NSC Physical Science Grade 12 November 2023 P2 and Memo

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basic education Department: Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE MARKS: 150 TIME: 3 hours This question paper consists of 16 pages and 4 data sheets. Please tum over Copyright reserved DBE/November 2023, OW moaded from Stanmorephygics. com INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 1 Write your centre number and examination number in the appropriate spaces on the ANSWER BOOK. x Te ANSWER BOO fever consists of NINE questions. Answer ALL the questions in Sy Stait EACH question on a NEW page in the ANSWER BOOK. 4, Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper. 5. Leave ONE line between two subquestions, e.g. between QUESTION 2.1 and QUESTION 2.2. 6. ‘You may use a non-programmable calculator. % You may use appropriate mathematical instruments. 8. Show ALL formulae and substitutions in ALL calculations. 9. Round off your FINAL numerical answers to a minimum of TWO decimal places. 10. Give brief motivations, discussions, etc. where required. 11. You are advised to use the attached DATA SHEETS. 12. Write neatly and legibly. Copyright reserved Ba Please turn over PusHMeced from Stanmorepaysics.com CRSRneSRNEOR QUESTION 1: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Each question has only ONE correct answer. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A-D) nextsto the question numbers (1.1 to 1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, eg. 1.11E. 1.41 Which ONE, of the following represents a straight chain SATURATED hydrogarbon A CcHe Bo CiHyo CCH D CoH @) 1.2 Which ONE of the following is a SECONDARY alcohol? A C(CH,),OH B CH,(CH.);0H Cc CH3(CH2)2CHO D CHsCH,CH(OH)CHs rr) 1.3 Which ONE of the following is a HYDROLYSIS reaction? A CHsCHaBr+H,0 -* CHsCHZOH + HBr B — CHsCH,OH +HBr + CH.CH.Br + H20 © CHyCH,+H20 + CHsCH,OH D CH2CH2 + Hz ~ CHsCHs (2) Copyright reserved ge Please turn over Pri SiMfoaded from Stanmorgghysics.com Cpenenin aER 1.4 Hydrochloric acid reacts with EXCESS zinc: Zn(s) + 2HCtaq) + ZnCte(aq) + Ha(g) Different reaction conditions are shown in the diagrams below. The mass of zinc used js the same in both test tubes. Test tube X Test tube Y 100 cm® 0,1 mol-dm’? HC&(aq) Zn powder x} How will the INITIAL rate of reaction ar d in test tube Y compare with that in test tube X? A Lower Higher (2) Copyright reserved ae Please turn over Prysipeveripaeled from Stanmorgphysics.com DBE/November 2023 15 Copyright reserved The diagram below represents a mixture of NO2(g) and NzO.(g) molecules at equilibrium in a 1 dm® container at T °C. The balanced equation for this reaction is: 2NO2(g) = N20.(9) Which ONE of the following is TRUE for the value of the equilibrium constant, K,, for the reaction at T °C? A Ke=24 Bo Ke>4 C Kea D o Remains the same Increases Remains the same Decreases Increases Remains the same (2) Please tum over Prec eiinfoadied from Stanmorghysics.com DBE Movember 2023 17 18 Copyright reserved Nitric acid, HNOs(aq), and ethanoic acid, CHxCOOH(aq), of equal volumes and concentrations are compared. Consider the following statements regarding these solutions: ()Théy have different pH values. i) the same electrical conductivity. (ii) Both;Solutions require the same number of moles of KOH(aq) for odmpte neutralisation. Which of the above statements) is/are TRUE? A (only B (and (ji) only C (i and (iii) only D Gand (ii) only (2) ie prsens in the diagram below is used for the titration between HC£(aq) HCt(aq) Ina titration, the fe eeds the endpoint. Which ONE of the following will be TRUE for the ftration mixture? A [H*]>[OHJand pH <7 B [H']<[OH"Jand pH <7 C [HY] <[OH"Jand pH >7 D — [H']> [OH"Jand pH > 7 2) Please turn over Physichiewwnaaded from Stanmorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 1.9 The following hypothetical standard reduction potentials relate to a galvanic cell: xX*"(aq) + 28 — X(s) E°=40,10V Y"aq) +e — Yis) E®=-0,10V fag Consider the following statements for this galvanic cell: (i) The emf of the cell is 0,20 V under standard conditions. (ii) Electrode Y is the anode. (iil) Xis oxidised. Which of the above statement(s) is/are TRUE for this galvanic cell? (i) only (i) and (ii) only () and (ii) only 0am > (ii) and (ii) only (2) 1.10 Which ONE of the half-reactions below will be the MAIN reaction at the ANODE during the electrolysis of CONCENTRATED CuCto(aq)? A Cut(aq) +26” > Cuts) B 2H,0(0) + 2e" — H.(g) + 20H (aq) C — 2H20() + 02(g) + 4H"(aq) + 4e° D 2Ct (aq) > Ch(g) + 2° (2) [20] Copyright reserved ae Please turn over Pmpglinfeaeld from Stanmorepbysics.com Deckeinner a QUESTION 2 (Start on a new page.) The letters A to H in the table below represent eight organic compounds. CHs(CH2);COOCHs Hexanoic acid 24 22 23 24 Copyrignt reserved Define the term organic compound. ‘Write down the IUPAC name of compound: 224 E 22.2 H ‘Write down the: 2.3.1 STRUCTURAL formula of compound B 2.3.2 STRUCTURAL formula of compound C 23.3. General formula of the homologous series to which compound E belongs 2.3.4 STRUCTURAL formula of the FUNCTIONAL group of compound F 23.5 IUPAC name of the alcohol needed to produce compound B Write down the letter(s) of the compound(s) that: 24.1 Isa FUNCTIONAL isomer of compound G 242 Are CHAIN isomers of each other Please turn over (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) [16] Physipbivereatted from Stanmoreghysics.com DBE/November 2023 QUESTION 3 (Start on a new page.) ‘The relationship between boiling point and the molecular mass of aldehydes, carboxylic acids and primary alcohols is investigated. Curves P, R and § are obtained. All compounds usedare straight chain molecules. GRAPH OF BOILING POINT VERSUS MOLECULAR MASS 250 200 p = 150 5 g 2 3 & 400 50 30 50 70 90 Molecular mass (g-mol") 3.1 Define the term boiling point. 