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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân





boat (n) /'boʊt / thuyền
plan (n) /plæn/ kế hoạch
trolleybus (n) / 'trɔlibʌs / xe điện bánh hơi
subway train (n) /´sub-wei trein / xe điện ngầm
plane = aero plane (n) / plein /=/ 'eərəplein/ máy bay
cable car (n) /'keibl kɑ:/ xe cáp treo
tram (n) /'træm / xe điện
icy (adj) /'aisi / đóng băng, phủ đầy băng
ferry (n) /'feri/ phà
cyclist (n) /'saiklist/ người đi xe đạp
guidebook (n) /'gaɪd bʊk / sách hướng dẫn
huge = very big (adj) / hjuːdʒ/ khổng lồ
magnificent = beautiful (adj) /mæg´nifisənt/ hoa lệ, lộng lẫy.
outdoor # indoor (adj) /'autdɔr / ngoài trời # trong nhà
post a comment (v.phr) /'poʊst ei ˈkɒment / đăng tải 1 bình luận
probably (adv) /'prɔbəbli / hầu như chắc chắn
promise (v) /'prɒmɪs/ hứa hẹn
coast (n) / koust/ vùng duyên hải, ven biển
degree (n) /dɪ'gri:/ đơn vị đo nhiệt độ
weather forecast = predict (n) / 'weθə fɔ:'kɑ:st/ dự báo thời tiết
especially (adv) / ɪ'speʃəli/ đặc biệt là
rollercoaster (n) / 'roulə'koustə/ tàu lượn cao tốc
scary = frightening (adj) /'skɛəri/ = /'fraitniη / rùng rợn, kinh hoàng
technology (n) / tek'nɔlədʤi/ công nghệ
trò chơi cảm giác mạnh ở công
thrill ride (n) / θrɪl raid/
viên giải trí
trò chơi trượt nước ở công viên
water ride (n) / 'wɔ:tə raid/
giải trí
awesome (adj) /'ɔ:səm/ tuyệt vời
cave (n) / keiv/ hang, động
train (n) / trein / xe lửa

English 6: Friends plus 2021-2022 Page | 1

Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
I. Be going to (Thì tương lai gần)
a. Cấu trúc
I + am + going to + V (nguyên thể)
* Câu khẳng định. We/You/ They + are + going to + V (nguyên thể)
He/ She/ It + is + going to + V(nguyên thể)
Eg: He is going to study abroad in London next year.
I + am not + going to + V (nguyên thể)
* Câu phủ định. We/ You/ They + are not + going to + V (nguyên thể)
He/ She/ It + is not + going to + V(nguyên thể)
Eg: She is not going to work tomorrow.
Am + I + going to + V (nguyên thể)?
* Câu nghi vấn. Are + we/ you/ they + going to + V (nguyên thể)?
Is + he/ she/ it + going to + V (nguyên thể)?
Eg: Are they going to go on a picnic next weekend?
b. Cách dùng
- Thì tương lai gần dùng để diễn tả một dự định, kế hoạch trong tương lai.
Eg: We are going to take a trip to Paris this weekend.
- Thì tương lai gần dùng để diễn tả một dự đoán có căn cứ, có dẫn chứng cụ thể.
Eg: Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain.
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
- tomorrrow: ngày mai
- next + week/ month/ …: tuần tới/ tháng tới…
II. Future simple tense (Thì tương lai đơn)
a. Cấu trúc
* Câu khẳng định. S + will + V(nguyên thể)
Eg: I will go to school tomorrow.
* Câu phủ định. S + will not (won’t) + V(nguyên thể)
Eg: I will not go to school tomorrow.
* Câu nghi vấn. Will + S + V(nguyên thể)?
Eg: Will you go to school tomorrow?
b. Cách dùng
- Thì tương lai đơn thường diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai.
Eg:He will come back soon.
We will have a party next week.
- Thì tương lai đơn được dùng diễn đạt ý kiến, đưa ra một lời hứa hoặc một quyết định tức thì.
Eg:I think Liverpool will win tonight.
I’ll call you tonight.
