NLP Workbook by Dipaali Life Coach

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NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Dear learners!

I am super excited to share NLP workbook

with you. You need to watch all video lessons
and do assignments. Each video has offer
you more clarity about our belief system,
brain thinking pattern and tools to replace
old non-favorable beliefs in life.

Redesign your life by NLP

You can find on YouTube by typing

“DIPAALI” or click on the link below to
watch the NLP full course.

NLP Playlist on YouTube/@dipaali

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

YouTube Diamond
Join Diamond Membership of Youtube/@dipaali
and Unlock 400+ Video Library for 15+ Life-
Changing Courses and Get 4 Live Classes @599/

Course List

1. Subconscious Intelligence - 38 Video Lesson

2. The Law of Attraction - 30 video lessons
3. Cash Consciousness - 33 video lessons
4. Heal Your Life - 37 video lessons
5. Inner Wellness - 24 video lessons
6. Inner Child Healing - 6 video lessons
7. Affirmative Parenting - 6 video lessons
8. Rejuvenating Health Naturally - 6 video lessons
9. Daily Gratitude Journaling Work - 52 Videos
10. Inner Growth Mastery - 21 Days Course - 4
Video Lessons
11. Become a Certified Life Coach
12. Become a Numerologist
13. Health, Wealth, and Career Numerology
14. Lo-Shu Grid Numerology

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

15. Unlimited Success with NLP



16. Become a Meditation Coach - 20 videos

17. Redefine Life - 30 videos
18. Goal setting - 6 Videos
19. Life Balancing and Self Care - 6 videos
20. Meditation Script - 200 videos
21. Angel Invocation - 33 Videos

Join the Diamond Membership and Redesign Your


NLP Workbook by Dipaali

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

NLP Workbook by Dipaali


YOUTUBE DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP ............................................. 3

CHAPTER 1, WHAT IS NLP .......................................................... 10
CHAPTER 2, NLP COMMUNICATION MODEL .............................. 11
CHAPTER 3, THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF NLP ............................... 12
CHAPTER 4, NEUROLOGICAL LEVELS ...................... 14
CHAPTER 6, HOW TO CREATE SMART GOAL. ............................. 24
CHAPTER 7, WHEEL OF LIFE ....................................................... 33
CHAPTER 8, THE REPRESENTATIONAL SYSTEM .......................... 35
CHAPTER 9, THE EYE ACCESSING CUES ....................................... 43
ABOUT AUTHOR ........................................................................ 60
ABOUT MY BOOKS: ................................................................... 72

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 1, What is NLP

The nervous system and neurological
response. Everything we think or
experience causes neurological responses,
states and chemistry in the body
Language We describe our world and
ourselves to ourselves and others by using
language and language both describe and
creates out experiences and meaning.
Our automatic programmes, patterns and
spontaneous unconscious response which
we learn how to change and install
NLP is art of communicating with own self
& others at the outside world.
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 2, NLP
Communication Model

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 3, The Three

Principles of NLP

1. Cause an effect. (Watch the video)




2. Perception is Projection. (Watch the



NLP Workbook by Dipaali


3. Responsibility for value. (Watch the




NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 4, Neurological Levels

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 5, The
Presuppositions of NLP

Here is the list there are NO” principles of

NLP”, Though some people confuse”
presuppositions” with “principle” and have
tried to identify a distinction which doesn't
exist. The presuppositions of NLP are not a
philosophy or a credo or a set of rules and
regulations. Rather, they are assumptions
upon which individuals base future actions,
meaning that one could use NLP techniques
without necessarily supporting the

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Other Beliefs

Although the following are not always

described as principles or presuppositions,
they are approaches implicit in classical NLP

1. NLP is generative.

2. Structure matters more

than content

3. If you always do what

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

you've always done, you

will always get what you
always got.

4. Use whatever works.

5. If something can be done

effectively and
ecologically in ten
minutes, don't spend an
hour doing it.

6. NLP incorporates the

body as well as the mind.

