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Fourth Month Examination in English 5

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Section: ____________________ Teacher: Miss Redzkitina
•Strictly no erasure • Write your answer in capital letter •use black ball pen only
Test A. Direction: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the best answer.

_______ 1. What is NOT a part of multimedia?

A. text B. audio C. graphic D. movie
_______ 2. Below are the elements of multimedia EXCEPT for one, which of the following is NOT an element of
A. text B. powerpoint C. video D. images
_______ 3. What do you call to the content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio,
images, animation,video and interactive content?
A. Multimedia B. Video C. text D. animation
_______ 4. What helps to convert a simple reading text to an adventurous tale where readers can “see” or imagine
the story?
A. multimedia B. visual elements C. animation D. graphics
_______ 5. Below are the examples of visual elements EXCEPT for one, which of the following is NOT an example
of visual elements?
A. drawings B. cartoons C. pictures D. word document
_______ 6. What helps the reader use sight, sound, and sometimes other senses to experience what they are
A. text B. graphics C. multimedia elements D. visual elements
_______ 7. What refers to themost commonly used multimedia elements to communicate information and it has
alphanumeric characters, in addition to special characters?
A. text B. graphics C. audio D. video
_______ 8. What pertains to the reason why something happens and it is the producer of the effect?
A. effect B. cause C. problem D. none of the above
_______ 9. What pertains to the result of the cause?
A. effect B. cause C. problem D. none of the above
_______ 10. What multimedia elements presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a
multimedia experience?
A. text B. graphics C. audio D. video
_______ 11. What elements of the multimedia refers to the speech, music and sound effects used in multimedia is
digital audio?
A. text B. graphics C. audio D. video
_______ 12. What multimedia elements which can be classified as 2D two dimension and 3D three dimension
A. video B. graphics C. animation D. audio
_______ 13. CAUSE: I woke up late for school… What do you think will be the EFFECT after reading the cause?
A. I will be late for class and will be marked tardy C. I will go for a run
B. Everyone will have a birthday party for me D. None of the above
_______ 14. CAUSE: Joe didn't feel well… What do you think will be the EFFECT after reading the cause?
A. so he climbed a mountain. C. so he barked
B. so he ate 100 hot dogs. D. so he went home.
_______ 15. CAUSE: Ryan's pen ran out of ink… What do you think will be the EFFECT after reading the cause?
A. so he ate an apple. C. so he said hello.
B. so he found a new pen. D. so he took out the garbage.
_______ 16. CAUSE: She reads everyday… What do you think will be the EFFECT after reading the cause?
A. so she can enjoy reading. C. so she likes football.
B. so she makes tea.D. so she can pet her cat.
_______ 17. EFFECT: Bob put up his umbrella… What do you think will be the CAUSE after reading the effect?
A. because Bob saw the sun. C. because it was raining.
B. because the trees were green. D. because two ants walked by.
_______ 18. What is the meaning of GIF?
A. graphication image files B. graphic image files C. graphic imagery files D. graphic image falsifies
_______ 19. What is the common file type for audio?
_______ 20. “AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV, MP4” is a common file type of what multimedia element?
A. audio B. video C. animation D. graphic
_______ 21. My brother gave me a math book because I am not good at math.What is the cause?
A. Gave me C. My brother gave me a math book
B. I am not good at math D. Good at math
_______ 22. I went to the park and I got to play with my brother.What is the effect?
A. I went to the park C. I got to play with my brother
B. I got to playD. I went
_______ 23. “I called the police ______ a stranger forced himself into our home.” What is the correct transition word
(conjunction) to use to complete the sentence?
A. so that B. after C. while D. during
_______ 24. “The plants died ________ wild animals kept eating them.” What is the correct transition word
(conjunction) to use to complete the sentence?
A. so that B. because C. before D. when
_______ 25. “It had begun to rain ________ Kervin had to run inside the house.” What is the correct transition word
(conjunction) to use to complete the sentence?
A. so B. because C. while D. when
_______ 26. What can generally affect the tone of the story?
A. imagery B. word of the text C. visual/multimedia elements D. all of the above
_______ 27. “Colors can also contribute to the meaning of the text”,what does an intense red color in a character’s
face mean?
A. boredom B. shyness C. sorrowful D. loneliness
_______ 28. “The video showing salivating mouth, stomach grumbling and widened eyes while imagining a delicious
ham burger tells us the character’s feeling.” What does the character’s feeling in the video?
A. bored B. sad C. happy D. hungry
_______ 29. Horror stories need to be accompanied by happy and light background music to set the author’s tone.
A. true B. false C. maybe D. none of the above
_______ 30. Which of the following helps the reader imagine how Filipino peopleshow their faith in God?
A. A picture showing a Filipino family going to church.
B. A 3D picture showing a Filipino Muslim reading a Qur’an
C. A narrator stating Filipinos pray before eating a meal during apicture walk.
D. All of the above

Test B. Direction: Complete the table by filling-out the correct cause or effect depending on the situation
given on each row.

A heavy rain lasted for two hours… 31.

32. …Karen has poor eyesight.

33. … they cannot go to cinema.

Mary studied hard for the English exam… 34.

35. … she was very tired.

I didn’t eat breakfast… 36.

He broke his arm… 37.

38. … many plants and animals in the water died

A child eats only junk food everyday… 39.

40. … the ice cream in the freezer melted.

Key to Correction

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. A
26. D
27. B
28. D
29. B
30. D
31. – 40. Answers will vary on student’s analyzation

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