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
 In + thời gian : trong …… nữa (Ex: in 5 minutes-trong 5 phút nữa)
 Tomorrow : ngày mai
 Next day/ next week/ next month/ next year: ngày tới/ tuần tới/ tháng tới/ năm tới
+ trong câu có động từ chỉ khả năng sẽ xảy ra:
 think/ believe/ suppose/ …: nghĩ/ tin/ cho là
 perhaps : có lẽ
 probably : có lẽ
 Promise : hứa
English 6: Friends plus 2021-2022 Page | 2
Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
 Note: Ta có thể viết tắt như sau
I will  I’ll
He will  He’ll
She will  She’ll
You will  You’ll
We will  We’ll
They will  They’ll
It will  It’ll
III. Conditional sentences type 1
1. Định nghĩa
- Câu điều kiện gồm có hai phần: mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện (if – clause) và mệnh đề chỉ kết quả
(result clause).
Ví dụ: If the weather is fine, I will go camping with my friends tomorrow.
(Nếu thời tiết đẹp thì ngày mai tôi sẽ đi cắm trại với bạn của tôi)
- Ở ví dụ trên, mệnh đề “If the weather is fine” là mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện và mệnh đề “I will go
camping with my friends tomorrow” là mệnh đề chỉ kết quả (mệnh đề chính).
- Mệnh đề IF và mệnh đề chính có thể đứng trước hay sau đều được.
Ví dụ: I will go camping with my friends tomorrow ì the weather í fine.
2. Cấu trúc
Chức năng Dùng để diễn tả một hành động có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoăc tương lai.
If + S + V(s/es) + bổ ngữ, S + will + V nguyên mẫu + (bổ ngữ)
Cấu trúc (Thì hiện tại đơn) (Thì Tương lai đơn)
Mệnh đề IF dùng thì hiện tại đơn, mệnh đề chính dùng thì tương lai đơn.
- If I have enough money, I will buy a new computer.
(Nếu tôi có đủ tiền thì tôi sẽ mua một chiếc máy tính mới.)
Ví dụ
- If you work hard, you will make a lot of money.
( Nếu bạn làm việc chăm chỉ thì bạn sẽ kiếm được nhiều tiền.)
Unless = If + not
If = Unless + not
Ví dụ:
- If he doesn’t do his homework, his mother will complain him.
=> Unless he does his homework, his mother will complain him.
- If you don’t send her to the hospital, she will die.
=> Unless you send her to the hospital, she will die.
Lưu ý
Có thể dung các động từ must, have to, can, may, should thay cho will trong
mệnh đề chính.
Ví dụ:
- If it rains heavily, you can stay here.
(Nếu trời mưa to thì bạn có thể ở lại đây.)
- If you want to see that film, you must buy a ticket.
(Nếu bạn muốn xem bộ phim đó thì bạn phải mua vé.)
IV. Rhythm in sentences
Stressed and unstressed words
Trong tiếng Anh, không chỉ từ mang trọng âm, mà câu cũng có trọng âm. Trọng âm câu đóng vai
trò rất quan trọng, vì khi nói, từ mà người nói nhấn trọng âm cũng như cách đánh trọng âm vào
cùng một từ có thể làm thay đổi hoàn toàn nghĩa hàm chứa trong câu nói.
Quy tắc nhấn trọng âm câu

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
Những từ được nhấn trọng âm thì thường phát âm to, rõ ràng và chậm hơn những từ còn lại.
Nhấn trọng âm vào từ chính (từ mang nghĩa)
Danh từ (Nouns) cars, teachers
Động từ chính (Main verb) drank, looking
Tính từ (Adjectives) soft, hard
Trạng từ (Adverbs, Trừ trạng từ tần suất) carefully, quickly
Từ phủ định (Negatives) not, never
Không nhấn trọng âm vào từ chức năng
Giới từ (Prepositions) at, on
Trợ động từ (Auxiliary verbs) do, is
Liên từ (Conjunctions) and, or, but
Từ hạn định (Determiners) a, an, the
Đại từ (Pronouns) I, me, him
Nhịp giữa các từ được nhấn trọng âm câu là như sau
Eg: She is TALKING to her PARENTS


I. Listening
Listen to the interview. Complete the sentences with one word.
