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Volume .

9, April
Soil and Rock {II]: D8 - latest, Ceosyntbetics

Standards and Related Materials Contained in tbis Volume:

(Click here for a list of discontinued standards)
D5714-95(2002) Standard SpeciIication Ior Content oI Digital Geospatial Metadata -
(View Full Text)
D5715-00 Standard Test Method Ior Estimating the Degree oI HumiIication oI Peat
and Other Organic Soils (Visual/Manual Method) - (View Full Text)
D5716-95(2000) Standard Test Method Ior Measuring the Rate oI Well Discharge by
Circular OriIice Weir - (View Full Text)
D5717-95e1 Standard Guide Ior Design oI Ground-Water Monitoring Systems in
Karst and Fractured-Rock AquiIers - (View Full Text)
D5718-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Documenting a Ground-Water Flow Model
Application - (View Full Text)
D5719-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Simulation oI SubsurIace AirIlow Using
Ground-Water Flow Modeling Codes - (View Full Text)
D5720-95(2002) Standard Practice Ior Static Calibration oI Electronic Transducer-
Based Pressure Measurement Systems Ior Geotechnical Purposes - (View Full Text)
D5730-02 Standard Guide Ior Site Characterization Ior Environmental Purposes With
Emphasis on Soil, Rock, the Vadose Zone and Ground Water - (View Full Text)
D5731-95 Standard Test Method Ior Determination oI the Point Load Strength Index
oI Rock - (View Full Text)
D5737-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Methods Ior Measuring Well Discharge - (View
Full Text)
D5738-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Displaying the Results oI Chemical Analyses oI
Ground Water Ior Major Ions and Trace Elements-Diagrams Ior Single Analyses -
(View Full Text)
D5753-95e1 Standard Guide Ior Planning and Conducting Borehole Geophysical
Logging - (View Full Text)
D5754-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Displaying the Results oI Chemical Analyses oI
Ground Water Ior Major Ions and Trace Elements-Trilinear Diagrams Ior Two or
More Analyses - (View Full Text)
D5777-00 Standard Guide Ior Using the Seismic ReIraction Method Ior SubsurIace
Investigation - (View Full Text)
D5778-95(2000) Standard Test Method Ior PerIorming Electronic Friction Cone and
Piezocone Penetration Testing oI Soils - (View Full Text)
D5779-95a(2001) Standard Test Method Ior Field Determination oI Apparent
SpeciIic Gravity oI Rock and Manmade Materials Ior Erosion Control - (View Full
D5780-95(2002) Standard Test Method Ior Individual Piles in PermaIrost Under
Static Axial Compressive Load - (View Full Text)
D5781-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Dual-Wall Reverse-Circulation Drilling
Ior Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation oI SubsurIace Water-Quality
Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5782-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Direct Air-Rotary Drilling Ior
Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation oI SubsurIace Water-Quality
Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5783-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Direct Rotary Drilling with Water-Based
Drilling Fluid Ior Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation oI SubsurIace
Water-Quality Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5784-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Hollow-Stem Augers Ior
Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation oI SubsurIace Water-Quality
Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5785-95(2000) Standard Test Method Ior (Analytical Procedure) Ior Determining
Transmissivity oI ConIined Nonleaky AquiIers by Underdamped Well Response to
Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug Test) - (View Full Text)
D5786-95(2000) Standard Practice Ior (Field Procedure) Ior Constant Drawdown
Tests in Flowing Wells Ior Determining Hydraulic Properties oI AquiIer Systems -
(View Full Text)
D5787-95(2000) Standard Practice Ior Monitoring Well Protection - (View Full Text)
D5850-95(2000) Standard Test Method Ior (Analytical Procedure) Determining
Transmissivity, Storage CoeIIicient, and Anisotropy Ratio Irom a Network oI
Partially Penetrating Wells - (View Full Text)
D5852-00 Standard Test Method Ior Erodibility Determination oI Soil in the Field or
