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CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission


The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.



A Research

Presented to the

Faculty of CvSU-CCJ

Department of Criminology

Indang, Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in the subject

The Contemporary World







August 2022
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.


China is a country of continuous civilization for millennia. It dates back long time ago
when the Chinese people first emerged themselves on the earth. Perhaps only China has
truly "[made] time for civilization". As a long-existing part on the earth, China has
experienced both brilliance and suffering from evil acts of imperialist and colonial powers in
history, from which China has learned lessons. China has survived in the end thanks to its
resilience and enduring vitality, which are unique characters in the culture genes of the
Chinese nation throughout history. In the face of complex internal and external environments,
China has strong resource endowments and intellectual capability to deal with all obstacles.

Additionally, China is a nation that is working toward achieving national renewal.

The globe is undergoing changes that haven't been witnessed in a century, and such tactics
don't garner favor as attempts at world hegemony or bullying of certain regions. Powers are
currently working to regain their previous standing on the international level. As for China, it
never incites conflict or seeks to rule, and its development is focused solely on returning to its
original position as the world's leader and to its former normal historical status, in order to
improve the lives of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. The history of Western growth is
characterized by the accumulation of primitive industrial technology, the practice of "sheep
devouring humans," the slave trade, and colonial expansion.

China's progress, in contrast, is not the result of theft or robbery, the transfer of
contradictions or crises, but rather the diligent work of the entire Chinese population.

Furthermore, China is a welcoming and open-minded nation. China is never reluctant

to pick up knowledge from others and to gain from both their failures and their successes. But
China's modernization is by no means Westernization: China won't imitate or mimic Western
ways, pursue their path to "dominate the world," play the role of "Savior" or "beacon for the
world," nor does it compare systems on its own initiative. Instead, China committed to
creating socialism
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

and chose a growth path that suited its own circumstances. There is no end to history, and no
single system, idea, or philosophy will bring it to a conclusion.

As a result, China will persistently pursue betterment of its national system and
explore new avenues for development.

China is a nation that cherishes national reunification. China has seen separation, but
unlike Europe, unification has always been the norm. That is to say, even in a divided China,
each divided region will make every effort to advance greater reunification. The stream of
Chinese culture has continued to flow for thousands of years for precisely this reason. The
highest aim has always been the reunification of the entire nation for all capable individuals
in the face of division and turbulent times, whether in ancient times or today. The Taiwan
issue is only a hangover from the Chinese civil war and the Taiwan authority is just a
provincial administration; it only becomes a major issue as a result of outside action. Since
Taiwan has been cut off from the Chinese mainland for many years, reunification is
everyone's top priority. Thus, Taiwan's reunification is historically necessary and cannot be
stopped or resisted by any means.

Peace is something that China values much. It opposes hegemony in which the
powerful oppress the powerless. However, some Americans and citizens of other western
nations continue to operate in accordance with power politics and hegemonic competition,
making assumptions about China based on their own historical experience and antiquated
reasoning. The Chinese people do not have the DNA for purposeful use of force, and China
never incites conflicts or color revolutions in any country, as is said to happen when a
country becomes belligerent. China, a socialist nation, bases its domestic policy on the
interests of all its citizens. The best option for preserving national interests and the welfare of
its citizens is peaceful growth.

Since China began to open up and reform its economy in 1978, GDP growth has
averaged almost 10 percent a year, and more than 800 million people have been lifted out of
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

poverty. There have also been significant improvements in access to health, education, and
other services over the same period.

China is now an upper-middle-income country. It will be important going forward

that poverty alleviation efforts increasingly shift to address the vulnerabilities faced by the
large number of people still considered poor by the standards of middle-income countries,
including those living in urban areas.

Also, China’s high growth based on resource-intensive manufacturing, exports, and

low-paid labor has largely reached its limits and has led to economic, social, and
environmental imbalances. Reducing these imbalances requires shifts in the structure of the
economy from manufacturing to high value services, and from investment to consumption

On the other hand, a sizable socialist nation from the East is China. The Confucian
culture places a strong emphasis on the value of moral conduct and personal accountability to
one's community and nation. China's socialist system completely upholds individual rights
and places a high value on group interests. Every Chinese citizen has made a personal
sacrifice for their family and their community in the fight against COVID-19. Individual
freedom should never supersede the general interests of the people and the country; special
"human rights" shall not be used by the few to undermine societal stability. This is a given in
the genes of traditional Chinese cultural values. China will not accept the so-called "freedom
of Western style" as the greatest spiritual totem that governs everything, permit money to
grow unrestrictedly, or enable the market's "invisible hand" to operate unchecked.

