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1 Accessible How two bitter Rivals set aside their Qualms 51 Lively How the patient Turtle acquired

How the patient Turtle acquired Her Shell

2 Accomplished That time a Local Priest flubbed their Psalms 52 Manic Why Sprite's fear the Tolling of the Church Bell

3 Allegorical Unsuccessful foray into a forbidden local Tomb 53 Maudlin Magical Moonshine brewed in the Woods

4 Amateurish The plight of an Elfbride in search of a Groom 54 Memorable A Merchant Swindled of all their Goods

5 Ambitious The Dragon who died, asleep on her Hoard 55 Mournful Why it's unlucky to Shave a Dwarf's Beard

6 Arresting The Swashbuckler who lost their Magical Sword 56 Nail-biting The one Silly Thing the Lonely Lich Feared

7 Atonal A River over-run with Serpents and Snakes 57 Nauseating Twenty ways to Fool a Giant

8 Bawdy The Gnome who puts Magic in everything he Bakes 58 Nostalgic Why the Local Lord remains Defiant

9 Belligerent A wealthy Nobleman, strangled by Ghouls 59 Offensive The dangers of Fighting those Giant Shrews

10 Breathtaking The Famous Blacksmith who misplaced their Tools 60 Off-Putting A hillside Cache of Magical Shoes

11 Call & Response Two feuding Families, upset by a Will 61 Overwrought Crocodile seen, as big as a Boat

12 Callous Becoming enthralled by a Harpy's Trill 62 Pedestrian Goblins defeated by an Ornery Goat

13 Captivating Odd Weather at the birth of a powerful Mage 63 Perfunctory Dragon who walked in the guise of a Man

14 Catchy How to construct a Fairy-proof Cage 64 Pessimistic The real reason behind the local Mead Ban

15 Charitable The Cleric who's Symbol failed them at Last 65 Pointed The Hag who was really a Beauty in Disguise

16 Chilling Local Buried Treasure unearthed in the Past 66 Polished A Golem befuddled by contradictory Lies

17 Compelling A way to avoid the Mummy's Curse 67 Political How the First Harp tuned it's Strings

18 Convincing The Thief that returns coins to your Purse 68 Predictable A Magical Cloak that turns into Wings

19 Creative Why no one trusts the Local Bartender 69 Purlie Stealing an Owlbear Egg on a Dare

20 Dazzling Impossible Feats performed on a Bender 70 Quaint Sailor who wed a Mermaid most Fair

21 Depressing The Reason why People avoid a Local Bog 71 Rank Ill-Omens come from de-clawing a Cat

22 Droll A Prince's life saved by a remarkable Dog 72 Raucous The Moon and the Sun and their Lover's Spat

23 Dynamic How the Magic Dagger could slay any Foe 73 Raunchy Search for a Chalice by Royal Decrees

24 Dysfunctional The Blind Archer and his unerring Bow 74 Rollicking Jailor foiled by swallowing six Keys

25 Eerie Sure-fire way to avoid a Kraken 75 Romantic The Hapless Apprentice and the Angry Book

26 Elaborate Two little Children who got lost in the Bracken 76 Scathing The Mirror into which, no one must Look

27 Embarrassing Fast-paced Chase throughout City Streets 77 Second-Rate The Loyal Sow who could sniff out Treasures

28 Enthralling The Skeleton who befriends everyone it Meets 78 Self-Indulgent Recent Crime Wave and Draconian Measures

29 Enthusiastic A Wounded Wyvern tamed with Kindness 79 Shocking The Halfling that couldn't hold his Tongue

30 Flawless A Magical Spring, known to Cure Blindness 80 Sing-a-long The poorly paid Porter, a Hero Un-Sung

31 Frivolous The one sure-fire way to deal with Trolls 81 Somber The Knight who pledged Fealty to his Horse

32 Grim How a clumsy Curate fooled fifty Gnolls 82 Sophisticated Rich Catacombs, furnished by Remorse

33 Guileless The Reason why Elfs never Grow Old 83 Sublime Why Silver is carried during Full Moons

34 Hard-hitting The Suit of Armor that shone with Gold 84 Subversive The reasons you should never accept Fae Boons

35 Heartwarming An Hourglass rumored to Reverse Time 85 Surprising How the young Princess befriended a Bear

36 Heretical Circumstances surrounding a horrible Crime 86 Suspenseful The Evil Wizard and his Hypnotic Stare

37 Hilarious The Wagon who's Wheels would never Break 87 Timeworn The hard-working Spider, Web ruined every Day

38 Humble A Local Tax Collector is on the Take 88 Toe-tapping A list of Local Inns, in which one could Stay

39 Impassioned Illegitimate Children of a Kindly King 89 Torrid Love Triangle Turns into a Square

40 Improvised Local Lad's trouble with a Wishing Ring 90 Triumphant The Paladin's Blade and a Lock of Saint's Hair

41 Inferior The Party that vanished without a Trace 91 Tuneless Fruit from a Special Tree, makes one more Wise

42 Inspiring The Lothario and the Bodice that wouldn't Unlace 92 Uncanny Spotting a Werewolf, based on their Eyes

43 Insulting Well-loved Hero brought back from the Dead 93 Uncompromising Blessings granted at a Local Saint's Grave

44 Introspective How the Pretender managed to lose His Head 94 Understated The Fearsome Barbarian, who forgot to be Brave

45 Jaunty The Gargoyle who Schemed to Build a Shrine 95 Unpopular Tomorrow's Local Taxes must be paid by Noon

46 Joyous Contests to drink from an ever-flowing Stein 96 Unreliably Narrated Why it's poor form to re-gift a Spoon

47 Lackadaisical Bleak Fate of a Seer who's words rung True 97 Upbeat Sphinx who was stymied by a Clever Young Lass

48 Lackluster Court's Fragile Fashions, where hijinks ensue 98 Well-rehearsed Why Traders favor a particular Pass

49 Lavish The Owl flabbergasted by a Talking Mouse 99 Wily Tale of some Twins, separated at Birth

50 Listless A Miser's Treasure hidden in his House 100 Wistful Rude observations concerning King's Girth

Draft Version (10.22.2023) |

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