7. NLP is based upon

sensory observation.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

7Good NLP is 90% information

gathering and testing, and 10%
change work.
8. Conscious understanding
is not always needed.
9. Everyone is different,
always check, never
assume a pattern is
My favorite presuppositions:
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Other Favorite sayings associated

with NLP


These questions are best answered before

the therapy begins. In times where you are
having a difficult time your client achieve
their out cue has not been met or answered
Being by asking yourself: “How is it possible
that I(they) don't have it now?”

1. Stated in the positive.

What specifically do you want?

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

2. Specify present situation.

Where are you now?(Associated)

3. Specify outcome.

What will you see, hear, feel, etc, when you

have it?

As if now.

Make compelling
Insert in future. Be sure future picture is

4. Specify evidence procedure.

How will you know when you have it?

5. Is it congruently desirable?
What will this outcome get for you or allow
you to do?
6. Is it self-initiated and self-

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Is it only for you?

7. Is it appropriately

Where, when, how, and with whom do you

want it?

8. What resources are needed?

What do you have now, and what do you

need to get your outcome?

a. Have you ever had or done this


b. Do you know anyone who has?

c. Can you act as if you have it?

9. Is it ecological?

a. For what purpose do you want


NLP Workbook by Dipaali

b. What will you gain or lose if you

have it?

c. What will happen if you get it?

d. What won't happen if you get it?

e. What will happen if you don't

get it?

f. What won't happen if you don't

get it?

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Well Formed Conditions

For Outcomes/Goals

To ensure success in working with

clients, the following criteria must be
identified before that session begins.
1. Stated in positive terms.
2. Initiated and maintained by
3. Specific sensory based
description of outcome and
the steps needed to get there.
4. Ecological.
5. More than one way to get the
6. First step is specified and
7. Does it increase choi
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 6, How to create

Specific Measurable Attainable
Realistic Timely

Specific - A specific goal has a much greater

chance of being accomplished than a
generate goal. To set a specific goal you must
answer the six ”W” Questions:

Who: Who is involved?

What: What do i want to accomplish?

Where: Identify a location.

When: Establish a time frame.

Which: Identify requirements and

NLP Workbook by Dipaali


Why: Specific reasons, purpose r

benefits of accomplishing the goal.

Example: A General goal would be, “Get in

shape.” But a specific goal would say,” Join
a Health club and workout 3 days a week.”

1. Measurable - Establish concrete

criteria for measuring progress toward
the attainment of each goal you set.
When you measure your progress, you
stay on track, reach your target dates,
and experience the exhilaration of
achievement that spurs you on to
continued effort required to reach
your goal.To determine if your goal is

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

measurable, ask questions such as

How much? How many?
How will I know when it is accomplished?

2. Attainable - When you identify goals

that are most important to you, you
begin to figure our ways you can make
them come true. You develop the
attitudes, abilities, skills and financial
capacity to reach them. You begin
seeing previously overlooked
opportunities to bring yourself closer
to the achievements of your goals.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

3. Realistic - To be realistic, a goal must

represent an objective towards which
you are both willing and able to work. A
goal can be both high and realistic; you
are the only one who can decide just
how high your goal should be. But be
sure that every goal represent
substantial progress. Some of the
hardest jobs ever accomplished
actually seem easy simply because they
were a labour of love. Your goal is
probably realistic if you truly believe
that it can be accomplished.

4. Timely - A goal should be grounded

within a time frame. With no time
frame tied to it there's no sense of
urgency. If you want to lose 10lbs.,
when do you want to lose it by?
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

”Someday” won't work. But if you

anchor it within a time frame, ”by May
1st”,then you've set your unconscious
mind into motion to begin working on
the goal. T can also stands for
Tangible - A goal is tangible when
you can experience it with one of the
senses, that is, taste, touch, smell,
sight or hearing.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Five Steps to an Achievable Outcome

1. Know Your outcome.



2. Take Actions



NLP Workbook by Dipaali

3. Have Sensory Acuity



4. Have Behavioral Flexibility



5. Operate with a Physiology and

psychology of excellence.
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Responsibility for Goals

