The Laboratory

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Section A: True or False (10 marks / 1 mark each) 1 Many household cleaners contain acids or alkalis. We should wear safety goggles when we handle dilute acids. If acids or alkalis are in contact with our body accidentally, we should wash the affected area ‘under running water immediately, negar turns red litmus paper blue. ‘The higher the pH value of a chemical, the more acidic the chemical is. Carbon dioxide is formed when dilute hydrochlorie acid is added to calcium carbonate ‘We can use pHi paper to test for carbon dioxide. ‘Rainwater with a pH value lower than 7 is considered as acid rain, ‘Neutralisation of acids and alkalis always forms table salt and water. 10, Antacid works by neutralising the excess acid in the stomach. Section B: Multiple Choice (20 marks /2 marks each) 1 ‘Which of the following is an example of an acidic solution? A. Vinegar B_ Sugar solution C Salt solution D__ Sodium chloride solution Why shouldn’t we test whether a substance is acidic or alkaline by tasting? A. The substance may be toxic or corrosive. B_ Our sense of taste is reliable. © Weare very sensitive to pH. D_ They are explosive, Which of the following safety precautions should be taken when we handle acids and alkalis in the laboratory? (1) Wear safety goggles (2) Avoid direct contact with acids or alkalis (3) Wash hands thoroughly after handling acids and alkali, (Q)and 2) only (1) and (3) only, (2) and (3) only (1), @) and (3) goup Which of the following substances can be used to distinguish acidic and alkaline solutions? A. Lemon juice B Lime water C_Universal indicator D__Hydrogencarbonate indicator ‘Which of the following statements about gastric juice is correct? A Gastric juice is an acidic liquid secreted by the mouth. B Gastric juice is an acidic liquid secreted by the stomach. C_ Gastric juice isan alkaline liquid seereted by the stomach. D_ Gastric juice isa neutral liquid secreted by the stomach, Which of the following combination of the pH values of liquids is correct?” A. Concentrated hydrochloric acid, pH 0-1 B Sodium hydroxide solution, pH 3-4 C Milk, pH8-9 D_ Lemon juice, pH 6-7 Which of the following combinations will neutralise with each other? A. Salt and sugar B_ Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid CC Vinegar and ammonia solution D Alcohol and water 8 10, efore using a bottle of solution with Which ofthe following safety precautions should be taken before using a bottle hazard waming symbol shown below? (1) Wear safety goggles. (2) Store the solution in a reftigerator. (3) Puton protective gloves. A. (1)and (2) only B_ (and @) only © @)and 3) only D (),Q)and@y ‘Which of the following is/are the effect(s) of acid rain? (Q) Fish in rivers and lakes are harmed or killed. 2) Constructions made of marble are corroded. ) Soil becomes too acidic for plants to grow A. Q)only B (1) and (3) only © Q)and (3) only D_ (1), @)and (3) ‘Which of the following are the products of the reaction between ni ie acid and barium hydroxide? (1) Barium nitrate 2) Hydrogen 3) Water A (1)and Q) only B_ (1) and 3) only € Q)and (3) only D (1), @)and ay Section C: Fill in the blanks (20 marks /2 marks each) Oe ck pd ls ee N @ses are commonly used acids in the school laboratory. 2. ‘Sodium hydroxide solution is acommon (4) > Oe ___is a stable metal that does not react with hydrochloric acid. 4, Lemon juice has a pH value (f) than 7, It turns (g) litmus solution red, 5. Concentrated acids and alkalis are highly (h)__ _ while dilute acids and alkalis are @ 6. Concentrated acids and can (j) clothes, metals, skin and flesh. Section D: Matching (5 marks / 1 mark each) Match column A with column B by writing the corresponding letters a,b, etc in the boxes provided ‘on the Answer Sheet. eae Column A Column B 1. Hydrochloric acid a. is used to preserve food. vs ‘is used to relieve pain caused by bee} oo .. ed to relieve pain caused by 3. Vinegar €. is used to regulate the pH of acidic soil, | 4, Glass cleaner d__istused to clean the toilet bowls contains ammonia solution 5. Slaked time Section Short Questions (40 marks) David accidentally swallowed soapy water when taking a shower (a) What would the soapy water taste lke? Explain briefly (2 marks) (b) The type of chemical contributes to the taste mentioned in part (a) is often used in laboratories for doing experiments, Stale TWO examples of such chemical in the (2 marks) laboratory. (1 mark) (6). State another property of the chemical mentioned in part (b). (@) State'TWO products used in daily life that contains the chemical mentioned in part (0) (2 marks) ‘Total 7 marks |A setup to show the effects of vinegar on iron is shown below. f U i y distited water vinegar (a) A piece of pH paper is dipped into the distilled water in test tube X. What can be (mark) observed? [After three days, the two iron nails are taken out of the test tubes and are dried with a ) piece of cloth. Measurements show that the iron nail from test tube X is slightly heavier than that from test tube Y. Explain briefly. (1mark) (©) A student suspects that a gas is produced in test tube Y. (What is the gas produced? (1 mark) (2 marks) i) How can the student test for this gas? State the observable change. (@) If the iron nail is replaced with a magnesium strip, state TWO differences in the observable change as compared to that of iron, (2 marks) (©) Write a word equation between magnesium and hydrochloric acid, (2 marks) Total 9 marks oi " -) ae 4 ‘of dilute sodium hydroxide solution to a flask. Dilute hydrochloric S added to the flask with a syringe successively. When every 1 em? of acid is added, a

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