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Weekly Lessons at a Glance

You can glance through the lessons below. Bear in mind, activities in Blue will be graded.

Topics Covered Activities in this Course

Homepage: Introduce yourself and

participate in the Ice-breaking activity

Lesson 1 Introduction to Psychology of Learning and Instruction: Prescribed Reading

Definitions and Correlations between Psychology,
Instruction, Learning, and Spirituality in Learning Online Students: e-Facilitation Session

Lesson 1 Reflection (5%)

Lesson 2 Classical Conditioning Learning Theories - Instructional Prescribed Reading
Design Based on Classical Conditioning Theories
Online Students: e-Facilitation Session
Operant Conditioning Learning Theories - Instructional
Design Based on Operant Conditioning Theories Blended Students Weekend Class

Lesson 2 Discussion (10%)

Start: Group Project

Lesson 3 Social Learning Theories - Instructional Design Based on Prescribed Reading
Social Learning Theories
Online Students: e-Facilitation Session

Lesson 3 Reflection (5%)

Lesson 4 Cognitive Learning Theories - Instructional Design Based on Prescribed Reading
Cognitive Learning Theories
Online Students: e-Facilitation Session
Cognitive and Social Constructivist Learning Theories -
Instructional Design Based on Cognitive and Social Lesson 4 Reflection (5%)
Constructivist Learning Theories
Lesson 5 Learning Motivation Theories - Instructional Design Based on Prescribed Reading
the Theories
Online Students: e-Facilitation Session

Blended Students Weekend Class

Lesson 5 Reflection (5%)

Lesson 6 Differentiated Learning and Instruction - Instructional Prescribed Reading
Designs based on Student Differences
Online Students: e-Facilitation Session

Lesson 6 Discussion (10%)

Submission: Group Project (30%)

Lesson 7 Critical, Creative and Reflective Thinking - Instructional Prescribed Reading
Design for Teaching Critical, Creative and Reflective Thinking
Online Students: e-Facilitation Session

Lesson 7 Reflection

Final Examination - Refer to Academic Calendar for the details

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