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Discrete Flexible Links

A discrete flexible link consists of two or more rigid bodies connected by beam force elements. You
indicate the following and Adams/View creates the appropriate parts, geometry, forces, and constraints
at the endpoints:
• Endpoints of the link
• Number of parts and the material type
• Properties of the beam
• Types of endpoint attachments (flexible, rigid, or free)

The following figure shows a flexible link composed of rigid bodies whose cross-section geometry is

For more information on beam force elements, see Adding a Massless Beam. Also note the caution about
the asymmetry of beams explained in that section.
Learn more:
• Types of Flexible Link Geometry
• Positioning Flexible Links
• About Number of Beams Created
• Creating Flexible Links
• Modifying Flexible Links
2 Adams/View
Discrete Flexible Links

Types of Flexible Link Geometry

To make it convenient to create discrete flexible links, Adams/View provides a set of geometry you can
select for the cross-section of the link. If the pre-defined geometry does not meet your needs, you can
also define your own cross-section based on area and inertia properties that you enter. If you enter area
and inertia properties yourself, Adams/View creates short angular geometry to represent the link.
The pre-defined cross-section geometry that you can select includes:
• Solid rectangular
• Solid circular
• Hollow rectangular
• Hollow circular
• I-beam

Adams/View uses the cross-section geometry to calculate the following:

• Area and area moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) for the beams.
• Mass, mass moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz), and center-of-mass Markers for the rigid bodies.

Note that Adams/View does not directly use the geometry to account for stress on the beam. Therefore,
any stress values are based on the area and area moments.

Positioning Flexible Links

You use two or three Markers to define the locations and orientation of a discrete flexible link: Markers 1
and 2 (attachment markers) and an orientation marker, which is required for only certain types of cross-
section geometry. See a Picture for Orientation Marker.
As you can see from the examples, the attachment markers (Markers 1 and 2) define the total length of
the flexible link and the x (longitudinal) direction of the associated beam forces. Adams/View creates
new markers on top of Markers 1 and 2, as well as at the centers-of-mass of the geometry associated with
the discrete flexible link. For the resulting beams, the vector from Marker 1 to Marker 2 defines the x-
axis while the vector from Marker 1 to the orientation marker defines the xz-plane. The global axes are
not relevant to the orientation of the beam forces unless you erroneously specify three colinear markers.
The orientation marker works with the two attachment markers (Markers 1 and 2) to define a plane. The
x-axis of the beam markers will be aligned along the line formed between the attachment markers. The
beam markers will be oriented such that their z-axes are in the plane formed by the two attachment
markers and the orientation marker. If the orientation marker is colinear with the two attachment markers,
the plane formed by those three points is indeterminate. Adams/View will not attempt to adjust the
orientation marker by adding unit vectors until a noncolinear solution is found. The orientation marker
itself is not changed.
Discrete Flexible Links

About Number of Beams Created

The following table shows how the number of beams that get created for your flexible link depends on
the number of segments and the types of endpoint attachments.

Types of endpoint attachments: Number of beams created:

Free-Free Number of segments - 1
Rigid-Rigid Number of segments - 1
Free-Rigid or Rigid-Free Number of segments - 1
Flexible-Free or Free-Flexible Number of segments
Flexible-Rigid or Rigid-Flexible Number of segments
Flexible-Flexible Number of segments + 1

For links with axisymmetric cross-sections, such as solid and hollow circular sections, the orientation of
the cross section is not critical and so Adams/View does not require the use of an orientation marker.

Creating a Flexible Link

To create a flexible link:
1. From the Build menu, point to Flexible Bodies, and then select Discrete Flexible Link.
The Discrete Flexible Link dialog box appears.
2. Define the overall properties of the flexible link as explained in the table below.

To specify: Do the following:

Name for parts, In the Name text box, enter a text string of alphanumeric characters. Adams/View
constraints, prepends the text string you specify to the name of each object it creates. For
forces, and example, if you specify the string LINK, the first rigid body is LINK_1, the first
Markers marker is LINK_MARKER_1, and so on.
Type of material In the Material text box, enter the type of material to be used for the rigid bodies
and beam properties.

