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The risks in professional and personal lives are essential and my perception strongly agree the topic

that advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages. The risks are important and life
changing. One cannot onboard the series of achievements without risking. This does not mean that
one can risk bluntly, instead, my perception is strongly supported by calculated risk.

In addition to the calculated risk, people should process every possible outcome and consequences
of that risk and should be both mentally and physically prepared for the results. This will help
majorly if the results, caused by risk, are produced negatively. So, as much as the risk is
premeasured, the more the human mind will be prepared for the outcomes.

Moreover, the positive side of risks will be life changing and loud. The greater risk means the greater
achievement. Over the years, the globe has witnessed greatest achievements gained by the huge
risks. It was the great risk when Muslims started to speak for the freedom in India hence Pakistan
came into being after uncountable struggle and hard work.

Additionally, if we consider professional life in the light of risk, it has more consequences. The career
is on stake, so, people should be more considerable about the pros and cons and must proceed with
the calculated risk. This would be safer and outcomes can be indefinite. Professional life strongly
need risk to grow so people should not avoid risks and must think towards betterment.

On the other hand, the personal life of people also requires risk factors to maintain better affairs.
The risk in personal life must be completely prepared, as the family and other affiliated persons are
also on stake so it is significant to predict the pros and cons before proceeding to towards risk in
personal life event.

To sum up, people always wish for the betterment, in every walk of life. Either personal or
professional, people always want more and better. So, I personally believe that it is a way better to
take risk and go for the precalculated risk as if it is succeeded then one will be appraised, and if it
failed then at least risk taker would not regret later for not trying the risk.

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