China is not a perfect country, and it also faces difficulties and challenges. But in the
first place, China will focus on its own development by deepening reforms and expanding
opening-up, to ensure sustained economic development and improvement of people's lives.
Meanwhile, China will fulfill its responsibility as a major player and contribute to world
peace and stability.
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.


China: Facts and Information

China, which spans an area of more than 3.7 million square miles, is the largest
country fully within Asia. The majority of the nation is mountainous. The Trans-Himalaya,
the Kunlun chain, and the Tien Shan are its three main ranges. Tibet, which China seized in
1950, is in the southwest. To the north is the Gobi Desert. Three major river systems may be
found in China proper: the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang), which is the third-longest river in
the world at 2,432 mi (6,300 km), the Yellow River (Huang He), and the Pearl River (Zhu
Jiang), which is 848 mi (2,197 km) long. It has a vast Pacific Ocean shoreline.

China has fourteen neighbors with whom it shares boundaries. Mongolia (4,630 km),
Russia (4,133 km in the northeast and 46 km in the northwest), India (2,659 km), Myanmar
(2,129 km), Kazakhstan (1,352 km), Nepal (1,389 km), North Korea (1,352 km), Vietnam
(1,297 km), Kyrgyzstan (1,063 km), Tajikistan (477 km), Bhutan (477 km), Laos (475 km),
Pakistan (438 km), and Afghanistan (438 km) are listed in order of shared border length

Additionally, China is the most populous country in the world and one of the biggest.
The diversity of the nation results in a huge number of fascinating facts that may go on
forever. From its long-ago civilization to its stunning locations, distinct culture, and timeless

The People's Republic of China is the official name for China. With nearly 1.4 billion
people, China will have the highest population in the world as of September 2020.
(1,439,323,776). This is based on an analysis of the most recent United Nations data by
Worldometer. However, Mandarin isn't the sole language spoken in China. They include
Yue, Wu, Minbei, Minnan, Xiang, Gan, and Hakka, among others. China's several provinces
each have their distinct dialects. China is regarded as a "coconut culture" as well. Despite
their stone, formal façade, Chinese people are just as friendly and hospitable as those from
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

other cultures. In contrast to Western nations, close friendships and relationships are earned
in China.

The bulk of Chinese people can recall domestic wars. Their school system places such
a strong emphasis on history that even members of the Gen Z generation are well-versed in
Chinese history. The country of China is multireligious. There are adherents of numerous
world religions due to its size and population. The majority of Chinese people, however,
often follow Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. The two countries having the most
UNESCO sites worldwide are China and Italy. The Forbidden City in Beijing, the Great Wall
of China, the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, and the well-
known Terracotta Army are some of the most popular UNESCO sites in China.

China: Historic Background

Since ancient times, European traders and explorers have sought to reach China.
China is where civilization initially emerged. 3500 BC. The Middle East and India likewise
saw the emergence of city states and the written word shortly thereafter. Around 1500 BC,
the first coherent Chinese Empire was established. In some aspects, Chinese religious
concepts are comparable to those of India because both were derived from animistic beliefs
that were based on seasonal cycles and the fertility of plants, animals, and people. The
Emperor became revered as the Sun's descendant, with the sun serving as the object of
worship. Chinese religions have long placed a high value on reverence for the dead.

Around the sixth century, Confucianism emerged. BC. Its core principles were duty
and morality, and it maintained and acknowledged Chinese society's hierarchical structure.
Through a structured moral and social code, Confucianism emphasized the Chinese Empire's
intricate bureaucratic and social class system. By putting the individual good below the
greater good of the family and the State, one can find their own salvation. It also emphasized
the importance of family as a person's connection to the sacred, especially with regard to
elders and ancestors. A highly conservative aspect of Chinese culture is the emphasis on
showing respect for the state and forebears, which makes tradition and established modes of
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

expression and concept structuring almost impossible to ignore. Confucian visual symbolism
drew inspiration from mythology and early interpretations of plant and animal imagery. This

evident, for instance, in the stylized animal and plant designs on imperial robes and rank
badges worn by civil servants.

