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Question Paper - I (Part-A)  Ancient Indian History

Test – 1 (Unit-1)
Marks: 150 Time: 1.30 hour
Question-1 Write the answers to the following questions in about 10 words/one line ? (Marks: 15x3=45)

(1.1) Manda?
Answer :-
 Harappan site
 Location – At the foothills of Pirpanjal mountain
 River Bank – Chenab
 Relics – Pottery, Terracotta
(1.2) Ratnin?
Answer :-
 In the Rigvedic period, the official was called "Ratnin".
 Major Ratnin – Purap, Sparsh, Ugra etc.
(1.3) Vajpayee Yagya?
Answer :-
 Yagya related to food and drink
 chariot race organized by the king
 Making the king victorious by the allies.
(1.4) Rangojeevi?
Answer :-
 In the Maurya period, male artists were called Rangopajeevi.
(1.5) Aprihatchakra?
Answer :-
 It is a title.
 Holder – Shatkarni I.
(1.6) Bharoch?
Answer :-
 Major port of Satavahana era
 Location – Gujarat
(1.7) Areas of Western Kshatrapa?
Answer :-
 The Satavahana satraps were a branch of the Shakas.
 Region – Nashik and Ujjain
 Lineage – Kshaharat and Kardamak
(1.8) Udrang?
Answer :-
 Land tax is called "Udrang" in the Gupta period.
(1.9) Prasbhodharan?
Answer :-
 This is a war policy.
 It was adopted by Samudragupta to defeat the 9 kingdoms of Aryavarta.
(1.10) Later Secret?
 Post-gupta dynasty
 Area – Magadh

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 Ruler – Mahasen Gupta

(1.11) Case style?

Answer: -
 Pallava architectural style
 Development - during the time of Narasimhavarman I
 Eg. - Temples of Mahabalipuram
(1.12) In which inscription is the mention of Bharatvarsha found?
Answer: -
 In the Hathigumpha inscription
(1.13) Gunadya
Answer: -
 Court scholar of Shatkarni I.
 Composition - Brihatkatha
(1.14) Four Noble Truths?
 Dukkha
 Dukhha samudaya
 Dukkha nirodh
 Dukkha nirodh gamini pratipada

(1.15) Dharampal
Answer: -
 Pala dynasty ruler
 Spread Buddhism.
 Constructed - Vikramshila University

Question-2 Answer the following questions in about 50 words/5 or 6 lines? (Marks: 10x5=50)
(2.1) Describe the characteristics of the Rigvedic period?
Answer :- Rigvedic period is considered from 1500 BC to 1000 BC, and its complete information is obtained
from Rigveda.
1. Unlike the Indus civilization, the Rigvedic civilization was basically rural.
2. The early life of the Aryans was mainly pastoral.
3. The most sacred river of the Rigvedic period was the Indus.
4. Rigvedic society was divided into four varnas (karma based)
5. Administrative unit of Aryans – Kul, Grama, Vish, Jana , Rashtra.
6. The Rigvedic people believed in monotheism.
7. The condition of women was advanced in the Rigvedic period.
8. Aryan's favorite animal-horse and most favorite god - Indra.
9. In the Rigvedic period, there was a practice of joint family.
(2.2) What was the political system of the Harappan civilization?
Answer :- Looking at the prevalence and development of Harappan culture, it seems that this civilization was
governed by central power.
1. The Harappans were more attracted towards commerce, probably the rule of the Harappan
civilization was in the hands of the merchant class.
2. According to Wheeler – the rule of the people of Sindh state was called middle class
democratic rule.
3. According to Stuart Piggott – the priestly class had influence on the governance of Sindh