1. When you take 100% responsibility

for achieving your outcomes and are
willing to do it all by yourself. You
won't have to.
2. To the extent that you are not willing
to do it all by yourself. You'll have to.
3. When you don't take 100%
responsibility, then you are no longer
in charge of your destiny. Instead you
are playing with luck.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

4. The only benefit of not taking 100%
responsibility for achieving your
outcome is you'll always have
someone to blame.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 7, Wheel of Life

When setting outcomes, it is very important
to remember that the outcomes you set
should support you in all areas of your life.
Make sure that your outcomes are well
balanced in all areas and do not create any
problems in any areas. You can use the
diagram to assist you in setting good

NLP Workbook by Dipaali


NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 8, The
Representational System
As human beings we experience the world
through our physical senses: Vision,
Hearing, Touch, Taste & Smell. In NLP the
senses are split into three groups & referred
to as Representational System(rep system);
this term relates to the fact the brain uses
the senses to build our internal
representation, or model of the world
around us.
The rep-system groups are: Visual the
things we see.
Auditory - the things we hear Kinesthetic -
the things we feel
(touch/emotion),taste or smell
You can start finding out about the way that
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

you are using your senses by taking a trip

down memory lane....
Simply remember something pleasant;
perhaps you are on holiday, taking a trip to
countryside or enjoy a romantic evening.
What's the your first though or sensation in
the instant that the memory comes to and?
Whatever your first thought is, it will fit in to
one of the VAK categories.

For E.G , when remembering a beach

holiday, some people's first recollection will
be seeing the blue sky and bright sunlight(V-
visual); others might remember hearing the
sound of the sea or noise of children
playing(A - auditory);some will remember
the feel of the warm sunshine, the smell of
hot-dogs or the taste of ice- cream(K-
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Whatever you're first thought is, it will offer
a clue to your preferred(or leading)
representational system. By exploring your
memory further, you will discover that your
inner experiences are made up of Images,
sound & feelings. To prove this to yourself
simply take your pleasant memory & try the
following experiment.

Bring the memory back to mind now, in as

much detail as you can, & then:

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

1. Take away any picture that are

associated with it s that all you
are left with are sounds &
feelings(as if The light has been
switch off).
2. Next, turn the sound down
until your memory is silent.
3. Finally, let the feeling melt

Representational System
NLP Workbook by Dipaali


1. Auditory tonal can add

emphasis & help flesh out raw
2. Visual can represent an
enormous amount of data
simultaneously &
3. Auditory processing is
sequential & takes longer than
visual processing which is
4. The kinesthetic system has
more interia & duration than
the other two systems.
5. Kinesthetic tactile &
proprioceptive help provide

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

raw data.
6. Kinesthetic meta is the
primary way people evaluate

1Representational System Preferences

- Visual
'If I could show you a really brilliant way of
communication, that could make you appear
more attractive to visionary people, you
would at least want to look at it, wouldn't

The benefits of building rapport with people

who have a preferences for the visual
representational system is that it would
become so much clearer to see the way
people view the world. It is when you see
how things look from other points of view
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

that you catch sight of the bigger picture.

From this perspective it is easier to see the
way forward to a really bright future for


'If I were to tell you about a way of

communication with people that would
really want to make them prick up their ears
& listen, you would at least want to hear
about it, wouldn't you?'

Striking a harmonious chord with someone

with an auditory preference might sound
easy to you. Being in tune with someone
means that you are talking their language &
orchestrating a whole group with the
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

language that you speak can create sweet



'If i were to give you a really concrete way to

get in touch with people, so that you can
build rapport at a really deep level 7 get to
grips with the way they hold reality, you
would at least want to get a feel for it,
wouldn't you?'

