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A Broad Overview of Machine Learning and


IE 506
Lecture 0

January 5 & 9, 2024.

P. Balamurugan A Broad Overview of Machine Learning and Applications

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1 Introduction

2 Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

3 Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Supervised Machine Learning
Classification Algorithms

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What is Machine Learning?

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Binary Classification
e-mail Spam Classification

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Multi-class Classification
Handwriting Recognition

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Multi-class Classification
Handwriting Recognition

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Multi-class Classification on Video Data

Action Recognition

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Multi-label Classification
Object Recognition

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Multi-task and Multi-label Classification

Object Recognition and Localization

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Multi-task and Multi-label Classification

Object Recognition and Localization

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications


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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Principal Component Analysis

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Natural Language Processing Applications

Part-of-Speech Tagging

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Natural Language Processing Applications

Parse Tree Prediction

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Natural Language Processing Applications

Machine Translation

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Computer Vision Applications

Image Segmentation

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Computer Vision Applications

Image Generation

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Machine Learning - Motivating Applications

Computational Biology
Protein Structure Prediction

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Supervised Learning
▶ Inputs and corresponding outputs are known during learning
▶ e.g. Regression, Classification (Binary, Multi-class, Multi-label)
Unsupervised Learning
▶ Input objects are generally not labeled
▶ e.g. Clustering, Principal-component Analysis
Semi-supervised Learning
▶ learning from a few labeled data
▶ e.g. customer reviews are available only for a few products in a seller’s

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Weakly supervised Learning

▶ labels for inputs are generally unspecific and sparse
▶ e.g. when precise localization of objects is to be done based on only
coarse labels.
Online learning
▶ typically used in context of a supervised learning setup
▶ the entire data set is not stored or available for training
▶ training of ML algorithm done using input, output pairs arriving in
sequential fashion
▶ model update happens in a purely incremental fashion
Reinforcement Learning
▶ learning to choose an action at a system’s state in the presence of an
environmental signal so that some objective is met
▶ e.g. learn to navigate in a crowded street

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Transfer Learning
▶ transferring a learned model from task T1 to T2
▶ e.g. transfer from image captioning to video captioning
Auto ML
▶ automating data pre-processing
▶ automating feature generation
▶ automating selection of ML algorithms for a particular task
▶ automating selection of hyperparameters in an ML algorithm
▶ automating post-processing results obtained from ML algorithms
▶ automating analysis and interpretation of results
▶ e.g. Architecture search in neural networks
▶ learning from meta-data obtained from ML algorithms
▶ e.g. understanding which connections in a neural network lead to a
particular prediction

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Nature of Machine Learning Tasks

Several other learning buzzwords in use

▶ self-supervised learning
▶ lifelong learning
▶ curriculum learning
▶ mutual learning
▶ one-shot/few-shot learning
▶ knowledge distillation (or) teacher-student model based learning
▶ and others...

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Supervised Machine Learning

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Binary Classification
Recall: e-mail Spam Classification

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Binary Classification

Input: e-mail messages

Output: Spam/Not spam

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Binary Classification

Input: e-mail messages =⇒ some feature space

Output: Spam/Not spam =⇒ {+1, −1}

Generally many input/output pairs are given for learning the machine
learning model.

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Binary Classification
Feature Extraction

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Binary Classification
Feature Extraction

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Binary Classification

Input: e-mail messages =⇒ some feature space ⊆ Rd .

▶ x ∈ X ⊆ Rd

Output: Spam/Not spam =⇒ {+1, −1}

▶ y ∈ Y = {+1, −1}

Generally n input/output pairs {(x i , y i )}ni=1 ∈ (X × Y)n are given for

learning the machine learning model.

D = {(x i , y i )}ni=1 called the training data.

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

A sample data set for email classification

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Representing image as vectors

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

General Nature of a Supervised Machine Learning Task

Input: Training data D = {(x i , y i )}ni=1
Aim: Learn a model h : X → Y

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

General Nature of a Supervised Machine Learning Task

Input: Training data D = {(x i , y i )}ni=1
Aim: Learn a model h : X → Y
Given x̂, predict ŷ = h(x̂)
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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Supervised Machine Learning

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Classification Algorithms

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms


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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms


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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Decision Tree

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Decision Tree

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms


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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms


Fitting a curve

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms


Fitting a curve

Model: y (x; β) = β0 + j=1 βj ϕj (x)

{ϕ1 (x), ϕ2 (x), . . . , ϕn (x)} represents set of basis functions.

β0 , β1 , . . . , βn represent model parameters.

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Fitting a curve

Model: y (x; β) = j=0 βj ϕj (x)

{ϕ0 (x), ϕ1 (x), ϕ2 (x), . . . , ϕn (x)} represents set of basis functions.

ϕ0 (x) = 1 can be assumed.

β0 , β1 , . . . , βn represent model parameters.

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Fitting a curve

Model: y (x; β) = β0 + j=1 βj ϕj (x)
Expressivity and Dimensionality:
▶ For f1 , the basis functions are {ϕ0 (x) = 1, ϕ1 (x) = x, ϕ2 (x) = x 2 }.
▶ For f2 , the basis functions are {ϕ0 (x) = 1, ϕ1 (x) = x, ϕ2 (x) =
x 2 , ϕ3 (x) = x 3 , ϕ4 (x) = x 4 , ϕ5 (x) = x 5 }.
▶ f1 is low-dimensional (only three basis functions) but less expressive.
▶ f2 is high-dimensional (six basis functions) and better expressive than
f1 .
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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms


Fitting a curve

Model: y (x; β) = β0 + j=1 βj ϕj (x)

Consequences of Expressivity and Dimensionality:

▶ Curse of dimensionality, Occam’s razor principle, bias-variance tradeoff,
overfitting, and many more.

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Data Exploration

Check the UCI data repository,
Explore at least 5 different data sets. Perform the following
▶ Understand the number, type and description of features or attributes.
▶ Understand the number and nature of samples.
▶ Understand how the data was acquired, check if there are missing data,
▶ Check for any other relevant qualities of the data.
Write Python code to load these 5 data sets and create Pandas data
frames from the data loaded.

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Nature of Machine Learning Tasks Classification Algorithms

Some content borrowed from various open-access resources
▶ Blogs
▶ Tutorials
▶ Free e-books
▶ Open-access Papers
▶ Youtube videos
▶ Scribe notes from my students

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