuses on IoT applications, but very little work
anywhere. Most of the existing research mainly focuses on the concentrates on modeling the interaction between system
practical applications of IoT, and there is a lack of research on components and verifying the correctness of IoT systems from
modeling and reasoning about IoT systems from the the view of formal methods [10].
perspective of formal methods. Thus, the Calculus of the To the best of our knowledge, only a few studies focus on
Internet of Things (CaIT) has been proposed to specify and the specification and verification of IoT systems from a
analyze IoT systems before the actual implementation, which process calculus perspective, including only the IoT-calculus
can effectively improve development efficiency, and enhance [10], IoT-LYSA [11], and CaIT [12]. However, neither IoT-
system quality and reliability. To verify the correctness of IoT calculus nor IoT-LYSA considers the time-related aspects of
process actions. Thus, Lanotte et al. have presented CaIT,
systems described by CaIT, this paper presents a proof system
which can model timed behaviors with desirable time,
for CaIT, in which specifications and verifications are based on
consistency, and fairness properties [12]. Unfortunately, CaIT
the extended Hoare Logic with time. Furthermore, we explore can only support point-to-point communication, not broadcast
the cooperation between isolated proofs to validate the communication which is more common in IoT systems.
postconditions of the communication actions occurring in these Therefore, we choose CaIT as the research object and enrich it
proofs, with a particular focus on broadcast communication. by establishing broadcast primitives.
We also demonstrate the soundness of our proof system. A The main contributions of this paper are shown as follows:
simple “smart home” is given to illustrate the availability of our
proof system. ● We present a proof system for CaIT to prove the
correctness of IoT systems, where specifications are
Keywords Internet of Things (IoT), Calculus of the Internet based on Hoare triples [13,14]. To further express the
of Things (CaIT), extended hoare logic, cooperation, smart timing of observable actions, Hooman has introduced
home the concept of time into the classical Hoare triples [15].
Relying on the extended Hoare Logic, our proof system
1 Introduction can describe not only the terminating computations but
By embedding “Things” with sensing, processing, and also the nonterminating computations.
communication capabilities in IoT, smart devices can ● We explore the cooperation between isolated proofs.
automatically collect information from shared resources (such Using our proof system, we can generate an isolated
as the Internet, physical environment) to provide smart and proof for each process. In these isolated proofs, each
innovative services [1,2]. The rapid increase of smart devices statement has its precondition and postcondition. When
makes the applications and technologies of IoT in high we explore their communication actions, the
demand worldwide [3–5]. Thus, a series of promising postcondition of an input action cannot be validated in
technologies (e.g., 5G, machine learning, edge computing, and isolation since the corresponding output action occurs
Industry 4.0) have been applied to the IoT paradigm, in another proof. Thus, we investigate the cooperation
accelerating the evolution from IoT to IoT 2.0 [6]. However, between isolated proofs. If isolated proofs can help each
with the increasing complexity of the IoT system, its quality other to validate the postconditions of their
and reliability are difficult to guarantee, the development cost communication actions, they are cooperative, meaning
becomes higher, and new security issues are constantly that they transmit messages correctly. Here, we focus
emerging. Formal methods (such as model checking and not only on point-to-point communication but also on
theorem proving) allow us to model, verify, and reason about broadcast communication.
IoT systems before practical implementation [7–9], which can ● A simple “smart home” is given to illustrate how our
proof system works. By verifying some properties of
Received May 1, 2022; accepted December 16, 2022 the “smart home”, we can say that our proof system is
useful in the actual scene.
2 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 coordinate, and the location of a node indicates its position in
briefly introduces the syntax of CaIT. Section 3 describes the the coordinate. Furthermore, we can get the distance between
structural congruence and specifications applied in our proof two nodes by defining the function Dis(l, l1 ) (an application of
system. In Section 4, we propose a proof system for CaIT and the Euclidean distance [17]). For example, a node at l can
explore the cooperation between isolated proofs. In Section 5, communicate with another node at l1 via the channel c′ iff
we prove the soundness of our proof system. In Section 6, a Dis(l, l1 ) is lesser than or equal to Rng(c′ ), that is,
simple “smart home” shows the application of our proof Dis(l, l1 ) ⩽ Rng(c′ ). Otherwise, they cannot communicate via
system. Section 7 discusses some related work. Finally, the c′. Then we orderly show the details of CaIT from the top
conclusion and future work are in Section 8. level to the bottom level.
Network level:
2 The CaIT calculus (1) 0 means an empty network.
Compared to the original CaIT calculus [12], this paper (2) N∥N1 shows the networks N and N1 run in parallel.
introduces the more general broadcast communication and (3) N; N1 stands for the sequential composition. It firstly
adds operations that facilitate modeling node mobility and the executes network N . After N terminates successfully, network
interactions of sensors and actuators with the environment. N1 starts working.
For simplicity, we still use the name CaIT here. In this section, (4) (vc′ )N indicates that channel c′ is private to network N.
we introduce the syntax of CaIT, shown in Table 1 where the We present (vc̃)N as an abbreviation for (vc1 ) · · · (vck )N, where
extensions are in bold. This calculus has a three-level c̃ = c1 , ..., ck .
(5) n [Γ ▷◁ B]ul stands for a network node corresponding to an
structure: the upper level illustrates the networks, the middle
object of the IoT systems (e.g., a car, a house, and a phone). n
one shows the body of nodes, and the lower level represents
is the node ID, and B is the node body which has a parallel
the processes.
composition of up to three kinds of elements: processes,
At first, we define some functions. The function Rng(c′ ) is a
sensors, and actuators. Γ is the physical interface that can map
mapping from channel c′ to its transmission range, where the
the names of sensors and actuators to values. To ensure the
transmission range of each channel is set by considering many security of nodes, each Γ is private to a node, but public to that
factors in real IoT scenarios, such as geographical node internally. For a given node n [Γ ▷◁ B]ul, sensors contained
environment, system anti-interference ability, electromagnetic in Γ can be read only by this node. Similarly, only this node
environment, transmission medium [16]. The actual IoT scene can modify the values of actuators in Γ . The current location
is abstractly described as a three-dimensional space of node n is l. We define u ∈ {s, m} to distinguish stationary
nodes (formed by u = s), and mobile nodes (denoted by
Table 1 The syntax of the CaIT calculus
u = m).
Network Body level:
N, N1 ::= 0 Empty network (1) B∥B1 is the parallel composition.
| N∥N1 Parallel composition (2) P represents a process, indicating ongoing computations.
| N; N1 Sequential composition
(3) (s ← v3 ); B illustrates a sensor whose name is s , and its
| (vc′ )N Channel restriction
current value is v3. By applying sensors, nodes can obtain a
n [Γ ▷◁ B]l
| Node
particular piece of information from the environment, such as
the current physical temperature.
B, B1 ::= B∥B1 Parallel composition
(4) (a → v4 ); B models an actuator whose name is a, and its
| P Process
value is v4. A node can provide a value to the environment
| (s ← v3 ); B Sensor
with actuators. To guarantee that nodes can exchange
| (a → v4 ); B Actuator
information with the environment in time, we require that
P, Q ::= nil Termination (s ← v3 ); B and (a → v4 ); B are executed instantly.
| skip Skip Process level:
| P∥Q Parallel composition (1) nil means this process terminates.
| [b]P,Q Conditional choice (2) skip does nothing and has no effect.
| !⟨v2 ⟩bc ; P Broadcast output (3) P∥Q denotes the parallel composition of processes P and
| ρ; P Intra-node action Q.
| ⌊π; P⌋Q Action with timeout (4) [b]P,Q is the conditional choice, where b has the form
| while b do P od Iteration w = w′ , and w and w′ are expressions. When the Boolean
ρ ::= σ Delay expression b is true (that is, w is equal to w′), process P works;
| @l˜ Querying location otherwise, process Q.
| s?y Sensor reading (5) !⟨v2 ⟩bc ; P represents that a node can transmit the value v2
| a!v Actuator writing via broadcast channel bc immediately, then P starts to execute
π ::= c!⟨v1 ⟩ Point-to-point output after that.
| c?(x1 ) Point-to-point input (6) ρ; P stands for intra-node actions with ρ ∈
| ?(x2 )bc Broadcast input {σ, @l,˜ s?y, a!v}. σ; P indicates that after waiting for one time
| move_l′ Migration unit, process P executes. @l;˜ P obtains the current location of
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 3

