9A PG Trial1

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Asphalt original binder

Application version: Anton Paar RheoCompass™,
Licensed for: Indian Institute of Technology
License no. Rh18G7514
Version no.
Project: 4/4/2021_ORIGINAL grading (V 1.0)
Input data: 9A_PG, <Last measuring
result>, From interval 1,
Point 1
Result data: Asphalt original binder (final)

Result 1: This sample passed at 70.0 °C with |G*|/sin(delta) = 4.0383 kPa
Result 2: This sample passed at 76.0 °C with |G*|/sin(delta) = 1.9730 kPa
Result 3: This sample passed at 82.0 °C with |G*|/sin(delta) = 1.0217 kPa
Result 4: This sample failed at 88.0 °C with |G*|/sin(delta) = 0.5553 kPa

Mean frequency: 10.0 rad/s = 1.59 Hz
Mean strain: 12.00 %
Mean shear stress: 0.067 kPa
Mean phase shift angle: 86.4 °
Mean complex shear modulus |G*|: 0.554 kPa
Mean temperature lower plate: 88.0 °C
Mean temperature sample: 88.0 °C

Number of data points: 10
|G*|/sin(delta): 0.5553 kPa
Standard deviation: 0.0004 kPa
Median: 0.5553 kPa
Confidence interval (95 %): 0.5550 ... 0.5555 kPa
AASHTO T315 ORIGINAL BINDER PERF. CRITERION: |G*|/sin(delta) >= 1.0000 kPa

This sample is found to F A I L at 88.0 °C

Pass/fail temperature is 82.2 °C

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