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4. According to Hunter – the rule of Mohenjodaro was republican rather than monarchical.
5. According to McKay – the rule of Mohenjodaro was in the hands of a representative ruler.
(2.3) Discuss the reasons for the rise of Magadha?
Answer :- One of the sixteen Mahajanapadas, Magadha emerged as an empire with the rule of the Haryanka
Reasons for the rise of Magadha –
1. Bimbisara, Ajatashatru and Mahapadmananda in Magadha continuously strengthened its
2. The presence of iron deposits near Magadha, due to which the Magadha rulers could prepare
effective weapons.
3. Both the capitals of Magadha – Rajgir and Pataliputra were at important strategic locations.
4. Rajgir being surrounded by hills was inaccessible, whereas Pataliputra was approachable in all
directions due to its central position.
5. Being a fertile plain of Ganga, due to which there was availability of surplus grains along with
6. Magadha's trade-commerce increased due to the rise of cities and circulation of coins.
(2.4) Briefly discuss the 'tax system' of the Maurya period?
Answer :- For the first time in the Mauryan period the outline of the revenue system was prepared, its
mention is found in Kautilya's Arthashastra.
Revenue system
Source of Income

Major taxes Rate of Interest

1. Source of income: -
- The main source of income was land tax.
- It used to be 1/6th of the produce.
- land tax – bridge tax and forest tax
2. Rate of interest :-
- According to Arthashastra the rate of interest was 15%.
-On making coins themselves, people used to pay the interest to the state in the form of
'Rupika' and supervision.
3. Major Taxes :-
I. Sita - income from state land
II. Bhag - received from the material produced by the farmers
III. Entry Tax (20%)
4. Pranay - emergency tax
5. Nishkramy - export tax
6. Bali – a kind of land revenue
7. Hiranya – tax to be collected in cash
8. Vishti – free and forced labor
9. Rashtr – merchant tax, boat tax, road tax etc.
10. On Sea Import – 260% tax
11. Irrigation tax – 1/5 to 1/3 of the yield
(2.5) According to historian Hariprasad Shastri, tell the reasons for the decline of Maurya?
Answer :- In the absence of clear evidence for the decline of the Mauryan Empire, scholars presented
different reasons.
According to historian Hariprasad Shastri: -

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 Ashoka adopted the policy of peace, non-violence and religion victory in place of empire
 The policy of decentralization started increasing.
 The treasury became empty due to Ashoka's charity.
 Due to being engaged in religious propaganda, the government became weak.
 The empire became a victim of Brahmin reaction.
 Deterioration of military skills due to the religious policy of Ashoka.
According to Hemchandrarai Chowdhary: - due to adopting non-violent and peaceful policy
According to Pro. Romila Thapar: -
- Weak successor
- Absence of central authority
- Tyranny of provincial rulers
- Excess of taxes
(2.6) Discuss the works of Pushyamitra Sunga?
Answer :- Shunga dynasty was founded in 184 BC by 'Maurya Senapati' Pushyamitra Shunga by killing
Maurya ruler Brihadratha.
Works of Pushyamitra Sunga: -
1. Pushyamitra Sunga made Vidisha his capital.
2. Defeated the Indo-Greek ruler Minander.
3. Pushyamitra Shung performed the Ashwamedha Yagya twice.
4. Pushyamitra Shung got the Bharhut Stupa rebuilt.
5. Revived Hinduism.
6. Pushyamitra Shung had destroyed 84 thousand stupas of Ashoka.
7. In Harshacharit, Pushyamitra was described as 'Anarya'.
8. Pushyamitra Shung was a staunch Brahminist.
(2.7) Describe the administrative system of the Satavahana dynasty?
Answer :- Satavahana dynasty was founded by Simuk. Information about the Satavahana dynasty comes from
Matsya-Purana and Vayu Purana.
Administrative set up
1. The administrative system was similar to that of the Ashoka period.
2. The district was called Ahar.
3. The officials were called Amatya or Mahamatya.
4. Feudal symptoms are felt in this period.
5. The official language of the Satavahanas was Prakrit and the script was Brahmi.
6. In rural areas the administration was called Goulmik.
7. Started the practice of giving tax-free village donations to Brahmins and Buddhist monks in the
(2.8) Write a short essay on 'Rudradaman'?
Answer :-
1. The most famous king of Shakas in India.
2. Reign - 130-150 AD
3. Kingdom – Sindh , Konkan, Narmada Valley, large part of Gujarat
4. He got Sudarshan Lake reconstructed.
5. Rudradaman was the biggest lover of Sanskrit.
6. Rudradaman introduced a coin named 'Rudradamak'.
7. Defeated his contemporary Shatkarni king twice.
8. His Junagarh inscription written in Sanskrit language.
(2.9) Explain the post-Mauryan trade system?
Answer :- Economically the bright side of this period is – Development and progress of commercial business.

