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Right team, this afternoon I want to go over the new marketing and advertising 1.

_____________ so that everyone is clear on the streams for each of our product ranges.
Let's start with toys for children. Now, last year most of the advertising was done through
leaflets posted through people's letterboxes across the city. However, the products are now
selling well nationally in department stores rather than just in our local shop here in Leeds.
So, we're going to 2. _____________ the budget and use print media. By this, I mean the
national newspapers in order to maximise the exposure to these products and despite the
fact that our competitors 3. _____________ baby clothes on TV, we won't be using this
method, as our statistics show that it's just not cost 4. _____________. People don’t pay
much attention to TV 5. _____________ for baby clothes, but we believe a picture in the
newspapers will be much more attractive to potential customers. We're going with this
method. As far as clothing for expectant mothers is concerned, the 6. _____________ will
move from newspapers to the Internet due to the fact that we've seen an increase in
Internet shopping for clothes among women in general. And finally, baby food. 7.
_____________ for this are difficult to place and we've previously tried ads in all three
media. Anyway, although our analysis has shown that the Internet is one possibility, we're
going to continue using television. Many other types of food are also 8. _____________ on
TV and happy mothers and babies make a very strong image.

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