3.2 Write down the conclusion that can be made for curve P. 33 Explain the answer to QUESTION 3.2 in terms of the structures of the compounds. 3.4 Curve R represents the alcohols. 3.4.1 Which homologous series is represented by curve S? 3.4.2 Expiain the answer to QUESTION 3.4.1 by referring to the strength of intermolecular forces. Copyright reserved Please turn over (2) (2) @) (1) 2) DBE/November 2023 PospGMeiced from Stanmorebpysics.com 3.5 ForcurveR, write down the: 3.5.1 Molecular mass of the compound with a boiling point of 97 *C 3.6.2 IUPAC name of the compound in QUESTION 3.5.1 Two compounds, A and B, used in this investigation have a molecular mass of 74 gimof". A has a boiling point of 118 °C and B a boiling point of 142 °C. Explain tha difference in these boiling points by referring to the structures of these compounds. 36 Copyright reserved (1) (2) (3) [15] PrrseeiAnedtfed from StanmorgAhysics.com Doesneaisine 20) QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.) 44 Consider the cracking reaction below. CicHsa —> CoHte + CoH + 2CyHe fine cracking. oy 444 4.1.2—"Write down the values represented by x, y and z in the equation above. (3) Compound CeH;4 undergoes complete combustion. 4.1.3 Using MOLECULAR FORMULAE, write down the balanced equation for this reaction. @) 4.2 Consider the equations for reactions | to Ill below. A and B represent organic compounds that are POSITIONAL ISOMERS. X is an inorganic product. CHsCH2CHCHCH; + HCL — A+ B A we CHyCH2CH2CH(OH)CHs + X CH3CH2CH,CH(OH)CH; ——> CH3CH-CHCHCH3+H20. Write down the: 4.2.1 Definition of positional isomers @) 422 Type of reaction represented by reaction | (1) 423 STRUCTURAL formula of compound B @) 424 — FormulaotX (1) 42.5 Inorganic reagent for reaction Itt (1) Compound A can be converted directly to the organic product of reaction Il 426 Besides heat, write down the reaction condition needed for this conversion. (1) 4.27 Write down TWO terms that describe this type of reaction. 2 : Copyright reserved Please tum over Porseapininenttied from Stanmoregfysics.com DBE/November 2023 QUESTION 5 (Start on a new page.) The reaction between EXCESS dilute hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate is used to investigate factors that influence reaction rate, Na2S203(aq) + 2HCt(aq) —- 2NaCK{aq) + S(s) + H20(¢) + SO2(g) ‘6f HCt(aq) used is 1 mol-dm®. The same volume of HCt(aq) is used The concentrat in each run, ‘The time taken for the cross on the paper under the flask to become invisible is measured. ‘Flask 'Na2S20,(aq) + HCt(aq) White paper VOLUME VOLUME H;0(¢) | CONCENTRATION Na2S203(aq) ‘ADDED NazSz03(aq) “(em?) (em?) (mot-am*) 50 0 0,13 40 10 0,10 30 20 P 5.1 Define reaction rate. @) 5.2 Write down the independent variable for this investigation. (1) 5.3 Calculate the value of P in the table. ) 6.4 When 0,21 g of sul Run 4, the cross becomes invisible. Calculate the averag with respect to sodium thiosulphate, NazS203(aq), in g-S\1. ihe (6) Another investigation is performed at different temperatures. 5.5 Sketch the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve for the reaction at 20°C. Label this curve as A. On the same set of axis, draw the curve that will be obtained at 35 °C and label it as B. (4) 5.6 Explain the effect of temperature on reaction rate in terms of the collision theory. (4) [19] Copyright reserved ae Please turn over Physic] Scenowa? od from Stanmoi Kdbhysics.com DBE/November 2023 QUESTION 6 (Start on a new page.) Consider the following hypothetical reaction reaching equilibrium in a 4 dm® closed container at 150 °C. = 2AB(Q) = Aa(g) + B2(@) The graph below/shtws the changes in the amounts of reactants and products over time. 4000 Number of moles (mol) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time(s) 6.1 Write down the meaning of the term reversible reaction. (1) 62 State Le Chatelier’s principle. (2) 6.3 Achange was made to the equilibrium mixture at t = 80 s, 6.3.1 Write down the change made at t = 80 s. () 6.3.2 Use Le Chatelier’s principle to explain how the system reacts to this change. @ 64 Calculate the equilibrium constant, Ke, att = 120 s. (4) 6.5 Att = 130s the temperature of the system is decreased to 100 °C. 6.5.1. Drawa potential energy diagram for this reaction. @) 6.5.2 Will the equilibrium constant, Kc, at 100 °C be GREATER THAN, LESS THAN or EQUAL TO the K, at 150 °C? Expiain the answer. (3) 6.6 The initial reaction now takes place in the presence of a catalyst at 150 °C. Describe the changes that will be observed on the graph between t = 0 s and t=60s. @) [19] Copyright reserved ae Please turn over Pus siimeaded from Stanmorajs! yysics.com Dee Here es QUESTION 7 (Start on a new page.) To identify metal M in an unknown metal carbonate, MCOs, the following procedure is carried out: Step 1: 0,198 g OF IMPURE MCOs is reacted with 25 cm? of 0,4 mo-dm’ nitric acid, HNOs(aq);, Step 2: The EXCESS HNO;(aq) is then neutralised with 20 om of 0,15 mol-dm* barium hydroxide, Ba(OH),(aq). Assume that the volumes are additive. The following reactions take place: 2HNOs(aq) + MCOx(s) + M(NOs)a(aq) + CO(g) + H20(0 2HNO;(aq) + Ba(OH),(aq) > Ba(NOs)x(aq) + 2H0() 7.1 Define the term strong base. (2) 7.2 Calculate the: 7.24 Number of moles of Ba(OH).