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1. Establishment of a close trade union of India with Central Asia and the Western world during this
2. Gold coins were regularly circulated in the field of trade and commerce in Kushan period India.
3. At this time trade was mainly done on the coastal ports of the Arabian Sea.
4. From the first century, trade started mainly through the sea route.
5. Bharuch was the most important and progressive port of the post-Mauryan period.
6. Items exported to Egypt - ivory, shells, indigo and precious wood pearls etc.
7. The Kushanas had authority over the 'Silk Route' connecting China to the Romans.
(2.10) How was the Gupta agricultural system , write?
Answer :- The reign of the Gupta kings is considered to be a period of economic prosperity and prosperity.

Economic condition :-


• Agriculture
1. Information about three crops is found in the Brihadsamhita.
2. Agriculture was mostly dependent on rain.
3. According to Itsing, rice and barley were the main crops.
4. Kalidas mentioned the cultivation of paddy.
5. The Gautam Smratikars described the king as the ruler of the land.
6. Mention of 12 types of land in Amarkosh.
7. Kshetra – land suitable for farming.
8. Vastu – habitable land
9. Khil – The land which was not plowed.
10. Aprahat — uncultivated wild land.
11. Land suitable for pasture animals.
12. Evidence of irrigation – Junagadh inscription.
13. Use of rahat and bell for irrigation.
Question-3 Write the answer of the following questions in about 200 words? (Marks: 5 x11= 55 )

(3.1) Describe in detail the major sites of the Indus Valley ?

Answer :- The cities of the Indus Valley which have been excavated have been divided into several sections.
Main site

Central city

Coastal city and ports Other cities and towns

1. Central City :-
Harappa Mohenjodaro and Dholavira
2. Coastal city: -
Lothal, Surkotada, Sutkangedor
3. Other cities and towns
Manda, Mundigak
Ropar, Alamgirpur

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Major sites
1. Harappa
 Location – in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
 River - on the banks of the Ravi river
 Excavation – in 1921 by Dayaram Sahni
 Relics - Two Mounds (City mound + Western mound)
The plant that emerged from the womb of a woman (Urvara Devi).
remains of both wheat and barley
2. Mohenjodaro :-
• Meaning – Mound of the Dead
• Receipt - Larkana district of Sindh
• River - Indus river bank
• Excavation - Rakhaldas Banerjee (1922)
• Relics – large bathroom and granery
bronze dancer statue
Pashupati Shiva idol
3. Chanhudaro :-
I. Location – Sindh Province
II. River - Indus river bank
III. Excavation - M.G. Majumdar (1931)
IV. Relics - Relics of Jhukar-Jhakar culture
pearl oysters, ossification centers
Curved bricks, ornate elephants.
4. Lothal :-
 Location – Ahmedabad District (Gujarat)
 River - on the banks of the Bhogwa river
 Excavation - Dr S R Rao (1955–63)
 Relics – Port, seal of Persia
three couple tombs
Evidence of paddy and millet
5. Kalibanga :-
 Location – Ganganagar District (Rajasthan)
 River - Ghaggar River
 Excavation - A Ghosh (1953)
 Relics – plowed field evidence
Cylindrical Seals, Granary
6. Banawali :-
 Location - Hisar District (Haryana)
 River – Ancient Saraswati River
 Excavation – R S Bisht (1973)
 Relics – terracotta seals
Remains of roads and drains
figurines of humans and animals
7. Surkotada :-
 Located - Kutch District (Gujarat)
 Excavation – Jagapati Joshi (1964)
 Remains – Horse Bones
special burial ground

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8. Rangpur :-
 Location – Ahmedabad District (Gujarat)
 River - Sukabhadar River
 Excavation - A Ranganatha Rao (1954)
 Remains – heap of paddy husk
adobe fort

At present, the system of growing urbanization should learn its management from the ancient
Harappan city planning system.

