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Simple Present Affirmative (2)

For the third person singular we all verbs add an ‘S’ at the end.

I like chocolate. He likes football. She reads a lot. It wags it’s tail to every guest.

Use the correct form of the verb in parenthesis to complete the sentences.

1. John works (work) at a pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

2. We go (go) to school by bus.

3. She is (be) a teacher on a frontier town.

4. They fish (fish) every Saturday.

5. The little boy plays (play) with his freesbee with his dog.

6. It comes (come) with a case.

7. This carpet looks (look) clean.

8. The lake freezes (freeze) in winter. Kids like to ice skate (ice skate) on it.

9. Mary can (can) play the piano very well.

10. We always have (have) orange juice at breakfast.

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