(aq) that reacted with the excess HNO,(aq) (3) 7.2.2 PH of the solution after Step 1 6) 7.3. The percentage purity of the MCO;(s) in the sample is 85%. Identify metalM. (8) 18] Please turn over Copyright reserved Physiestiniemaetied from Stanmorgfhysics.com DBE/Noveriber 2023, QUESTION 8 (Start on a new page.) A cleaned pure copper strip, Cus), is placed in a beaker containing a colourless silver nitrate solution, AgNO3(aq), at 25 ‘C, as shown below ‘A@NOs(00) Conparetie After a while, it is observed that the solution in the beaker becomes blue. 8.1 Write down: 814 ONE other OBSERVABLE change, besides the solution turning blue (1) 8.1.2 ‘The NAME or FORMULA of the oxidising agent () 82 Explain the answer to QUESTION 8.1.1 by referring to the relative strengths of the oxidising agents or reducing agents. (3) A galvanic cell is now set up using Cu and Ag strips as electrodes. A simplified diagram of the cell is shown below. Als) B Ag'(aq) 83 Write down the: 8.3.1 NAME or FORMULA of electrode A (4) 832 NAME or FORMULA of solution B (1) 8.3.3 Overall (net) balanced equation for the cell reaction (3) 84 The salt bridge contains potassium nitrate, KNO.(aq). Write down the FORMULA of the ion in the salt bridge that will move into the silver ion solution. Choose from K*(aq) or NO; (aq). Give a reason for the answer. ) [12] Copyright reserved ge Please turn over Phyevsewe@nered from ‘Stanmorepaysics.com DBE/November 2023 QUESTION 9 (Start on a new page.) An electrolytic cell is set up to purify a piece of copper that contains silver and zinc as. impurities. A simplified diagram of the cell is shown below. Electrode R is impure copper. Electrode Q Electrolyte 94 Define the term electrolysis. (2) 9.2 Write down the reaction taking place at electrode Q. 2) 9.3 In which direction do the electrons flow in the external circuit? Choose from Qto RorR to Q. (1) 94 Calculate the current needed to form 16 g of copper when the cell operates for five hours. 6) 9.5 During this electrolysis, only copper and zinc are oxidised. Give a reason why the silver is not oxidised. @) 112] TOTAL: 150 Copyright reserved a Prpemhinkveny6e from Stanmorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 DATA FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES GRADE 12 PAPER 2 (CHEMISTRY) GEGEWENS VIR FISIESE WETENSKAPPE GRAAD 12 VRAESTEL 2 (CHEMIE) doar TABLE 1: PHYSICAL CONSTANTSITABEL 1: FISIESE KONSTANTES naar SYMBOL/SIMBOOL VALUE/WAARDE Sonera Pp’ 4,013 x 10° Pa Molar gas volume at STP a] Molére gasvolume by STD Ven 22,4 dm?-mot Standard temperature Standaardtemperatuur Te 273K (aan a ananie e 1,6 x 10°C Uaeveddonans Na. 6,02 x 10” mol TABLE 2; FORMULAE/TABEL 2: FORMULES nem n “M Na a n=— [eae orlof Ve Ve te PH = -log[H30"] Kw = [HsO°JIOH] = 1 x 10 atby 298 K orlof orlof ESanode ~ arate /Eta: = Erte — Etnose rcicton ~ ESaten! Ete = Encvaie ~ Esteve Eoan = ESccisinngent ~ Eteducingagent / Efe: = Etseieemiss! ~ Erduscomiiet Q n=— where n is the number of electrons/ de waar n die aantal elektrone is Copyright reserved Please turn over Jaro wim aseaig ae ponioses y6utdoo WA) (A) (ta) a ob €202 Joquenonrsgq Www a be oO 6 gs Z 9 gs v € z L SLNIWITA NVA 1381 ANFIGOMAd FIG :€ TIGVL ‘S1NAW373 40 318V41 DG0Mad SHL :¢ SVL ‘SN z Za/S80UIIOg JeOISKYg i ez zez 47 | ON | PIN ya | WO) wy) ng | dN] A | ed | UL 0b zoL bor 16 96 sé v6 £6 26 16 06 SLL tlt 69) 6st ast zst | ost veL bee ov MT | GA | WL 41 | PS | na | ws | wd | PN | Jd | 89 f ‘zz wz | o | 69 so | vo | co | zo | v9 | 09 | 6s | 89 ov jeu gag a 68 88 28 L0z 2461 séL 6b o6t [9st | ret tebe 6LL GEL Zeb eet ud VB) od 5 a}5H |nv |iad [41 [so jody |M jel [JH ele1 jea isos @ se oo os 62 BL tL 92 sl vl el zk zs 9s sg ath 8th The ‘sol OL OL LoL 96 ze 6 68 88 98 x 1 oj OL 8) PO 3|8v z)Pd Siva sina giozionz an |4zz aA gus claus es zs sp lv op oy vy bid zy by ov 6E st 2 S 08 6L $9 sto 6s cs] 9s sg 7 is Sy sy ov 6e 4g 5|°S ®9 8) UZ 3|NDz IN 2/99 & 04 S|UWS/ 4D ZA 2] alos zleo zl wy es se_| ve oe _jez_|ez ji |oz |oz [vz |ez [zz | iz | oz | or sse | ze BSSPUIIOO}P emane]as epsopeueg ve €% 290g a Ssew o1WOZe eAHEIOs oeUTXoIddy 65w z| eN & a |u| 4 z ue & 6t | oF eal | 6 Z ito x yjooquis | greumpebouonye/z eadames r+ |s is * joquits| m2) © | AipeBoucnsaia ’ e | L T HS iejebwoory TSLNFTSIAIA t doquinu swWoyy 1 € = Ss a Physical Sci ounloaded from Stanmorepkysics.com Increasing strength of oxidising agents/Toenemende sterkte van oksideermiddels Sopyright reserved TABLE 4A: STANDARD REDUCTION POTENTIALS TABEL 44: STANDAARD-REDUKSIEPOTENSIALE Fag) +26 Co” +e Ha02 + 2H" 920 no 3 + 8H" +e hig) +20 cro} + 14H" +60 xg) + 4H" +40 MnO2 + 4H + PE 426° Br +26 NO} +2H"+ Fore x(q) + 2H" + b+ ze cute $02 +44 + 40° THO +02 + 407 cu +207 2 a" 26 Cu +e Sn** + 20° S+2H' +20" 2H" +26" Fe +36" Pb +26" | ' Peer eeererereegeggy seuneea 20 Man? + 4420 20r 2c +7420 20 MrP* + 2420 NO(Q) + 2420 He® ng NOxg)+ HO re Hd: 2 cu $+2H,0 40H cu 80:(0) +240 cur ‘Sn* HS) Ho) Fe Pb 8n Ni Co cd DBE/November 2023 Increasing strength of reducing agents/Toenemende sterkte van reduseermiddels Please turn over Physical Sciences/P2 DBE/November 2023 a Arate A RMRGENELSLG oh Hrewnms TABEL 4B: STANDAARD-REDUKSIEPOTENSIALE Half-reactions/Halfreaksies ive = U ~305 Kte = K 2.93 Cek+e « Ce -292 Ba*+20 = Ba -290 #420. & -280 Ce +20 = Ca -287 Na'+e = Na -271 ot Mg" +2e = Mg -2,36 4 Mni*+2e = Mn - 1,18 Crt+2e = Cr 091 2HO+2e = Hxg)+20H | -0.83 2420 Zn 076 Ce 3e = cr -0.76 § Fe*+20 . Fe 0.44 § Ch te = oe 081 A cé*s20 cd ~040 § Co™+2e = Co -0,28 NP +20 ON 0.27 . Sn*+2e = Sn 0,14 Po +20 = Pb -013 Fe"+3e = Fe 0,06 2H +20 = Hala) 0,00 s Srairee = Het) +0. é Sn +2e Sn’ +015 8 sof 4y'+20 = SO¥Q)+24.0| +0,17 2 Cu" +20 = Cu +034 2 . 