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Text 1

Biomass energy is processed from waste materials. Examples of biomass energy are sawdust and
wood chippings, to make wood-pellets for biomass heating systems, corn and switch-grass to make ethanol
used as fuel for vehicles.
Positively, biomass energy can be produced locally, at minimum cost which the end user benefits
from and also contributes to sustaining local employment.
Besides, biomass energy is renewable and does not depend on fossil fuels. The price of fossil fuels
has no bearing on the price of biomass and in the past ten years the price has stayed the same which cannot
be said for fossil fuels.
Furthermore, biomass energy is CO2, neutral, which means the CO2, produced is the amount
ingested during the plant’s life time.
However, as with anything in life, there are drawbacks of using biomass energy. The biomass may
consist of fermented animal waste, agricultural crops, grains and other natural products.
Considering the pros and cons above, at large plants it’s economically feasible to install technology
to recycle and process the wastes, but there are still doubts about the ecological impact of smaller biomass
plants. It seems all forms of alternative energy have some drawbacks, but they are all better options to
replace our current dependency on coal and oil.
Adopted from: Biomass-Energy/BiomassEnergy-
Pros-and-Cons.htm (March 15, 2012)

1. What is biomass energy processed from?

A. Water.
B. Fossils.
C. Coal and oil.
D. Earth’s heat.
E. Waste materials.
2. The following are positive sides of biomass energy, EXCEPT ______
A. it can be produced locally at minimum co
B. the price has stayed the same
C. it is renewable
D. it is carbon monoxide neutral
E. it does not depend on fossil fuels
3. What is the main idea of paragraph five?
A. The argument for biomass energy.
B. The argument against biomass energy.
C. Where biomass energy derives from.
D. The writer’s conclusion about biomass energy.
E. Examples of biomass materials and their usage.
4. “... but they all are better options to replace .... (Paragraph 6) What does ‘they’ refer to?
A. Forms of alternative energy.
B. Forms of biomass energy.
C. Smaller biomass plants.
D. Agricultural crops.
E. Grains.

Text 3
As Internet is becoming more widely used, online shopping is also growing tremendously. Many
businesses are creating web pages in addition to their retail stores, and many start their businesses with
online stores alone.
For some people, shopping online is convenient. Convenience includes the overall ease of finding
a product, time spent on shopping, minimization of overall shopping effort (Schaupp & Belanger, 2006).
Online shopping allows consumers to shop at the convenience of their own home, and to save travelling
time to retail stores and spend their time on other important tasks and hobbies.
On the other hand, privacy is the number one reason that non-online shoppers do not shop online.
A recent study has found that privacy was the top concern of customers while security ranked bottom. This
proves that many do not trust the privacy of the Internet and are concerned with their credit card feuds,
unwanted solicitation, and use of their information for other purposes. Security of Web sites is not the top
concern because many shop on websites that they trust so that other factors appear to be more important
than security.
Based on the pros and cons above, the choice is given to the consumers whether they will shop
online or non-online.
Adapted from:!
5. The text mainly discusses about…
A. the information about shopping online
B. the general description of shopping online
C. the pros and cons about businesses online
D. the pros and cons about shopping online
E. the explanation how to run shopping online

6. ” For some people, shopping online is convenient.” The similar meaning of convenient is…
A. suitable
B. well
C. better
D. nice
E. pleasant

Text 4
Unemployment among young people is increasing constantly. Some people blame Industrial sectors for
this. The reason is that industries try to reduce the number of employees who are replaced by computers or
people able to manipulate these computers.
People think the problem is that companies mainly look for well-qualified people with a lot of
experience because they expect to make serious business and don’t give a chance to university students to
prove themselves.
On the other hand, people argue that the unemployment increase is caused by young people themselves,
not the industrial sectors. In the work area young people tend to specialize too much in one limited area and
haven't got any other knowledge, or experience. Furthermore, students should take an orientation that will
allow them to get several kinds of jobs and mainly studies in correction with technology, public relations,
commerce and social activities.
Another fact is that students are quickly self-satisfied. If they can’t get a job in their specialization, they
don't go on looking for another job and choose the easier way out ‘unemployment.
In-conclusion, we cannot fully blame the industrial sectors as the only cause of unemployment We should
consider the inside reasons why young people become unemployment. However, providing a lot of numbers
of work fields is a must.

7. The text mainly talks about,

A. the pros and cons about the causes of unemployment
B. the explanation how unemployment exists
C. the general description of unemployment
D. the suggestions to reduce the number of unemployment
E. the information about the number of unemployment

8. ".:. they expect to make serious business...” (Paragraph 2). The word ‘they’ refers to
A. general people
B. university students
C. well-qualified people
D. companies
E. workers

Text 5

Adoption is the process by which people take a child who was not born to them and raise him or
her as a member of their family. By law, adopted children differ from foster children. An adopted child, has
all the legal rights of a member of the family that raises him or her. A foster child does not.
Parents place their children up for adoptions for many reasons. Some parents feel they cannot
adequately care for their offsprings because of health or economic conditions. Some others, especially
unwed parent, may not want to raise a child.
But there are couples who cannot have children of their own. Adoption gives them opportunity to
raise a family. They can get one from an adoption agency if they have all the requirements asked.
State laws prohibit adoption agencies from revealing the identity of the natural parents to the
adoptive parents. These laws also forbid agencies from disclosing the identity of the adoptive parents to the
natural parents. In some states, the law permits adopted persons who are at least 18 years old to see their
birth certificates including the natural parents’ names.
On the contrary, many adopted people worked to change the laws. They argue that people have a
right. to know their identity. They said that keeping secret their adoptions records violate their right.
On the other hand, many people feel adoption records should be kept secret. If not, natural parents
might change their minds years later and take the child away from the parents who raised him or her.
Some experts advise that a child should know of the adoptions by the age of 6 or 7. Surveys have shown
that most adopted children develop normally.