the node in which this process is running. Then the obtained Postcondition q is defined as the commitment, which indicates
location is assigned to variable l˜, which is available for the the values of the objects at termination (if N terminates), the
following process P . A node reads a value from sensor s and termination time (if N does not terminate, time = ∞ ), and the
stores it into variable y , formed by s?y; P . The value v is timed occurrence of observable actions, depicting the set of
written into the actuator a, described by a!v; P. Particularly, Γ desirable final or output states. As a result, our formalism can
can be updated by a!v; P and (s ← v3 ); B. For example, the address partial correctness as well as progress properties. In
value of sensor s can be changed to value v3 due to the detail, the correctness formula {p} N {q} is true from the view
execution of (s ← v3 ); B. of partial correctness if every terminating execution of N
(7) ⌊π; P⌋Q denotes actions with timeouts, where starts from a state satisfying p and terminates in a state
π ∈ {c!⟨v1 ⟩, c?(x1 ), ?(x2 )bc , move_l′ }. For processes ⌊c!⟨v1 ⟩; satisfying q. Furthermore, we can verify whether the execution
P⌋Q and ⌊c?(x1 ); P⌋Q , if processes can communicate before of N satisfies some properties by setting assertions p and q. In
one time unit via point-to-point channel c , the following a formula {p} N {q}, the assertions p and q are described by
process is P . Otherwise, Q begins to execute after waiting for the first-order logic with some primitives, shown as follows:
one time unit. Similarly, ⌊?(x2 )bc ; P⌋Q indicates that if this
● Val stands for the logical values, i.e., v0, v1, . . ., vn.
process can get the value via broadcast channel bc before one
● Set T ime contains logical discrete time variables, i.e., t,
time unit, it continues as P after that. Otherwise, it runs like Q
t0 , t1, . . ., tn .
after one time unit. ⌊move_l′ ; P⌋Q describes the migration
● The global clock is represented by a variable time that
process. After waiting for one time unit, if the node can move
ranges over T ime. If time appears in precondition p, it
to a given destination l′ (a location), this process terminates,
records the beginning time of the network N . If time
and the following process P starts at new location l′;
occurs in postcondition q, it records the termination
otherwise, Q gains the control at its original location after one
time (time = ∞ if N does not terminate).
time unit. π; P denotes that this process keeps waiting until ● Var is a set of variables, ranging over Val . The
action π has finished. variables involved in the network N are packaged in the
(8) while b do P od is an iteration construction. set Var(N).
● Node is the set of nodes of a network. Node(N) contains
3 Specification
the nodes in N . For channel restriction (e.g., (vc′ )N ),
In this section, we give a detailed introduction to the structural
Node((vc′ )N) = Node(N) holds, meaning that they
congruence and the specifications used in our proof system.
contain the same nodes.
3.1 Structural congruence ● We define function Chan to obtain the set of
The structural equivalence ≡ is used to rearrange an IoT communication channels, including point-to-point
network to apply the rules of our proof system, shown in channels and broadcast channels, shown in Table 3.
Table 2. Clearly, the Chan(N) = Chan((vc′ )N) holds.
● Given a network N , Obs(N) is the set of observable
3.2 Specification channels for nodes outside of N . If the network N does
In this subsection, we introduce the formalism to specify and not involve channel restriction (i.e., N cannot be (vc′ )N1
verify IoT systems described by CaIT. Specifications are for any channel c′ and any network N1),
based on Hoare triples (precondition, CaIT program, Obs(N) = Chan(N) holds. Otherwise, Obs((vc′ )N) =
postcondition). The correctness formulas are depicted as Obs(N1 ) − {c′ } for N = (vc′ )N1. Summarily, c′ ∈ Obs(N)
{p} N {q}, where p and q are assertions, and N is an IoT
network. To specify and design distributed real-time systems, Table 3 The definition of function Chan
Hooman et al. extended the classical Hoare Logic by Chan(n [Γ ▷◁ B]ul ) = Chan(B),
introducing the concept of time [15]. Inspired by this, we Chan(B∥B1 ) = Chan(B) ∪ Chan(B1 ),
introduce a particular variable time into assertions to express Chan((s ← v3 ); B) = Chan(B),
the timing of observable actions. In precondition p, we give Chan((a → v); B) = Chan(B),
the assumptions of the values of objects at the activation time Chan(nil) = ∅,
(i.e., the beginning time) of N , the beginning time of N , and Chan(skip) = ∅,
the timed occurrence of observable behaviours, which Chan(P∥Q) = Chan(P) ∪ Chan(Q),
describes the set of initial or input states in which N is started. Chan([b]P, Q) = Chan(P) ∪ Chan(Q),
Chan(!⟨v⟩bc ; P) = {bc} ∪ Chan(P),
Table 2 The structural equivalence Chan(ρ; P) = Chan(P), where ρ ∈ {σ, @l,˜ s?y, a!v}.
NULL : N∥0 ≡ N Chan(⌊π; P⌋Q) = Chan(π) ∪ Chan(P) ∪ Chan(Q),
NCOMM : N∥N ′ ≡ N ′ ∥N where π ∈ {c!⟨v⟩, c?(x), ?(x2 )bc , move_l′ )}.
NASSOC : (N∥N ′ )∥N ′′ ≡ N∥(N ′ ∥N ′′ ) Chan(c!⟨v⟩) = {c}, Chan(c?(x)) = {c},
NPLIT : n [Γ ▷◁ P∥Q]ul ≡n [Γ ▷◁ P]lu ∥n [Γ ▷◁ Q]ul Chan(?(x2 )bc ) = {bc}, Chan(move_l′ ) = ∅,
CHANRE − 1 : (vc)0 = 0 Chan(while b do P od) = Chan(P),
CHANRE − 2 : (vc)(vd)N = (vd)(vc)N Chan(0) = ∅,Chan(N∥N1 ) = Chan(N) ∪ Chan(N1 ),
CHANRE − 3 : (vc)(N∥N1 ) = N∥(vc)N1 , i f c not in N1 . Chan(N; N1 ) = Chan(N) ∪ Chan(N1 ).
4 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

indicates that nodes in N can communicate with nodes nonterminating computation, where the precondition of N
outside of N via c′. c′ < Obs(N) denotes that c′ is (which is also the postcondition of the predecessor process)
hidden and invisible for nodes outside of N . The set contains time = ∞ , denoting that the predecessor process does
Obs is the basis for exploring the channel restriction in not terminate. In this case, N will never be executed and has
subsection 4.4. no effect, so the postcondition and the precondition are the
same in this rule.
In addition, some notations are defined for the construction Rule 2 Substitution
of our proof system, shown below:
(1) act at t : It denotes that an observable action act occurs {p} N {q}
at time t. {p[e/x]} N {q}
(2) act during I ≡ ∀t ∈ I : act at t : It represents that the If a variable x appears in precondition p but does not freely
observable action act is executed during the time interval I . occur in postcondition q, it can be replaced by any arbitrary
(3) act in I ≡ ∃t ∈ I : act at t : It shows that the observable expression e .
action act takes place at some time point in the time interval I . Rule 3 Disjunction
(4) p[v0 /x] : It replaces any free occurrence of variable x in
assertion p with v0. {p1 } N {q1 }, {p2 } N {q2 }
In CaIT, nodes communicate with each other via broadcast {p1 ∨ p2 } N {q1 ∨ q2 }
communications or point-to-point communications. To Rule 4 Conjunction
describe communications by message passing via channels,
{p1 } N {q1 }, {p2 } N {q2 }
our assertions are defined based on the following primitives, .
where v ∈ Val, t ∈ T ime, n is a node ID, c ∈ Chan is a point-to- {p1 ∧ p2 } N {q1 ∧ q2 }
point channel and bc ∈ Chan is a broadcast channel. Rule 5 Sequential composition
{p} N {r} , {r} N1 {q}
● [c!@n] at t : Node n is waiting to send a value via .
channel c at time t. {p} N; N1 {q}
● [c!⟨v⟩@n] at t : Node n begins to transmit value v via Assertion r is the postcondition of N , which is also the
channel c at time t. precondition of N1. r can describe not only the terminating
● [c?@n] at t : Node n is waiting to receive a value via computations of N but also its nonterminating computations.
channel c at time t. If N does not terminate, assertion q can be deduced using the
● [c?(v)@n] at t : Node n starts to receive the value v via Nontermination axiom.
channel c at time t. Rule 6 Consequence
● [!⟨v⟩bc @n] at t : At time t, node n sends value v via
p → p1 , {p1 } N {q1 }, q1 → q
channel bc immediately. .
● [?bc @n] at t : At time t, node n is waiting to accept a {p} N {q}
value via channel bc . The precondition can be strengthened, and postconditions
● [?(v)bc @n] at t : Node n starts receiving value v via can be weakened.
channel bc at time t. Rule 7 While

