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Desarrollo Web y multimedia


Ficha: 2721218
Carlos Alberto Arias Sanchez

Expectations: my expectation is i can make content 100%

audiovisual, that i can edit a image, edit a video, development
software. that i be a big multimedia developer.

Interests: i want can learn edit video, learn code. learn design,
marketing digital and something of photography.
Ficha : 2721218

Desarrollo Definition
Multimedia and Web Development focuses on the

Web & creation and design of interactive digital content,

such as websites, mobile applications, games,
animations, and videos. This discipline involves

skills to create digital products that are attractive,
functional and easy to use.

It begins with the identification of the client's needs
and the definition of the objectives of the project.
From there, an analysis of the market, competition
and trends is carried out, which serves as the basis
for the creation of the concept and design.
In multimedia content production, you can learn
graphic design, programming, animation and
video production. In this stage, specialized tools
and software are used to create the interactive
digital content.
Explore your
creativity ...
without fear Among the necessary skills to work in Multimedia
and Web Development, creativity, the ability to
analyze and synthesize, knowledge of market
Learn to design trends and design and programming tools, the

with the user in

ability to work in a team and the ability to manage
multiple projects at the same time. It is also

mind important to have communication and

presentation skills to interact with clients and
present projects effectively.
Carlos Arias
In wich case is Multimedia and Web
Development used

Web Sites
Un sitio web es un conjunto de páginas web
Games are one of the major categories of mobile
for your assistance
relacionadas entre sí que se pueden acceder a applications and are used to provide
través de una dirección web o URL (Uniform entertainment to users. Mobile games can be of
Resource Locator) y que se almacenan en un different genres, such as action, adventure,
servidor web. Estas páginas web están compuestas strategy, puzzle, sports, racing, role-playing games,
de diferentes elementos, como texto, imágenes, among others.
vídeos, enlaces y otros medios.

App Marketing Digital

Digital advertising is a way of promoting products
Mobile applications are software programs
and services using digital media, such as websites,
designed to run on mobile devices such as
social networks, search engines, email, mobile
smartphones and tablets. These applications can
applications and other digital channels. Digital
be downloaded and installed on mobile devices
advertising has become increasingly popular due
through application stores such as Google Play
to the increasing use of the internet and mobile
Store and Apple App Store.
Explore your
without fear

Multimedia presentations
Multimedia presentations are a way of
communicating information through a
combination of multimedia elements, such as text,
images, audio, video, and motion graphics. These
presentations are commonly used in business and
educational settings to share information with a
target audience.

Cursos del sena – SENA


Bases del desarrollo web – ChatGPT


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