Refutation Final

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Good morning, ladies, and gentlemen.

Today, I want to address Saudi Arabia's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia has publicly supported Palestinian rights and advocated for a two-state
solution, with East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. However, recent
diplomatic normalization with Israel raises doubts about the sincerity of Saudi Arabia's
commitment to meaningful peace in the region. Therefore, I refute this stance because it
fails to address the underlying issues of Israeli occupation and settlement expansion, and it
compromises the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

The Saudi engagement in the Arab Peace Initiative, although initially promising, has not
translated into tangible progress towards ending the occupation or securing Palestinian
sovereignty. The normalization of relations with Israel without concrete concessions on
settlements undermines the Saudi position on the conflict as it risks further perpetuation of
the status-quo.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia's strategic alignment with the United States has led to compromises
that prioritize geopolitical interests over Palestinian rights. This alignment hinders the
Kingdom's ability to advocate effectively for a just resolution to the conflict, sustaining a
narrative that favors Israeli expansion over the Palestinian right to sovereignty.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia should promote genuine peace efforts that uphold the rights and
aspirations of the Palestinian people. The normalization of relations with Israel must be
contingent upon concrete Israeli actions towards ending the occupation. It is time for Saudi
Arabia to take a principled stand that truly supports the Palestinian cause and advances a
fair and lasting resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Thank you.

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