Simon has got a fantastic job.
1. Simon ______________ a lot.
2. Simon is a tour ______________.
3. Simon ______________ people to enjoy their holidays.
4. Next week Simon is going to be in ______________.
5. He’s going to travel with a group of ______________ people.
6. They are going to go to Milan by ______________.
7. Simon ______________ Rome and Milan very well.
8. In ______________ it’s usually hot and sunny in Italy.
9. Simon ______________ going to visit the beach.
10. After work, Simon is going to ______________ by the swimming pool.
II. Underline the stressed words in each question.
1. How is she going to travel?
2. What are we going to see?
3. Are you going to buy a torch?
4. When is Ciara going to go to Paris?
5. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
III. Underline the unstressed words in each question.
1. What can you do in good weather and bad weather?
2. Where are you going to meet them?
3. What are you going to tell them about?
4. Where will you live when you are thirty?
5. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
1. Cai Rang floating market in Can Tho province, you can see a lot of _________.
A. cable cars B. planes C. subway train D. boats
2. Going by __________ is always the fastest.
A. bike B. feet C. airplane D. bus
3. You cannot see a _________ on a street.
A. bus B. subway train C. tram D. motorbike
4. Trolleybus travels on streets while a ________ travels on railways.
A. tram B. bus C. plane D. boat
5. My family usually goes out for dinner________ Sundays.
A. on B. by C. at D. in
6. If you don’t leave soon, you ________ late
A. be B. couldn't be C. will be D. are
7. Let’s go to the beach! - __________.
A. Yes, I do. B. I’m fine. C. That’s a good idea. D. You’re welcome.
8. This helps people to discover the moon. What is it?
A. helicopter B. ferry C. truck D. spaceship
9. I _________ visit Da Lat this weekend.
A. am going to B. was C. going to D. be going to
10. Ha Long Bay is a natural __________ of the world.
A. forest B. wonder C. hospital D. beach
11. Peter is going to ___________ Vietnamese next year.
A. studying B. going C. study D. studies
12._________ are you going to stay in Ha Noi? – At a hotel.
A. When B. Who C. Which D. Where
13. Death Valley in California is the ________ place in the USA.
A. hot B. hottest C. cold D. coldest
14. The ________ place in the world is Argentia in Canada.
A. hottest B. coldest C. foggiest D. hot
15. What’s the weather like today? ___________ .
A. It’s Monday B. It’s March C. It’s ten o’clock D. It’s hot and sunny
16. When you go in group, you should take a _______________.
A. truck B. taxi C. spaceship D. bike
17. Ha Long is famous __________ its scenic rock formations.
A. to B. with C. for D. by
18. We are visiting a milk farm to see __________ they __________ milk, cheese, and butter.
A. why - do B. Ø - do C. how - make D. how – do
19. Our class is going to _______ a picnic at the zoo on Saturday. Would you like to come with
A. have B. take C. pass D. go
20. __________ don’t you come to my house? - OK. Let’s go.
A. Which B. How C. Why D. Would
21. I am going to the _______________ center.
A. amuse B. amusing C. amusement D. amused
22. _________do you to the gym? – By bus
A. How B. Who C. When D. Where
23._________ are you going to visit Dalat? – Next week.
A. When B. Who C. Which D. Where

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
24. They cancelled their picnic ________ the weather was bad.
A. or B. because C. but D. nor
25. She is going to ___________ part in the English club.
A. taking B. take C. took D. takes
V. Use the correct form of GO, TAKE, DRIVE or RIDE to complete the sentences.
1. When did you last ___________ the train to Da Nang?
2. Will you ___________ on a bus to the museum?
3. Can you ___________ a car?
4. Will you ___________ your bike to school tomorrow?
5. How do you ___________ to school? ~ on foot.
6. Will you ___________ a taxi to the supermarket?
7. Would you like to ___________ on a roller coaster?
8. Do you want to ___________ a sledge?
9. Can you ___________ a scooter?
10. My father could ___________ a tractor when he was young.
11. We are in grade 6 so we can’t ___________ a motorcycle.
12. My uncle ___________ a truck to take goods to the supermarket.
VI. Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each blank.
ferry port coach bays rail (railway) station tramway
bus station underground bus stop taxi rank
1. A: I have missed the bus to work. I need to take a taxi. Where can I find a taxi?
B: At the _____________________.
