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Question 1 (SO 1. AC 1, AC 2.

AC 3)
Define the following terms with examples

Potental risk
Perceived nsk
Actual risk
Risk triggers
.Rish management factors (10)

Question 2 (S0 2, AC 1, AC 2)
Explain the two main ways that are used to analyse project risks (6)

Question 3 (SO 3, AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, AC 4)

ldentity and explain the d1fferent options of treating project risks (14)

Question 4 (SO 4, AC1

Explain the reasons behind nsk monitoring and control

Question 5 (SO 4, AC 2)
Assume you are a function coordinator at a 6 week provincial conference on fighting HIV/IAIDS One of the
nsk that you identified was electncity out ages As a response you had opted for a stand-by generator
Duning the course of the first week. there was a power outage and the generator took 5 hours to start
causing a delay in proceedings How can you respond tothis situation?

Question 6 (SO 4, AC 3)
What factors must be taken into account when implement1ng risk response plans

US 120374 Contrbute to the management of project nisk eithun own feld of expertise

61Page O Morena ke Lethabo Training Centre



You are required to carry out the following tasks using an actual project or simulated project
Attempt all tasks

Task 1 (S0 1, AC 1, AC 2; SO 2, AC 1, AC 2; AC
3, SO 3, AC 1, AC 2, AC 4))
Use a
project you are currently running or you have run before to answer the
to project risk
following questions relating
management. If you have not run a project you can simulate a
where required to show that the
project. Provide all evidence
principles were actually applied
Identify any potential., actual and perceived risk to your
project. (10)
Using any 5 risks that you identified above, identify the causes and
effects of the risks (10)
Measure the risks that you identified in (i) in terms of likelihood and
impact. Use the risk
matrix analysis
IV. (10)
Develop possible risk treatment
strategies to the risks that
you measured in (l) (10)

Task 2 (S0 4, AC 4, AC 5)
Report on the implementation and monitoring of the risk management responsesin
the following in your your project. Include
Variances identified ie. gaps identified between the risks and the risk
responses after
Lesson learned during the implementation and monitoring
The report must be addressed to your

Total marks are 50

Learner achieved marks

Assessor Name_

US120374 Contribute to the

management of project risk within
51P age Morena ke Lethabo Training Centre
own field of expertise

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