in the Laboratory by the Jet Index Method - (View Full Text)
D5855-95(2000) Standard Test Method Ior (Analytical Procedure) Ior Determining
Transmissivity and Storage CoeIIicient oI a ConIined Nonleaky or Leaky AquiIer by
Constant Drawdown Method in a Flowing Well - (View Full Text)
D5856-95(2002) Standard Test Method Ior Measurement oI Hydraulic Conductivity
oI Porous Material Using a Rigid-Wall, Compaction-Mold Permeameter - (View Full
D5872-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Casing Advancement Drilling Methods
Ior Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation oI SubsurIace Water-Quality
Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5873-00 Standard Test Method Ior Determination oI Rock Hardness by Rebound
Hammer Method - (View Full Text)
D5874-02 Standard Test Method Ior Determination oI the Impact Value (IV) oI a Soil
- (View Full Text)
D5875-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Cable-Tool Drilling and Sampling
Methods Ior Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation oI SubsurIace Water-
Quality Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5876-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Direct Rotary Wireline Casing
Advancement Drilling Methods Ior Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation oI
SubsurIace Water-Quality Monitoring Devices - (View Full Text)
D5877-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior Displaying Results oI Chemical Analyses oI
Ground Water Ior Major Ions and Trace Elements-Diagrams Based on Data
Analytical Calculations - (View Full Text)
D5878-00 Standard Guide Ior Using Rock Mass ClassiIication Systems Ior
Engineering Purposes - (View Full Text)
D5879-95e1 Standard Practice Ior SurIace Site Characterization Ior On-Site Septic
Systems - (View Full Text)
D5880-95(2000) Standard Guide Ior SubsurIace Flow and Transport Modeling -
(View Full Text)
D5881-95(2000) Standard Test Method Ior (Analytical Procedure) Determining
Transmissivity oI ConIined Nonleaky AquiIers by Critically Damped Well Response
to Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug) - (View Full Text)
D5882-00 Standard Test Method Ior Low Strain Integrity Testing oI Piles - (View
Full Text)
D5883-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Use oI Rotary Kiln Produced Expanded Shale,
Clay or Slate (ESCS) as a Mineral Amendment in Topsoil Used Ior Landscaping and
Related Purposes - (View Full Text)
D5903-96(2001) Standard Guide Ior Planning and Preparing Ior a Groundwater
Sampling Event - (View Full Text)
D5911-96(2002)e1 Standard Practice Ior Minimum Set oI Data Elements to IdentiIy a
Soil Sampling Site - (View Full Text)
D5912-96e1 Standard Test Method Ior (Analytical Procedure) Determining Hydraulic
Conductivity oI an UnconIined AquiIer by Overdamped Well Response to
Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug) - (View Full Text)
D5918-96(2001) Standard Test Methods Ior Frost Heave and Thaw Weakening
Susceptibility oI Soils - (View Full Text)
D5920-96 Standard Test Method |Analytical Procedure| Ior Tests oI Anisotropic
UnconIined AquiIers by Neuman Method - (View Full Text)
D5921-96e1 Standard Practice Ior SubsurIace Site Characterization oI Test Pits Ior
On-Site Septic Systems - (View Full Text)
D5922-96e1 Standard Guide Ior Analysis oI Spatial Variation in Geostatistical Site
Investigations - (View Full Text)
D5923-96e1 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Kriging Methods in Geostatistical Site
Investigations - (View Full Text)
D5924-96e1 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Simulation Approaches in Geostatistical
Site Investigations - (View Full Text)
D5925-96e1 Standard Practice Ior Preliminary Sizing and Delineation oI Soil
Absorption Field Areas Ior On-Site Septic Systems - (View Full Text)
D5971-01 Standard Practice Ior Sampling Freshly Mixed Controlled Low-Strength
Material - (View Full Text)
D5978-96e1 Standard Guide Ior Maintenance and Rehabilitation oI Ground-Water
Monitoring Wells - (View Full Text)
D5979-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Conceptualization and Characterization oI
Ground-Water Systems - (View Full Text)
D5980-96e1 Standard Guide Ior Selection and Documentation oI Existing Wells Ior
