French Revolution

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The adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as a

reflection of Enlightenment ideas.

The formal establishment of a constitutional monarchy and the limitations
placed on the king's power.

Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was a fundamental document in the French
Revolution. Written by important figures such as Lafayette & Mirabeau, its declaration was adopted by
the National Constituent Assembly at the end of August 1789. This document had 17 articles in which
liberty, equality, property and public force were protected.
It was an important document because it placed limitations on state power, recognized basic rights,
inspired human rights movements and most importantly was a global influence on other constitutions
around the world.
The adoption of the Declaration
On August 26, 1789, the French National Constituent Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights
of Man and of Citizens.
This declaration was inspired by the American Declaration of Independence.
This document marked the end of an era. The end of the regime.
It is a document that is the precursor of human rights worldwide.
It was one of the most important things left by the French Revolution.
The Reflection of Enlightenment Ideas of the Declaration
They include natural rights which are the right to life, liberty, property. The concept of the social
contract suggests that the government is formed to protect these rights, citizens can modify it if the
government complies with this. There are seventeen articles, one of them is ''men are born and
remain free and equal in rights'' (Article 1), ''the purpose of any political association is the protection of
the natural and imprescriptible rights of man (Article 2), The principle of all Sovereignty resides
essentially in the Nation. No body or individual may exercise any authority that does not expressly
emanate from it.
Constitutional Monarchy
Was a period during the French Revolution from 1791 to 1792 during which Louis XVI used only a
fraction of the power he had as an absolute monarch; developments of this change began in 1789.
In 1789, the National Assembly gathered and declared that they would not disband until a constitution
for France had been written. The constitution gave the rest of the government's power to the
legislature and the judiciary. He was a great protector of the arts and moved the court from Paris to
Versailles, a change that brought about the control and obedience of the wayward French nobility.
Louis XVI (1754-1793) was the last king of France before the French Revolution (1789-99), which
abolished the monarchy.
King Louis XVI was sentenced to death by guillotine by the revolutionary government of the
Convention, on January 21, 1793, declared guilty of "conspiracy against public liberty and attack on
national security."
The limitation of King’s power
Although the declaration does not specifically detail the limitations on the king's power, the historical
context and general principles of the document reflect a clear intention to restrict the absolute power
of the monarchy.
The Declaration said that the monarchy had to care for the rights and liberties of the people. This was
important because it meant that the monarchy could not have too much power and that the kings
should only rule if the people accepted it. Before the Declaration, the monarchy sometimes had too
much control and they could abuse its power. With this new idea, it ensured that the monarchy only
had authority if the people agreed. This promoted a balance and prevented kings from being too
dominant, giving more importance to the will and rights of the citizens.

En conclusión, la Declaración de los Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano sirvió como un
catalizador para la materialización de los ideales ilustrados durante la Revolución Francesa. Su
adopción simbolizó la ruptura con el antiguo régimen y la consolidación de principios fundamentales
que influyeron no solo en la protección de los derechos individuales, sino también en la
reconfiguración del sistema político hacia formas más democráticas y representativas.


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