When you find common ground with people

you may feel things moving along more
smoothly, find new connections are made &
that the path ahead becomes a stroll in the
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Chapter 9, The Eye

Accessing Cues
The NLP eye accessing cues are one of the
more well know NLP ’secrets’ All the
following eye accessing cues are as you see
the person & are common in most people or
we say in NLP terms a normally organized

Visual Eye Accessing Cues

Up & to the right usually means that a
person means that a person is imagining
something visually. Can you just imagine

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Up & to left usually means that a person is

remembering something visually - get the

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Auditory Eye Accessing Cues

Right side(horizontal) usually means an

imagined(constructed0sound (I imagine
that message should start become loud &
clear to you now)..

Left side(horizontal) usually means a

remembered sound- does that ring a bell?

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Kinesthetic & Auditory Digital Eye

Accessing Cues
Down right(which is downright
obvious)usually means that a person is
accessing a bodily feeling or emotion - are

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

you getting to grip with this idea now?

Down left usually means that a person is
accessing internal dialogue. This is often a
repeated phrase such as “I should know
better!” , “Yes! Done it again” , “Told you
so”, etc., that comes up time & time again
in; typically at times of stress or elation.


NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Eye Pattern Chart



Vc= Visual Constructed

Vr= Visual Remembered

Ac= Auditory Constructed

Ar= Auditory Remembered
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

K= Kinesthetic (Feelings)

Ad= Auditory Digital (Self Talk)



Eye Pattern Questions

(Remember, some people access Vr, Ar, Ad,

K defocusing.)

Vr: Visual Remembered: Seeing images

from memory, recalling things they had seen
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Question: “What was the colour of the

room you grew up in?” “What colour
was the first car you ever owned?”

Vc: Visual Constructed: Images of

things that people have never seen before.
When people are making it up in their
head, they are using visual constructed.
Question: “What would your
room(car0 look like if it were blue?”

Ar: Auditory Remembered: When you

remember sounds or voices that you’ve
heard before, or things that you’ve said to
yourself before.

Question: “Growing up, did you have

a favorite pet? What was the sound of
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

your pet’s voice?” “What was the very

last thing I said?” “Can

you remember the sound of your

mother’s voice?”

Ac: Auditory Constructed: Making up

sounds that you have not heard before.
Question: “What would I sound like if
I had Donald Duck’s voice?”
Ad: Auditory Digital: This is where your
eyes go when you are talking to yourself

Question: “If there a poem from

school hat you remember?” “Can you
say the 7 Times Table to yourself?”
K: Kinaesthetic: (Feeling, sense of touch.)
Generally, you look in this direction when
you are accessing you feelings.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Question: “ Do you have a favorite

beach or place in the outdoors to walk?
What does it feel like to walk there
without shoes?” “What does it feel like
to touch a wet rug?”

Chapter 10, Linguistic


Presupposition are linguistic Assumptions
and are useful for Recognizing what is
assumed by the client’s speech and assisting
in creating new internal representations for
the client.
1. Exercise

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

2. Possibility/Necessity

3. Cause - Effect

4. Complex Equivalence

5. Awareness

6. Time

7. Adverb/Adjective

8. Exclusive/Inclusive OR

9. Ordinal
Identifying Presuppositions

Exercise 1

In the following sentences, please

distinguish between the presupposition and
the mind read.
Put a ’P’ or an ’MR’ next to each one:
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

I’m not sure whether or not I should

stop beating my wife.”

He has a wife

He love his wife

He currently beats his wife

He’s bully and should be prosecuted

“I don’t see why I can’t do it. All my

friends are doing it!”

He feels that he is treated unfairly

He wants to be liked by his friends

This person’s friend’s do something he

doesn’t do

All his friends are bums

“If I don’t learn how to communicate

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

with my boss, I won’t get a raise.”

