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ISTE Certification
Updated June, 2022


Note that the foundational expectation is that artifacts meet the ISTE Standards for Educators, which is to say, your
artifacts should reflect strong pedagogy and professionalism that makes thoughtful use of technology or digital resources.

Portfolio submitter:
Marie Luz
2nd Grade General Education Teacher – My role is to instruct my 2nd grade students in all subject areas.
Students: 7-8 year old 2nd grade students

Link to artifacts folder/space: Portfolio – Marie Luz

Link to reflection document/artifact: Reflection

Artifact(s) Links Contextualization of Artifact &

ISTE Please use naming Description of Implementation
Standard convention Please provide 1 unique contextualization per each criterion.

1. The educator reflects Does not count Reflection

on his/her application of against 9-14
the ISTE standards and artifacts. Please
goals for using them in introduce yourself
the future. in reflection.
1. Learner 2. Set professional Luz_Artifact1 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
learning goals. In Artifact 1, I identified two professional learning
goals that have helped me to strengthen my practice
in educational technology. I set the goals of identifying
appropriate digital tools to help improve my reading
instruction and then teaching and implementing those
digital tools with my 2nd grade students. Through my


coursework, I made a plan to delve more deeply into the

tools Kami and Peardeck. I was able to meet my goal by
successfully incorporating these tools into instruction
with my 2nd graders. This criterion is highlighted in
the video from 0:00 to 2:15.
3. Actively participate in Artifact 2 demonstrates my participation in global digital
a local or global digital networks. I was an active participant in my school’s
network. local PLN (Birney U) geared toward novice teachers. I
contributed to posts and shared resources to support
these colleagues. I also created my own Facebook
group (Technology Tools for Elementary Teachers)
geared toward other elementary school teachers
seeking to integrate more technology into their
instruction. These digital networks have contributed to
my professional growth as I am able to share my own
ideas and experiences with others and in addition, I can
also collaborate with teachers globally. These teachers
bring their own experiences and knowledge that I can
then use to shape and better my instruction. This
criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:00
Luz_Artifact2 through 3:00.
4. Report changes Luz_Artifact3 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
made to teaching Artifact 3 demonstrates how research has impacted my
practice based on teaching practice. Using peer-reviewed resources, I
timely, research-based investigated ways to increase effective technology
best practices. integration in my classroom. One article, Educator
Perspectives on the Instructional Effects of One-to-one
Computing Implementation by Lawrence et al. (2018),
shifted my thinking on the types of technology
tools are most beneficial for student learning.
Researchers note that we should be adapting pedagogy


to adjust for the integration of technology rather than

just using technology to teach in traditional ways. Thus I
should seek to pick technology tools that will
help elevate my instruction and allow for
more authentic and engaging lessons, rather than
just using technology as a replacement for traditional
pen-and-paper activities. This criterion is highlighted
in the video from 0:00 through 3:00.
2. Leader 5. Promote a shared Luz_Artifact13 In this artifact, I show how I developed and promoted a
vision. shared vision for my school with stakeholders. To create
a shared vision, I sought input from key stakeholders
including administrators, teachers, and parents. In
addition, I conducted research on national, state, and
district-level technology plans as well as peer-reviewed
articles to find common trends in the future of
educational technology. Our shared vision is to
empower student learning by challenging students to
think critically and creatively in a technology-integrated
environment. Our goals to achieve this shared vision
include training teachers, providing equitable access to
technology, and using technology in transformational
ways. The shared vision was shared with stakeholders
through a staff email as well as a message to parents
on the school’s LMS. This criterion is highlighted in
the video from 0:00 to 2:52.
6. Advocate for Luz_Artifact4 Unserved population of learners: Students in grade
equitable access. K-5 at Birney Elementary School without access to
podcasting equipment

