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Sequential Explanation Text:

How Snow Is Made?

We all agree that the snowfall is always fascinating. In the snowfall, all people stay out
of the house and play with snow. People can make giant snowmen, trample along the snow,
or play snowballs with their families. However, are you curious how snow is made?
Snow is water droplets falling from the clouds. These droplet waters then become solid
and create snow. It happens because rain consists of water vapor particles and being cooled in
the air.
Snow happens when water vapor piled up in the earth’s atmosphere freezes. It happens
before they turn into water droplets. This process occurs when the temperature in the cloud
becomes very frigid.
Snowflakes are created by crystals of ice which have established around a little filth in
the air. They then grow from small forms into the big one. The form of snowflakes are
varied. They can consist of 200 crystal maximum.
Generic Structure
• General statement: paragraph 1, 2
• Sequence of Explanation: paragraf 3,4
Language Features
• Use simple present tense:
- How snow is made?
- We all agree that the snowfall is always fascinating.
- Snow is water droplets falling from the clouds.
• Use Passive voice:
- Snowflakes are created by crystals of ice which have established around a little
filth in the air.
• Use of technical terms:
Snowballs, snowflakes, snow, water vapor.
• Use action verbs: grow, play, make, trample, create.
• Use conjunction: or, and, because, however
- People can make giant snowmen, trample along the snow, or play snowballs with
their families.
- These droplet waters then become solid and create snow. It happens because rain
consists of water vapor particles and being cooled in the air.
- However, are you curious how snow is made?

Cause and Effect Explanation Text

How Does COVID-19 Spread?

People in the world are shocked with the emergence of covid-19. This virus becomes a
pandemic which has contaminated people all around the world. What is Covid-19? Covid-19
is a very infectious disease caused by a new kind of coronavirus. Is it dangerous? How can it
spread to humans?
Firstly, the virus is supposed to spread primarily from person-to-person. These viruses
can spread between persons who are in contact approximately in about 6 feets.
Secondly, covid-19 can also range via respiratory dewdrops produced while an infected
person coughs or sneezes. These drops can land in the noses or mouths of persons who are
nearby. Or they can feasibly be inhaled to the lungs.
Thirdly, it is spread by any human interaction with infected objects or surfaces. It may
be likely that a person can catch up COVID-19 by touching objects devouring the virus. Then
they drop the virus to their own nose, mouth, or eyes.
How easily a virus blowout from person-to-person can vary. These viruses are highly
spreadable. Therefore, we have to be alert and keep following health protocol.
Generic Structure
• General statement: paragraph 1
• Sequence of Explanation: paragraph 2,3,4, 5
Language Features
• Use simple present tense:
- What is Covid-19?
- Is it dangerous?
• Use Passive voice:
- Covid-19 is a very infectious disease caused by a new kind of coronavirus.
• Use of technical terms: pandemic, respiratory, health protocol, virus.
• Use action verbs: catch up, touching, blowout.
• Use conjunction: or, and, therefore.
- Secondly, covid-19 can also range via respiratory dewdrops produced while an
infected person coughs or sneezes. These drops can land in the noses or mouths
of persons who are nearby. Or they can feasibly be inhaled to the lungs.
- Then they drop the virus to their own nose, mouth, or eyes.
- Therefore, we have to be alert and keep following health protocol.
Analysis by: Diana Novita (SKS SMT IV)

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