He feels that he is treated unfairly

He doesn’t know to communicate with his


He wants to learn new behaviours

His salary is connected to his

communication skills

1. “I’m feeling much better now! I

can see how some of the things I
was doing just made me

Some behavior he engaged in was related to

some internal state
- He has feelings
- He has much more control of his

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

life now

- He fixed himself so he will now be

much loved by others
(MR) Mind Read = means you are
adding something

(P) P= Presupposition

Creating Presuppositions
In the space provided below, write three
statements for each presupposition in the
area in life you plan on using these skills
Existence (Tip Off nouns)
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

- Possibility/Necessity (Tip Off modal


- Cause - effect (Tip – Off” makes”,
“If”, ”their”, ”because”)


NLP Workbook by Dipaali

- Complex Equivalence - (Tip-Off” is”,


- Awareness - (Tip- Off verbs with

- Time - (Tip - Off verb tense ”stop”,
”now”, ”yet”)

- Adverbs/Adjectives- (Tip - Off
adverbs or adjectives)

NLP Workbook by Dipaali


- Exclusive/Inclusive- (Tip - Off “or”)


NLP Workbook by Dipaali

About Author

ABOUT Dipaali
I am the Life &
Coach, and Author.

I am Mindfulness and meditation Coach, NLP

Practitioner, Personal Mentor, and Corporate
I offer Mental Well Being through the LAMP-N
method. I am spiritually grounded and believe
that “iNNER purity is more important than
outer beauty.”
My Journey of Transformation

No Person is a victim until he believes

himself as one.
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Being a victim

I considered myself a victim unknowingly since

my childhood. I was shy, low-esteem, reactive,
upset, and sometimes a rebel, because I believed
that I was unloved, unsupported, unlucky and
unwanted in my family.

We always talk about what we don’t

want, expecting that we will get what we
I didn’t know what I didn’t know about
my life

I didn’t know what I wanted, and I used to

complain about my life, my parents and my
surroundings with others, expecting that I
would get all pleasure, love and respect by
complaining about unwanted people and

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

situations in my life.

Guess what happened to me!

I attracted more and more worst situations and

people in my life as I didn’t know the science
that, “What we put attention on, Grows!”
Being upset, unhappy, resigned, reactive and
rebellious, I had developed beliefs which were
limiting me in every area of my life.

What’s the truth? Beliefs create a

human’s character or human character
creates beliefs?
The outcome of Limiting Beliefs
Being resigned and unhappy I attracted more
toxic relationships and people in my life. The
more bad experiences went on, the stronger my
beliefs got, and the more my beliefs became

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

stronger, the more I became unhappy in life.

I was paying the cost in relationships, health,

and career. I was always restless, anxious,
fearful and angry.

I would love to help people but people didn’t like

to talk to me due to my reactive nature.

Though I was well-qualified, experienced and

extremely hard working to gain profit in
business, I was struggling as it was difficult for
me to deal with the people in the business.

I was a nearly 80 kg bulky lady, neither fit

physically nor mentally and emotionally.

Rotten Fruits need root treatment.

Similarly, Core Limiting Beliefs need

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Conscious Efforts to Eliminate.

Being unaware, I went on to find solutions to my

misery from astrology, Vastu science,
worshipping in the temple, and by giving
volunteer services to many religious
organizations for many years.
I was working on the fruits rather than working
on the roots, I didn’t get results. I am not
opposed to all these modalities, but working on
fruits would never heal roots. These outer efforts
didn’t address the real root cause in my life.

My limiting beliefs designed my behaviours and

character. They used to run my life and I was
controlled by them.
In this breakdown time when there was no hope
and happiness in life, one good habit of mine
could help me transform my life, and that habit

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

is “The habit of being a life-long learner.”

My willingness to learn about life helped me
identify my limiting beliefs and the root cause of

Secret of Success Spend more Time and

energy in Personal Development.

Many self-help books, personal development

seminars, workshops, YouTube videos and
courses have played an important role in my
personal breakthrough results.