Tips on Entering Object Names in Text Boxes.

Learn about Setting Up Material Types.

Number of Enter the number of rigid bodies that you want in the link.
4 Adams/View
Discrete Flexible Links

To specify: Do the following:

Damping ratio In the Damping Ratio text box, enter the ratio of viscous damping to stiffness for
the beam forces.
Color In the Color text box, enter the color to be used for the geometry in the flexible link.

3. Define the length of the link and its flexibility at its ends as explained in the table below.

To specify: Do the following:

Ends of the link Enter the markers that define the endpoints of the link in the Marker 1 and
Marker 2 text boxes. Marker 1 defines the start of the link and Marker 2
defines the end of the link. Marker 1 and Marker 2 are also used to calculate
the orientation of the link. Learn more about Positioning Flexible Links.
Flexibility at the Select how to define the ends of the link from the Attachment pull-down menus.
ends of the link You can select the following for each end of the link:

• free - The end is unconnected.

• rigid - A fixed joint is created between the parent of Marker 1 and the
first part of the discrete flexible link or between the parent of Marker 2
and the last part of the discrete flexible link.
• flexible - The link has discrete flexibility all the way to the endpoint. To
create this flexibility, Adams/View creates an additional beam force
between the first or last segment of the link and the parent part of
Marker 1 or Marker 2. The length of the beam is one half of the segment

4. Select one of the following to define the geometry of the link or specify the area and area moments
of inertia of the flexible link, and then select OK.
• Solid Rectangle
• Solid Circle
• Hollow Rectangle
• Hollow Circle
• I-Beam
• Properties

Defining Link Cross Section

Solid Rectangle
In the following text boxes, enter:
Discrete Flexible Links

• Orient Marker - The marker that defines the orientation (z-axis) of link. For information on
setting the orientation of the geometry, see Positioning Flexible Links.
• Base - The width of the rectangle (dimension in local y direction).
• Height - The height of the rectangle (dimension in local z direction).

Solid Circle
• Diameter - Diameter of the circular cross-section.

Hollow Rectangle
• Orient Marker - The marker that defines the orientation (z-axis) of the link. See Positioning
Flexible Links on setting the orientation of the geometry.
• Base - The outer width of the rectangular shell.
• Height - The height of the outer rectangular shell.
• Thickness - Uniform width of the wall of the rectangular shell.
6 Adams/View
Discrete Flexible Links

Hollow Circle
• Diameter - Outer diameter of the circular shell.
• Thickness - Width of the wall of the circular shell.

• Orient Marker - The marker that defines the orientation of the link. See Positioning Flexible
Links for information on setting the orientation of the geometry.
• Base - Enter the width of the I-beam.
• Height - Enter the height of I-beam.
• Flange - Enter the width of the flange of the I-beam.
• Web - Enter the width of the web of the beam.

Enter values in the following text boxes to create your own custom-shaped cross-section:
• Orient Marker - The marker that defines the orientation (z-axis) of the link. For information on
setting the orientation of the link, see Positioning Flexible Links.
• X Section Area - Specify the uniform area of the beam cross section. The centroidal axis must
be orthogonal to this cross section.
• Link Mass - Enter the total mass of all the link segments combined.
• Link Segment Inertias - Specify the area moments of inertia for the link.
• Ixx - Enter the torsional constant, also referred to as torsional shape factor or torsional stiffness
coefficient. It is expressed as unit length to the fourth power. For a solid circular section, Ixx is
identical to the polar moment of inertia J = (r4/2). For thin-walled sections, open sections, and
noncircular sections, consult a handbook.
Discrete Flexible Links

• Iyy, Izz - Enter the area moments of inertia about the neutral axes of the beam-cross sectional
areas (y-y and z-z). These are sometimes referred to as the second moments of area about a given
axis. They are expressed as unit length to the fourth power. For a solid circular section, Iyy=Izz =
(r4/4). For thin-walled sections, open sections, and noncircular sections, consult a handbook.

Note: The example of an elliptical cross-section below is only one example of many cross-
sections that you can create using the Properties option.