In artifact 4, I have identified the students of Birney

Elementary as having learning needs that are not being


met. While math and reading standards are a large

focus of instruction at our school, speaking and listening
skills are not prioritized. Although our district is a 1:1
computing environment, our school’s teachers have not
been able to use our devices to their utmost potential to
fulfill these needs. Thus, I advocated for our students to
have access to podcasting equipment, which will
provide opportunities for students to develop much-
needed speaking and listening skills and increase
student engagement in an authentic way. I submitted a
grant proposal to my district (Cobb County School
District) to purchase podcasting equipment for our
students in need. This criterion is highlighted in the
video from 0:00 through 3:00.
7. Model new resources Luz_Artifact 5 Learners: Elementary school teachers at Birney
or tools. Elementary School (7 participants)
As shown in Artifact 5, I created a Digital Tool rubric in
order to help explore, test, and evaluate new digital tools
and gauge their effectiveness in classroom instruction.
Through blog posts and a Nearpod presentation, I
introduced various digital tools to my colleagues and
classmates. These tools include Padlet, BrainPop Jr.,
and Dreambox. I modeled how to use each tool and
provided practical examples of how each tool could
support instruction across various grade levels and
subject matters. This criterion is highlighted in the
video from 0:00 through 2:38.
3. Citizen 8. Implement learning Luz_Artifact6 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
experiences for In this artifact, I show how I created and implemented
students to be two lessons that taught my students how to use
empathetic and socially empathy and social responsibility when communicating


responsible. with others online. In one lesson, I shared a video I

created that received negative comments. We
discussed the importance of being respectful and
responsible in an online environment. Students then
created their own videos and practiced responding
respectfully to one another using the tool Flip. In
another lesson, I read the book Those Shoes to my
students and students discussed the importance of
empathy in both offline and online settings. Students
collaborated with a partner to create skits where they
practiced using empathetic language. During both
lessons, I provided frameworks and sentence starters to
guide my students as they responded to their
classmates to ensure they were socially
responsible. This criterion is highlighted in the video
from 0:00 to 2:36.
9. Promote student Luz_Artifact7 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
behaviors that In this artifact, I show how I guided my 2nd grade
encourage curiosity as students to understand and practice how to evaluate
they critically their online resources. In one lesson, students learned
identify/examine online the criteria for a reliable online source and how one
resources. should look closely at the publisher or author, accuracy
of information, and timeliness of the resource. To
challenge students to think critically, I wrote an article
with inaccurate information and asked students to
answer questions about the passage. They were able to
collaborate with classmates to identify the inaccuracies
within the text, and this led to a great discussion about
the importance of verifying the online resources we use.
In the next lesson, I shared guidelines that students
could use to evaluate a source for validity, accuracy,
and relevancy. These guidelines included asking the


questions, “Who, what, when?” when picking online

sources to use. Students were given opportunities to
collaborate with others to use the guidelines we created
to evaluate their own online resource. This criterion is
highlighted in the video from 0:00 to 2:54.
10. Mentor students in Luz_Artifact10 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
safe, ethical and legal In this artifact, I created and implemented two lessons
use, including to teach my students the proper and ethical use of
intellectual property. intellectual property. In one lesson, students learned
about the importance of respecting others’ intellectual
property. Students discussed various scenarios to
determine whether copyright law was respected, and
then they were tasked with creating and acting out their
own scenarios. Students responded to each others’
videos to determine if each was an example of proper
use of copyrighted material. In the next lesson, I
modeled how to give proper credit when writing a
science report. I then mentored students as they wrote
their own paragraphs and ensured they gave proper
credit to the author and respected their intellectual
property. This criterion is highlighted in the
presentation from 2:37 to 4:37.
11. Model responsible Luz_Artifact6 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
use, including protection In this artifact, I demonstrate how I taught my
of digital identity and 2nd grade students about digital footprints and the
personal data. protection of personal data online. In one lesson, I
introduced my students to the concept of a digital
footprint. Using personal examples, we discussed what
types of information would be safe to share online. After
showing an example of my own digital profile and I
protected my digital footprint by sharing only safe