Taoism, which dates back to around the sixth century BC, taught that in order to
discover one's actual place in the universe, one must give themselves to the immensity of
nature. It would be possible to discover one's "way," or Tao, by learning to move in harmony
rather than opposition to the forces of nature. The Yin-Yang sign, a famous Taoist picture,
symbolizes the achievement of natural force balance. The main text of Taoist teachings is the
Tao Te Ching. A compilation of moral lessons and commentary known as the I Ching, or
book of Changes, is still extensively read today. It is frequently utilized as the foundation for
a divination system. The I Ching, which has gained popularity in the West, has been
translated into other languages.

The focus on nature and the immersion of the individual in the world's natural flow
had a significant impact on the growth of painting in China. Chinese landscape painting is
very different from European and American painting in many aspects. For instance, the
diminutive size of human beings in a landscape often serves to emphasize both the grandeur
of nature and the insignificance of the individual in comparison to it. Confucianism and
Taoism both hold to this notion of the individual will being subsumed to the collective, and
the two philosophies have coexisted peacefully.

In the sixth century, Buddhism traveled from India to China. AD. Buddhism provided
an internal road to spiritual calm through meditation and study, in contrast to Confucianism
and Taoism's emphasis on defining virtue as correct living in this world. Contact with
Confucianism and Taoism led to modifications in Chinese Buddhism, which merged Taoist
concern in nature contemplation with a Confucian monastic tradition. Although Buddhism
originated in India and shared some aspects of Hinduism's worldview, it also stood in contrast
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

to Hinduism in that it acknowledged that there is suffering in this world and did not advocate
that it is an illusion. Instead, Buddhism provided a personal road to redemption that became
known as the "Middle Way," which avoided both the extremes of the austere disciplines,

whether spiritual or physical, pursued by Hindu mystics and the physical self-indulgences of
the worldly. Instead, it provided an eight-fold route that had to be followed in order to reach
Nirvana, or the release of the soul from the cycle of existence.

There are two primary schools of Buddhism: Theravada (or Hinayana), which places
an emphasis on the traditional Buddha's teachings. A significant aspect of Buddhism is
monasticism; many adherents spend at least a portion of their lives in a monastic retreat.

The other school of Buddhism, known as Mahayana, has a pantheon of Boddhisattvas,

or enlightened beings who have delayed entering Nirvana in order to alleviate suffering in the
world. This type is typical, among other locations, in Japan. As it happens, the Dalai Lama,
the head of Tibetan Buddhism, created the Namgyal Monastery and Institute here in Ithaca,
New York, as its North American seat.

Buddhist art tends to emphasize the teaching and meditation parts of the faith;
however, it does share some characteristics with the art of earlier religions. The most
prevalent images are those of Buddha figures, sometimes enormous (like the 44-foot-high
statue at Sheuxi), and scenes from the saints' or Buddha's lives. (Jirousek, 1995)

China: Timeline

Year Era Dynasty Capital Remarks

2100– Xia Luoyang The first dynasty in

1600 BC Dengfeng traditional Chinese historiography
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

1600– Shang Anyang First dynasty to have historical

1046 BC records remaining
1046–221 Ancient Zhou Xi'an Confucianism emerged
BC China Luoyang
221–206 Qin Xi'an First to unite China as a country
BC under an emperor
206 BC – Han Xi'an The same period as the Roman
220 AD Luoyang Empire
220–581 Wei, Jin, Luoyang Frequent regime changes
A.D. Northern Chengdu
and Nanjing
581–618 Sui Xi'an A system was established to
A.D. Luoyang select talents by examination
618–907 Tang Xi'an It had the only female emperor.
A.D. Luoyang
960–1279 Imperial Song Xi'an Printing, the compass, and
China Luoyang gunpowder were invented.
1271– Yuan Beijing The first foreign regime to unite
1368 China
1368– Ming Nanjing Most of the Great Wall today was
1644 Beijing built or repaired during the Ming
1644– Qing Beijing The last dynasty of China
1912– Republic of Republic of Beijing
1949 China China Wuhan
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

