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The chronology of the events in Lord Kṛṣṇa's life in Vraja

From Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī's «Laghu-vaiṣṇava-toṣaṇī» commentary on the Tenth Canto of Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, 10.45.3. I have added the corresponding chapters of the Tenth Canto of Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, the original sanskrit and approximate ages in parentheses. I have used Purīdāsa
Mahāśaya's edition of the commentary («Śrī Śrī Saṅkṣepa-vaiṣṇava-toṣaṇī», Mymensingh, 1946,

Tṛṇāvarta killed (7th Chapter) – after a full year passed (varṣe pūrṇe).

Damodāra-līlā (Chapters 9-10) – in the beginning of the third year during Kārtika month (tṛtīya-
varṣārambhe kārtike) (2 years and 2 months).

Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma and all the cowherds move to Vṛndāvana (11th Chapter) – some days after
Damodāra-līlā (katicid-dinānte vṛndāvana-praveśaḥ) (2 years and 2 months).

Kṛṣṇa began herding the calves (10.11.37) - 2-3 months after moving to Vṛndāvana (dvi-tra-
māsānantaraṁ vatsa-cāraṇārambhaḥ) (2 years and 4-5 months).

Vatsāsura, Bakāsura and Vyomāsura killed (10.11.41-54) – during that time (tatra vatsa-baka-
vyoma-vadhaḥ) (2 years and 4-5 months).

Brahmā stole the cowherd boys and calves (Chapters 12-14 ) – after the third year passed and the
fourth year started, in the autumn (tṛtīye pūrṇe caturthārambhe śaradi bāla-vatsa-haraṇaṁ) (little
more than 3 years)
[Note: At this time He actually entered paugaṇḍa age but it was manifested only after a year passed –
see 10.12.41].

Paugaṇḍa age manifested (10.12.37) – in the beginning of the fifth year (pañcamārambhe
paugaṇḍa-prakāśaḥ) (little more than 4 years).

Started herding the cows (10.15.1) – on śukla-aṣṭamī of Kārtika month (tatra kārtika-
śuklāṣṭamyāṁ go-cāraṇārambhaḥ) (4 years, 2 months and 2 weeks).

Kāliya-damana-līlā (Chapters 16-17) – in the summer of the fifth year (pañcamasya nidāghe
kāliya-damanaṁ) (4 years and appr. 10 months).
[Note: This līlā is described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam after killing of Dhenukāsura]

In His sixth year He was immersed in herding the cows - (ṣaṣṭhe go-cāraṇa-kautuka-mātraṁ)

He entered kaiśora age – in the beginning of the seventh year (saptamārambhe kaiśora-praveśaḥ)
(little more than 6 years).

Dhenuka killed (15th Chapter)– at that time when when tāla-fruits became ripe (tatraiva pakva-
tālāvasare dhenuka-vadhaḥ). On that evening also the gopīs for the first time manifested their
loving mood described in 10.15.43. (little more than 6 years).

Pralamba killed (18th Chapter) – in the summer of the seventh year (saptamasya nidāghe
pralamba-vadhaḥ) (6 years and appr. 10 months).
Veṇu-gītā pastime (21st Chapter) – in the eighth year during Aśvina month (aṣṭamasyāśvine veṇu-
gītaṁ) (7 years and 1 month).

Kṛṣṇa lifted Govardhana (24th Chapter) – in His eighth year, on the first day of the waxing moon
in Kārtika month (kārtīke govardhanoddharaṇaṁ) (7 years, 2 months and 7 days).

Govinda-abhiṣeka (27th Chapter) – in the beginning of His eighth year, on śukla-ekādaśī of Kārtika
month (aṣṭamārambhe eva kārtika-śuklaikādaśyāṁ govindābhiṣekaḥ) (7 years, 2 months and 17

Journey to Varuṇa's planet (10.28.1-11) – on the following dvādaśī (dvādaśyāṁ ca varuṇa-loka-

gamanaṁ) (7 years, 2 months and 18 days).

Vrajavāsīs bathed in Brahma-hrada (10.28.16) – on the following full moon day of Kārtika (tat-
pūrṇimāyāṁ brahma-hradāvagāhanaṁ) (7 years, 2 months and 21 days).

Vastra-haraṇa-līlā (22nd Chapter) – in the winter of His eighth year (hemante vastra-haraṇaṁ) (7
years and appr. 3 months).

Showing mercy to the wives of the brāhmaṇas (23rd Chapter) – in the summer of His eighth year
(nidāghe yajña-patnī-prasādaḥ) (7 years and appr. 10 months).
[Note: Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī says in the commentary to 10.24.1 that these līlās are described in Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam out of chronological order because of Śukadeva Gosvāmī's lack of self-control due to
his prema (prema-vaivaśyāt) and also because of the similarity of the pastimes (svajātīyatvāc ca)]

Rāsa-līlā (Chapters 29-33) – in the beginning of His ninth year, in the autumn season (navamasya
śaradi rāsa-līlā) (8 years and 1.5 months).

Journey to Ambikā-vana (10.34.1-3) - during Śiva-rātri festival on caturdaśī [on the fourteenth
lunar day of the dark fortnight of the month of Phālguna] - (śiva-rātri-caturdaśyām ambikā-vana-
yātrā) (8 years, 6 months and 6 days).

Śaṅkhacūḍa killed (10.34.25-32) – in Phālguna month (phālgunyāṁ śaṅkhacūḍa-vadhaḥ) (appr. 8.5


Ariṣṭāsura killed (10.36.1-15) - on the full moon of Caitra month (ekādaśasya caitra-
paurṇamāsyām ariṣṭa-vadhaḥ) (10 years, 7 months and 21 days).

Keśī killed (10.37.1-8) - on the twelfth day of the dark fortnight of Phālguna (dvādaśasya gauṇa-
phālguna-dvādaśyāṁ keśi-vadhaḥ) (11 years, 6 months and 4 days).

Kaṁsa killed (44th Chapter) - on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of Phālguna month [2 days
later] (tac caturdaśyāṁ kaṁsa-vadhaḥ) (11 years, 6 months and 6 days).

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