information, students were then tasked with creating

their own digital profiles. In the next lesson, students
learned about how to safely fill in online forms. They
used knowledge from the prior lesson to determine
whether information was public or private. I mentored
my students by showing them real-life examples of
website sign-up pages and how to fill them out to
protect their data online. This criterion is highlighted
in the video from 4:38 to 7:38.
4. 12. Collaborate with Luz_Artifact8 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
another educator. In this artifact, I demonstrate how
Collaborator I collaborated with other educators to design an
engaged learning project titled “Blossoms and
Butterflies” that required my 2nd grade students to
research and become experts on the life cycles of
plants and butterflies. Throughout the development of
the project, I sought feedback from my classmates on
the project’s strengths and ways it could be improved.
With their suggestions, I shifted my project to be more
student-directed. In addition, I collaborated with my
school’s media specialist to tailor specific lessons in
conducting research and using presentation software to
enable my students to be successful in sharing their
learning using technology. This criterion is
highlighted in the video from 0:00 to 2:30.
13. Co-learn with Luz_Artifact1 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
students about a new In this artifact, I introduced my 2nd graders to Padlet, a
digital tool. new digital resource, as part of a science unit on the
physical attributes of stars. Through a co-learning
approach, we explored the digital tool and discovered it
could be used both as a resource-sharing and


presentation tool. Through our unit on stars, my

students collaborated with each other and with me to
learn new features that Padlet offered and used them to
create and improve our presentations. This criterion is
highlighted in the presentation from slides 2:15 to
14. Facilitate students’ Luz_Artifact8 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
virtual meetings with In this artifact, I show how I brought an outside
experts or students. expert into my classroom to deepen my 2nd grade
students’ learning experience with their Blossoms and
Butterflies science project. I invited Meghan Hogan, a
friend of mine who is an avid home gardener, to share
her expertise with my students related to gardening and
the role of animals in the pollination process. Through a
Zoom call, she read a book about pollination, shared her
own expertise with her home garden, and conducted
a question-and-answer session with my students. This
experience with an expert enhanced my students’
learning experience as they learned more about the
pollination process and which particular plants would be
best for our school garden. This criterion is highlighted
in the video from 2:31-4:00.
15. Demonstrate Luz_Artifact8 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
effective communication In this artifact, I show the different ways that
with all students’ I communicate effectively with my learners and their
supporters. supporters. I primarily use my district’s learning
management system, CTLS Learn and CTLS Parent, to
consistently share information about our classroom
assignments and activities. To display cultural
competency, I always ensure messages are translated
into a parents’ preferred language, which enables them


to better support their students in their learning. For the

Engaged Learning project, I invited parents to an in-
person event so they could witness firsthand how their
students incorporate educational technology with their
2nd grade learning goals. This criterion is highlighted in
the video from 4:00-5:52.
5. Designer 16. Accommodate Luz_Artifact9 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
learner differences. In this artifact, I have demonstrated how I use to
technology to apply the UDL Principle of
Representation in my 2nd grade classroom. During a
Social Studies unit about the indigenous people of
Georgia, I presented information to my students
through multiple means of representation to support
the diverse learners in my classroom. In addition to
printed text, I shared content through visual and
auditory means through videos and audio. Lastly, I
ensured that I incorporated graphics and high-
contrasting colors in my slideshows to further support
my learners. This criterion is highlighted in the video
from 0:00 to 1:55.
17. Align to content area Luz_Artifact8 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
standards. In this artifact, I show how I aligned the activities
in my Engaged Learning Project, Butterflies and
Blossoms, to the Georgia Standards of Excellence for
2nd grade Science. Students used technology to
research information about the life cycle of butterflies
and to explain a butterfly’s role in the pollination of
plants. These learning objectives were created directly
from the content standards, and students were also
required to use technology, including research and
presentation tools, to share their learning. This


criterion is highlighted in the video from 5:55 to

18. Design a digital Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
learning environment. In my artifact below, I have showcased a digital learning
environment that I created for my 2nd grade social
studies class. The whole course is designed to be a
monthlong course, with 4 modules and a culminating
group project. The focus of the first module is on
Georgia’s indigenous people. In this artifact, I show the
digital learning activities that my students participated in
throughout this course. This includes student-to-student
interactions via Flip responses and discussion boards,
student-to-facilitator engagement via Zoom calls and
Google Forms surveys, and student-to-self interactions
via journal reflections. This criterion is highlighted in the
Luz_Artifact10 video from 0:00 through 3:00.
6. Facilitator 19. Facilitate and guide Luz_Artifact9 In this artifact, I demonstrate how I support my 2nd grade
learning as students students in creating and working toward learning
take ownership of their goals in math and reading. I show the Personalized
learning goals. Learning Plan template that I guide my students in
creating at the beginning of the year, and I show the
ways that I use technology to help support my students’
progress toward their learning goals. For example, using
tools like BoomCards and Padlet, I help support my
students in reaching goals with improving addition and
subtraction fluency as well as reading and spelling words
with various phonics patterns. In addition, I show how I
help students to monitor their own progress toward
their goals throughout the school year. This criterion is
highlighted in the video from 1:55 to 4:52.
20. Manage the use of Luz_Artifact11 Learners: Four 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)


