Cep Lesson Plan Id Day1-2

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ariel Caprioglio Date: 4/11/2024

School: Rocky Mountain High School Grade Level: 10th Content Area: Math

Title: Volume Review Lesson #: 1 of 2

Identify which part of the lesson meets 1 or more of the 4 part Mission of the National Network for
Educational Renewal (Equal Access and Excellence, Stewardship, Nurturing Pedagogy and
Enculturation.): What are you and your students doing today to advance the 4-Part Mission? Does this
lesson connect to one or more parts of the Mission? Please briefly explain.

Equal Access- In terms of this part of the mission this lesson they will be working together to learn from
each other in groups which provides everyone a chance to get the information to scaffold their
knowledge up to the point where they could help in the process.


Nurturing Pedagogy- To help students visualize their construction and what this volume would mean in
the real world each group will have the time to create their shape using a website called GeoGebra. This
will help in their knowledge of the topic in a more spatial way which is important to modeling.


Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance: This lesson is to reorient the students with their volume
What are you going to teach and why is this knowledge and then work with the knowledge to engage
lesson important to these students? What in modeling their knowledge in a somewhat real world
has already happened in this classroom situation.
surrounding the subject you will be
teaching? What do students already know?
Why are you going to teach this topic now
(how does it fit in the curricular sequence)?
What teaching methods/strategy will you
be use and why?

What is the key vocabulary necessary for Sphere: 3D circle

students to know in order to learn the
material? Cone: 3D figure that has a tip at the end and opens up at
the end

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy
physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios). (CCSS:

Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects, and identify three-
dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. (CCSS: HS.G-GMD.B.4)

Understandings: (Big Ideas)-(Learning Target)

Conceptualize problems using concrete objects or pictures, checking answers using different methods,
and continually asking themselves, “Does this make sense?”

Students will be able to examine the volume changes of a surface when parts of the structure are taken

Literacy Standards:

Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (for example: informal
consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and
individual roles as needed. (CCSS: SL.9-10.1b)

Understandings: (Big Ideas) (Learning Target)

Students will be able to create their groups so that the function of the group will help provide a
successful group project product.

Math Standards:

Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects, and identify three-
dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. (CCSS: HS.G-GMD.B.4)

Understandings: (Big Ideas) (Learning Target)

Conceptualize problems using concrete objects or pictures, checking answers using different methods,
and continually asking themselves, “Does this make sense?”

Democracy and 21st Century Skills

Understandings: (Big Ideas) (Learning Target)

Students will have a better understanding of how to work with groups to analyze a situation and
creating a timely product.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)

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What are ways you can use geometry to model real world situations in volume and graphics?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria) Next to each Learning Target OR
Objectives, state how you are addressing literacy AND numeracy within this lesson.

I can:

I can successfully work in a group to use my knowledge to find the volume of a 3D figure that I create.

This means:

Students can recall all of the formulas for 3D shape volumes and how to cut volume out.

Students can create a figure with a group which involves the shapes of which they know the volumes.

Students show their work for solving for the volume of their figure.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative?)

Formative Assessment: A worksheet on day 1 will be provided so the students work on
volume of different 3D figures, and there will be a little project to create a figure using a cone, cube, and
sphere with given groups that showcase their knowledge of the volumes and how 3D shapes fit

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Geometric Modeling
Should be a creative title for you and The purpose of this lesson is to work on modeling with
the students to associate with the geometry in a constructed environment where they can ask
activity. Think of the purpose as the questions and learn programs they can use to create their
mini-rationale for what you are trying structures.
to accomplish through this lesson.
Approx. Time and Materials 100 min
How long do you expect the activity to
last and what materials will you need?
Anticipatory Set Students will come into class and be asked to recall as many
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. 3D shapes as they remember and try to draw them in groups.
These are actions and statements by This will be done in the format of a 3-2-1 Bridging the Gap.
the teacher to relate the experiences of They will come up with 3 3D shapes, 2 questions about those
the students to the objectives of the shapes, and 1 connection to a figure in nature that has one of
lesson, To put students into a receptive those 3D shapes. The teacher will go around and choose 2-3
frame of mind. people to share their ideas.
 To focus student attention on
the lesson.
 To create an organizing
framework for the ideas,
principles, or information that
is to follow (advanced
An anticipatory set is used any time a
different activity or new concept is to
be introduced.
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is ___________3-2-1 Bridging the
Anticipatory Set? Gap_____________

