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Role of Sufis for the Propagation of Islam in India.

Subject: Pak. Affairs-CSS

Sufism is the heart of Islam on soil of sub-continent. The term “Sufism” refers to Islamic
mysticism, called Tassawuf in Arabic. It can be defined as the belief and practice, introduced in
Islam in the later years, in which adherents seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge
through the direct personal experience with God. Sufism is the mystical Muslim practice in
which people search for truth, knowledge and closeness to God through meditation and prayer.
Sufi expression is manifested in written form with accounts of saints and mystics, poetry, and
descriptive literature to help adherents reach their ascetic goals of divine expression. Although
not a separate sect of Islam, Sufi philosophy interacts with Islam very differently from
traditionalist and Ulemas and believers.


Tassawuf is an Arabic Word that literally means “to dress in the wool”. Muslim mystics used
wool (suf) as part of their clothing and simple living. They called Faqir in Arabic and Darwaish in
Persian. The word “Sufi” started to come into use for the Muslim mystics from the 8 th Century in
the Middle East. It was because they denounce Luxuries and lived a simple life, poor and mystic
life. The term Sufism came into common use in Western Languages for Tassawuf from the early
19th century.

The advent of Sufis to India dates back to the Arab conquest of Sindh. It is believed that some
of the Sufi saints might have penetrated into different parts of the country during this very
period. After the establishment of the Muslim rule in the northern India, the Sufis, from the
Muslim countries of Central Asia, began to migrate to this country in a large numbers as the
peaceful missionaries of Islam. They dedicated their lives to the services of mankind and the
spread of the Islamic faith. The propagation of Islam was regarded by them to be the greatest
and most valuable service to be rendered to the people; to lead them from darkness to light and
to convert the Dar-ul-harb (the home of atheism) into Dar-ul-Islam (the home of Islam) was the
highest mission of their lives.
The Sufis set up their abode in the residential quarters and the colonies on the boundaries of
the Hindu towns. Their first object was to win their love and confidence and reconcile them to
the Muslim rule. Secondly, they persuaded them to embrace Islam on merit. The Sultanate of
Delhi was confined to only a part of India for the most of the time but the Sufis spread
themselves throughout the country and carried on peaceful propagation of Islam.


The main teaching of the Sufism is based on monistic philosophy which is the first fundamental
principle of Islam. Nevertheless, the Sufis, adopted their own line of though and philosophical
speculations in visualizing the Absolute Reality or the Supreme Creator and the relationship
between Him and His creation. In this respect, they, sometimes showed considerable difference
of opinion with the fundamentalist among the Muslim theologians. The Sufi also differed with
one another in many respects as regards their methods of teaching. That is why, in the final
phase of its development, Sufism came to be organized into a number of Silsilahs or orders, the
founder of each of which was said to have made some special contributions or given an
individualistic touch of the mystic philosophy or the organizational set up his disciplines. Of
course, it may be worthwhile to enumerate the salient principles of Sufism with special reference
to the main teaching of Indian Sufis.
The monistic philosophy of Sufism was based on the theory of Wahadat-ul-wujud or Wahadat-i-
wujudi – the unity of being. According to which the Creator (Haq) and the created (Khalaq) were
identical; in other words , God was the Unity behind all polarity and the Reality behind all
phenomenal appearance. Shaikh Muhiuddin Ibn al-Arabi (1165-1240), the author of the theory,
explains it in these words.
There is nothing but God, nothing in existence other than He; Whatever exist objectively as well
as subjectively, outside mind of man as well inside, it is One ‘The God’.
The orthodox Muslim theologians were opposed to the doctrines of Wahadat-ul-wujud and
Marifat; according to them God as the Absolute power was indivisible and unrivalled in His
eternal existence, and that the relationship between God and man was the one between the
Creator and the Creature or Master and the Slave. The Sufis on the other hand, compared this
relationship with the one that existed between the Lover and the Beloved or Husband and Wife.
Sufis believed that the presemce of God can be felt by anyone who attended to His call with
attentive mind and heart.
Hence the Sufi philosophy was based on the principle of Love which was ‘the essence of all
religions’ and ‘the cause of all creation’.


The role these Sufis play in creating harmony among Indian people and for the propagation of
Islam is commendable. Their main preachings were:
Sufis of Delhi and Multan delivered message of Sulha-i-kul (unitedness for all) irrespective of
their religious dogmas and ethos.

The concept of Islam in the subcontinent is result of untiring efforts of numerous Sufis
and Saints who dedicated their lives for cause of humanity service. Their prime object
was to spread love and respect among all irrespective of religious creed of people. S.M
Ikram describes ‘Muslim saints established centers for teaching and spreading of Islam
but Proselytizing was not their main objective rather they focused on reclaiming a
Muslim sinner from sins, as in bringing a polytheist to the worship of one God.
The Sufis stressed upon sound character through their teaching and preaching. A great
historian and scholar S.M Ikram said, “These saints had great influence over public and worldly
rulers found it convenient to show deference to them. At some places pirs used to redress
public grievences but normally they kept themselves away from worldly affairs.
Sufis message became breathing space for down-trodden classes, who had no human rights in
the subcontinent. Sufis heightens the importance of Human rights. They support cultural
diversity and holistic spiritual sensibility.
Muslim dynasties rose and fell but Islam as a unifying force sustained throughout centuries. S.M
Ikram said after devastation of Khurasan and Western Iran by Hands of Mongols, Thousands of
Muslim theologians and Saints migrated to India to escape Mongol Terror”. Sufis and Saints
preserved Islamic beliefs and tenets. In this way they played a pivotal role as Custodian of

From above mentioned discussion it is concluded that Islam was spread in Subcontinent by
invaluable services of Sufis. It is also a negation of concept that Islam was spread on swords
rather it is spread through Love, respect and spirituality. Sufis erode evils of caste system in
Hindu region, human inequality, lack of morality and women disrespect. I.H QURESHI wrote in
his book ‘A short History of Pakistan’ “The heaviest population of Muslims in East and West
Pakistan was away from metropolitan cities and this is a proof that Islam was not spread
through political power. It is spread through peaceful missionary activities of these Sufis.

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