1949– Modern People's Beijing

present China Republic of

China: Political System

China has been a unitary one-party communist republic since 1949 and is officially
known as the People's Republic of China. The ideology of China is "socialism with Chinese
characteristics," despite the fact that the country publicly advocates Communism. After Deng
Xiaoping took over as leader from Mao Zedong, China completely altered its Marxist-
Leninist policies to suit the country's actual circumstances. Due to this, other leaders of the
nation have developed their own theories of communism, including the Deng Xiaoping
Theory and the Xi Jinping Thought. The nation gave up on the Soviet model and embraced
the idea that, according to Classical Marxist theory, the nation had to develop its economy
and markets before pursuing equitable communism. The economy of the nation has been
expanding at the quickest rate in the globe for decades, attracting an increasing amount of
market influence.

In a unitary one-party system, all governmental duties are carried out by the ruling
party, the Communist Party of China. In order to ensure that only powerful lawmakers elect
the members of the National People's Congress, elections are only held for members of the
Local People's Congress, who in turn elect the members of the legislative bodies above them.
The supremacy of the Communist Party is enshrined in the Chinese constitution,
notwithstanding the fact that other parties are given limited local representation. Significant
power is exercised by regional party leaders, thus decentralizing the political system.

Chinese’s Socio-Cultural

One of the world's oldest cultures, China has produced renowned contributions to a
wide range of artistic, literary, architectural, and other fields. The Great Wall of China is the
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

most well-known piece of Chinese architecture to audiences in the West (which, contrary to
popular belief, cannot be seen from space with the naked eye). Aside from fortifications,
Chinese architecture is known for a variety of distinctive features; readers may be familiar
with the usage of sweeping gables on notable structures. Particular stylings might differ
significantly from place to region. Chinese architecture has had a significant impact on
nearby nations, and

contact with the West further increased its global influence. Like in the West, China's
architecture has changed and evolved over time and in response to contact with other
cultures. Early in the 20th century, Shanghai adopted many Western concepts and aesthetics
to forge its own distinctive style, as evidenced by the renowned shikumen mansions of the
city. In addition, the nation is home to numerous impressive instances of modern architecture,
including as the national stadium in Beijing.

Besides, not only the traditional "Chinese food" you find scattered around malls and
shopping centers, but a complete cornucopia of cuisines with great depth and variety, China
is well known for its culinary legacy. Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong,
Sichuan, and Zhejiang cuisines are the eight main types in China. There is a lot more regional
variation as well. Chinese cuisine has been imbued with tremendous importance and artistry
throughout history due to its diverse terrain, which ranges from tropical to desert to subarctic.
These methods and base ingredients differ from the Italian/French-derived landscape of
European cuisine. Chinese culture has long valued food as a vital component of a healthy
lifestyle, and Chinese food therapy is still very well-liked today.

Chinese opera is less well-known but is nevertheless revered and admired. There are
around 300 regional types of Chinese opera, with Peking (Beijing) opera being the most well-
known, according to scholars Peter Lovrick and Wang-Ngai Siu. The more well-known types
often feature elaborate costuming and staging, as well as acrobatics and other highly technical
features. However, certain styles are less concerned with pageantry and might even be
performed in casual attire. Jiang Qing, Mao Zedong's wife, championed the Revolutionary
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

Opera, a well-known example of this art. The phrase also covers what Westerners could refer
to as ballet, such as the performance of Red Detachment of Women for Richard Nixon on his
illustrious 1972 trip to China. Ironically, Nixon in China, a Western opera, would eventually
immortalize this.

The country of China is multireligious. Taoism, Islam, Buddhism, Protestantism, and

Catholicism have all developed into neighborhoods that have shaped Chinese culture over

The “three pillars” of ancient Chinese society are thought to have been Confucianism,
Taoism, and Buddhism. Han Chinese makes up the majority of Buddhist adherents. It can be
challenging to determine the precise number of Han Chinese who practice historical or
cultural Buddhism as opposed to a daily form of the religion.