Use in Environmental Site Characterization and Monitoring - (View Full Text)
D5981-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Calibrating a Ground-Water Flow Model
Application - (View Full Text)
D5982-02 Standard Test Method Ior Determining Cement Content oI Fresh Soil-
Cement (Heat oI Neutralization Method) - (View Full Text)
D5995-98 Standard Guide Ior Environmental Site Characterization in Cold Regions -
(View Full Text)
D6000-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Presentation oI Water-Level InIormation From
Ground-Water Sites - (View Full Text)
D6001-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Direct-Push Water Sampling Ior
Geoenvironmental Investigations - (View Full Text)
D6023-02 Standard Test Method Ior Unit Weight, Yield, Cement Content, and Air
Content (Gravimetric) oI Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) - (View Full
D6024-02 Standard Test Method Ior Ball Drop on Controlled Low Strength Material
(CLSM) to Determine Suitability Ior Load Application - (View Full Text)
D6025-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Developing and Evaluating Ground-Water
Modeling Codes - (View Full Text)
D6026-01e1 Standard Practice Ior Using SigniIicant Digits in Geotechnical Data -
(View Full Text)
D6027-96e1 Standard Test Method Ior Calibrating Linear Displacement Transducers
Ior Geotechnical Purposes - (View Full Text)
D6028-96 Standard Test Method (Analytical Procedure) Ior Determining Hydraulic
Properties oI a ConIined AquiIer Taking into Consideration Storage oI Water in
Leaky ConIining Beds by ModiIied Hantush Method - (View Full Text)
D6029-96 Standard Test Method (Analytical Procedure) Ior Determining Hydraulic
Properties oI a ConIined AquiIer and a Leaky ConIining Bed with Negligible Storage
by the Hantush-Jacob Method - (View Full Text)
D6030-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Methods Ior Assessing Ground
Water or AquiIer Sensitiviy and Vulnerability - (View Full Text)
D6031-96 Standard Test Method Ior Logging In Situ Moisture Content and Density oI
Soil and Rock by the Nuclear Method in Horizontal, Slanted, and Vertical Access
Tubes - (View Full Text)
D6032-96 Standard Test Method Ior Determining Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
oI Rock Core - (View Full Text)
D6033-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Describing the Functionality oI a Ground-Water
Modeling Code - (View Full Text)
D6034-96 Standard Test Method (Analytical Procedure) Ior Determining the
EIIiciency oI a Production Well in a ConIined AquiIer Irom a Constant Rate Pumping
Test - (View Full Text)
D6035-02 Standard Test Method Ior Determining the EIIect oI Freeze-Thaw on
Hydraulic Conductivity oI Compacted or Undisturbed Soil Specimens Using a
Flexible Wall Permeameter - (View Full Text)
D6036-96(2002) Standard Guide Ior Displaying the Results oI Chemical Analyses oI
Ground Water Ior Major Ions and Trace ElementsUse oI Maps - (View Full Text)
D6066-96e1 Standard Practice Ior Determining the Normalized Penetration
Resistance oI Sands Ior Evaluation oI LiqueIaction Potential - (View Full Text)
D6067-96e1 Standard Guide Ior Using the Electronic Cone Penetrometer Ior
Environmental Site Characterization - (View Full Text)
D6089-97e1 Standard Guide Ior Documenting a Ground-Water Sampling Event -
(View Full Text)
D6092-97e1 Standard Practice Ior SpeciIying Standard Sizes oI Stone Ior Erosion
Control - (View Full Text)
D6103-97 Standard Test Method Ior Flow Consistency oI Controlled Low Strength
Material (CLSM) - (View Full Text)
D6106-97e1 Standard Guide Ior Establishing the Nomenclature oI Ground-Water
AquiIers - (View Full Text)
D6128-00 Standard Test Method Ior Shear Testing oI Bulk Solids Using the Jenike
Shear Cell - (View Full Text)
D6151-97 Standard Practice Ior Using Hollow-Stem Augers Ior Geotechnical
Exploration and Soil Sampling - (View Full Text)
D6167-97e1 Standard Guide Ior Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging:
Mechanical Caliper - (View Full Text)
D6168-97e1 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI the Minimum Set oI Data Elements
Required to IdentiIy Locations Chosen Ior the Field Collection oI InIormation to
Describe Soil, Rock, and Their Contained Fluids - (View Full Text)