4 Proof system for CaIT

This section proposes a proof system for CaIT to prove the
correctness of IoT systems described by CaIT. In subsection
4.1, we introduce some existing auxiliary axioms and rules.
For the basic commands of CaIT, the corresponding rules are
given in subsection 4.2. In subsection 4.3, we explore the
proof rules of parallel composition and show the details of the We assume that a model in the semantics of While
cooperation between isolated proofs. Finally, we investigate b do P od starts from a state satisfying the invariant I . The
the channel restriction in subsection 4.4. computation produced by this model can be a terminating
computation (described by q) or a nonterminating computation
4.1 Auxiliary axioms and rules (denoted by qin f it ). Below are detailed explanations for the
In this subsection, we give some auxiliary axioms and rules, two cases.
which are similar to those in the previous work [13]. (1) Firstly, q stands for a terminating computation that is
Differently, we further introduce the notion of time into composed of a finite number of terminating computations
assertions to express the timing of observable actions in IoT produced by P . From the first and second conditions (i.e., the
systems. formulas (1) and (2)), we know that I ∧ b is valid for the initial
Axiom 1 Nontermination state of all these terminating computations, except for the last
one. Based on the second condition (i.e., formula (2)), we can
{p ∧ time = ∞} N {p ∧ time = ∞}. have q by using the Skip rule defined in subsection 4.2.
The Nontermination axiom describes the case in which the (2) Secondly, qin f it means that the computation generated by
predecessor process of the CaIT program N produces a this statement is a nonterminating computation, which has the
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 5

following two possibilities. Rule 11 Point-to-point output

(a) In the first case, the nonterminating computation is
produced by the predecessor process (called the initial
model) of While b do P od. Here, we suppose that the
initial model satisfies I and does not terminate, so it
generates a nonterminating computation. In this case,
the successor process (i.e., While b do P od) will never
be executed and has no effect since it follows a
nonterminating computation. According to the
Nontermination axiom, we know that the execution
result of the whole model is equal to the result of the
In the point-to-point output rule, time in the precondition
initial model. I0 is defined according to I , which is used
p ∧ time < ∞ is replaced by t0 , recording the starting time. In
to obtain the postcondition qin f it describing the
this paper, the time unit can be specified according to
nonterminating computations, shown by the formula (3)
(i.e., the shaded area on the last two lines of the requirements: one second, one hour, one day, etc. Here,
premises in the While rule). local(I0 ) = ∅ denotes that adding one time unit simulates the passage of time discretely.
there are no local objects in assertion I0 . Formula And [t0 , t0 + 1) represents a continuous time interval, which is
∀t1 < ∞, ∃t2 > t1 : I0 [t2 /time] aims to assign an infinite used to describe the continuously dynamic evolution of time,
value to time in I0 , which implies qin f it , meaning that a where [t0 , t0 + 1) = {t ∈ T ime | t0 ⩽ t < t0 + 1}. As mentioned
nonterminating computation is generated in this case. before, the point-to-point output action is executed with
Obviously, in this case, the whole model also satisfies timeout, which has two execution results. If the value v is sent
time = ∞ . Therefore, qin f it ∧ time = ∞ is the final via point-to-point channel c within one time unit after t0 , the
postcondition of this case. postcondition is p1, and then this process executes P .
(b) In another case, the nonterminating computation is Otherwise, the postcondition is p2 , denoting that this action
caused by While b do P od itself, and there are also does not happen before one time unit, and then the process
two possibilities. Firstly, qin f it can be a nonterminating performs like Q .
computation produced by a nonterminating computation Rule 12 Point-to-point input
of P . For instance, P generates a nonterminating
computation, because it contains a nonterminating
iteration structure (e.g., While b1 do P1 od). Secondly,
qin f it can be a nonterminating computation composed of
an infinite number of terminating computations
generated by P . For example, the Boolean expression b
is always satisfied, which makes P repeatedly execute.
In the above two cases, qin f it can be derived from the
third condition (i.e., the formula (3)). Further,
qin f it ∧ time = ∞ is the final postcondition.
Rule 8 Nondeterministic choice We use t0 to mark the beginning time of this statement. This
statement must wait for receiving messages from point-to-
{p} N1 {q1 }, {p} N2 {q2 } point channel c with timeout, which has two execution results.
{p} N1 ⊓ N2 {q1 ∨ q2 } If the node receives a value via c within one time unit after t0 ,
In this rule, we discuss the nondeterministic choice. In this the postcondition is p1, and the obtained value v is accessible
structure, either N1 is executed, which leads to q1, or N2 is for the following process P . Otherwise, the postcondition is
selected, resulting in q2 . p2 , and the control passes to Q after one time unit.
Rule 13 Broadcast output
4.2 Proof rules for basic commands
Here, we define the proof rules for the basic commands in an
IoT network described by CaIT.
Axiom 9 Nil

{p} 0 {p} .
The empty network 0 terminates immediately and has no To explore the broadcast output action, we give this rule
effect. with the precondition p ∧ time < ∞ . time in p ∧ time < ∞ is
Rule 10 Skip replaced by t0 to record the starting time of the statement. The
value v is sent immediately via broadcast channel bc at time
{p} Skip {p} . t0 , leading to postcondition p1. Then the process continues
Skip action does nothing and has no impact. as P .
6 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

Rule 14 Broadcast input from sensor s at the trigger time of this process, resulting in
p1. The obtained value is accessible for the next process P .
Rule 19 Sensor

To investigate the broadcast input statement, we define this

rule with the precondition p ∧ time < ∞ . There are also two Sensor rule illustrates that a node reads a particular piece of
execution results of the rule. If this statement receives a value information from the environment using a sensor. This
via channel bc within one time unit after its starting time, the statement is executed immediately at its beginning time t0 . If
postcondition is p1, and the received message is accessible for the current value Γ(s) stored in sensor s is not equal to the
the next process P . Otherwise, the postcondition is p2 , and newly obtained value v , p1 is the postcondition. And Γ is
this process continues like Q . updated to Γ′, which is accessible for the remaining system B .
Rule 15 Delay Otherwise, if the value in sensor s does not need to be
{q[time + 1/time] ∧ time < ∞}n [Γ ▷◁ σ; P]ul {q ∧ time < ∞}. updated, the postcondition is p2 , and it continues to execute
under Γ .
Delay rule suspends the execution of the statement for one Rule 20 Actuator writing
time unit. To obtain the postcondition q ∧ time < ∞, we define
the precondition q[time+1/time] ∧ time < ∞. The initial time
plus one time unit equals the termination time recorded in
postcondition, meaning that this process delays one time unit.
Rule 16 Migration

At the starting time of this statement, it immediately writes

the value v to an actuator a, leading to p1. Consistently, Γ is
updated to Γ′, which is available for the following process P .
Rule 21 Actuator
δ is the fixed maximum distance that the node n can move in
one time unit. m means that node n is a mobile node. This
statement waits for one time unit firstly, leading to
postcondition p ∧ time < ∞ . Taking p ∧ time < ∞ as the
precondition, if the distance between the current location l and
the destination l′ is lesser than or equal to δ , the process
performs like P at the new location l′. Otherwise, Q starts A node can provide a value to the environment through an
executing at its original location l. actuator a, formed by (a → v); B . This action is executed at the
Rule 17 Querying location
starting time of this statement, leading to postcondition p1.
Then the remaining system B starts to execute.
Rule 22 Conditional choice

This statement queries the current location l(time) of the

node in which this process is running. l(time) is accessible for
the following process P .
b is a Boolean expression, which has the form w = w′ . If b is
Rule 18 Sensor reading
true (i.e., w is equal to w′), then process P is executed, which
leads to q1. Otherwise, this process performs as Q , leading to
q2 .