2H:0+Or+4e" = 40H" +040 3 zg SO,+4H"+4e" = S+2H:0 +045, 3 3 Gute = Cu +0552 & s here = 3 +054 6 Oxg)+2H"+2e = H202 +0,08 € 5 ee ee & NOS +2H'+e = NOXa+H:0 | +080 £ < Agte = Ag +00 o 2 Hg +20 = Halo sous] } NOS +4H"+36° = NOW)+2H.0 | +0,98 3 8 Bri +2e = 28F +107 z = Pe r2e = Pt +120 Mn02+4H"+2e" 2 Mn’ +2H:0 +123 Ong) 4H" +4e | 2H20 +123 cr0? + t4H+6e = 2cP+ m0 | +139 Chig)+2e = 208 +136 MnO', +8H"+5e" = Mn" +4H.0 | +1.51 HiOz+2H"#2e = 2420 +7 GPax 2. oF Fig) + 26 Copyright reserved Downloaded from Stanmorephysics.com basic education i Department: « y) Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Ele) Em SENIOR CERTIFICATE/ NASIONALE SENIOR SERTIFIKAAT MARKSIPUNTE: 150 These marking guidelines consist of 19 pages. Hierdie nasienriglyne bestaan uit 19 bladsye. Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the pagelBlaai om asseblief Pry Rasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION IVRAAG 1 11 JOGA (2) 12. Dvv 2 13 AVY (2) 14 BYY @ 15° Dvv 2 160 Cv 2 17) Gv (2) 18 AVY 2 19° BYY @ 110 Dvv (2) [20] QUESTION 2/VRAAG 2 2.1 Molecules containing carbon atoms. ” Molekule wat koolstofatome bevat. Q 2.2 2.2.1 2,3-dimethyl”but-1-enev/2,3-dimethyl-1-butene 2,3-dimetielbut-1-een/2,3-cimetiel-1-buteen Marki ‘Nasienkriteri * Correct stem i.e. but-1-ene. “ + IUPAC name completely correct * 1UPAC-naam heeltemal korrek including numbering, sequence, insluitende nommering, volgorde, hyphens and commas. ¥ koppeltekens en kommas. v (2) 2.2.2 Butan-2-one/2-butanone/butanone vv Butan-2-0n/2-butanoon/butanoon (2) Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief 23 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 241 2.4.2 Pry2asotaatadsifeee Seaievarephysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne t —c— H \ H xm-o-=r =xm-o-= i y ie HY Marking criterialNasienkriteria: ‘© Functional group correct” Funksionele groep korrek. ‘+ Whole structure correct. v Hele struktuur korrek, IEWINDIEN * More than one functional group/wrong functional group: Meer as een funksionele groep/foutiewe funksionele groep: %, + Ifcondensed structural formulae used/Indien gekondenseerde struktuurformules gebruik: Max./Maks. '/5 Methanol/Metanol vv BY DandienG v Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Marking criterialNasienkriteria: * Six C atoms in longest chain. Ses C-atome in langste keiting. ‘Two F atoms on third C atom. ~ ‘Twee F-atome op die derde C-atoom. Ethyl substituent on fourth C atom. ¥ Etielsubstituent op die vierde C-atoom. Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief (2) (3) @ @ (2) @ (2) [16] Pry Rasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 3IVRAAG 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Hany one of the underlined key phrases in the correct context is omitted, deduct 1 ‘mark.indien enige van die onderstreepte frases in die korrekte konteks uitgelaat is, trek 1 punt af. The underlined phrases mustbe in the correct context. / Die onderstreepte frases moet in die korrekte konteks wees. The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a substance equals atmospheric pressure. v ¥ Die temperatuur waarby die dampdruk van die stof gelyk is aan atmosferiese druk, Marking criteria/Nasienkriteria: |* Dependent and independent variables correctly identified. Afhanklike en onathanklike veranderlikes korrek geidentifiseer. ‘= Correct relationship between dependent and independent variables stated. Korrekte verwantskap tussen die afhanklike en onathanklike veranderlikes gestel The higher the molecular mass the higher the boiling point. / As the molecular mass increases the boiling point increases. / The longer the C-chain lenath the higher boiling point / The boiling point and the molecular mass are proportional aN Hoe hoér die molekulére massa hoe hoér die kookpunt /Soos die molekulére massa toeneem, neem die kookpunt ook toe. / Hoe langer die C-kettinglengte hoe hoér is die kookpunt, / Die kookpunt en die molekulére massa is ewerediq Marking cri ‘© Compare the strength of intermolecular forces. © Compare the energy required to overcome intermolecular forces. “ Nasienkriteri ‘© Vergelyk die sterkte van imermolekulére kragte. ¥ © Vergelyk die energie benodig om intermolekulére kragte te oorkom. ¥ * Strength of the intermolecular forces increases / More sites for London forces with increase of molar mass/chain length. ¥ * More energy is needed to overcome/break intermolecular forces. OR * Strength of the intermolecular forces decreases / Less sites for London forces with decrease in molar mass/chain length. v Less eneray is needed to overcome/break intermolecular forces. v » Sterkte van die intermolekulére kragte verhoog / Meer punte vir Londonkragte met_n toename in molére massa/kettinglengte. “ + Meer energie benodig om intermolekulére kragte te oorkom/breek. ~ OF °Sterkte van die _intermolekulére_kragte_verlaaq_/ Minder _punte_vir Londonkragte met_afname in molére massa/kettinglengte. * Minder energie benodig om intermolekulére kragte te oorkom/breek. ¥ Please tum the pagelBlaai om asseblief (2) (2) (2) Pry Rosideadadsidsorte Semen rerphysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 3.4.1 Aldehyde / Aldehiede v (1) 3.4.2 [/Marking eriteria: ‘+ Comparing the strength of intermolecular forces of aldehydes with alcohols and/or carboxylic acids. ¥ ‘© Linking the intermolecular forces to boiling point. Nasienkriteri + Vergelyk die sterkte van die intermolekulére kragte van aldehiede met alkohole en/of karboksielsure. “ ‘*__Trek die verband tussen die intermolekulére kragte en die kookpunte._ © The strength of the intermolecular forces in aldehydes is weaker than in alcohols / carboxylic acids. « Therefore aldehydes have lower boiling points than alcohols / carboxylic acids ¥ have stronger intermolecular forces than lic acids and/or alcohols have higher boiling points than shia siasl * Die sterkte van die intermolekulére kragte tussen aldehiede is swakker as tussen alkohole / karboksielsure. ¥ * Dus het aldehiede ‘nh laer kookpunt as alkohole / karboksielsure. OF + Karboksielsure en alkohole het sterker intermolekulére kragte as aldehiede * Dus het alkohole / karboksielsure ‘n hoér kookpunt as aldehiede. (C2) 35 3.5.1 60 (g-mol) ¥ (@) 3.5.2 POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 3.4/POS/TIEWE NASIEN VAN VRAAG 3.4 Propan-1-ol/1-propanol vv Marking cri Nasienkriteri © Correct chain length, 3C-atoms “| « Korrekte stamlengte, 3 C-atome. ¥ + Correct IUPAC name ¥ + _Korrekte IUPAC-naam. ¥ 2) Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief Pry Rasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 3.6 ‘Marking criteria: «State that carboxylic acids have two sites for hydrogen bonding. v” «State that alcohols have one site for hydrogen bonding. ‘+ Comparing the strength of IMF's / the energy needed to overcome IMF's. jienkrite ‘Stel dat karboksielsure twee plekke het vir waterstofbindings. Stel dat alkohole een plek het vir waterstofbinding. Vergelyk die sterkte van die IMK's / energie benodig om IMk's te oorkom. * Carboxylic acids/B have, in addition to London forces and dipole-dipole forces, two sites for hydrogen bonding between molecules. “ OR Carboxylic acids can form dimers due to strong hydrogen bonding between molecules. * Alcohols/A have, in addition to London forces and dipole-dipole forces, one site for hydrogen bonding between molecules. ¥ Intermolecular forces in carboxylic acids are stronger./More energy needed to overcome/break intermolecular forces in carboxylic acid/B. v- + Karboksielsure het, in toevoeging tot Londonkragte en dipool-dipoolkragte, twee punte vir waterstofbinding tussen molekule. OF Karboksielsure kan dimere vorm as gevolg van sterk waterstofbindings tussen molekule. + Alkohole het, in toevoeging tot Londonkragte en dipool-dipooikragte, een punt vir waterstofbinding tussen molekule. + Intermolekulére kragte in karboksielsure is sterker/Meer energie word benodig om intermolekulére kragte in karboksielsure te oorkom/breek. (3) [15] Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief Pry Rasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 4IVRAAG 4 41 4.1.1 | Marking criteria/Nasienkriteria ifany one of the underlined key phrases in the correct context is omitted, deduct 1 mark Jindien enige van die onderstreepte frases in die korrekte konteks uitgelaat is, trek 1 punt af. The underlined phrases must be in the correct context. / Die onderstreepte frases moet in die korrekte konteks wees. The chemical process in which longer chain hydrocarbon molecules are broken down to shorter (more useful) molecules. vv Die chemiese proses waarin langer kettingkoolwaterstof-molekule afgebreek word in korter, (meer bruikbare), molekules. (2) 4.1.2 (3) 4.1.3. {Marking criterialNasienkriteria + Reaciants v products v / Reaktanse produkte + Balancing’ /Balansering 2CsHv + 1902 ¥ > 12COp + 14H20 ¥ Bal v Notes/Aantekeninge: + Ignore double arrows and phases./ignoreer dubbelpyle en fases. ‘+ Marking rule 6.3.10/Nasienreé! 6.3.10. + If condensed structural formulae used:/indien gekondenseerde struktuurformules gebruik: Max/Maks. % (3) 42 4.2.1 | Marking criteria/Nasienkriteria if any one of the underlined key phrases in the correct context is omitted, deduct 1 mark.findien enige van die onderstreepte frases in die korrekte konteks uitgelaat is, trek 1 punt af. The underlined phrases must be in the correct context. / Die onderstreepte frases moet in die korrekte konteks wees. Compounds with the same molecular formula, but different positions of the side chain, substituents or functional groups on the parent chain. V7 Verbindings met dieselfde molekulére formule, maar verskillende posisies van die syketting, substituente of funksionele groepe op die stamketting. @ 4.2.2. Addition/hydrohalogenation/hydrochlorination v Addisie/hidrohalogenering/hidrachlorinering @ Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief Pry Rasideadadsidscoree Semele rephy: NSCINSS ~ Marking sics.com