2. Where can I catch the bus to Leicester?
~ B: From the _____________________number 8.
3. A: I need to catch a bus to town. Is there anyone near here?
B: There’s a _____________________over there in front of the café.
4. A: I’m going to Nottingham for the weekend. Is there a tram to the Robin Hood Museum?
~ B: Yes, it runs every 15 minutes from the _____________________.
5. I’m taking the coach to Gatwick airport on Friday. It leaves from the _____________________at
the bus station at half past three in the morning.
6. I work in the City of London. I catch a train from Northampton _____________________London
Euston at 7.30 every weekday morning.
7. I have to take the tube from the _____________________number 6 to go from Euston to
8. Let’s take the ferry over to Calais this weekend. It is only £69 for a car and 4 passengers. We can
catch it from the _____________________at Dover.
VII. Choose one suitable word from the box to fill in each blank.
rainy warm and dry windy sunny foggy
chilly cold/frosty hot stormy snowy
1. Put on your sweater. It’s very _____________________today.
2. It is _____________________today. Take the umbrella.
3. Let’s go to the beach. It’s very _____________________.
4. It’s _____________________today. Let’s make a snowman.
5. It may be _____________________today. It may have strong winds and lightening.
6. The weather is _____________________on Sunday. Let’s go out for a picnic.
7. It is _____________________today. Don’t go out or else you will get a cold.
8. It is _____________________because the wind blows strongly.

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
9. I can’t see anything in the early morning because it is _____________________.
10. The weather is _____________________. Let’s go for a walk. I like the sunshine.
VIII. Choose the correct word(s).
1. If we miss/ will miss the bus, we take/ will take the taxi.
2. I come/ will come over to your house if you rent/ will rent a DVD.
3. They see/ will see the new ‘Lara Croft’ film if they go/ will go to the cinema.
4. She goes/ will go to the party if you invite/ will invite her.
5. You are/ will be on time if you run/ will run.
6. If he doesn’t stop/ won’t stop smoking, he has/ will have problems later.
7. If you study/ will study hard, you pass/ will pass your exams.
8. If you get up/ will get up late, you go/will go to school late.
IX. Put the verb in brackets into either ‘the simple future’ or ‘going to’
1. Look out! We ____________! (crash)
2. I hope one day I ____________more free time. (have)
3. We ____________our old friends in August. (meet)
4. Look at those black clouds. It ____________this evening. (rain)
5. Perhaps in a few hundred years everybody ____________an easier life. (have)
6. A: What are your plans for this evening?
B: I ____________at home and watch TV. (stay)
7. I believe that I ____________high marks for my next examination. (get)
8. John’s starting university in October.
– Oh yes. What he ____________? (study)
9. If you and your husband both have green eyes, your children probably ____________green eyes
too. (have)
10. A: I’m afraid I’m not quite ready.
~ B: Never mind. I ____________. (wait)
11. I’ve bought the paint. I ____________this room blue and the sitting room green. (paint)
12. Son: I’m hungry now.
~ Mum: I ____________you a cake. (make)
X. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Passage 1
Wickedly Wonderful is a small summer (1) _________in the UK for children aged 6 to 13 years
old. The children (2) _________a week outdoors at the camp, making new friends and learning
new activities (3) _________having a lot of fun. (4) _________the summer camp, they sail, horse
ride, kayak, enjoy games on the beach and the beach (5) _________, swim, surf, go crabbing and
ride bikes. Children will enjoy holidays with Wickedly Wonderful, and (6) _________are holidays
that they will remember forever!
1. A. term B. course D. holiday
2. A. take B. spend C. use D. pass
3. A. which B. what C. where D. while
4. A. At B. In C.On D. During
5. A. firingcamp B. campfire C. firecamp D. firingcamp
6. A. this B. that C. these D. those
Passage 2
Ram : Maria, Jose, are you going somewhere?
Maria : Yes, we’re going to1) _________a trip this weekend. We’re going to drive to the country
to visit my sister and her family.

