06 Threads

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Most modern applications are multithreaded

Threads run within application
Operating Systems I 
Multiple tasks with the application can be implemented
by separate threads

Update display

Fetch data
Unit 6 – Threads 
Spell checking

Answer a network request
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Zunino 
Process creation is heavy-weight while thread creation
is light-weight
Can simplify code, increase efficiency

Kernels are generally multithreaded

Example Chapter 5: Threads


Multithreading Models

Threading Issues

Thread programming

Single and Multithreaded


Have a virtual address space which holds the
process image

Protected access to processors, other
processes, files, and I/O resources
Thread Threads (Cont.)

In a multiple threaded task, while one server thread is

An execution state (running, ready, etc.) blocked and waiting, a second thread in the same task can

Saved thread context when not running 
Cooperation of multiple threads in same job confers higher
throughput and improved performance.

Has an execution stack 
Applications that require sharing a common buffer (i.e.,
producer-consumer) benefit from thread utilization.

Some per-thread static storage for local 
Threads provide a mechanism that allows sequential
variables processes to make blocking system calls while also
achieving parallelism.

Access to the memory and resources of its 
Kernel-supported threads (Mach, Solaris 2, Linux, NT).
process 
User-level threads; supported above the kernel, via a set of
library calls at the user level (Project Andrew from CMU).

all threads of a process share this 
Hybrid approach implements both user-level and kernel-
supported threads (Solaris 2, Linux).

Multicore Programming Threads

Multicore or multiprocessor systems putting pressure on 
A thread (or lightweight process) is a basic
programmers, challenges include: unit of CPU utilization; it consists of:

Dividing activities 
program counter

Balance 
register set

Data splitting 
stack space

Data dependency

Testing and debugging

A thread shares with its peer threads its:

Parallelism implies a system can perform more than

code section
one task simultaneously

data section

Concurrency supports more than one task making

operating-system resources
progress collectively know as a task.

Single processor / core, scheduler providing

A traditional or heavyweight process is equal
concurrency to a task with one thread

Benefits Concurrency vs. Parallelism

Responsiveness 
Concurrent execution on single-core system:

may allow continued execution if part of process is
blocked, especially important for user interfaces

Resource Sharing

threads share resources of process, easier than
shared memory or message passing


Parallelism on a multi-core system:

cheaper than process creation, thread switching
lower overhead than context switching


process can take advantage of multicore
Multicore Programming: types of
Kernel Threads

Data parallelism 
Kernel maintains context information for the

distributes subsets of the same data across multiple process and the threads
cores, same operation on each

Task parallelism

Scheduling is done on a thread basis

distributing threads across cores, each thread performing 
unique operation 
Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Linux, Android


Multithreading Models User-Level Threads

Many-to-One 
Thread management done by user-level
threads library

One-to-One 
The kernel is not aware of the existence of


Combined Approaches Many-to-One

Thread creation done in the user space 
Many user-level threads mapped to single
kernel thread.

One thread blocking causes all to block

Bulk of scheduling and synchronization of

Used on systems that do not support kernel
threads done in the user space threads or for specific needs
One-to-One Thread Programming

Each user-level thread maps to kernel 
Usually through a thread library:
thread 
provides programmer with API for creating and

More concurrency than many-to-one managing threads

Number of threads per process sometimes

Two primary ways of implementing
restricted due to overhead 
Library entirely in user space

Examples: 
Kernel-level library supported by the OS



Pthreads Many-to-Many Model

Allows many user level threads to be
mapped to many kernel threads.

Allows the operating system to create a
sufficient number of kernel threads.

Hard to implement

Requires a user level thread scheduler

Pthreads Java Threads

May be provided either as user-level or 
Java threads are managed by the JVM
kernel-level 
Typically implemented using the threads

A POSIX standard (IEEE 1003.1c) API for model provided by underlying OS
thread creation and synchronization. 
Java threads may be created by:

Extending Thread class

API specifies behavior of the thread library, 
Implementing the Runnable interface
implementation is up to development of
the library.

Common in UNIX operating systems.
Java Threads A simple Web server

Implementing Runnable <<interface>>

class Producer implements Runnable { HTTPRequestHandler socket = s;

public void run() { is = s.getInputStream();
while(true) { // do some work } final static String CRLF="\r\n" os = s.getOutputStream();
Socket socket br = new BufferedReader(
} new InputStreamReader( is ) );
InputStream is
} OutputStream os
BufferedReader br processRequest();

Creating a thread: HTTPRequestHandler(Socket s)
thread producer = new Producer(); byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
processRequest() int bytes = 0;
producer.start(); sendBytes(FileInputStream fis, while((bytes = fis.read(buffer))!= -1 )
OutputStream os) os.write( os.write( buffer, 0, bytes ) );

Waiting for a thread String contentType(String fileName)
try { if( fileName.endsWith(".htm") ||
fileName.endsWith(".html" )
producer.join(); return "text/html";
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }

A simple Web server A simple Web server

// Construct the response message. HTTPServer s = new ServerSocket(80);
String serverLine = "Server: simple java httpServer"; run();
String statusLine = null; ServerSocket s
String contentTypeLine = null; Main() while(true) {
String entityBody = null; run() Socket sock = s.accept();
String contentLengthLine = "error"; System.out.println("New connection accepted " +
if ( fileExists ) { socket.getInetAddress() + ":" + socket.getPort());
statusLine = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" + CRLF ; try {
contentTypeLine = "Content-type: " + HTTPRequestHandler request =
new HTTPRequestHandler(sock);
contentType( fileName ) + CRLF ;
Thread thread = new Thread( request );
contentLengthLine = "Content-Length: "
+ (new Integer(fis.available())).toString() + CRLF; } catch ...
} creates
else {
statusLine = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" + CRLF ;
contentTypeLine = "text/html" ;
entityBody = "<HTML>" + <<interface>>
"<HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>" +
"<BODY>404 Not Found"
+"<br>usage:http://yourHostName:port/" HTTPRequestHandler
+"fileName.html</BODY></HTML>" ;

A simple Web server A simple Web server

// Send the status line.
while(true) { output.write(statusLine.getBytes());
String headerLine = br.readLine(); // Send the server line.
System.out.println(headerLine); output.write(serverLine.getBytes());
if(headerLine.equals(CRLF) || headerLine.equals("")) break; // Send the content type line.
StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(headerLine); // Send the Content-Length
String temp = s.nextToken(); output.write(contentLengthLine.getBytes());
// Send a blank line to indicate the end of the header lines.
if(temp.equals("GET")) { output.write(CRLF.getBytes());
String fileName = s.nextToken(); // Send the entity body.
fileName = "." + fileName ; if (fileExists) {
sendBytes(fis, output) ;
// Open the requested file. fis.close();
FileInputStream fis = null ; }
boolean fileExists = true ; else output.write(entityBody.getBytes());
try { }
fis = new FileInputStream( fileName ) ; }
} try {
catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { output.close();
fileExists = false ; br.close();
} socket.close();
} catch(Exception e) {}

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