D6169-98 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Soil and Rock Sampling Devices Used
With Drill Rigs Ior Environmental Investigations - (View Full Text)
D6170-97e1 Standard Guide Ior Selecting a Ground-Water Modeling Code - (View
Full Text)
D6171-97e1 Standard Guide Ior Documenting a Ground-Water Modeling Code -
(View Full Text)
D6187-97 Standard Practice Ior Cone Penetrometer Technology Characterization oI
Petroleum Contaminated Sites with Nitrogen Laser-Induced Fluorescence - (View
Full Text)
D6230-98 Standard Test Method Ior Monitoring Ground Movement Using Probe-
Type Inclinometers - (View Full Text)
D6235-98a Standard Practice Ior Expedited Site Characterization oI Vadose Zone and
Ground Water Contamination at Hazardous Waste Contaminated Sites - (View Full
D6236-98 Standard Guide Ior Coring and Logging Cement- or Lime-Stabilized Soil -
(View Full Text)
D6274-98 Standard Guide Ior Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging-Gamma -
(View Full Text)
D6276-99a Standard Test Method Ior Using pH to Estimate the Soil-Lime Proportion
Requirement Ior Soil Stabilization - (View Full Text)
D6282-98 Standard Guide Ior Direct Push Soil Sampling Ior Environmental Site
Characterizations - (View Full Text)
D6285-99 Standard Guide Ior Locating Abandoned Wells - (View Full Text)
D6286-98 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Drilling Methods Ior Environmental Site
Characterization - (View Full Text)
D6312-98 Standard Guide Ior Developing Appropriate Statistical Approaches Ior
Ground-Water Detection Monitoring Programs - (View Full Text)
D6391-99 Standard Test Method Ior Field Measurement oI Hydraulic Conductivity
Limits oI Porous Materials Using Two Stages oI InIiltration Irom a Borehole - (View
Full Text)
D6393-99 Standard Test Method Ior Bulk Solids Characterization by Carr Indices -
(View Full Text)
D6429-99 Standard Guide Ior Selecting SurIace Geophysical Methods - (View Full
D6430-99 Standard Guide Ior Using the Gravity Method Ior SubsurIace Investigation
- (View Full Text)
D6431-99 Standard Guide Ior Using the Direct Current Resistivity Method Ior
SubsurIace Investigation - (View Full Text)
D6432-99 Standard Guide Ior Using the SurIace Ground Penetrating Radar Method
Ior SubsurIace Investigation - (View Full Text)
D6449-99 Standard Test Method Ior Flow oI Fine Aggregate Concrete Ior Fabric
Formed Concrete (Flow Cone Method) - (View Full Text)
D6452-99 Standard Guide Ior Purging Methods Ior Wells Used Ior Ground-Water
Quality Investigations - (View Full Text)
D6453-99 Standard Guide Ior Format oI Computerized Exchange oI Soil and Rock
Test Data - (View Full Text)
D6459-99 Standard Test Method Ior Determination oI Erosion Control Blanket (ECB)
PerIormance in Protecting Hillslopes Irom RainIall-Induced Erosion - (View Full
D6460-00 Standard Test Method Ior Determination oI Erosion Control Blanket (ECB)
PerIormance in Protecting Earthen Channels Irom Stormwater-Induced Erosion -
(View Full Text)
D6461-99 Standard SpeciIication Ior Silt Fence Materials - (View Full Text)
D6462-99 Standard Practice Ior Silt Fence Installation - (View Full Text)
D6467-99 Standard Test Method Ior Torsional Ring Shear Test to Determine Drained
Residual Shear Strength oI Cohesive Soils - (View Full Text)
D6473-99 Standard Test Method Ior SpeciIic Gravity and Absorption oI Rock For
Erosion Control - (View Full Text)
D6475-00 Standard Test Method Ior Measuring Mass Per Unit Area oI Erosion
Control Blankets - (View Full Text)
D6517-00 Standard Guide Ior Field Preservation oI Ground-Water Samples - (View
Full Text)
D6519-02 Standard Practice Ior Sampling oI Soil Using the Hydraulically Operated
Stationary Piston Sampler - (View Full Text)
D6527-00 Standard Test Method Ior Determining Unsaturated and Saturated
Hydraulic Conductivity in Porous Media by Steady-State CentriIugation - (View Full
D6528-00 Standard Test Method Ior Consolidated Undrained Direct Simple Shear
Testing oI Cohesive Soils - (View Full Text)
D6539-00 Standard Test Method Ior Measurement oI Pneumatic Permeability oI
Partially Saturated Porous Materials by Flowing Air - (View Full Text)
D6564-00 Standard Guide Ior Field Filtration oI Ground-Water Samples - (View Full
D6565-00 Standard Test Method Ior Determination oI Water (Moisture) Content oI