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
Amrita : (2) _________! Where does your sister live?
Maria : She lives (3) _________ a very little town about five hours away.
Ram : Five hours away? That’s far. Will you stop anywhere?
Jose : Sure. We’ll stop to eat (4) _________.
Maria : And I want to stop at a state park that we’ll pass. It’s very beautiful. There are
mountains and lakes and (5) _________ trees, and nobody is there. I want to (6) _________some
Jose : Maria is someone who’s always taking pictures, everywhere we go!
Amrita : Well, have a wonderful tip, and drive carefully!
Maria : Thank you! See you next week!
1. A. go B. take C. have D. B & C are correct.
2. A. Great! B. That’s wonderful C. How nice! D. All are correct
3. A. on B. in C. at D. next
4. A. something B. somethings C. anything D. anythings
5. A. lots of B. a lot of C. so many D. All are correct
6. A. take B. get C. draw D. Buy
XI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions
Passage 1
Dear students and parents,
I’m writing to tell you about our exciting adventure day on Sunday 15th May at the Woodlands
Outdoor Adventure Center in Asham.
Please can all students be at the school at 7.45- we will leave at 8.00 a.m. We’re going to go in
two buses and we must leave on tine. Student need a bag with waterproofs, sun cream and
some sandwiches in it. You can get drinks at the outdoor center.
Before lunch, all students are going to lean tree climbing. They can learn to climb with special
teachers at the center. After lunch, the students will walk in the huge woods around the center.
We will be back at the school at around 5.15.
Mr Collins.
Write True/False for the statements about the passage
1. The adventure day is in the month of May. ____________
2. The students are going to meet at bus station at 7.00. ____________
3. Students are going to travel in three different buses. ____________
4. Students don’t need to carry bag. ____________
Choose the best option
5. What time will the students leave?
A. 7.00 B.7.45 C. 8.00 D. 5.15
6. How do the students go to the center? - By ________________.
A. truck B. taxi C. bike D. bus
Passage 2
Japan has a few dozen popular theme parks and amusement parks, including some world-
renowned brand names like Disneyland and Universal Studios There are also a few parks unique
to Japan, for example, Nikko Edomura, which is themed in a fun way.
The rides at modern Japanese theme parks are fast and exciting- but they are very safe. The
bravest people can go on the “thrill rides”- these are scary rides that use a lot of expensive
technology. Theme parks have more than just rides and rollercoasters. There are also shops, cafes,
restaurants, shows and concerts.
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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
Write True/False for the statements about the passage
1. Japan doesn’t have any famous theme parks. ____________
2. The rides at the theme parks are very safe. ____________
3. The rides at modern theme park are very slow. ____________
4. There are many shops and cafes in the theme parks. ____________
Choose the best option
5. How are the rides at the theme parks?
A. fast and safe B. fast and dangerous C. slow D. cheap
6. Where is Nikko Edomura?
A. In USA B. In Canada C. In India
XII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.
I’m planning my holiday (1) ________ next summer and I don’t know whether I should have a
lazy holiday or an exciting one. Last year I went on holiday to southern Spain with my best
friends, Joanna and Ling. We stayed in a brilliant four-star hotel, which had three swimming
pools. It was quite expensive but we really enjoyed ourselves and we all got great suntans! This
year, Joanna is going (2) ________ with her parents to Greece so it’ll be just Ling and me. Ling
wants us to go on an adventure (3) ________ in Africa. We will go (4) ________ in the desert and
sleep out in the open. She thinks that it will be (5) ________ and better than having a lazy holiday
(6) ________ we will learn about the world around us and see some wild animals. I’m not sure
whether I want to go to Africa. For me, a holiday means relaxing on the beach, not trekking across
the middle of nowhere. Ling also expects (7) ________ elephants and zebras and have some
amazing experiences. I think she’s bored of lying (8) ________ the sun all day and fancies a
change. I’ve got to make up my mind by next Monday at the latest so that she can book the tickets.
It might cost £1,400 each to go to Africa, but less than half that amount for two weeks in Portugal.