9. Which of the following is NOT the reason why parents place their child up for adoption?
A. He or she is from a poor family.
B. His or her parents do not love them.
C. His or her parents are not in good health.
D. His or her parents do not want to raise him/ her.
E. His other parents cannot afford to give good education.

10. The writer's purpose in writing the text is ....

A. to tell the readers how to adopt a child
B. to describe people who adopt a child
C. to explain the readers how an adopted child is raised
D. to persuade people to have a foster child or to adopt a child
E. to inform the readers the reasons and problems of adopting a child

11. Which of the following is the most improbable reason why adopted children want to have know
their adoptive records?
A. They want to know their natural parents.
B. They want to know why they are adopted.
C. They want to know their status in adoptive parents.
D. They want to pay back their adoptive parents’ expenditure.
E. They want to know why their parents place them up for adoption.

Text 6


August 22, 2023

To: PO. BOX 51175


Dear Sir,
I am applying for the position of mechanic advertised in “City News” on August 20, 2023.
I am 20 years old and graduated from SMK Bhakti majoring in automotive mechanic. Now I am working
at AUTOMODI repair shop.
I believe that my experience in handling machine make me very suitable for the position.
Copies of my resume and references are attached. I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Herry William

12. What position does the writer want to apply for?

A. A driver
B. An electrician
C. A salesman
D. A mechanic
E. An advertiser

13. The writer hopes that…

A. He can be the manager
B. He can be the interviewer
C. He encloses the references
D. He can work for the company
E. He is refused by the company
Text 7
Perumahan Griya Indah Sejahtera
Jalan Kebun Raya No. 56 Lampung

5th November 2023

Mr. Frank Lambert

The Executive Site Plan Officer
PT Timah Indo Abadi
Jalan Timah Selatan No. 100

Dear Sir,
I read on a daily newspaper that there is a vacant job in your company as a site plan assistant. I am interested
to join at your established company. Here with I enclose my Curriculum vitae.
I am a fresh graduate mastering in mining with GPA 3.7. I have experience as a mining drilling assistant
for PT Dewantara Pusaka Coal Mining in Kalimantan. For more information, I have excellent English
speaking and writing skills. I’m good at operating computer. I also have a good personality.
It would be great that I will be given the opportunity of an interview. I’m looking forward to hearing from
you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


14. What is the letter about?

A. A letter to apply for a job
B. Someone’s work experience
C. An invitation to join an interview test
D. Detailed information needed to apply for a job
E. Information about a vacant job in PT Timah Indo Abadi

15. What position is offered by the company?

A. An executive sales officer
B. A mining drilling assistant
C. A mining site plan officer
D. A site plan assistant
E. A secretary

16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The applicant has an experience as a mining drilling assistant.
B. The applicant applies as an executive site plan officer.
C. The applicant can operate computer.
D. The applicant has expert in English.
E. The applicant is a fresh graduate.

17. “Best regards,”

After this part of an application letter, the writer must give ……
A. signature
B. closing
C. intention
D. salutation
E. phone number

18. I want to know more about him. …, there is only a little information about him
A. Because
B. However
C. Despite
D. In spite of
E. Nevertheless
19. … she likes him very much; she pretends to ignore him.
A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. Despite
D. Though

20. …. the car is old enough, it is still very beautiful.

A. In spite of
B. Despite
C. Since
D. Therefore
E. Though

21. Alif still went to school, … he was ill yesterday.

A. because
B. despite
C. although
D. In spite of
E. because of

22. …his good performance as a student, he is always nervous when doing exams.
A. Unless
B. Despite
C. Because
D. Though
E. Even though

23. …he is very angry; he is still smiling.

A. Even though
B. Despite
C. In spite of
D. because of
E. however

24. …. the heavy rain, the football game will not be cancelled.
A. In spite
B. Despite
C. Though
D. Although
E. Because

25. … the great inconvenience of travelling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their
A. Although
B. Despite
C. Because of
D. In case of
E. In addition to

26. Ani : Why are you sleepy in class?

Ali : I am not sleepy, but I have a panful stomachache
Ani : You… to the doctor. Come on I’ll accompany you.
A. should go
B. will be going
C. will have gone
D. should be going
E. should have gone
27. A : Sorry, you are too late. The bank is already closed
B : Well, I…earlier.

A. Should be coming
B. should have come
C. might have come
D. will be coming
E. Should come

28. Armand could not read the French text on traveling. His brother who graduated from French
Letters Department … translate it for him.
A. may help
B. will help
C. will be helping
D. should be helping
E. should have helped

29. Mr. Alwi : I’m not feeling well.

Mr. Jojo : You … to the doctor
A. will go
B. might go
C. should go
D. must have gone
E. should have gone

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