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Until this point in the unit, the ethical theories we discussed focused are agent-focused, rather than act focused. They make the most basic
on the moral status of actions. Our question has been, “What makes a moral question, the question of what makes a character trait count as a
given action performed by an agent morally right (or morally wrong)?” virtue.
It’s likely that we haven’t spoken much about the moral status of
agents or persons themselves. That is to say: we may have neglected SLACKER READING:
the question of what characteristic makes a person count as a good
person, or as a bad person. Rosalind Hursthouse: “Virtue Theory”
If you are convinced that one of the theories we have already Hursthouse gives an overview of virtue ethics with a focus in particular
studied is true, then there is a natural answer to this question. Let’s on the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. This is as
assume we have all agreed that a given theory of morally right action is good of a short introduction to Aristotle’s ethical philosophy as I have
true—maybe it’s AUh, maybe its FH, or DCT, or FUL, or CR. With ever read. (I also highly recommend Hursthouse’s 1999 book On Virtue
one of these theories in hand, a theory of the good or virtuous person Ethics.)
is not hard to come by. We think we know what makes an action
morally right. So we could just define a good person as a person who
never performs any actions that is not morally right. (This account will CONSCIENTIOUS READING:
be too crude as it stands—it will generate some implausible verdicts
about who is good or bad. However, with some refinement, we can Aristotle: Selections from Nicomachean Ethics
work it up into something that looks promising.) A careful read of Hursthouse will give you a pretty good idea of
Since the publication of Elizabeth Anscombe’s seminal article Aristotle’s ethical philosophy. But it’s surely worth reading some of the
“Modern Moral Philosophy” in 1958, there has been a growing original. Most of these selections come from Book II of Aristotle’s
number of philosophers who suspect that the approach sketched in the Nicomachean Ethics..
paragraph above is misguided. In their view, the foundational moral
concept is not the concept of a morally right action, with the concept DEDICATED READING:
of a virtuous agent being derivative of (and defined in terms of) right
action. Rather, the foundational ethical concept is the concept of the Kongzi (Confucius): Selections from The Analects.
virtuous agent. Or, perhaps more precisely, the foundational ethical Another ancient thinker who espoused a virtue approach to ethics is
concept is the concept of a virtue—i.e., a character trait that makes an Chinese philosopher Kongzi (often known under the name
agent good. On this contrasting view, it is only after we have an ‘Confucius’).
account of the good or virtuous agent, that we can we turn to
questions of what makes an action morally right. These theories, then,

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