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Addition & Subtraction of Decimal Numbers

Whole Number

 A whole number is a set of nonnegative integers.

 Whole numbers are counting numbers including zero ( 0 ).
Decimal Numbers

 A decimal number is a number that consists of a whole number and a fractional part. The decimal
point separates the whole number from the fractional part.
Place Value & Value of a Decimal Number

Decimal Place Value Chart

Steps in Adding Decimal Numbers

1. Put the numbers in a vertical column, aligning the decimal points.
2. Add each column of digits, starting on the right and working on the left. If the
sum of a column more the ten, “carry” digits to the next column on the left.
3. Place the decimal point in the answer directly below the decimal points in
Steps in Subtracting Decimal Numbers
1. Put the number in a vertical column, aligning the decimal points.
2. Subtract each column, starting on the right and working on the left (same as the
Addition). If the digit being subtracted in a column is larger than the digit
above it, “borrow” a digit from the next column to the left.
3. Place the decimal point in the answer directly below the decimal points in the

Exercises (Addition):
Exercises (Subtraction):

Word Problems involving Adding & Subtracting of Decimal Numbers

Word Problem
Tim had P740 from his wallet and withdraw some more money from his bank account. He bought a pair
of trousers at P720.25 and two shirts at P440.50 each. After the shopping, he had P388.75 left.
How much money did Tim withdraw from the bank?
Working Equation :
(720.25 + 440.50 + 440.50 + 388.75) – 740 = N
Answer : Tim withdrew P1,250.00 from the bank.

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