I bow down to all modalities and resources who

have revealed the truth of life and poured
wisdom in me.
I understood the secrets of life when I started
implementing them in my life.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Let the past rest in peace! Create

a Fantastic Future with a
Positive Present Moment.
Sharing Wisdom:
1. I am responsible for all my current
situations. I am taking the accountability
of my life.
2. I love and accept myself
3. I love others unconditionally, as we are
unique individuals and are connected
with one divine energy, playing different
roles on this earth realm in order to
4. I need to stay connected and nurture my
inner child. I have started reparenting to
my confused, upset and resigned inner
child, who is always seeking love and

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

5. Forgiveness needs courage, and when you

forgive others, you are ready to create a
wonderful future in the present moment.
I have forgiven everyone whom I needed
to forgive. I am free now.
6. Our body is a vehicle to experience all
pleasure, and I am now more conscious
about my lifestyle and food habits. I have
been taking care of my body by practising
yoga and eating sattvic food.

I choose to share my Love, Wisdom and

Compassion with Humanity.

I paid a lot of costs for many years due to a lack

of true wisdom in life. When I understood the
importance of life coaching, self-help books,
life-transforming YouTube videos and

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Podcasts for personal development, and life-

changing seminars, workshops and courses, I
decided to educate others on the same.

I realized that everybody suffers in their life one

way or another, and they don’t know the correct
solutions. They probably don’t have the
resources to alter their lives positively.

Being a Life and Inner Wellness Coach, I created

my YouTube channel, launched podcasts, wrote
self-help books and ran my online school for
humanity to contribute to mental well-being in
someone’s life.

I believe:
Inner purity is more important than outer

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

I started my career as an educationalist in the
year 2002 in Surat, Gujarat. During the 16 years
of my journey, I have designed many vocational
curricula in the field of computers and trained
more than 1 lakh students with nearly 100%

The government of India and the

Government of Gujarat, UNO, South
Gujarat Chamber of Commerce, Junior
Chamber International and many more
organizations have identified my efforts
and intentions in the field of education
through prestigious awards. I am grateful
for all the love, respect, and recognition, I have
received from society.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

1. I have awarded the “Nari Gaurav” award

on the occasion of “International
Women’s Day” by the SGCCI Ladies wing
in 2016

2. I got the opportunity to have a very

prestigious “KAMAL PATRA AWARD”
for consistent professional growth and
workmanship in business since 2002 by
JCI in 2013.

3. I have been recognized with “The

Saraswati Award” for contributing to the
field of education and social work by
“Achala Education Foundation Trust,”
Ahmedabad in the year 2013.

4. I had the privilege to be entitled the “ALL

INDIA Achievers Foundation NEW

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

DELHI” Award for her best performance

in the field of education in the year 2010.
5. I am the first lady to be awarded the
“Rajiv Gandhi International Award” for
outstanding performance in Computer
Education in 2006 at Gandhinagar by the
Gujarat Governor.

Visit and book one 15 minutes

complimentary one-on-one counseling for mental

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

About my books:


This book offers the opportunity to identify your conscious

and subconscious limiting beliefs and teach you scientific
approach to eliminate them first and prepare you to use 9
Secrets of Subconscious Mind later, through many
practical examples, techniques, stories, authentic
breakthrough outcomes, and assignments.

★ Your mind will be rewired while you read this book and
you will be prepared to train your mind deliberately for
day-to-day desired outcomes.

✓ Do you want to help yourself?

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

✓ Do you think you deserve a better life?

If yes, then you will find amazing 9 secrets to manifest
desired outcomes in your life in this book.

✓ Many people try to heal their lives or try to

make their lives better by Affirmations or by
Meditation. Many people practice to write their
desired goals, but don’t get the results. I was also on
the same page. I practiced readymade affirmations and
other modalities for many years to heal my life, I got
results up to a certain extent but I was reactive and used to
think and behave the same in adverse situation. My
wisdom didn’t work for me in adverse situation or with no
favorable people.

✓ Are you experiencing the same that I experienced

earlier? In this case, not only read this book but also do all
assignments given at the end of every chapter. Consider
this book is like a workbook where you will learn new
technique in every chapter, and you can immediately use
all the tools and techniques through the assignment at the
end of every chapter.