Highlighting the achievements of Kanishka, describe them in detail ?
Answer :- Kanishka was the most glorious ruler of the Kushan dynasty, he sat on the throne in 78 AD.
Achievements of Kanishka :-
Great conqueror
Literary Progress Kanishka's Coins

Skilled Administrator Kanishka and Buddhism

Art and Architecture Vast Empire

1. Victory campaign: -
 Conquest of Eastern India – Conquered Pataliputra
 Conquest of North-West – Sourced from Sui Vihar inscription
 Conquest of Kashmir – Sourced from Rajatarangini
 Chinese Conquest of Turkestan – Sourced from Khotan Manuscript
 Conquest of South India – Sourced from Sanchi inscription
2. Vast Empire: -
 From Kashmir in the north to the Vindhya Mountains in the south
 Afghanistan in the west – Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
3. Capitals: -
 made two separate capitals
 First capital – Peshawar
 Second capital – Mathura
4. Skilled Administrator :-
 He was the autocratic ruler of his vast empire.
 Empire divided into many satrapies
 Military officers – Dandanayaka and Mahadandanayaka
 Kanishka's rule was based on military power
5. Literary progress :-
 Kanishka was a generous patron of learning.
 Writer – Ashvaghosh – Buddha Charit
 Rajvaidya Charaka – Charaka Samhita
 Vasumitra – Mahavibhasha Sutra
 Nagarjuna – Madhyamika Sutras
6. Development of art :-
 Kanishka was a great builder.

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 Kanishka built a stupa 400 feet high at Purushpur.

 Dharmarajika Stupa of Takshashila was enlarged
 Construction of Kanishkapur and Sirkap cities
 In sculpture – development of Gandhara and Mathura style
7. Kanishka and Buddhism: -
 Fourth Buddhist council organized – at Kundalvan
 Kanishka was a follower of the Mahayana branch of Buddhism
 Stupa and Bihar were built in Peshawar

Kanishka expanded the Kushan Empire and established a glorious state with his skillful
leadership ability.

(3.2) Write in detail the reasons for the decline of Buddhism ?

Answer :- The faster the rise of Buddhism, the faster it declined.
Reasons for the downfall: -
End of state patronage
Corruption in the Buddhist Sangha Attack of muslims

Internal dissension Collapse Establishment of divinity

Rise of Hinduism Rise of Rajputs

Entrance of pretenders
1. End of state patronage :-
• Getting the state patronage to brahmin religion
• Promotion of Hinduism by kings after Kushan
• Buddhism was deprived of royal patronage

2. Internal differences: -
• Unity in Buddhism ended after the death of Mahatma Buddha
• Buddhism divided into several branches (Hinayana + Mahayana)
• Mutual jealousy grew
3. Competition with other religions: -
• Jainism, Shaivism , Vaishnavism , competition with religions
• Ideals of jainism being higher than buddhism
4. Attack of Muslims :-
• Buddhist monasteries were full of wealth
• Looting of Buddhist monasteries by Muslims
• Anti idolatry of muslims
• Buddhists lacked military power
5. Establishment of divinity :-
• Establishment of divinity in buddhism
• Buddha statues being worshiped
• Become part of hinduism
6. The rise of Rajputs: -
• Rajputs opposed the principle of non-violence
• Promotion of militant Hinduism

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The ideals and ideas of Buddhism emphasized on tying the relevant society in the thread of unity
and bringing equality.