DBE/November 2023 Guidelines/Nasienvigiyne 4.2.3 Marking criteria/Nasienkri * Chlorine atom bonded to any C-atom ¥ Chlooratoom gebind aan enige C-atoom * Correct functional group on third C-atom ¥ Korrekte funksionele groep op derde C-atoom * Whole structure correct “ Hele struktuur korrek 424 42.5 — Concentrated sulphuric acid/HeSOx(conc./gek,) ~ Gekonsentreerde swawelsuur 4.2.6 Concentrated strong base “ OR Concentrated NaOH/KOH/LiOH/sodium hydroxide/ potassium hydroxide/ lithium hydroxide OR Strong base/NaOH/KOHILIOH/sodium hydroxide/ potassium hydroxidelithium hydroxide in ethanol. Gekonsentreerde sterk basis OF Gekonsentreerde NaOH /KOH/ LiOH /natriumhidroksied/ kaliumhidroksied/ litiumhidroksied OF ‘Sterk basis/NaOH /KOH/ LiOH / natriumhidroksied/kaliumhidroksied/litium- hidroksied in etano! 4.2.7 Elimination v Dehydrohalogenation/dehydrochi Eliminasie lorination ¥ Dehidrohalogenering/dehidrohalogenasie/dehidrochlorinasie/- dehidrochlonering Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief (3) @ @ (4) (2) [19] PryRasideadadsidsorte Seaeuorephysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION SIVRAAG 5 5.1 ANY ONE: ‘© Change in concentration “ of products/reactants per (unit) time. ¥ Change in amount/number of moles/volume/mass of products or reactants per (unit) time. + Amountinumber of moles/volume/mass of products formed/reactants used per (unit) time. * Rate of change _in_concentration/amountinumber_of_moles/volume/ mass.“ 7 (2 or 0) ENIGE EEN: ‘© Verandering in konsentrasie van produkte/reaktanse per (eenheid) tyd. * Verandering in_hoeveelheid/getal_mol/volume/massa van produkte of reaktanse per (eenheid) tyd. * Hoeveelheid/getal_mol/volume/massa_van_produkte_gevorm/reaktanse gebruik per (eenheid) tyd. * Tempo_van_verandering in _konsentrasie/ _hoeveetheid/aetal _mol/ volume/massa. (2 of 0) @ 5.2 Concentration (of NazS20s)/Konsentrasie van (NazS20z) ¥ @ Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief Pry2asetaatadsifeoee Seana renhysics.com DBE/November 2023 53 Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne Marking criterialNasienkri *~ Substitute/Vervang 0,03 x 0,13 / 30 x 0,13¥ ‘© Substitute/Vervang 50 OR/OF 0,05 ¥ Final correct answer/Finale korrekte antwoord: 0,078 mol-dm®? ¥ Range 0,075 to 0,08 mol-dm? OPTION T/OPSIE 1 OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 a cai = C2V2 (0,13)(0,030) ¥ = c2 (0,50) ¥ o13=— c2 = 0,078 mol-dm’ v 0,03 ¥ n =3,9 x 10° moles/mol v4 Vv 3,9x10° 0,05 ¥ 078 mol-dm's v OPTION 3/OPSIE 3 © Substitute/Vervang 0,05 x 0,13 OR/OF 50 x 0,13 ¥ © Substitute/Vervang 50 OR/OF 0,05 ¥ * Final correct answer/Finale korrekte antwoord: 0,078 moldm” ¥ Range 0,075 to 0,08 moldm? ORIOF an fay 0,10=—"- "0,05 ¥ n =5x 10% moles/mol Ve: Va 3:4 3,75 x 107: 5 x 10 0,05 ¥ = 0,078 mol-dm’ v =0,075 moldm?v—_ OPTION 4/OPSIE 4 3 3 ¥ x 0,13 ¥ = 0,078 moldm’ ¥ Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief (3) 54 PryRasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorenhysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne Marking criteria: Wasienkriteri 0,21 021 + Substitute to caleulate n(S): > ¥ * Use mol/M ratio: n(S) = n(NazS2Os) + Substitute M = 158 g-mof*in formula n(NaxS:03) =v . Pubstitute t= 20,4 s into rate formula. + Final correct answer: 0,051 (g's?) ¥ Range: 0,050 to 0,080 (g-s*) Vervang om te bereken n(S): > ¥ Gebruik mol/M-verhouding: n(S) = n(NaxS202) ¥ Vervang M = 158 g-molin formula n(Na2S20s) = v Vervang t = 20,4 s in tempo formule. ¥ Finale korrekte antwoord: 0,051 (g-s")~ Range/Gebied: 0,050 to 0,080 (g-S*) OPTION 1/OPSIE 1 32 = 0,00656 moles/mol (6,56x10°) 00656 moles/mo! “ m n(NaeS20s) = — sa 0.00686 =F y m(Na2S20s) = 1,04 g OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 158g NavS20sv—*> 32gS¥ xg — 0219” x =1,04g f / / Rate/Té 240 / ate/Tempo = = J ——+ _ 1,04 = 1,03 g (1,027) se 0s © 20,4 = 0,05 (g:s4) ¥ “204% = 0,051 (g-s) v ACCEPTIAANVAAR: a ony 0,13 = mS 0,05 0,00656 gee n(NazS20s) = 5 0,00656 = ‘ 158 ¥ MaxiMaks. 3/., Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the pagelBlaai om asseblief (5) Pry Rasideadadsidsorte Semen renhysics.com DBE/November 2023 Number of particles! ‘Aantal deeltjies 5.6 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne Marking c1 ialNasienkri * Both axis labelled correctly. v Beide asse korrek benoem * Both curves start at origin and have correct shape. v Beide kurwes begin by die oorsprong en het dieselfde vorm. * Peak of curve B must be lower than curve A. ¥ Maksimum van kurwe B moet laer wees as kunwe A. © Peak of curve B must have higher kinetic energy than curve A up to end of curve. ¥ Maksimum van kurwe B moet hoér wees as kinetiese energie van kurwe A tot by die einde. (4) *Ata higher temperature particles move faster/have higher kinetic energy. v *More molecules have enough/sufficient kinetic eneray for an effective collision. ¥ OR More molecules have kinetic energy/Ex equal to or greater than the activation energy. *More effective collisions per unit time/second. v OR Frequency of effective collisions increases. Reaction rate increases. ¥ “By 'n hoér temperatuur beweeg die deelijies vinniger/het die deeliiies hoér Kinetiese energie. “ Meer molekule het genoeg/voldoende kinetiese energie/Ex vir 'n effektiewe botsing. OF Meer molekule het kinetiese energie gelyk aan of groter as die aktiveringsenergi Meer