Why are you using it at this point in I am using this strategy here because:
your lesson? It is a good way to connect previous knowledge with new
knowledge which is what I am trying to do to make the
modeling process an application of previous knowledge.
Procedures Day 1:
(Include a play-by-play account of what Class will start with students grabbing their folders and
students and teacher will do from the calculators.
minute they arrive to the minute they There will be a check in question “Coffee or tea?”(2-3min)
leave your classroom. Indicate the Then we start off the lesson with the 3-2-1 Bridge the Gap
length of each segment of the lesson. activity.(5-6 min)
List actual minutes.) Then we will go through the lesson on cutting out 3D shapes
Indicate whether each is: with practice (15-20min)
-teacher input Teacher: walk around as lecturing and asking questions to
-modeling students to engage them
Students: write down information from the slides and share

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-questioning strategies with shoulder partners and group when asked

-guided/unguided: After the lesson there will be a worksheet where they cut out
-whole-class practice different 3D and 2D shapes from another shape and figure out
-group practice their volumes which will be turned in at the start of the next
-individual practice class period (15-20 min) they can work in groups
-check for understanding Teacher will hand out the rubric for their mini project about
-other cutting out and adding shapes together. They will come up
with questions for the next class. (1-2 min)
Day 2:
Class will start with students grabbing their folders and
There will be a check in question “Sunrise or sunset?”(2-3min)
Then the teacher will open it up to any questions about the
rubric before breaking them up into preselected groups of 4 for
the assessment(3-4min)
The groups will then designate the scribe, inquirer, mediator,
and idea man(1-2 min)
Then they will work on the assessment, asking questions when
they have them and being creative with their structure.(40
Finally their team mediator will turn in their final product to be
a check in for if they understand these ideas.
At the end an exit ticket will be distributed to ask each
individual student what new 3-2-1 ideas they had (1-2 min)
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is _______Concept Teaching_____
I am using this strategy here because:
Why are you using it at this point in They will connect their knowledge of volume formulas and
your lesson? units to connect to the act of manipulating shapes.

Closure At the end of their time to work on the Exit ticket which asks
Those actions or statements by a them to go back to the first thing we did with the 3-2-1
teacher that are designed to bring a Bridging the Gap activity to get their new ideas out on paper
lesson presentation to an appropriate to check their takeaways form the project and lesson about
conclusion. Used to help students bring new shapes they see in the world.
things together in their own minds, to
make sense out of what has just been
taught. “Any Questions? No. OK, let’s
move on” is not closure. Closure is
 To cue students to the fact that
they have arrived at an
important point in the lesson or
the end of a lesson.
 To help organize student

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To help form a coherent picture and to

How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during CLOSURE? The strategy I intend to use is ______________Exit
Why are you using it at this point in
your lesson? I am using this strategy here because:
It is a good gage as to how well those topics are sinking in and
checking for those big ideas teacher is trying to drive in are
connecting for the students.
For those students who need a little support, the slides will be
provided and a sheet with the notes written out for them to
Differentiation: look at
Differentiation should be In terms of the project the groups will be created to have a
embedded throughout your safe space for them to interact with students that will support
whole lesson!! each other in the learning as they do this activity.
The modified assessment will be involve one less figure and
This is to make sure you have just creating the equations, that is the main idea we want to
met the needs of your students focus on, how does the volume change in different situations.
on IEPS or 504 To extend the activity students will be able to create a visual
To modify: If the activity is too representation of their figure using GeoGebra to get a leg up
advanced for a child, how will you on the final project
modify it so that they can be
To extend: If the activity is too easy for
a child, how will you extend it to
develop their emerging skills?
Assessment Reflection: (data I will know that students have met the learning target for the
project if their calculations of the volume have the correct
analysis) formulas, they creatively make their shapes to be either in the
How will you know if students met the
world or something totally made up, and they provide units
learning targets? Write a description of
and scales for their ideas.
what you were looking for in each
For the worksheet I will know they have met the learning
target if they have the right formulas, can take out the volume
correctly on 70% of the problems, and have provided an
explanation of what the components are for their shapes in at
least one problem on the worksheet.

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