1. A. in B. for C. at D. during
2. A. out B. in C. away D. into
3. A. holiday B. voyage C. festival D. traveling
4. A. walk B. walking C. walks D. walked
5. A. interest B. interests C. interested D. interesting
6. A. when B. because C. while D. so
7. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. saw
8. A. out B. in C. away D. into
XIII. Read the following passage and decide if the sentences are true (T) for false (F)
The summer holiday is coming soon
Hi guys! Now I am trying to do my homework, but I must say that I am looking forward to the
next summer holidays. Still a few weeks to go but believe me my friends and I just have this in
mind and it’s difficult to work, too hot!!! My family, that is my father, John; my mother, Susan; my
little sister, Sue and me, are going to leave our small terraced house in London at the end of July
and go to Brittany in France in a camp site by the sea, near Saint Malo.
There we are going to do nothing but lie on the beach, sunbathe, make huge sand castles, swim,
ride our bikes. I have been there already, it was last year, and I know there can be some wind at
times, so I am going to take my brand new kite with me. I am sure to meet some new friends in
the camp, that will be great to play or to go to the beach together even if I have to look after my
little sister as well. My parents will probably organize big barbecues and invite neighbours after
spending the day on the beach, they like meeting new people. We will go and visit Mount Saint
Michael, we will also go to some nice ‘crêperies’ or eat the famous Sanchez ice creams!! Some days
were quite cold and rainy last year, but I don’t mind because it will be just the holiday.

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
1. The boy wants to have his summer holiday. ____________
2. He is talking about Easter holidays. ____________
3. He’s going on holiday in Junes. ____________
4. He’s going on holidays in Spain. ____________
5. He prefers school to holidays. ____________
6. They will stay in a hotel. ____________
7. He will go hiking in the mountain. ____________
8. He’s going to take his kite with him. ____________
9. He will have to look after his little sister. ____________
10. They will have a party in the open air on the beach. ____________
11. His parents will spend little time on the beach. ____________
12. The weather is always fine there. ____________
XIV. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (for tundra climate) or HD (for hot desert climate).
Cold weather and low temperatures are of the tundra climate all year round. The winter season is
long and hard. A short summer season exists. It lasts about 6 to 10 weeks and temperatures reach
-1°C. The sun shines almost 24 hours a day during this season so people call Tundra “the land of
midnight sun". During the long winter months, it is dark most of the day and temperatures drop
to -30°C. No plants can grow in the tundra. Deserts are usually very hot all year round with
temperatures over 46°C. They get very little rain and have very long dry periods. At night
temperatures drop to below freezing. Only plants that hold in a lot of water survive in hot desert
1. It doesn't rain very often. ____________
2. It's very cold, even during summer time. ____________
3. Several kinds of plants can live there. ____________
4. There's no sun during the winter. ____________
5. We find no plants there. ____________
6. The winter is very long and difficult. ____________
7. It can be hot in the morning but freezing cold in the evening. ____________
8. The sun shines all day during the summer. ____________
XV. Nick and Mai are going to celebrate the end of the school year with a party. Complete the
dialogue with the expressions given below.
A. I'll bring some DVDs of pop and classical music
B. I'll get the drinks from the supermarket tomorrow
C. Why don't you send the invitations to them by email? 12 cm
D. How about having a karaoke singing contest?
E. I'll phone all our classmates to tell them about the party
F. we'll need lemonade and orange juice
G. Why don't you also buy some ice cream at the supermarket?
H. I'll make the sandwiches
Mai: Hi, Nick. The school year is coming to an end soon. We'll have a party to
celebrate it. Right?
Nick: It's a good idea, Mai. First, (1) ____________.
Mai: (2) ____________. It'll save a lot of time.
Nick: OK. How about food and drink?
Mai: For food, (3) ____________. My mother can help me to do that.
Nick: Well done! And for drink, I think (4) ____________.

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
Mai: They're good for our health.
Nick: (5)____________.
Mai: You can get them at the supermarket easily. (6)____________.
Nick: Sure, I'll do it. How about entertainment? Mai: (7) ____________
Nick: You'll bring DVDs for pop music only. We don't like classical music.
(8)____________I think our friends like singing.
Mai: Good idea. You can tell our friends about it in the invitations.