effektiewe botsings per eenheidtyd/sekonde. v OF Frekwensie van effektiewe botsings verhoog. *Reaksietempo neem toe. “ (4) [19] Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief PryRasieadadsidcorte Seaeuorendhysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 6IVRAAG 6 61 6.2 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou A reaction is reversible when products can be converted back to reactants (and vice versa). ‘n Reaksie is omkeerbaar wanneer produkte terug na_reaktanse, en (omgekeerd), omageskakel kan word. Marking criteria/Nasienkriteria: If any one of the underlined key phrases in the correct context is omitted, deduct 1 mark Jindien enige van aie onderstreepte frases in die Korrekte konteks uitgelaat is, trek 1 punt at. The underlined phrases must be in the correct context. / Die onderstreepte frases moet in die korrekte konteks wees. When the equilibrium in a closed system is disturbed, the system will re-instate a new equilibrium by favouring the reaction that will cancel/oppose the disturbance. v¥ Wanneer die ewewig in 'n geslote sisteem versteur word, sal die sisteem 'n nuwe _ewewig instel deur die reaksie te bevoordeel wat die _versteuring kanselleer/teenwer ‘The amount of A2(g) was increased./Az was added into the container. Die hoeveelheid A2(Q) is verhoog./A2 is bygevoeg in die houer. * Increase in Az favours the reaction that uses or decreases the amount/concentration of Az. * The reverse reaction is favoured/amount or concentration of products decreases/amount or concentration of reactants increases. “ + 'n Toename in A2 bevoordeel die reaksie wat die hoeveelheid/konsentrasie van A2 verlag * Die terugwaartse reaksie is bevoordeel/hoeveelheid of konsentrasie van die produkte neem af/die hoeveelheid of konsentrasie van die reaktante neem toe. Marking criterialNvasienkriteria: OPTION 1/OPSIE I * Correct Ke expression./ Korrekte Ke uitarukking. ~ ~fAsllBal / + Substitution of (Az] and [Bz] at equilibrium. v Keo ABE ‘Substitusie van [Az] en [Bz] by ewewig. ¢ gE)” Substitution of [AB] at equilibrium. “ = nlG ‘Substitusie van [AB] by ewewig. ( a y « Final correct answer/Finale korrekte antwoord: 0,16” 4 IFIINDIEN: 0,16 v Wrong or no Ke expression: OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 Verkeerde of geen Kc- uitdrukking: Max./Maks. @/4 | Ke = (AcliBal v [AB] v Moles substituted/Mol vervang Mex/Maks. 2/4 = 205) 252 ¥ = 0,16 ¥ Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief @ (2) @ (2) 4) Pry Rasieadadsidsorte Seaeuorenhysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 65.1 1 Marking criterialNasienkriteria: ‘© Both axes correctly labelled and correct shape of Ep curve. “ Asse korrek benoem en korrekte vorm van Ep-kurwe + Shape of Ep curve for endothermic reaction as shown. Vorm van kurwe vir endotermiese reaksie soos getoon. Potential energy/ Potensiéle energie Ld, Course of reaction/ Verloop van reaksie 3) 6.5.2» Smaller than ¥ * Products/B2/Az amount/concentration decreases. v * Reactants/AB amountconcentration increases. OR The reverse reaction is favoured. / Equilibrium (position) shifts to the left. v * Kleiner as * Produkte/B2/A2 hoeveelheid/ konsentrasie neem af. » Reaktanse/AB hoeveelheid/konsentrasie neem toe. OF Die terugwaartse reaksie word bevoordeel./Die ewewigs(posisie) skuifna links. (8) 6.6 Both forward and reverse reaction rates increase equally. / Gradient of three curves will be steeper. vv * Reaches equilibrium soonerfless than 40 s. / The graph becomes horizontal sooner. ¥ * Beide die voorwaartse en terugwaartse reaksietempo verhoog dieselfde. / Gradiént van al drie kurwes is steiler. * Ewewig word vinniger/korter tyd/minder as 40 s bereik. / Grafiek neem korter tyd om horisontaal te word. (3) [19] Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief Pryfeasetaatadsifeovee Sanya rephysics.com NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 7IVRAAG 7 7A 7.26. oa 72. 7 A strong base ionises/dissociates completely ~ in water. “ ‘Sterk basis ioniseer/dissosieer volledig in water, n(Ba(OH)2) = cv = 0,15 x 0,02 ¥ ,003 mol ¥ POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 7.2.1 POSITIEWE NASIEN VAN VRAAG 7.2.1 DBE/November 2023 Marking citeria: (a) Use ratio: 2nBa(OH), (7.2.1) = NHNOs ¥ (b) Substitute nHsO* or nHNO3 and 0,045 dm? ine = 2 v (c) Formula: pH = -log(H:0'] “ (d) Substitute [H10'] in pH formula ¥ (e)Final correct answer: 0,89 Range: 0,88 to 0,89 Nasienkriter (a) Gebruik verhouding, 2nBa(OH)2 (7.2.1) = NHNOs ¥ (b) Vervang nH30° of nHNOs en 0,045 dm in o= 2 v (c) Formule: pH = -logfHsO"} (d) Vervang [H:0°] in pH formule “ (e) Finale korrekte antwoords: 0,89 Gebied: 0,88 tot 0,89 NHNO2 reacted "= 2nBa(OH)2 eee (0,003) va) ,006 mol OPTION 1/ OPSIE 1 OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 1n(Hs0°) = n(HNOs) = 0,006 mol = v(b) el 0,045 rods y | = 0,13 mold? = 2008 v4) 0,045 [Hs0"] = [HNOs] = 0,13 mol-dm* = 0,13 mol-dm# =0,89 (e) slog[H20"] ¥(c) a -10g(0,13) v(d) Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief 2 (3) (5) Pry Rasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorendysics.com 73 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelin DBE/November 2023 \es/Nasiemriglyne POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 7.2.2/ POSITIEWE NASIEN VAN VRAAG 7.2.2 Marking citeria: {a) Substitute [HNO,] = 0,4 mol:dm® and 