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27 July 2015

Skepticism due to practicing jnana and karma and disregard for the sweetness of Krsna
from attachment to the Lord's majestic aspect are presented by Brahma when he was put
into illusion by Krsna.
bahu-shastra-vicarena shan moho vartate satam
sa eva saptamo lakshyo brahmano mohane kila
If one intensely absorbs his mind in various arguments, opinions, and their respective
literatures, then all realizations attained through samadhi are practically lost. This is
called illusion based on the flowery words of the Vedas. Being overwhelmed with this
illusion, Brahma doubted the supremacy of Krishna. The Vaishnavas should regard this
illusion as the seventh obstacle.

Chapter Acronym Keywords, concepts:

7/skeptic, vimohan
8/skeptics, illusion, vicarena,


01-03 Guru reveals confidential topics to submissive disciple
01 sg: though hearing katha const, you perceive it to be newer/newer
02 pure d talk only of K, w attachment just as mtrls to woman& sex
03 though K' topics are guhyam, guru speaks them to submis disciple
Lotuses, lunch, late, like whorl, leaves, lines of friends, looked,
limbs, love, laugh/ing, little of each,
04-14 Picnic scene
04 after killing aghasura K brought boys &calves to t bank of t river
05 just see this beautiful place, it's the best place for our picnic
06 we should take lunch here, calves may also take grass/water here
07 accepting proposal boys took care of calves and began eating w K
08 K sat in t center encircled by lines of his friends -looked wonderful
09 for fun each boy made his lunch plate of diff material, flowers,...
10 all enjoyed lunch w K tasting each other diff varieties, laughing
11 K yajna bhuk- now he was eating w his friends, devas were struck
12 thus eating, t calves went far away deep into t forest
13 boys frightened K pacified I'll shall bring them back
14 then carrying his yogurt&rice K went to search for t calves
Looking for boys, actor, learn, liberated, leader, land, lamenting actor,
actor, late, laud, laugh, lavishly dramatic actor, lesson giving, liberal,
15-19 Brahma steals boys& calves
15 B still astonished wanted to test K' power, he took t boys&calves
16 not seeing t calves K returned, where he was unable to see boys
17 he could understood this was the work of L brahma
18 for B, mother of calves/boys pleasure K expanded as calves &boys
19 He expanded into exact number, bodily feature, paraphernalia, etc
Usually, usual program, upon, unnatural affection, uncontrollable
prema, uninterrupted,
20-27 Bewilderment of vrajavasis
20 expanded in this way He entered vrajabhumi just as he usually did

Chs 6-14 Kaumara-lila Page 1

20 expanded in this way He entered vrajabhumi just as he usually did
21 K has thus entered diff cow sheds as t calves& home as diff boys
22 mothers of boys were treating K' expansions just like their sons
23 daily schedule K returned/entered the house of each cowherd boy
24 The bewilderment of the cows was similar to that of the mothers
25 becoming sons/calves, love for their sons/calves became as for K
26 previously t Vrajaväsés had more love for K than own children,
27 Thus Kåñëa continued His pastimes for one year


Six nights, saw/seeing, seperately posture, small, stretched necks,
swallow, simultaneously, sons, stopping cows/sucking, sticks, sight of,
of, smelling head, special affection, scolding cows, symptoms of
affection, showed, still wanted, surprised Balarama, situation, strange
behaviour of cows, suffer separation, show of affection,
28-39 Bewilderment of Balarama
28 Once 5-6 nights before of t year, K entered t forest w Balaräma
29 while atop Govardhana Hill, cows looked down& saw their calves
30 they forgot themselves &ran heads/tails erect, tears/milk in flow
31 though cows had new calves, they had more affection for t older
32 cowherd men tried to stop t cows, but when they saw own sons
33 overwhelmed they became filled with vätsalya-prema, anger gone
34 w difficulty t cowherd men stopped embracing children/returned
35 seeing cow's attach to elderly calves, surprised Baladeva consider
36 astonishing how affection f boys/calves is just like affection for K?
37 must be t illusory energy of My K for who else can bewilder Me?
38 thus, B was able to understand all boys/calves were expans of K
39 why did K become t calves/boys? contemplating K explained all


Is this, into, illusioned by my mystic potency, investigating,
implicated , instead, instruction, illustrate, inferior power,
insignificant/opulence in K' presence,
40-46 Bewilderment of Brahma
40 bewilderment of Brahmä, due to fear, B returned after on moment
41 Whatever boys/calves were, I have kept them under my mystic
42 but where have all these boys and calves come from?
43 thus Brahma tried to understand, but he couldn’t at all
44 wanted to mystify K he himself was bewildered
45 no mystic power can cover K, as snow dark/night, glowworm/day
46 while contemplating B saw t calves/boys transformed viñëu-mürtis


Ornamented, other, only, ordinary, offered, our, own devotees desire,
once, ourselves, opulences, own nature, opportunity, obtained,
overwhelmed by the effulgence of viñëu-mürtis
47-56 Brahma' vision of K' expansions
47-48 all have four arms, decorated w articles, looked wonderful
49 fully decorated w tulasi garlands offered by devotees
50 by pure smiling/glances created &protected t desires of devotees
51 all LE from Brahmä/grass were worshiping those viñëu-mürtis
52 viñëu-mürtis were surrounded by opulences/siddhis, 24elements
53 being worshiped by käla, svabhäva, saàskära, käma, karma, guëas
54 all had sat-cid-ananda forms & existing beyond t influence of time
55 thus B was able to see how K maintains t universe in diff ways
56 overwhelmed by vision, B fell silent &could not do/say anything
Nourishing, naturally, nija-mahimani, not understand, not manifest,

Chs 6-14 Kaumara-lila Page 2

Nourishing, naturally, nija-mahimani, not understand, not manifest,
neti-neti, negation, natyam, narakriti, now appearing, naturally
astonished b, seeing lord' greatness, nectarian, never-to-be-forgotten,
57-64 Krsna bestows proper vision
57 seeing B’s bewilderment K withdrew the curtain of yogamäyä
58 returned to ext.conscious, B saw t universe w himself
59 then Kåñëa showed B the wealth of His sweetness & vrindavan
60 Våndävana/dhama, no hunger/anger/thirst, human/animals friends
61 then Brahmä saw the Absolute Truth assuming the role of a child
62 seeing B bowed down/stick, bathing t feet of K w his tears of joy
63 rising and falling again and again at the lotus feet of Lord Kåñëa
64 B bending head low w faltering words, began to offer praises to K

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