1FR0 2H - Higher Task 1 - Role Play Cards - Candidate

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Paper 2: Speaking in French
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the candidate Higher tier
Assessment material for April/May 2018 Paper Reference
Time: 22 to 24 minutes (total), which includes
12 minutes’ preparation time
You do not need any other materials.

• The examination is made up of three tasks: one role play, one picture-based
task, and a conversation.
• You have 12 minutes in total to prepare for the role play and for the picture-
based task.
• Do not make notes on this stimulus card.
• You are permitted
Dictionaries and other resources are not allowed at any time.
• for both the role play
to make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper
and for the picture-based task.
• Respond
You must hand in your notes before completing the final task (conversation).
• You may ask
to each question as fully as possible.
• You must notforreadquestions to be repeated.
• out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions.

Turn over

©2018 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Travel and tourist transactions
Instructions to candidates:
You are at an airport in Paris. You have missed your flight and talk to an employee. The
teacher will play the part of the employee and will speak first.
You must address the employee as vous.
You will talk to the teacher using the five prompts below.
• where you see – ? – you must ask a question
• where you see – ! – you must respond to something you have not prepared

Vous êtes à l’aéroport de Paris. Vous parlez à l’employé(e).

1. En retard – raison
2. Détails personnels
3. !
4. ? Prochain vol – heure
5. ? Faire à l’aéroport

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Paper 2: Speaking in French
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the candidate Higher tier
Assessment material for April/May 2018 Paper Reference
Time: 22 to 24 minutes (total), which includes
12 minutes’ preparation time
You do not need any other materials.

• The examination is made up of three tasks: one role play, one picture-based
task, and a conversation.
• You have 12 minutes in total to prepare for the role play and for the picture-
based task.
• Do not make notes on this stimulus card.
• You are permitted
Dictionaries and other resources are not allowed at any time.
• for both the role play
to make notes on up to a maximum of one side of A4 paper
and for the picture-based task.
• Respond
You must hand in your notes before completing the final task (conversation).
• You may ask
to each question as fully as possible.
• You must notforreadquestions to be repeated.
• out whole, prepared sentences in answer to questions.

Turn over

©2018 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: School activities
Instructions to candidates:
You are talking to your French exchange partner about activities at your school.
The teacher will play the part of your exchange partner and will speak first.
You must address the young person as tu.
You will talk to the teacher using the five prompts below.
• where you see – ? – you must ask a question
• where you see – ! – you must respond to something you have not prepared

Tu parles des activités extra-scolaires avec ton/ta partenaire français(e).

1. Activité extra-scolaire – souvent
2. Activité – heure(s)
3. !
4. ? Activités au collège en France
5. ? Vêtements spéciaux


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