Modifying Flexible Links

Once you create a discrete flexible link, you must modify each object separately, such as each beam and
Rigid body. Therefore, you might find it easier to delete the beam and create it again instead of modifying
each object individually.
If you find that link does not bend enough, investigate your cross-section and material properties and
possibly increase the number of segments in the link.
8 Adams/View
Point Masses

Point Masses
Point masses are points that have mass but no inertia properties or angular velocities. They are
computationally more efficient when rotational effects are not important.
For example, you could use point masses to represent the concentrated masses in a net. You could then
represent the ropes between the masses as forces or springs. The following figure shows a model of a net
with point masses.

To create or modify a point mass:

1. From the Build menu, point to Point Mass, and then select either New or Modify.
2. If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a point mass to modify.
The Create/Modify Point Mass dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain the same options.
3. If you are creating a point mass, enter a name for the point mass.
4. Set the mass of the point mass in the dialog box and adjust its location as desired. By default,
Adams/View places the point mass in the center of the main window with a mass of 1 in current
5. Select the Comments tool on the dialog box and enter any comments you want associated
with the point mass. Learn about Comments.
6. Select OK.
Creating Trace Spline

Creating Trace Spline

Traces follow the motion of a point or part (circle or cylinder) as it moves relative to a second part.
You can create two- or three-dimensional splines from traces. A trace that follows a point creates a three-
dimensional spline. The point can move in any direction relative to the part on which the trace was
A trace that follows a circle or cylinder creates a two-dimensional spline. Adams/View creates the curve
in the xy plane of the base marker (the marker on the part on which the trace was created). Adams/View
assumes the circle is parallel to the plane or the cylinder is perpendicular to the plane, and that the motion
is in this plane.
When you create the trace, Adams/View creates a base marker that is oriented properly with respect to
the circle or cylinder you selected. Therefore, the curve will be in the plane of the circle in its initial
position. You have to make sure that the motion is in the plane of the circle or you will get unexpected
results. Therefore, be sure to think of the circle trace as occurring in the plane of the circle. It can be any
plane, not necessarily the global xy plane.

Example of Creating Spline Geometry

For example, if you want to create a surface on a cam that makes a follower part move in a particular way
relative to each other, you can create the necessary surface geometry by following the movement of the
two parts with a trace that Adams/View turns into spline geometry.
You start creating the spline geometry by first making the follower and cam move the way you want them
to relative to each other. You place a motion on the cam joint that rotates the cam once per second. Next,
you place a motion on the follower joint that moves it up and down once each second.
10 Adams/View
Creating Trace Spline

After simulating the motion, you then request Adams/View to trace the motion of the follower circle
relative to the cam circle and create spline geometry based on that geometry. The following figure shows
the cam and follower geometry and the trace that Adams/View creates.

To create a spline from a trace:

1. Set up your model so that it creates the desired motion after which you want the spline to be
2. Run a simulation of your model as explained in Performing an Interactive Simulation.
3. Reset the simulation by selecting the Simulation Reset tool from either the Simulation
container on the Main toolbox or the Simulation palette. See Interactive Simulation Palette and
Container dialog box help.
4. From the Review menu, select Create Trace Spline.
5. Select a point, marker, circle, or cylinder with which to trace, and then select the part on which to
6. You can trace on ground or any other part. For a point trace, select anywhere on the point or part.
For a circle or cylinder, however, be careful where you select because where you select on the
circle and the part determines the resulting trace geometry. There are usually two possible traces,
one on each side of the circle or cylinder.
Creating Trace Spline

7. Replay the simulation to see the selected object follow the trace curve.

Tip: The following are some tips on creating splines from traces:

• When you trace an object, the point/circle should move in a smooth, even path or
the trace ends up looking like scribbles on the screen.
• If the path is closed, you should simulate for one cycle only.
• If the trace is uneven or complex, you can get a strange looking curve as a result.
As an alternative to the Create Trace Spline menu command, you can use the
Command Navigator to execute the command: geometry create curve
point_trace. It lets you create a polyline instead of a spline, which works better if
the trace is uneven or complex. In that case, the motion of the cam or slot is
transferred through the traced curve and gives the desired follower motion.

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