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Erin Weidel

28 January 2024
Outcome Reflection 2: Reflecting on Inquiry and doing Research
1. How has this assignment helped you engage in your chosen outcome? Did you write
about one of the goals in the outcomes, or did you apply the skills talked about in each
- For this reflection, I will be looking at the “Research Question Draft” assignment,
which engages with the “Generating Inquiry” outcome. Developing a research
question helped me to explore lines of inquiry, specifically lines of inquiry related
to writing and rhetoric. I had to apply the skills of generating and exploring lines
of inquiry to get to the research question that I drafted and to complete the goal of
the outcome.
2. For your assignment, what was the thought process behind creating it? Did you struggle
with it or find it frustrating? Did you find it easy to work on? Explain.
- In all honesty, I struggled in completing this assignment, as I came in not knowing
exactly what I wanted to do research on, and after finding topics that intrigued
me, not knowing how to explore them further in terms of language, writing, and
rhetoric. This is mainly because of the field I am in, where most research
questions involve data sets and finding an answer to a question using numbers or
science, math, engineering, and technology. To produce my research question, I
had to look at different research topics from a unique perspective to make it more
rhetorical and writing based. I ended up picking my topic by just searching and
looking for topics that intrigued me, for example the rise of vaping in teens, and
trying to see how the ones that intrigued me could be connected to writing and
rhetoric. I ended up settling on my research question that involves vapes that are
marketed to teens using visual rhetoric, and even though I am still unsure of my
research question, I was able to generate inquiry and develop more knowledge on
developing research questions related to rhetoric.

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