Kailynn Greer - Animal Farm Theme Quote Quest

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CCP11 English - Ms.



Block: 2

Theme Quote Quest!

In this activity, you will be identifying and defending themes in George Orwell’s

Animal Farm as well as in the excerpt from his best-known work, 1984.

1. Identify one theme in Animal Farm and 1984.

2. Choose a quote from the text that shows your identified theme.

3. Explain in your own words, how the quote you chose supports your theme.

4. CHALLENGE: See if you can find a theme that applies to BOTH works.

Find a quote from each to support your identified theme.

Remember, the theme is NOT a word, it is a sentence. Themes must be

UNIVERSAL. You do not have to AGREE with the theme to identify. It is

what the work teaches the reader. And remember, themes are SUBJECTIVE.

Just because YOU identify a theme, does not mean that others will identify

the same one. If you have a theme that’s different than someone else, that’s

CCP11 English - Ms. Hanson


Block: 2


EXAMPLE: This quote is from Old Major’s

“There, comrades, is there speech at the beginning of the
Animal Farm: People will answer to all our problems. It is novel. Before this speech, the
unite if given a common summed up in a single word - animals had never considered
enemy. man. Man is the only real enemy rebelling because they didn’t
we have” (Orwell 7) realize a better life was
possible for themselves. Being
provided with an enemy, man,
gave them the motivation to
better their lives through

Animal Farm: The seven commandments of The reason for choosing the
animal farm… seven commandments they
Following rules given by a gave in the novel are because
leader. “1. Whatever goes upon two legs the animals made and were
is an enemy given rules they have to follow
2. Whatever goes upon four legs by even if not all of them
or has wings is a friend are/were in agreement with
3. No animal shall wear clothes them.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed
5. No animal shall drink alcohol
6. No animals shall kill any other
7. All animals are equal”
CCP11 English - Ms. Hanson


Block: 2
1984: “War is peace” I chose this theme for both
“Freedom is slavery” Animal farm and 1984 because
The same one as Animal “Ignorance is strength” in both of the book/text given
Farm. following rules given there were things I could take
by a leader. out to show what I mean when
I say “following rules given by
a leader”. They had rules given
that they had to abide by or
they would have
consequences, kind of shown
like what happened in Animal
Farm with Snowball.


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