0,025 dm? v (b) Subtract N(HNOs)ini— M(HNOs)excess (7.2.2) ¥ ¥ (6) Use of ratio n(MCOs) = ¥4n(HNOs) ¥ (d) Calculate the pure m(MCO:) “ (e) Substitute n(MCOs) and m(MCOs) in m n=tv (f) Calculation of 24 g-mot* v (g) Correct answer: Mg ¥ ‘Nasienkrit (a) Vervang: [HNOz] = 0,4 motdm? en 0,025 dm? ¥ (b) Trek af: (HNO3)aany~ N(HNOs)ooman: (7.2.2) ¥ (¢) Gebruik verhouding: m(MCOz) = ¥4n(HNO2) ¥ (d) Bereken suiwer m(MCO.) ¥ (e) Vervang n(MCOs) en m(MCOs) in nstv M (f) Berekening van 24 g-mol"¥ (g)Korrekte antwoord: Mg ¥ N(HNOs)ini = CV 0,4 x 0,025 (a) 0,91 mol n(HNOs)exe: = H(HNOd\a— n(HNO3)ecess 01 — 0,006 vv (b) ,004 mal = ¥an(HNOs) > (0,004) «~v(c) ,002 mol 85 m(MCOs) = +55 x 0,198 ¥(d) = 0,168 g m n(MCOs) = 0,02 = 2188” ey M(MCOs) = 84 g-mol? ™ 4-60 “(A 4 g-molt Therefore metal M is Mg v(g) Molar mass (M Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief (8) [18] PryRasideadadsidsorte Seaeuorenhysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 8IVRAAG 8 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Copper strip becomes thinner/decreases in mass/solidisilver coloured particles insolution/the copper becomes plated with silver “ Koper plaatjie word dunner/massa neem afivasie stof/silwer-kleurige deeltjies in oplossing. Ag’ ion/-ioon / Silver ion/Silwer-ioon v( Ag’ ion is a stronger oxidising agent” than Cu?* ion ¥ and will oxidise Cu to (blue) Cu* ion. ¥” OR Cu?* ion is a weaker oxidising agent’ than Ag’ ion “and Cu will be oxidised to Cu? ion. ~ OR Cu/Copperis a stronger reducing agent “ than Ag/Silver Vand will reduce silver ions to silver. “ Oo, Ag* -ioon is ‘n sterker oksideermidde!l as Cu®* -ioon en sal Cu na (blou) ‘Cu** - ioon oksideer. oF Dr Cu? -ioon is 'n swakker oksideermiddél as Ag* -ioon en daarom sal Cu na (blou) Cu -ioon geoksideer word. OF Cu/Koper is 'n sterker reduseermiddel as Ag/Silwer en sal silwer-ione na silwer reduseer. Silver/Ag/SiWwer ¥ CuSO./Cu2* /Copper (II) ions/copper(t!) sulphate/Koper(!!)-ionel koper(i))sulfaat ¥ ACCEPTIAANVAAR: Any soluble copper(tl) salt/Enige oplosbare koper(Ii)sout 2Ag"(aq) + Cu(s) ¥ > 2ag{s) + Cu**(aq) Bal v_ Marking criteria/Nasien! * — Reactants ¥ Products v Balancing: v Reaktanse Produkte Balansering * Ignore double arrows./ignoreer dubbelpyie. Ignore phases./Ignoreer fases. Marking rule 6.3.10./Nasienreé! 6.3.10. Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief @ ce) 3) @ @ (3) Pry Rasideadadsidcorte Seaeuorendysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 8.4 ad The: positive ions move to the silver ion solution to maintain the ion balance/electrical neutralitity/[Ag"] decreases. v OR itis the cathode, OR Positive charges decrease. Die positiewe one beweeg na die silwerioon-oplossing om ioon- balans/elektriese neutralitiet te handhaat/[Ag'] neem af. OF Dit is die katode. OF Positiewe ladings verminder. QUESTION 9IVRAAG 9 9.1 ANY ONE/ENIGE EEN: * The chemical process in which electrical energy is converted to chemical eneray. vv Die chemiese proses waarin elektriese energie omgeskakel word na chemiese eneraie. «The use of electrical eneray to produce a chemical change Die gebruik van elektriese energie om 'n chemiese verandering te weeg_te bring. ‘= Decomposition of _an ionic compound by means of electrical _enera Ontbinding van ‘n joniese verbinding met behulp van elektriese energie. * The process during which an electric current passes through a solutionvionic liquid/molten ionic compound. Die proses waardeur 'n elektriese_stroom deur ‘n oplossing/ioniese viceistof/gesmelte ioniese verbinding beweeg. 92 — Cu(aq)+2e + Culs) vv Ignore phases/ignoreer fases Marking cri INasienkriteria: * Cu(s)—Cu*(aqg)+2e (34) Cur*(aq) +2e: = Culs) (34) Cu(aq) + 2e — Cus) (%) Cu(s) = Cur*(aq) #2e — (%) + Ignore if charge omitted on electron /ignoreer indien lading weggeleat op elektron. © Ifcharge (+) omitted on Cu®*/indien lading (+) weggelaat op Cue: Example/Voorbeeld: Cu2(aq) + 2e° + Cu(s) Max./Maks: A 93 RtoinaQv Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please tum the page/Blaai om asseblief (2) [12] (2) (2) @ PryRasideadadsidsorte Seaeuorendysics.com DBE/November 2023 NSCINSS ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 94 Marking criteria: Nasienkriteria: {a) Substitution of 63,5 into n =a ¥ | (a) Vervang 63,5 inn=2v (b) N(electrons) = N(Cu atoms) x2 ¥ (6) Substitute 16x10" c inn=Sv {d) Substitute (5)(60)(60) in {e), Final correct answer: 2,68 A Range: 2,68 to 2,70 A M (b) N(elektrone) = N(Cu-atome) x 2¥ (6) Vervang 1,610" Ginn =2v Q (A) Vervang (5)(60)(60) in 1 == ¥ (e) Finale korrekte antwoord: 2,68 A“ Gebied: 2,68 tot 2,70 A m n(Cu) = _16 MCU) = B35 vq = 0,25 mol N n atoms(Cu) = rn 0,25=——_, 6,02 x 1079 = 1,5 x 10° atoms } N electrons = (1,5 x 1078)(2) ¥(b) = 3x 10* electrons Sorior 2 e N electrons 3x10% =——, ts 16x10“ = 48 160 C Q ea e160 © (6)(60}(60) ¥() =2,68A ve) (5) 9.5 Agisilver is a weaker reducing agent” than Cu/coper or Znizin¢ ¥ and will not be oxidised. Agisilwer is ‘n swakker reduseermidde! as Cu/koper of Zn/sink en sal nie geoksideer word nie. Voltage of power source is not effective enough to oxidise Ag/silver./ v Die potensiaalverskil van die energiebron is nie effektief genoeg om die Agysilwer te oksideer nie. (2) [12] TOTALITOTAAL: 150 Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou

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