technology for learning In this artifact, I describe how I kept

in a nontraditional students engaged and on-task as I led a small group
classroom setting. of four 2nd grade afterschool students through a
Computer Science Ungplugged activity entitled Peanut
Butter and Jelly Algorithms. In 30-minute segments over
the course of a week, the students created, tested, and
revised algorithms for a sandwich. At the end of the
week, students partnered up to create the sandwich
using their partner’s algorithm. Through the course of
the project, I managed the use of the technology by
establishing clear expectations for students during this
afterschool activity. This criterion is highlighted in the
video from 0:00 to 3:00.
21. Create opportunities Luz_Artifact11 Learners: Four 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
for students to use a In this artifact, I show how I implemented the
design process and/or Creative Learning Spiral as I led four 2nd grade
computational thinking. afterschool students through a Computer Science
Unplugged project called “Peanut Butter & Jelly
Algorithms”. As I did this project alongside my
students, I modeled each step of the Creative Learning
Spiral and my thought processes as I implemented the
project. In addition to following the steps of the Creative
Learning Spiral, students also engaged in
the computational thinking process as they created
sandwich algorithms. This criterion is highlighted in
the video from 3:01 to 5:32.
22. Model and nurture Luz_Artifact11 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
creativity. In this artifact, I demonstrated how I modeled
my own creative process with my students through
various projects I have done, including the Cardboard
Challenge, creating a Scratch Jr. coding project, and


modeling the creation of an algorithm for a Creative

Computing project. I shared how I used the Creative
Learning Spiral to imagine, create, play, share, and
reflect on my creative process as I completed these
projects. I created opportunities for my learners to be
creative through the Creative Computing and Scratch
Jr. projects. I nurtured my students’ creativity as they
completed their projects by providing opportunities for
students to give and receive peer feedback and share
their final products to others. This criterion is
highlighted in the video from 5:32 to 8:02.
7. Analyst 23. Provide alternative Luz_Artifact9 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
ways for students to In this artifact, I demonstrated how I
show competency. provided voice and choice for my 2nd grade students
as they worked on a student-driven final project on
environmental change. Students were given the
opportunity to choose their own topic related to a
research-backed opinion on environmental change.
Secondly, students were given a choice with
the technology tool and format of their final project.
They were given a variety of digital tools to choose
from, including Canva, Google Slides, Podbean,
Powerpoint, and more. Some examples of student
submissions included Powerpoint presentations, videos,
and podcast episodes. In addition, students were given
an assessment rubric to help guide them in the
process of creating their product. This criterion is
highlighted in the video from 4:53 to 7:23.
24. Use assessment Luz_Artifact12 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
data to inform and guide In this artifact, I show how I collected and
instruction based on analyzed data to inform and guide my mathematics


individual student instruction with my 2nd grade students. The data was
needs. gathered from an end-of-unit assessment taken on my
school’s Learning Management System, CTLS. This
assessment covered a variety of math standards, which
mostly involved adding and subtracting within 100 and
solving word problems. I analyzed the data and looked
closely at subgroups and specific standards to see how
and where I could adjust my instruction to increase
student achievement. Changes I made included
reshaping my small groups, using Math Learning Center
interactive manipulatives to reteach strategies, and
assigning targeted practice through Dreambox. This
criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:09 to
25. Provide Luz_Artifact12 Learners: 2nd Grade Students (7-8 year olds)
opportunities for In this artifact, I show how I provided
students to reflect on opportunities for my students to reflect on their own
their own learning data. learning data. Using Microsoft Forms, I created a
student reflection form for my students to fill out after
each unit assessment. This form includes a spot to
record their unit test scores, share their areas of
strength and weakness within the unit, rate their
comfortability with the unit content, and create a
learning plan for the next unit. This reflection form helps
to hold my students more accountable by reflecting on
their learning data and choosing action steps to help
them improve. This criterion is highlighted in the
video from 3:06 to 5:27.



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