Explain the changes in the economic system of the post-Gupta period ?
Answer :- An important change took place in the Indian socio - economic system in the post-Gupta
era, this change is the rise of feudalism.

Economic condition: -
Farming system

Trade Industry

Currency Tax regime

1. Agriculture :-
• Agriculture was the mainstay of the Indian economy.
• Vahit — that which has been sown.
• Akrishta – uncultivated
• Usar - where the seed does not grow
• Krishta – land cultivated by different farmers
• Sakta – land owned by an agriculturist

2. Tax regime: -
• Bhag - Bhumikar
• Bhog - Fruits - flowers, wood as a gift to the king
• Hiranya – tax to be collected in cash
• Pratyay - octroi
• Udanga – levied on permanent farmers
3. Trade:-
• Trade declined in the post-Gupta period
• Bengal –Magadha for Muslin and betel and Kalinga for Paddy
• Malwa – for sugarcane, opium and clams
• Gujarat – famous for cotton cloth
• Port – Saptagram, Tamralipi, Deval, Bharoch
• Imported goods – gold, tin, copper, spices, coral
• Reasons for decline – thieves, dacoits, high taxes, feudal system
4. Industry :-
• Crafts and industries considered necessary for Shudras
• Textile industry was in excellent condition
• Harshacharita mentioned that clothes made of silk
• Dukal – cloth made from plant fibers
• Textile Center – Multan, Anhilwad and Kalinga
• Bronze idols received from Bengal and Chola
• The head of Shresthi was called Mahataka.

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5. Currency :-
• The use of coins declined in the early medieval period.
• Salary given in the form of land instead of money
• Trade done through barter system
• Most of the coins were made of copper and silver.
• 6 gold coins of Pal king Devpal was found

The feudal system can be seen well in the commercial and economic changes that came after the
Gupta period.

(3.3) “Mauryan art and culture is considered unique”, Explain ?

Answer :- Maurya rule is also known for its efficient administration as well as advanced and beautiful art and
Art and Culture :-
Language and Script

Sculpture Literary development

Cave architecture Beauty palace

Stupa construction Pillar inscription

1. Language and script: -

• Most of the Ashoka pillar inscriptions are in Pali language.
• The development of this language from inscriptions in Prakrit language
• Development of Brahmi, Kharosthi, Greek etc. script
2. Beauty Palace: -
• building wooden castles
• Chandragupta's palace inspired by Achaemenid palaces in Iran
• Ex.- Ashoka's palace in Pataliputra, Kumrahar
• Chandragupta Maurya's Palace
3. Pillar :-
• Construction of pillar and inscription on the occasion of victory
• Pillars were generally made of sandstone
• Top part of column – frontal
• Eg. Lauria Nandangarh Pillar in Champaran
• Rampurwa Pillar Inscription – Champaran
4. Stupa construction: -
• 84 thousand stupas were built during the reign of Ashoka.
• Each stupa had a circumambulation path
• eg. – Sanchi Stupa, Piprahwa Stupa, Bharhut Stupa
5. Cave Architecture: -
• Rock cut caves
• Usage – as Vihar
• eg. Barabar Caves Nagarjuni Caves
6. Sculpture :-
• Stone and clay sculpture
• Idol making method – Chikwa method
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• eg. Statue of Yaksha, Digambar statue, Elephant and Yakshini statue of Dholi
7. Literary art :-
• Kautilya's Arthashastra, Ashtadhyayi
• Commentaries on Jain Texts – Bhadrabahu
• Creation of Kathavastu text

The art of the Maurya period has presented a description of skilled workmanship in the
contemporary society in the field of architecture and culture.

