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Date: 17-May-2022 Emp.

Code: TMSL1536

S K Aktar


Sub: Relieving cum Experience Letter

Dear S K Aktar

Please refer to your resignation dated 26-Mar-2022 from the services of the Company. We
would like to inform you that your resignation/separation is accepted. Accordingly, you are
relieved from the services of the company on the close of office hours as date mentioned

Service Period : 15-Nov-2021 To: 09-Apr-2022

Date of Relieving : 09-Apr-2022

Deputed To : Tata Motors Finance Ltd.

Last Designation : BDM

Your contribution to the organization and its success will always be appreciated.

We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.


For Intellect Support Services Pvt. Ltd

Authorized Signatory

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