Soil by the Time-Domain ReIlectometry (TDR) Method - (View Full Text)
D6572-00 Standard Test Methods Ior Determining Dispersive Characteristics oI
Clayey Soils by the Crumb Test - (View Full Text)
D6598-00 Standard Guide Ior Installing and Operating Settlement PlatIorms Ior
Monitoring Vertical DeIormations - (View Full Text)
D6599-00 Standard Practice Ior Construction oI Live Fascines on Slopes - (View Full
D6629-01 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Methods Ior Estimating Soil Loss by
Erosion - (View Full Text)
D6634-01 Standard Guide Ior the Selection oI Purging and Sampling Devices Ior
Ground-Water Monitoring Wells - (View Full Text)
D6635-01 Standard Test Method Ior PerIorming the Flat Plate Dilatometer - (View
Full Text)
D6639-01 Standard Guide Ior Using the Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Method
Ior SubsurIace Investigations - (View Full Text)
D6642-01 Standard Guide Ior Comparison oI Techniques to QuantiIy the Soil-Water
(Moisture) Flux - (View Full Text)
D6682-01 Standard Test Method Ior Measuring the Shear Stresses oI Powders Using
the Peschl Rotational Split Level Shear Tester - (View Full Text)
D6683-01 Standard Test Method Ior Measuring Bulk Density Values oI Powders and
Other Bulk Solids - (View Full Text)
D6684-01 Standard SpeciIication Ior Materials and ManuIacture oI Articulating
Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems - (View Full Text)
D6685-01 Standard Guide Ior the Selection oI Test Methods Ior Fabrics Used Ior
Fabric Formed Concrete - (View Full Text)
D6711-01 Standard Practice Ior SpeciIying Rock to Fill Gabions, Revet Mattresses,
and Gabion Mattresses - (View Full Text)
D6724-01 Standard Guide Ior Installation oI Direct Push Ground Water Monitoring
Wells - (View Full Text)
D6725-01 Standard Practice Ior Direct Push Installation oI Prepacked Screen
Monitoring Wells in Unconsolidated AquiIers - (View Full Text)
D6726-01 Standard Guide Ior Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging-
Electromagnetic Induction - (View Full Text)
D6727-01 Standard Guide Ior Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging-Neutron -
(View Full Text)
D6747-02 Standard Guide Ior Selection oI Techniques Ior Electrical Detection oI
Potential Leak Paths in Geomembrane - (View Full Text)
D6758-02 Standard Test Method Ior Measuring StiIIness and Apparent Modulus oI
Soil and Soil-Aggregate In-Place by an Electro-Mechanical Method - (View Full
D6760-02 Standard Test Method Ior Integrity Testing oI Concrete Deep Foundations
by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing - (View Full Text)
D6765-02 Standard Practice Ior Live Staking - (View Full Text)
D6766-02 Standard Test Method Ior Evaluation oI Hydraulic Properties oI
Geosynthetic Clay Liners Permeated with Potentially Incompatible Liquids - (View
Full Text)
D6767-02 Standard Test Method Ior Pore Size Characteristics oI Geotextiles by
Capillary Flow Test - (View Full Text)
D6768-02 Standard Test Method Ior Tensile Strength oI Geosynthetic Clay Liners -
(View Full Text)
D6771-02 Standard Practice Ior Low-Flow Purging and Sampling Ior Wells and
Devices Used Ior Ground-Water Quality Investigations - (View Full Text)
D6773-02 Standard Shear Test Method Ior Bulk Solids Using the Schulze Ring Shear
Tester - (View Full Text)
D6780-02 Standard Test Method Ior Water Content and Density oI Soil in Place by
Time Domain ReIlectometry (TDR) - (View Full Text)
D6817-02 Standard SpeciIication Ior Rigid Cellular Polystyrene GeoIoam - (View
Full Text)
D6820-02 Standard Guide Ior Use oI the Time Domain Electromagnetic Method Ior
SubsurIace Investigation - (View Full Text)
D6825-02 Standard Guide Ior Placement oI Riprap Revetments - (View Full Text)
D6826-02 Standard SpeciIication Ior Sprayed Slurries, Foams and Indigenous
Materials Used As Alternative Daily Cover Ior Municipal Solid Waste LandIills -
(View Full Text)
SI Quick ReIerence Guide: International System oI Units (SI) - The Modern Metric
System - (View Full Text)
iscontinued Standards
D3083 SpeciIication Ior Flexible Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Sheeting Ior Pond,
Canal, and Reservoir Lining (Withdrawn 1998) No Replacement

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