★ Deliberate positive thoughts is our conscious choice and

one must practice it consciously to train the subconscious
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

mind every moment.

Be ready to manifest YOUR desired results through 9
secrets of subconscious mind.
Scan here to read.

Affirmative World: Identify, Subconscious

Limiting Beliefs to Alter Your Inner Critical
thinking by Antidote Empowering

Rotten Fruits needs Root Treatment, Similarly,

Core Limiting Beliefs need Conscious Efforts to
Eliminate - Dipaali

1. Do you think you can do better in every area of

your life but stuck somewhere?
2. Do you want to help yourself?
3. Are you utilizing your potential to the fullest in
transforming yourself?
This book offers various opportunities to identify your
Conscious and Subconscious Limiting Beliefs through
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

questionnaires, and they allow you to tap unknown zone of

your life where Ecstasy and Abundance are waiting for

You can closely work towards deep-rooted beliefs in every

area of your life and can replace them with a collection
of "Antidote Empowering Affirmations". They help
you to improve your self-talk. You can reconstruct the new
realities of your life with the help of useful techniques and
tools which I have described in this book.

You have paid enough price in your life unknowingly, and

now you have simple, easy, and profound methods in your
hands in the form of this book. It helps you to bring a
positive transformation into your life.

Weed out First & Seed it later.

It’s impossible to implant new beliefs without identifying

limited ones. Your mind will be conflicted by two different
opinions on the same subject. On one side, you consciously
choose to be wealthy, happy, healthy & spiritual, and on
another side, your subconscious mind has already limiting
beliefs in the same areas then your mind would be

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

confused and not able to produce the desired outcomes in

your life.

Most of the time people cannot identify their limiting

beliefs and don’t even able to address them. It is always
important to identify our own Subconscious Limiting
Beliefs first to implant “New Antidote Empowering
Beliefs” in our minds.

Part 1 & 2

You can use this book as an encyclopedia of Affirmations.

You can find readymade dialogues to communicate to your
subconscious mind easily and effectively. You will find the
source of beliefs and behavioral science in part one, and
you will have the opportunity to address your limiting
beliefs in parts one and two of this book with the help of

Part 3

Of this book is the collection of “Antidote Empowering

Affirmations” which you can practice to alter your inner
critical self-talk.

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

This book offers powerful elimination processes of limiting

beliefs and Antidote Empowering Affirmations collection
to eliminate the most common and dominant limiting
beliefs of your life.

The entire book will prepare you to embed new

empowering beliefs in your subconscious mind to manifest
desire outcomes in your life.
Be ready to create an Affirmative World!

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

Scan here to read

Conquer Your Inner World with Positive Self-

talk. Master the Art of Forgiveness and
Experience Joy. Fill Your Heart with Love and

- Are you always sad, upset, fearful and

angry with yourself and others?
- Do you need a reason to be happy?
- Is it always difficult for you to be happy

Happiness is the choice that one should make in life!

You might have enough reasons to be sad and you
always have the choice to find the bright side in every
adverse situation to be happy.
Happiness comes to you when you,

NLP Workbook by Dipaali

- drop the traumatic past experience; and practice

being in the present moment.
- embrace your strengths and weaknesses.
- practice altering your negative self-talk.
- learn to forgive others and have the courage to
seek forgiveness.
- are grateful for everything you have in your life.

Your happiness doesn’t depend on success in

life, but your success definitely depends on
your happy state of mind.
You will understand.
- the Law of KARMA.
- art and science to unloop KARMA to experience
peace and joy in life.
- to identify your own inauthenticity and to help
remove it.
- the power of positivity to alter life.
- why adverse people and situations come to life.

You will
- be happy in every situation.
- start loving yourself more.
NLP Workbook by Dipaali

- have the freedom to live life fully.

- be more grateful.
- have compassion in your heart for yourself and

You can
- celebrate every moment of life.
- experience joy in relationships.
- appreciate & accept others easily.
- be clearer in day-to-day life.
- stay healthy mentally and physically.

Choose to be Happy and heal Your Life


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