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Mapta University School of ECE, Department of EE, Maptia University Muralla Street, Intramuros Manila AC MACHINERY LABORATORY Experiment No. 1 THE CAGE ROTOR INDUCTION MOTOR August23, 2019 August30, zi Date Performed. Date Submitte: Name:Agtalao, Adrian P. gf Course/ Sec:EE108L/E06 / ,G Engr. GorgonioVallestero IIT Instructor MAPUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL Experiment No. 5 The Cage Rotor Induction Motor Objective 1. To study the construction ond fundamental principle of induction motor. ‘i 2. To investigate the relationship between the speed, current, output power, power factor ‘ond efficiency of a caye-rotor induction motor cnd the torque produced by the motor. Related Articles ‘Twree-phoase AC induction motors ore commonly used in industrial applizations. This type of motor hos three main patts, rotor, stater, and enclosure. The stater ond rotor do the work, and the eneloture protects the stator ond rotor. J Floure 5-1. The three phose Induction motor, showing the three fundamental ports. (picture courtesy by Slomens) ‘The stotor i the stationery pert of the motors electromagnetic elreut, The stotor core Is made vp ‘of mony thin metal sheets, colled laminations, Laminations ore wsed to reduce energy losses thot ‘would result Ifo solid core were used, Stator leminations are stocked together forming @ hollow cylinder. Colls of Ineuloted wire ore Inserted into slots of the stctor core. When the astembled moter Is in eporatton, the stator windings. fore connected directly to the power source. Each grouping of exis, together with the steel core it Prepared by. DS Eugenio J ‘AC MACHINERY a8 MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL ‘mchronour speed ef the rotating magnetic field ond the rotor speed is much smaller. Ths speed Gtfference Is called zip. Slip is necessory to produce torque. Slip is also dependent on load. An increase in load causes the roter to slow down, Inereasing sl ‘A decrease in load coures the rotor t0 speed up, decreating slip. Motors ore designed with speed-torque characteristics 1o match the requirements of common ‘eppiications. Because moter torque varies with speed, the relationship between speed and torque is often shown In @ groph, called o speed-torque curve, This crve shows the motors torque, os Percentage of fulload torque, over the moto’ full speed range, shown os © percentage of Is Synchronous speed. Starting torque, also referred to as locked rotor torque, isthe torque thet the rnotor develops each fine Its started ot rated voltage ond frequency. When voltage is intaly applied to the motor’s stoter, there fs on instant before the rotor tums. As the motor picks up speed, Torque decreases slightly until @ point Is reached where ft increases again. The torque cvcllable at this point is called pull-up torque. Fer a NEMA B motor, ths i slightly lower than starting torque, but greeter than fulLlood forque. As speed continues te Iereose, it will reach op {0.4 moximam valve at approximately 200% of full-lood torque. This maximum valve of torque is referred fo ot breakdown torque. Torque decreases rapidly os speed increctes beyond breckdown torque unl it reaches fullload torque ot @ speed slightly less then 100% of synchronous speed. Fi frequency, and load, ‘oad forque is developed with the motor operating at rated voltage, Speed-torque curves are useful for understanding moter performance under load. At full lood, the ‘motor runs at rated speed. When mechanico! load increases, motor speed decreases. until the motor ferque again becomes equal to the load torque. As long as the two torques are In batlonce, the motor will rm at constant speed. The current and speed relationship of an induction motor resembles @ V-shaped curve having « minimum value at synchronous speed. This minimum ts equal to the magnetizing current which tz needed fo create flux In the machine, Since ‘lux Is purposely kept constant, aa thet magnetizing current isthe same at all synchronous speeds. Equipment Inifial Settings 1 Bed © Speed range 1800 rev/min © External/intomal 107i switeh Yo INT © Torque reverse switch fo give positive meter “Ae MACHINERY Propared by: DS Eugen Jr Sansemnierancisor LABORATORY MANUAL, deflection Torque meter range te 2.5 Nm © Break torque control to minimum _FH90 Cage Rotor Induction Motor ° ead Test machine Instrumentation Frame V3... Voltmeter 250 V range . AAC. Ammeter 2Aronge WI AC. Wattmeter 500 W ranges for both meters. Procedures Set up the equipm 37 1 Me eaviment and connect he wing ctagram as shown in Figure 5-1 or Figure 5. 2. Switeh on Switch on the power to the Test Bed, fs athe main switch ond then press the green ON Push button to activate the eontactor. 3+ Adiust the brake control so that the motor develops an indicated torque of approximately 0.8 Nm. Allow the moter to warm up for approximately 10 minutes. Reset the brake Control fo minimum after the warm up pertod. 4 'n steps, ot Indicated in the resuits toble, inereaze the torque on the moter, and record correrponding velves of torque, speed, power, voltage ond airrent, until the motor stalls Note thot, obtaining readings In the range from maximum torque 0 stallec! condition requires cereful experimentation. (Note: When the power factor Is less then 0.5, the indication on one of the two wattmeters will be reversed, and it will be necessary *0 reverse the connections to the voltage coll and regard this reading as « negative valve, Therefore, the input power isthe algebraic sum of Wa and We.) 5. Finally, meosure the starting torque and current using the rotorslocldng pin provided. Deactivate the contactor by pressing the red OFF push button, ond insert the pin into the hole located in the rightshand dynamometer boss. It may be necessary to rotate the shaft to olign the holes In the shat end the boss, ond adiust the Perspex safety guard so thet the enlorged section of the slot colnides with the pin, Disconnect the leud between the dynamometer supply and the dynamometer. Activate the contactor by pressing the green ON push button and read the torque and current valves. Caution: ~ This procedure must bo completed as quickly as possible in order to avoid overheating of the windings of the motor, and care must be foken to check the zero of the torque macsuring system. NG MACHINERY 36 ‘Prepared by: DS Eupeni Jr PUA NSTTUTE OF TechnGtSey —— ee Wiring Diagrams Figure 5-13. Wiring diagrom setup ke MACHINERY 7 Application ‘The application of induction motor differs by the type of rotor which is being used 1. Squirrel Cage Rotor 2. Slip Ring Rotor or Wound Rotor Type 3 ‘The Torque Slip characteristics determines the use of squirrel cage motor which is stated as, under, _ Generally, itis classified into four classes: * Class A Motor: Normal Starting torque, high starting current with Low Slip i the required operating criteria of this type of motor with high full loed efficiency. Examples’ Fan, Blowers, Machine tools, etc, Class B Motor: Normal Staring torque, low starting current, and low operational slip are the required operational criteria ofthis type of motor. Applications are the same as class A Motor. Class C Motor: High Starting torque, low starting current and applicable for a constant speed-load condition is the required operational criteria for this type of motor. Examples: Compressor, Crushers, Conveyors, ete Class D Motor: Highest starting torque of all the class motor, low start high operating slip. This type of motors has low efficiency suitable for intermediate loads. Examples: Bulldozers, Die stamping, etc, Slip ring inductor motor have High Starting Torque and low starting current so the load which require this operational condition uses slip ring type rotor induction motor. Ex :- Conveyors, Cranes, Compressors, Elevators, Hoist ete. Other Applications of Three Phase Induction Motor + Lifts © Hoists ‘© Driving lathe machines © Oil extracting mills © Textile and etc,

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