Ashoka is known as the first patron of Buddhism .
Answer :- According to the Sinhalese legend Deepavansh and Mahavansh, Ashoka was initiated into Buddhism
by a monk named Nigrodha in the fourth year of his reign.
Efforts for the promotion of Buddhism: -
Ashoka's Dhamma Policy
Inscription Dhamma Yatra

Buddhist council Effort Renunciation of violence

Stupas formation Building caves

Appointment of Dhamma Mahapatras

1. Dhamma policy: -
• Teaching – from moral and social principles
• More influence of Buddhism on these principles
2. Dhamma Yatras :-
• Ashoka's went Bodhgaya in the 10th year of his coronation
• Trip to Nepal and doubled the Manubuddha Stupa
• Visited Lumbini, Birth Place of Buddha
3. Buddhist Council :-
• Third Buddhist Council held in 250 BC during Ashoka's reign
• Location – Patliputra
4. Construction of stupas: -
• Ashoka built 84 thousand stupas
• eg. Sanchi Stupa , Bharhut Stupa
5. Inscription :-
• Creation of 14 inscriptions and 7 pillar articles
• Mention of the birth of Buddha in the Rummindei inscription
6. Renunciation of violence: -
• Buddhist doctrine – the pursuit of non-violence
• Dhammaghosh was adopted in place of Bherighosh
• Change of heart after the Kalinga war
7. Publicity by ambassadors :-
• Ashoka sent 5 messengers to the Greek kingdoms.
• Son - Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra were sent to Sri Lanka.
8. Appointment of Dhamma Mahapatras: -

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Described in the fifth inscription of Ashoka

Appointment of Mahapatras for the promotion of Buddhism and did preaching among the

people in every fifth year
9. Construction of caves :-
• Resting place for Buddhist monks
• Rock cut construction
• eg. Barabar Caves

Ashoka, adopting his peace-loving policy and Buddhist ideals, tried to make it a world religion as its
protector and disseminator.

(3.4) Explain the Gupta social system ?

Answer :- Gupta society was traditionally divided into four varnas.
Social life:-
varna system marriage system

Women condition food and drink

Slavery Lifestyle

1. Varna system :-
• Four Varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras
• Brahmins had the highest position
• Shudras also started adopting military instincts.
• The basis of varnas was birth, not virtue and karma.
• The economic condition of the Shudras improved
• In the Narasimha Purana, agriculture was described as the duty of a Shudra.
• Vaishyas were called Vanik Shresthi and Sarthavaha.
2. Slavery: -
• Narad mentioned 15 types of slaves
• Kautilya mentions 9 types of slaves
• The condition of the slaves was worse than before
• Narad prescribed the ritual of slave liberation
• Manusmriti describes the property rights of slaves
3. Women condition: -
• Lack of dowry system, purdah system, child marriage in the society
• Girl education was prevalent
• Upadhyay Acharya title was given to teachers, according to Amarkosh
• Mention of Sati practice in Eran inscription
• Yajnavalkya Smriti – Women's right in husband's property
• Mention of Devadasi system in Meghdootam
4. Marriage customs: -
• Support of widow remarriage given in Parashar smriti
• Prevalence of Anuloma and Pratiloma marriage


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The liberal thinking of the Gupta kings emphasized on making the immediate society an advanced
Chola administration was considered an advanced administration of its time, explain in detail ?
Answer :- The immediate Chola rule was based on an advanced and efficient leadership system.

Chola Administration: -
Revenue system Central administration
Departmental officer
Military Order Province – Mandalam
District – Valnadu
Local government Kurram

1. Central Government: -
• monarchical form of government
• Most important person – King
• Titles – Triloka Chakravartigal, Emperor
• Practice of succession on the basis of seniority
2. Departmental Officer :-
• There was a separate class of government officials
• Upper level – Perundanam and lower level – Shirudanam
• Udankuttam – High official of the state
• Olaynayakam – Principal Secretary
3. Revenue system: -
• Main source of income – land tax
• land revenue of agricultural produce
• Aayam – Revenue Tax
• Kadmai – tax on arecanut plantation
• the measure of grain was a kalam
• Veli was the unit of land measurement.
4. Military system: -
• Parts of the Chola army – soldiers, elephant army, Cavalry
• People of all varnas were included in the Chola army.
• Nayak - Commander in Chief
• Mahadandanayaka – Commander in Chief
• The king was the head of the military organization.