Example 1. We prove the following example to demonstrate

the application of our proof system, especially the While rule.
In sensor reading rule, this statement reads a value Γ(s) The proof of this example denotes that our proof system is not
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 7

restricted to partial correctness , but allows us to explore the

properties of both terminating and nonterminating
N ≡ n [Γ ▷◁ While x , 0 do ⌊c?(x); P1 ⌋P1 od]ul
P1 ≡ While x = 0 ∧ y , 1 do ⌊?(y)bc ; S kip⌋S kip od
Next, we need to prove that

C ≡(time = ∞ ∧ ∀t1 < ∞ : ¬[c?(0)@n] at t1 )∨
(time = ∞ ∧ ∀t2 < ∞ : ¬[?(1)bc @n] at t2 )∨
(time < ∞ ∧ ∃t1 , t2 < ∞ : ¬[c?(0)@n] at t1 ∧
[?(1)bc @n] at t2 ).
In postcondition C , we describe three execution results of
this example. In the first case (i.e., the first line), this example
does not terminate (denoted by time = ∞ ) if it cannot receive 0
via channel c . The second case (i.e., the second line) is
similar. In contrast, the last case (i.e., the last two lines)
indicates that this example terminates (represented by
By applying the while rule, we can obtain
time < ∞ ) if it receives 0 via c and 1 via bc .
We use the While rule based on the following assertions.
qin f it ≡(∀t1 < ∞ : ¬[c?(0)@n] at t1 )∨
(∀t2 < ∞ : ¬[?(1)bc @n] at t2 )

q ≡time < ∞ ∧ ∃t1 , t2 < ∞ : [c?(0)@n] at t1 ∧ From the consequence rule and the fact “time = 0 ∧ x ,
bc 0 ∧ y , 1 → I ”, we can get {time = 0 ∧ x , 0 ∧ y , 1} n [Γ ▷◁
[?(1) @n] at t2 While x , 0 do ⌊c?(x); P1 ⌋P1 od]ul {(qin f it ∧ time = ∞) ∨ q}.
I ≡(time = ∞ ∧ qin f it )∨ Further, (qin f it ∧ time = ∞) ∨ q is equal to (((∀t1 < ∞ :
¬[c?(0)@n] at t1 ) ∨ (∀t2 < ∞ : ¬[?(1)bc @n] at t2 )) ∧ time =
(time < ∞ ∧ (∃time′ ⩽ time, ∀t1 < time′ : ∞)∨(time < ∞ ∧ ∃t1 , t2 < ∞ : [c?(0)@n] at t1 ∧[?(1)bc @n] at t2),
¬[c?(0)@n] at t1 ∧ (x = 0 ↔ [c?(0)@n] at time′ ))∧
which implies the final postcondition C .
(∀t2 < time : ¬[?(1)bc @n] at t2 ∧ After the above proofs, the assertion formula of this
(y = 1 ↔ [?(1)bc @n] at time))) example has been proved.

I0 ≡(∀t1 < time : ¬[c?(0)@n] at t1 )∨ 4.3 Proof rules for parallel composition
(∀t2 < time : ¬[?(1)bc @n] at t2 ) Using our proof system, we can give proofs for isolated
processes. Now we define parallel composition rule to
● If this example does not receive 0 via c or 1 via bc , it combine these isolated proofs based on the test for
keeps executing and never terminates, as described by cooperation between them.
qin f it . Rule 23 Parallel composition
● If this example receives not only 0 via c but also 1 via {p} N1 {q1 }, {p} N2 {q2 }, Comb(q1 , q2 ) → q
bc , it terminates, as represented by q.
{p} N1 ∥ N2 {q}
● I is an invariant, which must be satisfied during the
execution of this example. The invariant I considers where N1 =n1 [Γ1 ▷◁ B1 ]ul 1 and N2 =n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ B2 ]ul 2 .
1 2
both terminating and nonterminating cases. Here, we consider two possibilities for Comb:
● I0 is implied by I , which only considers the nontermina- 1. If time does not appear in q1 and q2 , we have:
ting case, and is used to derive qin f it . Comb(q1 , q2 ) ≡ q1 ∧ q2
To apply the While rule, we have to prove the following 2. Otherwise, the values of time in q1 and q2 may be
formulas. different. To obtain a more general rule, we firstly record the
values of time in q1 and q2 using variables t1 and t2 ,
8 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

respectively. Then we take the maximum of t1 and t2 as the Com2 ((n1 , l1 ), (n2 , l2 ), bc) =d f bc ∈ Obs(n1 )∧
termination time of the parallel composition. bc ∈ Obs(n2 ) ∧ Dis(l1 , l2 ) ⩽ Rng(bc)
Comb(q1 , q2 ) ≡q1 [t1 /time] ∧ q2 [t2 /time]∧ Point-to-point cooperation:
time = max(t1 , t2 ) Now, we establish the cooperation of point-to-point
communications with the example of c!⟨v⟩ and c?(x). Each of
provided that
the two actions executes with the timeout, having two
(1) Var(N1 ) ∩ Var(N2 ) = ∅.
execution results. First, the formula {pre1 } n1 [Γ1 ▷◁ ⌊c!⟨v⟩;
(2) Var(qi ) ⊆ Var(Ni ), Chan(qi ) ⊆ Chan(Ni ), for i = 1, 2.
(3) To ensure isolated proofs transmit messages correctly, we skip⌋skip]ul 1 {post1 } is extracted from the isolated proofs,
explore the cooperation between their communication actions. denoting that the value v is sent successfully via channel c
For example, let post1 and post2 be the postconditions of a within one time unit after the starting time. Similarly,
pair of input and output actions, respectively. post1 depicts the {pre2 } n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊c?(x); skip⌋skip]ul 2 {post2 } means that a value
receiving of value v . post2 describes the sending of value v′. If is received via channel c within one time unit after the
conditions (involving distance, time, and channel activeness time. Under the following conditions, we can
observability) are both satisfying, it means that the determine whether the communication takes place smoothly.
communication occurs successfully. Then, these isolated If it occurs successfully, we still need to check whether they
proofs cooperate if and only if they can help each other to help each other to validate their postconditions.
validate the postconditions of their communication actions (1) Condition
(i.e., v = v′), denoting that the messages are delivered correctly By defining Condition1, we check the observability of
via channels. We give the following two rules to establish the channel c , the distance between two nodes, and the starting
cooperation. time recorded in pre1 and pre2. Firstly, only nodes (or
Rule 24 Point-to-point communication networks) where c is an observable channel can communicate
with the outside via c (i.e., c ∈ Obs(n1 ) ∧ c ∈ Obs(n2 )).
Additionally, the distance between n1 and n2 should be within
the transmission range of channel c , that is,
Dis(l1 , l2 ) ⩽ Rng(c) . As mentioned before, both point-to-point
output actions and point-to-point input actions are executed
with timeouts. Thus, if the beginning time of the point-to-
point output action is t1, only when the corresponding point-
to-point input action starting from t2 is also ready within
[t1 , t1 + 1), this point-to-point communication is possible. If the
above two conditions are both satisfied, we can say that this
communication successfully occurs. We give the following
where c is a point-to-point channel, and the communication formal to combine the above conditions.
condition is below.
Condition1 =d f c ∈ Obs(n1 ) ∧ c ∈ Obs(n2 )∧
Com1 ((n1 , l1 ), (n2 , l2 ), c) =d f c ∈ Obs(n1 ) ∧ c ∈ Obs(n2 )∧ ( )
(t1 ⩽ t2 ∧ t2 < t1 + 1)∨
Dis(l, l1 ) ⩽ Rng(c) Dis(l1 , l2 ) ⩽ Rng(c) ∧
(t2 ⩽ t1 ∧ t1 < t2 + 1)
This rule indicates that the point-to-point communication
occurs successfully based on the following two assumptions. (2) Cooperation
Firstly, only nodes (or networks) where c is an observable ● First, we need to check whether pre1 [t1 /time]
channel can communicate with the outside via c , i.e., ∧pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition1 is satisfied, where pre1
c ∈ Obs(n1 )∧c ∈ Obs(n2 ). In addition, the distance between [t1 /time] represents that the starting time listed in pre1
them must be within the communication range of c , that is, is recorded by t1.
Dis(l1 , l2 ) ⩽ Rng(c) . ● If the result is true, this communication occurs at
Rule 25 Broadcast communication max(t1 , t2 ) at which both sides are ready. A new
assertion p can be generated from pre1 [t1 /time]∧
pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition1 by updating the value of
time to max(t1 , t2 ), shown by pre1 [t1 /time]∧
pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition1 ∧ time = max(t1 , t2 ) → p .
Then, we go to the next step. Otherwise, they are
● Taking the new assertion p as the precondition, we can
obtain {p} n1 [Γ1 ▷◁ ⌊c!⟨v⟩; skip⌋skip]ul 1 ∥n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊c?(x);
skip⌋skip]ul 2 {q} using point-to-point communication
where bc is a broadcast channel, and the communication ● If post1 ∧ post2 can be deduced from q with
condition is as follows. Consequence rule, they cooperate, indicating that the
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 9