XVI. Match one sentence in column A with one suitable sentence in column B. Then practice
Column A Column B Keys
1. I can’t move these heavy boxes. A. Shall I buy some? 1. _______
2. Someone left the door open. B. I’ll open the window. 2. _______
3. These clothes need washing. C. I won’t forget. 3. _______
4. I have a headache. D. I’ll make you a sandwich. 4. _______
5. We haven’t got any coffee. E. I’ll lend you mine. 5. _______
6. I’m hungy. F. I’ll get you some aspirin 6. _______
7. Remember to meet me tomorrow. G. Shall I wash them? 7. _______
8. I’ve left my mobile phone at home. H. I’ll close it. 8. _______
9. I can’t hear the radio. I. Shall I turn it up? 9. _______
10. It’s hot in here. J. Shall I help you? 10. _______
XVII. Use the correct form of the words given in parentheses.
1. The weather will be _______________. (rain)
2. In the morning, the weather will probably be _______________in Nha Trang. (sun)
3. Will there be many _______________. (cycle)
4. Mawsynram is one of the _______________places in the world. (hot)
5. My father is a _______________. (photo)
6. It will be cold and _______________this weekend. (fog)
7. Banh Tom is a _______________in Ha Noi. (special)
8. What kind of ride can be _______________? (scare)
9. Jason is going to _______________some caves in Ha Long Bay. (explorer)
10. Your money will _______________if you put your wallet on the floor. (appear)
XVIII. Write the conditional sentences from the following sentences.
1. We will plant more flowers. Our school will be more beautiful.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
2. We will go to work by bike. We will reduce pollution.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
3. We will cycle to school every day. We will be fitter.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
4. We will reuse the old things. We will save money.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
5. People will be happier. They will go out for a picnic on the hill.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
6. We will brush our teeth twice a day. We will keep the teeth better.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
7. People will travel more by public transport. The air will be fresher.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
8. You will go to London next summer. Will you write a postcard to me?
English 6: Friends plus 2021-2022 Page | 11
Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
XIX. Rearrange the words in the right order to make a meaningful sentence.
1. holiday./ going/ I’m/ to/ on/ go/
 I’m ______________________________________________________________________
2. We/ watch/ not/ to/ a soccer match/./ aren’t/going/
 We _____________________________________________________________________
3. in/ December? / Is / country/ cold/ your/
 Is _______________________________________________________________________
4. Peter/ Italia/ stay/ in the south/ going to/ is/
 Peter ____________________________________________________________________
5. happy/ if/ be/ He’ll/ gets/ a scholarship/ he/
 He’ll ____________________________________________________________________
6. won’t/ They/ football/ play/ rains/ it/ if/
 They ____________________________________________________________________
7. hungry/ some sandwiches/ We’re/ because/ we’re/ making/
 We’re ___________________________________________________________________
8. after lunch? / to walk/ Where/ they/ going/ are/
 Where ___________________________________________________________________
9. important/ to wear/ It’s /students/ school/ for/ uniform/
 It’s ______________________________________________________________________
10. travel? / How/ we/ are/ going to/
 How ____________________________________________________________________
XX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it.
1. How is the weather today?
 What ____________________________________________________________________
2. She plans to visits Hue next week.
 She’s ____________________________________________________________________
3. My elder brother loves wild animals
 My elder brother _________________________________________________________
4. They plan to travel Japan by plane.
 They’re __________________________________________________________________
5. Let’s go to the beach!
 Why don’t _______________________________________________________________
6. What about going to the supermarket by bus?
 Why don’t _______________________________________________________________
7. How is the weather in the spring?
 What is __________________________________________________________________
8. Shall we go to the zoo this weekend?
 Let’s ____________________________________________________________________
9. Keep silent or I will call the police.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
10. Study hard and you will pass the exam.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
11. Don’t go out in the rain because you will get wet.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
12. You will fail the examination unless you study hard

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Tài liệu thực hiện bởi Trần Trường Thành Zalo 0369904425 không hợp tác với cá nhân nào.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
13. My car will be out of order. I won’t drive you there.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
14. Take up this course. You will like it.
 If _______________________________________________________________________
15. Don’t tell your parents. They will be surprised.
 Unless __________________________________________________________________

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