In China, there are just five recognized religions. Protestantism, Catholicism, Taoism,
Islam, and Buddhism are all prohibited. With a history spanning more than 1,700 years,
taoism is a native of China. Confucianism was a way of life for the ancient Chinese, and it
still has an impact on contemporary Chinese society. Taoism, Confucianism, and other
traditional faiths are practiced by around a quarter of the population in China, along with tiny
numbers of Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians. According to recent surveys, 80% of Han
Chinese in China practice Taoism and Chinese folk religion, whereas 10-16% identify as
Buddhists, 3-4% as Christians, and 1-2% as Muslims.

China's official language is Mandarin, popularly known as "Putonghua" Mandarin is

the native tongue of more than 70% of people. Additional significant dialects spoken in
China are Yue (Cantonese), Xiang (Hunanese), Min, Gan, Wu, and Kejia or Hakka.

According to some estimates, China has the oldest civilization in the world. With a
more than 5000-year history, it has seen the development of numerous Chinese traditional
festivals. The Chinese region divides Chinese festivals into three categories: social,
agricultural, and religious festivals. The most significant festival in China is the new year,
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

which is celebrated within 15 to 25 days of January and is known as the spring year. Other
traditional celebrations include the Chinese mid-autumn festivals, which take place on the
15th day of the eighth lunar month, and the dragon boat festival, which is the country’s oldest

There are other other festivals celebrated in China, including the Lantern Festival,
Qingming Festival, Double Seventh and Double Ninth Festivals, Winter Solstice, Laba
Festival, and Chinese Moon Festival. Chinese people place a great deal of importance on
festivals, which perfectly embody their culture and traditions.

Chinese marriages are fascinating when combined with their Chinese customs and
culture. People with the same last name and marriages between siblings were both acceptable
in traditional Chinese marriage customs.

Economy of China

After a strong start of 2022 of China, the largest wave of COVID 19 disrupted china’s
growth. The GDP growth becomes slow to 4.3 percent to 0.8 percent and it is lower than
China’s economic update last December. This situation was reflecting the economic damage
that caused by the omicron and the lockdowns from March to May. Risks to China's growth
are unevenly distributed and downside risks predominate. As highlighted in the special theme
of this edition of the China Economic Update, risks can also arise from continuing tensions in
the real estate sector, affecting the entire economy. Although China has the macroeconomic
space to counter the slowdown, the dilemma facing decision makers is how to make the
political stimulus effective as long as restrictions on mobility persist. There is a danger that
China will remain tied to the old roadmap of stimulating growth through debt-financed
infrastructure and real estate investments.

China is now an upper-middle income country. China`s rapid growth, based on

resource-intensive manufacturing, exports, and low-wage labor, is nearing its limit, leading to
economic, social and environmental imbalances. In recent years, growth has slowed amid
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

structural constraints such as slowing labor force growth, declining returns on investment,
and declining productivity. China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, slightly below
the OECD average and well below the United States, yet per capita emissions are above her
EU, with air pollution and Water pollution is affecting other countries. Global environmental
problems cannot be solved without China's involvement. China's growing economy is also an
important source of global demand, and a rebalancing of the economy could create new
opportunities for manufacturing exporters, but could reduce demand for goods by 2.7% of
GDP in the medium term. have a nature. In the downside scenario, economic growth is likely
to slow to 4.0% by 2022. In the medium term, the Chinese economy faces structural
headwinds from

unfavorable demographics, sluggish productivity growth, excessive borrowing and the impact
of pollution.

China is also known to be one of the most diverse countries in terms of economic
progress. The Chinese economy leads a wide range of industries. Iron, aluminum and coal
mining are some of them, as are fertilizers, chemicals, footwear, toys, food processing,
machinery, automobiles and heavy machinery. The industrial sector accounts for 40.5% of
the country's GDP, followed by agriculture at 9% and the service sector with 50.5%. Known
as a Top Import, Export, and Import Partner, China exported goods totaling $2.37 trillion in
2014. Electronics, which accounts for the majority of exports (machinery), which accounts
for about half of total exports ($1.13 trillion), is the top export category. Computers (8.8%),
broadcasting equipment (6.6%), telephones (4.5%), integrated circuits (2.6%), and parts for
office machines (2 %) is part of its main export. The United States, Hong Kong, Japan,
Germany and South Korea are China's main export partners. China was the world's second
largest importer in 2014 with $1.53 trillion in imports. A civil servant is the head of the
whole government. The National People's Congress is the most powerful body in China's
current political structure. The current political structure in China is the product of a series of
major conflicts during the Cold War.
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

The Communist Party of China and the Chinese Nationalist Party were serious
contenders for political power in the early 20th century.