message is transmitted correctly. Otherwise, they are our proof system.

not cooperative (i.e., the message is transmitted
{time = 0 ∧ v = z} N1 {v = z},
{time = 0 ∧ v = z} N2 {x = z}
Broadcast communication cooperation: According to the definition of parallel composition rule,
Similarly, we introduce the cooperation of broadcast we should check some conditions. First, Var(N1 )∩
communications with !⟨v⟩bc and ?(x)bc. Although the value can Var(N2 ) = ∅ is satisfied. Then both Chan(qi ) ⊆ Chan(Ni ) and
be sent to more than one node, we only discuss one receiver Var(qi ) ⊆ Var(Ni ) hold, where i = 1, 2. Finally, we should
here. For more complex cases, this procedure can be used check whether they cooperate. We extract the following
repeatedly. {pre1 } n1 [Γ1 ▷◁!⟨v⟩bc ; skip]ul 1 {post1 } denotes that formulas from proofs, denoting that the output action and the
the value v is sent immediately via bc at its trigger time. input action happen within one time unit after their own
starting time, respectively.
{pre2 } n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊?(x)bc ; skip⌋skip]ul 2 {post2 } stands for the
successful reception of a value via bc within one time unit {pre1 } n1 [Γ1 ▷◁ ⌊c!⟨v⟩; skip⌋skip]ul 1 {post1 },
after the starting time. Based on the following conditions, we {pre2 } n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊c?(x); skip⌋skip]lu2 {post2 }
check whether the communication executes successfully. If it 2

happens, we must discuss whether they help each other where, pre1 ≡ {time = 0 ∧ v = z},
validate their postconditions. post1 ≡ {time = 0 ∧ v = z},
(1) Condition pre2 ≡ {time = 0 ∧ v = z},
The conditions involve the observability of channel c , their
and post2 ≡ {time = 0 ∧ x = z}.
distance, and the starting time, which are similar to the point-
to-point. The difference is that the broadcast output action It is clear that pre1 [t1 /time] ∧ pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition1
happens immediately, while the broadcast input action holds, then we can obtain the assertion {time = 0 ∧ v = z}. By
executes with a timeout. When the broadcast output action using point-to-point communication rule with precondition
occurs, the corresponding input actions should be ready to {time = 0 ∧ v = z}, we have {time = 0 ∧ v = z} n1 [Γ1 ▷◁ ⌊c!⟨v⟩;
receive the value. In other words, if the broadcast output skip⌋skip]ul 1 ∥n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊c?(x); skip⌋skip]ul 2 {time = 0 ∧ v = z∧
1 2
action occurs at t1, and the starting time of one corresponding x = v}. post1 ∧ post2 can be deduced from {time = 0∧
broadcast input action is t2 , only when t1 is within the time v = z ∧ x = v} using consequence Rule. Thus the proofs of N1
interval [t2 , t2 + 1), this broadcast communication is possible. and N2 cooperate. Applying parallel composition rule,
We give the following formula for these conditions. {time = 0 ∧ v = z} N1 {v = z} and {time = 0 ∧ v = z} N2 {x = z}
combine to {time = 0 ∧ v = z} N1 ∥N2 {v = z ∧ x = z} .
Condition2 =d f bc ∈ Obs(n1 ) ∧ bc ∈ Obs(n2 )∧
Dis(l1 , l2 ) ⩽ Rng(bc) ∧ (t2 ⩽ t1 < t2 + 1) 4.4 Channel restriction
(2) Cooperation In this subsection, we explore the channel restriction with the
example (vc′ )M∥N , where both M and N can be a single node
● We check whether pre1 [t1 /time] ∧ pre2 [t2 /time]∧ or a parallel composition of multiple nodes. The details are
Condition2 is valid. If it is valid, a new assertion p can shown below.
be obtained from pre1 [t1 /time] ∧ pre2 [t2 /time] (1) Based on our proof system, we can get isolated proofs of
∧Condition2 by updating the time to t1 at which the networks M and N with Obs(M) and Obs(N) . By doing this,
broadcast output action happens, which is formed by the communications within M or N have been addressed with
pre1 [t1 /time] ∧ pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition2 ∧ time = the notion of cooperation, especially communications via c′
t1 → p. Then we go to the next step. Otherwise, they are within M . Next, we explore the parallel composition of
cooperative. (vc′ )M and N .
● Using broadcast communication rule with the (2) For (vc′ )M , channel c′ is private for the network M . In
precondition p, we gain {p} n1 [Γ1 ▷◁!⟨v⟩bc ; skip]ul 1 ∥n2 other words, c′ is invisible for nodes outside of M (e.g.,
network N ). Therefore, we have to hide channel c′ before
[Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊?(x)bc ; skip⌋skip]ul 2 {q}.
2 using the parallel composition rule to combine (vc′ )M and N .
● By using the consequence rule, we can say that they
For all node n ∈ Node(M), we update its Obs(n) to Obs′ (n),
cooperate if pos1 ∧ post2 can be implied from q. If not,
where Obs′ (n) = Obs(n) − {c′ }.
they are not cooperative.
(3) Now, we can get Obs((vc′ )M) which is the union of
Example 2. The following example shows how parallel Obs′ (n) for all node n in Node((vc′ )M) , where
composition rule works. We need to prove Node((vc′ )M) = Node(M). (vc′ )M and N cannot communicate
via c′ due to c′ < Obs((vc′ )M), that is, they are cooperative.
{time = 0 ∧ v = z} N1 ∥N2 {v = z ∧ x = z} Then we can obtain the final proof of (vc′ )M∥N by applying
where N1 =n1 [Γ1 ▷◁ ⌊c!⟨v⟩; σ⌋σ]ul 1 , the parallel composition rule to the isolated proofs of M and
N with the Obs((vc′ )M) and Obs(N) .
N2 =n2 [Γ2 ▷◁ ⌊c?(x); skip⌋σ]lu2 ,
c ∈ Chan(n1 ) ∧ c ∈ Chan(n2 ) ∧ Dis(n1 , n2 ) ⩽ Rng(c). 5 Soundness
The following isolated proofs can be generated by applying We explore the soundness of our proof system. First, we
10 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

