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-: -, -j.. Sub" Srhib A-b.dkar Road, Jarrrmu-l 80006 0&K)


(z+/April/GEN/ o2-)

th; ;;;;i. for the triennial period 26,24-26.27 in terms of Section
"f una;u-*u universities Act, 1969 willbe as under:-
I. TheVice-Chancellor

II. Deans of Faculties of the University of Jammu

1. Dean, FacultY of Life Sciences
2. Dean, FacultY of Science
Mathematical Sciences
3. Dean, Faculty ofofArts
4. Dean, FacultY Studies
5, Dean, Faculty of Business
6. D"uo, Faculty of Social Sciences
7. Dean, FacultY of Education
B. Dean, FacultY of Law
!. Dean, Faculty of Medical Science
io. Dean, Facult]' of Engineering
11. Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences
12. Dean, Faculty of Music & Fine Arts

III. Heads of Departments of University

1. Head, Department of BotanY
D Director, School of Biotechnology -
J. Head. Department of Buddhist
4. Direcior, the Business School
5. Head, DePartment of
6. Head, DePartment of Commerce
Head, Oepartment of Computer Science & IT
Head, DePartment of Dogri
b-ir".i*,'llt""torate of Distance & Online Education
Head, DePartment of Economics
Head, Department of Education
Head, DePartment of Electronics
Head, Department of English
Head, Oepartment of Environmental Science
Head, Department of GeograPhY
Head, Department of Geolory
Oi."ctor, of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Head, Department of Hindi
L9. Head, DePartment of History
20. Head, DePartment of Home Science
2L. Coordinaior, Institute of Human Genetics
Director, ICccR & HRM
iead, Oepartment of Journalism and Media Studies
24. Head, Department of Law
25. Director, The Law School
26. Head, Department of Library Science
27. Director, Department of Lifelong Learning
28. Head, Department of Mathematics
29. Principal, Institute of Music & Fine Arts
30. Head, Department of Philosophy
31. Head, Department of Physics
32. Head, Department of Political Science
33. Head, Department of Psycholory
34. Head, Department of Punjabi
g5. Heacl, Department of Remote Sensing & GIS
36. Head, Department of Sanskrit
57. Head,, Department of SociologY
38. Director, Directorate of Sports & Physical Education
39. Head, Department of Statistics
40. Director, Depaitment of Strategic and Regional Studies
41. Director, Centre for Studies in Museolory
42. Head, Department of Urdu
43. Head, Department of ZoologY
rv. Six Principals of constituent/affliated colleges, nominated by the
r. Principal, Gort. Degree College, Kathua
z. Principal, Govt. Degree CoIIege (Bo.vs), Udhampur
3. Principal, Gor,t. College for Women, Bhagrvati Nagar
4. Principal, Gort. Degree Co1lege, Paloura.
5. Principal, Govt. Degree College, Sunderwani
6. Principal, Govt. Degree College, Bhaderu'ah

v. Four Colleges Professors nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

1. Head, Department of Music, Govt. Degree College, R. S. Pura
z. Head, Department of Persian, Gofi. Degree College, Doda
3. Head, Department of Arabic, Gort. Degree College, Mandi
+. g"ua, Department of Sericulture, Gort' Degree College (Boys), Udhampur

\4. Deans of the Faculties of the University of li(ashmir

1. Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kashmir
2. Dean, School of Business Studies, University of Kashmir
i. O"rr, School of Education & Behavioral Sciences, University of Kashmir
4. Dean, School of Iaw, University of Kashmir Kashmir
d. O"*, School of Arts, Languages & Literature, University of of
6. o"un, School of Appiied Siiences & Technolory, University Kashqir .
i- O"u.r, School of Pirysical & Mathematical Sciences, Universilv of Kashmir
b. l"ut , Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kashmir
9. Dean, School of Social Sciences, University of Kashmir
io. O"rt , School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Kashmir
rr. Dean, School of Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine, University of Kashmir
12. Dean, School of Biological Sciences, University of Kashmir
13. Dean, School of Engineering, University of Kashmir
14. Dean, School of Open Learning, University of Kashmir

VII. Five persons co-opted. in anticipation of the approval of Acadernic
r. Dean Academic Affairs
z. Dean, Planning & Development
3. Dean Research Studies
4. Director, Colleges Development Council
5. Controller of Examinations

No. F.Acd./A. c.(2o24-2o27)lV 5Vt47{
Dated: 19l',1).",1 *#4il'*w.'t
Copy to:-
1. frincipal Secretary to ttre Hon'ble Lt. Governor, UT J&K (Chaucellor, University of Jammu), Raj Bhavan,
Srinagar/ Jarnmu.
2. Seqetary to Gort., Higher Education Deptt., J&K Co\t., Civil Secretariat, Srinagar/Jammu.
All Members oI the Academic Council
4. Special Secretary io Vice-Chancellor, University of Jammu/Kashmir-
5. The Dean Academic Affairs, University of Jammu.
6. The Dean Research Studies, Univercity of Jammu
7. Deans ofthe Faculties ofthe University of Janmu
8. The Registrar, UDiversity of Jarnmu/Kashmir
Heads ofthe Teaching Departrnents ofthe University
10. All Principals of affiliateal/constituent colleges of the University.
11. Nl Rectom,i Directors of the Offsite Campuses, Universi['of Jammu
72. All Officers of the Uuiversity
I/c University Website for necessary action
14. Guard File.

llru Llc

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