China has also increased funding for energy-related research, development, and
deployment (RD&D), including in clean alternatives, and it is projected to soon surpass the
United States as the top investor in public sector RD&D. It is looking to promote
technological advancements across an expanding range of energy areas. For example, its
“Energy Innovation Action Plan (2016–2030)” highlights 15 energy areas for innovation,
including (1) unconventional, deep, and deep-sea oil and gas extraction; (2) carbon capture
and storage; (3) advanced nuclear power; (4) high-efficiency solar power technologies; (5)
large-scale wind power; (6) hydrogen and fuel cell technologies; (7) advanced energy
storage; and (8) energy efficiency technologies.


China is a stunning nation with a rich cultural history. Chinese academics claim that
China has a written cultural history dating back more than 3,600 years. The national identities
of a nation are shaped by its culture and customs. Chinese culture is incredibly diverse and
varied. China’s culture, population, and influence are known around the world, but to the
western world, it still seems quite strange and enigmatic.

Knowing about Chinese custom and culture before visiting will make your trip to
China more enjoyable. Chinese culture is rich in the arts and sciences, as well as intricacy in
pottery making and sculpting. The globe over, Chinese architectural traditions were highly
revered. Chinese philosophy, politics, and language are still seen as having a significant

Eating is a very significant part of Chinese culture, which has a lengthy history of
customs and etiquette. China established a common eating ritual and rituals throughout
thousands of years, with variations depending on the nature and purpose of a feast and
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

regionally. Chinese people prefer a loud environment for dining because they believe that if
the cuisine is good, the restaurant will be popular and crowded.

China is the most populous and fifth-largest country in the world. China is home to
more than 1.4 million individuals. Chinese culture has a strong influence on philosophy,
virtue, etiquette, and traditions. China is one of the oldest civilizations. People all throughout
the world observe and celebrate Chinese customs and holidays. Chinese culture has an impact
on many aspects of the world, including language, business etiquette, architecture, music,
dance, literature, martial arts, food, visual arts, pottery, philosophy, religion, politics, and

The country of China is multireligious. Taoism, Islam, Buddhism, Protestantism, and

Catholicism have all developed into neighborhoods that have shaped Chinese culture over
time. According to recent surveys, 80% of Han Chinese in China practice Taoism and
Chinese folk religion, whereas 10-16% identify as Buddhists, 3-4% as Christians, and 1-2%
as Muslims.

Since Deng Xiaoping instituted new ideology and market reforms in the late twentieth
century, the country has seen consistent and rapid economic growth. China is now the world's
first or second largest economy depending on which metrics are being used. China is the
world's largest exporter of goods, and the world's second largest importer. China rivals the
United States in importance to the global economy, and is projected to see continued growth.
China has seen a huge boom in its middle class in the past few years as it shifts further away
from its recent history as an agricultural economy. China has also made massive strides in
developing and employing renewable clean energy sources.

In a few years, China will transition from a middle-income to a high-income nation.

Its GDP per capita has increased dramatically since it was $150 in 1978 to $10,000 today,
and it is on track to surpass the $12,536 high-income country criterion set by the World Bank
CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.

in 2023. Although this may seem like a small move, it might have a significant influence on
China's climate objectives. This is because attempts to combat climate change are predicated
on countries contributing according to their income levels, so China is under more pressure as
a high-income nation.

China must increase its climate aspirations as it develops. The first stage is for China's
leaders to declare that the country's current climate performance is unquestionably not that of
a "great responsible power," and that it must adopt the lofty climate aspirations that great
nations have if it wants to be compared to the US and the EU.

China's progress, in contrast, is not the result of theft or robbery, the transfer of
contradictions or crises, but rather the diligent work of the entire Chinese population.


CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
The premier university The Cavite State University
in historic Cavite recognized for Don Severino de las Alas Campus shall provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development of Indang, Cavite relevant educational opportunities in the
globally competitive and morally arts, sciences and technology through
upright individuals
 (046) 4150-010 quality instruction, responsive research and development activities.

It shall produce professional,

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE skilled and morally upright individuals for
Department of Criminology global competitiveness.


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