define the partial correctness semantics of CaIT programs ● Let ⊢A φ denote that the formula φ is provable in the
and list its properties. We then propose a formal definition of proof system A. For all correctness formula {p} N {q}, if
the soundness of the CaIT program. Finally, we prove the ⊢A {p} N {q} implies ⊨ {p} N {q}, the proof system A is
soundness of each rule in our proof system from the sound for partial correctness .
perspective of partial correctness , which means that our
proof system is sound for partial correctness . Theorem 5.5 From the perspective of the partial correctness
5.1 Partial correctness semantics semantics, the proof system proposed for CaIT is sound.
To prove Theorem 5.5, we need to prove the soundness of
Definition 5.1 Let N be a CaIT program, σ be the initial state all axioms and proof rules. For simplicity, here we only give
of N , and ⟨N, σ⟩ be a configuration denoting that N is the detailed proofs for the soundness of the rules broadcast
executed in state σ [13]. The partial correctness semantics of output, broadcast input, and parallel combination. The
a CaIT program is a mapping from the initial state to the final proofs for other rules are similar.
(1) Broadcast output rule
M[[N]] = Σ → P(Σ),
M[[N]](σ) = {τ|⟨N, σ⟩ →∗ ⟨0, τ⟩}, Proof The broadcast output action (described as N1) executes
where, immediately at the activeness time. Further, we get
M[[!⟨v⟩bc @n]][[p]] ⊆ [[p′1 ]], where p is the precondition, and p′1
● ⟨N0 , σ0 ⟩ → ⟨N1 , σ1 ⟩ is a transition, which means that is as follows:
executing N0 one step in a state σ can switch to state σ1
with the remaining process N1. Here, 0 is an empty p′1 = p[t0 /time] ∧ [!⟨v⟩bc @n] at t0 ∧ time = t0
program, and τ is the final state. According to the premises of the broadcast output rule, we
● The transitive and reflexive closure of the transition can obtain
relation (i.e., →) is described as →∗.
● Σ is the set of states and P(Σ) stands for all subsets of Σ. p′1 → p1 , M[[n [Γ ▷◁ P]ul ]]([[p1 ]]) ⊆ [[q]].
From the Lemma 5.3(4), [[p′1 ]] ⊆ [[p1 ]] holds. By the
M[[N]] represents the partial correctness semantics of N . monotony of M[[N1 ]], we have M[[n [Γ ▷◁ P]ul ]]
Starting from the initial state σ, N terminates in the final state ′
([[p1 ]]) ⊆ M[[n [Γ ▷◁ P]l ]]([[p1 ]]) ⊆ [[q]]. Further, we get
τ contained in M[[N]](σ). Next, we present the following M[[N1 ]]([[p]]) ⊆ [[q]]. Thus, the Broadcast Output rule is
Lemma 5.2 to briefly introduce properties of the sound from the partial correctness .
partial correctness semantics (see [13] for more details).
(2) Broadcast input rule
Lemma 5.2. (Input/output)
(1) M[[N]] is monotonous; Proof For the broadcast input action (denoted by N ), there are
that is, X ⊆ Y ⊆ Σ impliesM[[N]](X) ⊆ M[[N]](Y) . two possibilities.
(2) M[[N1 ; N2 ]](X) = M[[N1 ]](M[[N2 ]](X)). (1) The broadcast input action ?(v)bc @n may occur within one
(3) M[[[b]N1 , N2 ]](X) = M[[N1 ]](X ∩ [[b]])∪ time unit. Therefore, there is a moment t′ ∈ [t0 , t0 + 1) such that
M[[N2 ]](X ∩ [[¬b]]) . M[[#t′ ; ?(v)bc @n]] ⊆ [[p′ ]] holds, where
(4) M[[(N1 ; N2 ); N3 ]](X) = M[[N1 ; (N2 ; N3 )]](X).
(5) M[[While b do N od]](X) = p′ = p[t0 /time] ∧ ∃t′ ∈ [t0 , t0 + 1) : [?bc @n] during [t0 , t′ )
k=0 M[[(While b do N od) ]].
k ∧ [?(v)bc @n] at t′ ∧ time = t′ .
(2) The broadcast input action may not happen before one
5.2 Verification time unit. M[[#1]] ⊆ [[p′′ ]] holds, where
We give the meaning of assertion p as [[p]] = {σ|σ |= p}. The
assertion p is true if all states σ satisfy p (i.e., p′′ = p[t0 /time] ∧ [?bc @n] during [t0 , t0 + 1) ∧ time = t0 + 1.

∀σ ∈ : σ |= p ). Following lemmata describe properties for According to premises of the broadcast input rule, we have
the meanings of assertions.
p′ → p1 , M[[n [Γ ▷◁ P]ul ]]([[p1 ]]) ⊆ [[q1 ]],
Lemma 5.3. (Meaning of assertion)[13] p′′ → p2 , M[[n [Γ ▷◁ Q]ul ]]([[p2 ]]) ⊆ [[q2 ]].
(1) [[¬p]] = Σ − [[p]],
(2) [[p ∨ q]] = [[p]] ∪ [[q]], Based on the Lemma 5.3(4), [[p′ ]] ⊆ [[p1 ]] and
(3) [[p ∧ q]] = [[p]] ∩ [[q]], [[p′′ ]] ⊆ [[p2 ]] are both satisfied. From the monotony of
(4) p → q is true, iff [[p]] ⊆ [[q]], M[[N]], we can gain
(5) p ↔ q is true, iff [[p]] = [[q]].
M[[n [Γ ▷◁ P]ul ]]([[p′ ]]) ⊆ M[[n [Γ ▷◁ P]ul ]]([[p1 ]]) ⊆ [[q1 ]],
Definition 5.4. (Soundness of proof system) M[[n [Γ ▷◁ Q]ul ]]([[p′′ ]]) ⊆ M[[n [Γ ▷◁ Q]ul ]]([[p2 ]]) ⊆ [[q2 ]].
● From the view of partial correctness , the correctness Now, we can obtain M[[N]]([[p]]) ⊆ [[q1 ]] ∪ [[q2 ]]. Further,
formula {p} N {q} is true if M[[N]]([[p]]) ⊆ [[q]], we can know [[q1 ]] ∪ [[q2 ]] = [[q1 ∨ q2 ]] holds with the
described as |= {p} N {q}. Lemma 5.3(2). Then we obtain M[[N]]([[p]]) ⊆ [[q1 ∨ q2 ]].
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 11

Consequently, the Broadcast Input rule is sound from the the boiler control process BCtrl and the light control process
perspective of partial correctness . LCtrl . This “smart home” is equipped with some sensors,
including bs in Phone, to set the mode of the boiler, and temp
(3) Parallel composition rule in Home , for sensing the physical temperature.
Proof We use variables t1 and t2 to replace the time in Users can only enter this house from the entrance with their
assertions q1 and q2 , respectively. From the premises of the phones. Process Move describes the moving trail of Phone,
Parallel Composition rule, we get which moves one unit each time. Initially, Phone is placed
outside Home , denoted by “l1 (0) = out ”. With process LCtrl ,
M[[N1 ]]([[p]]) ⊆ [[q1 ]], Phone sends its real time location to CLMng via broadcast
M[[N2 ]]([[p]]) ⊆ [[q2 ]], channel g, where Rng(g) = 4 . When Phone is at loc1 or loc4,
Comb(q1 , q2 ) ≡ q1 [t1 /time] ∧ q2 [t2 /time] ∧ time = max(t1 , t2 ), CLMng orders the light manager process to turn on the light at
Comb(q1 , q2 ) → q the current location. Using the phone touchscreen button
provided that (sensor bs ), a user can set the mode of the boiler. When Phone
(1) Var(N1 ) ∩ Var(N2 ) = ∅. receives related commands, BCtrl immediately forwards them
(2) Var(qi ) ⊆ Var(Ni ), Chan(qi ) ⊆ Chan(Ni ), for i = 1, 2 . to BMng via broadcast channel b, where Rng(b) = 4 .
(3) Two parallel components cooperate. According to the structure congruence defined in subsection
The final terminating time of this parallel composition is the 3.1, Phone can be described as the parallel composition of
larger one of the two processes. For i = 1, 2, there is three components. The whole system is shown below:
ti ∈ M[[Ni ]]([[p]) to make time = max(t1 , t2 ) hold, that is, each de f de f
S ys = Home ∥ Phone Home = L1 ∥ L2 ∥ L3 ∥ L4
final state of M[[N1 ∥N2 ]]([[p]]) satisfies assertion de f de f
Comb(q1 , q2 ) . According to Comb(q1 , q2 ) → q and Lemma L1 = n1 [ΓL1 ▷◁ LMng1 ]loc
s L2 = nb [ΓB ▷◁ BMng]loc
1 2
5.3(4), we know that [[Comb(q1 , q2 )]] ⊆ [[q]]. With the de f
L3 = nc [∅ ▷◁ CLMng]loc
s de f
L4 = n2 [ΓL2 ▷◁ LMng2 ]loc
monotony of M[[N]], we get M[[N1 ∥N2 ]]([[p]]) ⊆ de f
3 4