5. Local Self-Government:-
• Source – Uttameru Records
• Village and town councils unit of regular government
• Nadu administrative assemblies composed of representatives
• Variam – Local Governance System
• Gram Sabhas – Ur, Sabha, Nagaram
• Ur and sabha was composed of adult members
• Nagaram – Administrative assembly of the merchant community
• Gram Sabha – It used to collect land tax, temple construction, management of income and

Conclusion :-

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Chola's administration especially the local administration works as the base pillar for the present
day Panchayati Raj.

(3.5) How was Harshvardhan's administration, discuss ?

Answer :- Harsha ran the rule of his empire in the best way. Information about Harsha's administration is
systematically found in "Harshacharita".
Harsha's administration: -
Military system Central government

Council of Ministers
Revenue system Provincial government

Justice system local government

1. Central Government: -
• supreme authority the emperor himself
• Harsha was autocratic but a benevolent ruler
• Appointment of qualified officers to run the government
• supreme commander of the army
• govern with the help of council of ministers
2. Council of Ministers :-
• Mahasamanta – Harsha's subordinate ruler
• Amatya – Minister of the Council of Ministers
• Avanti – Officer of war and peace
• Singhanad – Commander
• Kuntal – Chief of the horse army
• Samant – Head of Civil Administration
3. Provincial Administration :-
• Empire divided into provinces
• Provinces were called Bhukti
• Ruler – Bhojapati, Uparik, Maharaja
• division of provinces into vishay
• Head of vishay - Vishaypati
• Officers like Nagari, Shresthi, Sarthwah
4. Local Government :-
• Rural government and urban government
• City Government Officer - Dagik
• Gram – the smallest unit of governance
• Grama Kshapatlik, head of village administration
5. Military system: -
• standing army
• Parts of the army – horse, elephant and foot
• Hiuen Tsang claimed about 6 lakh soldiers in the army
6. Judicial system :-
• King - supreme judge
• Harshvarshan gave harsh punishment
• justice was fair

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7. Revenue system: -
• source of revenue land tax
• State tax 1/6 of the land produce
• Tax – Octroi, Fine, Ghat – Service etc.

Harsh had done the work of giving permanent form to his empire and making people's allies through his


Introducing the greatness of Chandragupta Maurya , present evidence in relation to it ?

Answer :- Chandragupta Maurya is considered the founder of the Maurya dynasty, who founded this dynasty
in 323 BC.
Achievements of Chandragupta :-
Great conqueror

Benevolent ruler Vast empire

Efficient leader Efficient administration

Huge army

1. Great Winner :-
• Punjab Conquest – Greek forces defeated
• Magadha Conquest – Defeated Ghanananda in 322 BC
• Victory over Seleucus – in 305 BC
• South India conquest – Saurashtra, Malwa , Kathiawar
2. Vast Empire: -
• Iran in the northwest
• Bengal in east
• Kashmir in north
• North Karnataka (Mysore) in the South
• According to Plutarch – Chandragupta trampled the entire land of India and took
it under his control.
3. Skilled Administrator :-
• All power concentrated in the hands of the emperor
• President of Justice, Legislation and Military
• Formation of Council of Ministers for advice and assistance
4. Huge army :-
• According to Pliny – 6 lakh foot soldiers
• 30 thousand horsemen, 9 thousand elephants
• There were 8 thousand chariots.

5. Welfare ruler: -
• well wisher of all mankind
• Construction of Sudarshan Lake in Saurashtra
• Construction of huge highways for travel

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6. Religion of Chandragupta Maurya: -

• In the beginning there was a Brahmin religious ruler
• learned Jainism from Bhadrabahu
• He was a secular, liberal and tolerant ruler.
• In the end, he gave up his life by writing.
Chandragupta Maurya built a vast empire under his visionary thinking and leadership.

Chandragupta Maurya brought the Mauryan Empire to its climax on Magadha by protecting his
empire from rebel attacks with his skill.

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