[[Comb(q1 , q2 )]] ⊆ [[q]]. Consequently, the parallel Phone = np [Γ p ▷◁ Move ∥ BCtrl ∥ LCtrl]m
l ∈Loc 1
compositional rule is sound for partial correctness . The de f
= np [Γ p ▷◁ Move]lm∈Loc ∥ np [Γ p ▷◁ BCtrl]m
l1 ∈Loc
proofs of rules point-to-point communication and broadcast 1
∥ np [Γ p ▷◁ LCtrl]m
l ∈Loc
communication are similar. For simplicity, we omit their 1

details here. where, Loc = {out, loc1 , loc2 , loc3 , loc4 } and l1 (0) = out .
This system should satisfy some run-time properties, which
6 A case of smart home are represented by the following proof with some assertions:
Using our proof system, we prove a system “smart home”
which has been adopted to explore the equivalence between
IoT systems in [12]. The whole system is the parallel where C pro ≡ C1 ∧ C2 ∧ C3 ∧ C4 with
composition of the smart home Home and the smart phone
Phone. C1 ≡ ∀t < ∞ :[(bs ← man)@n p ] at t →
As shown in Fig. 1, this house contains an entrance and a [(bolier!on)@nb ] in [t, t + 1)
lounge separated by a patio. This house spans over four
C2 ≡ ∀t < ∞, ∀te ∈ R :[(tepm ← te)@nb ] at t ∧ te < θ
continuous physical locations loci , where i = 1, 2, 3, 4. The
distance between two locations can be described by → [(bolier!on)@nb ] in [t, t + 1)
d(loci , loc j ) = |i − j|. The entrance is at loc1. From loc2 to loc3, C3 ≡ ∀t < ∞, ∀te ∈ R :[(tepm ← te)@nb ] at t ∧ te ⩾ θ
there is a patio. Finally, a lounge is at loc4. In the entrance and → [(bolier!o f f )@nb ] in [t, t + 1)
the lounge, each one has a light (actuator light j ) governed by
their light manager processes LMng j , where j ∈ {1, 2}. A C4 ≡ ∀t < ∞ :[(light1 !on)@n1 ] at t ∧
boiler (actuator boiler ) is in the patio, managed by the boiler [(light2 !o f f )@n2 ] at t, and vice versa.
manager process BMng . The patio also has a centralized light
manager process CLMng to support lights control. The ● If the boiler is in manual mode, or the physical
domain of these actuators is {on, o f f } , and their initial values temperature sensed by temp is lesser than a given
are both o f f , such as ΓL1 (light1 ) = o f f . As a mobile node, threshold θ , it will be switched on within one time unit,
Phone contains three processes: the migrating process Move, denoted by C1 and C2 .
● If the boiler is in automatic mode and the physical
temperature is greater than or equal to θ , it is switched
off within one time unit, denoted by C3.
● Assertion C4 ensures that the lights of the two rooms
should not be switched on at the same time.
6.1 The proof of Move
Process Move models the moving trace of Phone. To ensure
Fig. 1 A simple smart home implied from [12] two lights cannot be switched on simultaneously, Phone does
12 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

not appear at loc4 within one time unit once it occurs at loc1, immediately transmits the obtained location via broadcast
and vice versa. channel g to CLMng. To avoid repeated opening a light, LCtrl
must ensure that the interval between sending location
C M ≡∀t ∈ [1, ∞), ∀t1 ∈ [t − 1, t) :
information is greater than or equal to one time unit.
(l1 (t) = loc1 → l1 (t1 ) , loc4 ) ∧
(l1 (t) = loc4 → l1 (t1 ) , loc1 ) C L ≡∀t ∈ [1, ∞), ∀t1 ∈ [t − 1, t) : [!⟨l1 (t)⟩g @n p ] at t →
where l1 (t) denotes the location of Phone at time t. We show ¬[!⟨l1 (t1 )⟩g @n p ] at t1 .
the proof outline of Move as below with the corresponding We describe the proof outline of process LCtrl as follows with
rule: the corresponding rule:

where IL ≡ ∀t ∈ [1, time), ∀t1 ∈ [t − 1, t) :

where I M ≡ ∀t ∈ [1, time), ∀t1 ∈ [t − 1, t) : [!⟨l1 (t)⟩g @n p ] at t → ¬[!⟨l1 (t1 )⟩g @n p ] at t1 ,
(l1 (t) = loc1 → l1 (t1 ) , loc4 )∧ pL1 ≡IL ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [[@l1 (time)]@n p ] at time,
(l1 (t) = loc4 → l1 (t1 ) , loc1 ). pL2 ≡IL ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [[@l1 (time)]@n p ] at time∧
Lock stands for the (k + 1)th element of array Loc . [!⟨l1 (time)⟩g @n p ] at time,
pL2 ≡qL [time + 1/time]
6.2 The proof of BCtrl qL →IL ∧ time < ∞.
Process BCtrl is defined to control the boiler. Whenever the
Phone receives commands to set the mode of the boiler via 6.4 The combination of Phone
sensor bs , it must immediately forward these commands to Before combing the above components of Phone, we need to
BMng via the broadcast channel b. check the conditions listed in the definition of Parallel
C B ≡∀t < ∞, ∀z ∈ {man, auto} : [(bs?z)@n p ] at t → Composition rule. The conditions about variables and
channels are both satisfied here. There is no communication
[!⟨z⟩b @n p ] at t between these components. Therefore, they are cooperative.
We give the proof outline of process BCtrl as below with the
corresponding rule:

where C P ≡ C P1 ∧ C P2 with
C P1 ≡∀t < ∞, ∀z ∈ {man, auto} : [(bs?z)@n p ] at t →
[!⟨z⟩b @n p ] at t,
where IB ≡ ∀t < time, ∀z ∈ {man, auto} :
C P2 ≡∀t ∈ [1, ∞) :
[(bs?z)@n p ]at t → [!⟨z⟩b @n p ] at t,
([!⟨loc1 ⟩g @n p ] at t → ¬[!⟨loc4 ⟩g @n p ] in [t − 1, t))∧
pB1 ≡ IB ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [(bs?Γ p (bs))@n p ] at time, ([!⟨loc4 ⟩g @n p ] at t → ¬[!⟨loc1 ⟩g @n p ] in [t − 1, t)).
pB2 ≡ IB ∧ time < ∞.
Phone forwards the commands about setting the mode of
6.3 The proof of LCtrl the boiler in time. Only when the Phone moves to loc1 or loc4,
LCtrl queries the location of the Phone in time, and it it can turn on the lights of the corresponding location. Hence,
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 13

if the Phone sends its location as loc1 via channel g, then it than or equal to θ .
cannot provide its location as loc4 within one time unit and
C BM1 ≡∀t < ∞, ∀te ∈ R, ∀x ∈ {man, auto} :
vice versa.
([?(x)b @nb ] at t ∧ x = man)∨
6.5 The proof of CLMng ([(temp?te)@nb ] at t ∧ te < θ) →
Phone sends its location to CLMng via the broadcast channel [(bolier!on)@nb ] in [t, t + 1),
g timely. When Phone is at loc1 or loc4, CLMng immediately
C BM2 ≡∀t < ∞, ∀te ∈ R : [(temp?te)@nb ] at t∧
orders the corresponding light manager process to switch on
te ⩾ θ → [(bolier!o f f )@nb ] in [t, t + 1),
the light of the current location of Phone.
C BM ≡C BM1 ∧ C BM2 .
CC ≡∀t < ∞ : ([?(loc1 )g @nc ] at t → [!⟨on⟩c1 @nc ] at t)∨
The proof outline of BMng is given as follows with the
([?(loc4 )g @nc ] at t → [!⟨on⟩c2 @nc ] at t) corresponding rule:
The proof outline of CLMng is shown below with the
corresponding rule:

To describe this proof more clearly, we split it into the Maual : While x = man do ?(x)b ; [x = man] σ,skip end
following formulas: T empCt : temp?te; [te < θ](boiler!on; σ),boiler!o f f ; σ
Similarly, this proof outline is split into the following

where IC ≡ ∀t < time : ([?(loc1 )g @nc ] at t →

[!⟨on⟩c1 @nc ] at t)∨
([?(loc4 )g @nc ] at t → [!⟨on⟩c2 @nc ] at t), where IBM1 ≡ ∀t < time, ∀te ∈ R, ∀x ∈ {man, auto} :
pC1 ≡IC ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(l1 (time))g @nc ] at time,
pC2 ≡IC ∧ time < ∞, ([?(x)b @nb ] at t ∧ x = man)∨
qC1 ≡IC ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(loc1 )g @nc ] at time∧ ([(temp?te)@nb ] at t ∧ te < θ) →
[!⟨on⟩c1 @nc ] at time, [(bolier!on)@nb ] in [t, t + 1),
qC2 ≡IC ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(loc4 )g @nc ] at time∧ IBM2 ≡∀t < time, ∀te ∈ R : [(temp?te)@nb ]at t∧
[!⟨on⟩c2 @nc ] at time, te ⩾ θ → [(bolier!o f f )@nb ] in [t, t + 1),
(IC ∧time < ∞) ∨ qC1 ∨ qC2 ∨ pC2 → IC ∧ time < ∞. IBM ≡IBM1 ∧ IBM2 ,
The value of time in each assertion may be different. pBM1 ≡IBM ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(Γ p (bs))b @nb ] at time,
Therefore, pC1 ∨ pC2 , pC2 . Here, pC1 denotes that this pBM2 ≡IBM ∧ time < ∞,
process successfully receives the value via g within one time
pBM3 ≡IBM ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(Γ p (bs))b @nb ] at time∧
unit after the starting time. pC2 represents the failure situation.
Γ p (bs) = man ∧ [(bolier!on)@nb ] at time.
6.6 The proof of BMng
BMng controls the boiler. If the boiler is in manual mode, or 6.7 The combination of Home
the temperature sensed by sensor temp is less than a given We combine all components of Home using parallel
threshold θ , BMng switches on the boiler within one time unit. composition rule. The first two conditions are both satisfied.
Otherwise, BMng switches off the boiler within one time unit Then we check whether they cooperate. We only check the
once it is in automatic mode, and the temperature is greater cooperation of one communication happening in the broadcast
14 Front. Comput. Sci., 2024, 18(2): 182401

channel c1. Others are similar. We extract the following knowledge, the IoT-calculus is the first calculus to capture
formulas from isolated proofs, representing the broadcast some fundamental features of IoT systems, such as the partial
input action and the broadcast output action happening within topology of communications and the interaction between
one time unit after their starting time, respectively. sensors, actuators, and computing processes, to serve end
users [10]. Then, Bodei et al. have presented a secure untimed
{pre1 }nc [∅ ▷◁!⟨on⟩c1 ; skip]loc
{post1 },
3 process calculus called IoT-LYSA, which employs static
{pre2 }n1 [ΓL1 ▷◁ ⌊?(x1 )c1 ; skip⌋skip]loc
{post2 } analysis to track the sources and paths of IoT data, and detect
where how they affect the behavior of smart objects [11]. In addition,
Lanotte et al. proposed a process calculus named CaIT. with a
pre1 ≡{IC ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(l1 (time))g @nc ] at time∧ discrete notion of time, to explore the semantic theory of IoT
l1 (time) = loc1 }, systems [12].
post1 ≡{IC ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(loc1 )g @nc ] at time∧ Now, we briefly discuss these three calculi and give our
[!⟨on⟩c1 @nc ] at time}, extensions to CaIT. IoT-LYSA does not consider the impact
pre2 ≡{ILM1 ∧ time < ∞}, and of node mobility on the communication capabilities of nodes.
post2 ≡{ILM1 ∧ time < ∞ ∧ [?(on)c1 @n1 ] at time}. Furthermore, neither IoT-calculus nor IoT-LYSA supports the
description of timed behaviors. Conversely, CaIT can describe
If pre1 [t1 /time] ∧ pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition2 is invalid, they
timed behaviors with desired time, consistency, and fairness.
are cooperative. Otherwise, the new assertion p can be implied
To facilitate modeling, we add new operations to CaIT for
from pre1 [t1 /time] ∧ pre2 [t2 /time] ∧ Condition2 ∧ time = t1.
modeling node mobility and interactions with the physical
Applying broadcast communication rule with precondition
environment, while the original CaIT simply provides
p, we can obtain the postcondition {IC ∧ ILM1 ∧ time <
operational rules for them. Additionally, CaIT only supports
∞ ∧ [?(loc1 )g @nc ] at time ∧ [!⟨on⟩c1 @nc ] at time ∧ [?(on)c1 @
point-to-point communication, not the more common
n1 ] at time} which is equal to post1 ∧post2. Other
broadcast communication. Hence, we enrich CaIT with (local)
communications can be verified similarly. The results show
broadcast primitives.
that these isolated proofs of all components of Home are both
Broadcast. A series of process calculi have been proposed to
cooperative, denoting messages are transmitted correctly.
explore the broadcast communication. The Calculus of
Therefore, we have
Broadcasting Systems (CBS ) [18] is the first calculus taking
broadcast as communication primitives, which allows all
nodes to receive broadcast messages simultaneously. Instead,
its direct successor CBS # [19] studies local broadcast, which
only permits adjacency nodes to receive the broadcast
messages directly. Adjacency information is recorded in
connectivity graphs, so communication topology and process
actions can be separated. Mero has established an
observational theory for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks called
CMN [20], where an ad network is described as a set of nodes
where C Home ≡ ∃t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 · C LM1 [t1 /time]∧ running in parallel, and one node is a located process that
C LM2 [t2 /time] ∧ C BM [t3 /time] ∧ CC [t4 /time] allows messages to be broadcast within a specific transmission
∧ time = max(t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ). radius.
Hoare logic. Supported by Hoare Logic [13,21], we build a
6.8 The combination of smarthome proof system for CaIT calculus to verify the correctness of IoT
With parallel composition rule, we can combine Phone and systems. Hoare Logic has been widely applied in various
Home similarly. fields, such as reasoning about actions with loop [22],
analyzing linear systems [23], exploring BPEL-like programs
[24] and modeling dynamic networks [25]. To further explore
distributed real-time systems, Hooman et al. extended the
classical Hoare Logic by introducing the notion of time into
Hoare triples [15], which can be used to specify the
The details of C pro have been given at the beginning of terminating and nonterminating computations. However, using
Section 6. extended Hoare logic alone cannot verify whether
synchronization information is delivered correctly. In [26], the
7 Related work notion of cooperation is first proposed to validate the
In this paper, we introduce the broadcast communication into postassertions of communication actions of isolated proofs but
CaIT and present a proof system for this calculus based on the only concentrates on point-to-point communication. On the
extended Hoare Logic with time. contrary, our proof system considers the timing of observable
Calculi. Currently, few process calculi are focusing on actions as well as the cooperation between broadcast
modeling and verifying IoT systems. To the best of our communication actions.
Ningning CHEN et al. A proof system of the CaIT calculus 15

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