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TIPO CERO (CERTEZA) Para hablar de hechos o situaciones reales PRIMER TIPO (POSIBILIDAD) Para hablar de situaciones posibles en el presente o futuro

Proposicin if Proposicin if If + present simple Proposicin principal present simple if + present simple / continuous / perfect / be going to

Proposicin principal future modal imperative

If he finds out the truth, it is all over for me and you If you study, you will pass your exam (present simple + future) If it rains, take your umbrella (present simple + imperative) If you dont get better, you should go to the doctor (pres. simple + modal)

SEGUNDO TIPO (IMPROBABILIDAD) Para hablar de situaciones imaginarias o improbables TERCER TIPO (IMPOSIBILIDAD) Para expresar que una condicin pasada ya no se puede cumplir, cuando queremos hablar de situaciones imposibles

Proposicin if If + past simple

Proposicin principal conditional simple/ Verbo modal en condicional

Proposicin if if + past perf

Proposicin principal Cond.. Perfect/ verbo modal + inf. Perfecto

If I won the lottery, I would be rich (past simple conditional simple) If I won the lottery, I could buy a new car. (past simple modal verb)

If we had been more careful, we wouldnt have had the accident. If you had come earlier, you could have seen her

Una proposicin de resultado (la principal, en condicional simple) puede usar condicional para expresar un resultado hipottico presente basada en una accin pasada (proposicin if en pasado perfecto). If she hadn't helped me, I wouldn't work here now.


Unless (a menos que) You will not pass your exam if you dont study = = You will not pass your exam unless you study.

Provided (that), as long as (siempre que)

Provided he finishes his studies, he'll find an excellent job. As long as she pays off the loan, the car will be hers

In case (en caso de que/ por si)

In case you are late, phone me.

'Supposing (that)' / Suppose (that) (Suponiendo que / Supn que)

Supposing that / Suppose he came to visit you, what would you do?= = If he came to visit you, what would you do?

Imagine (that) / Assuming (that) (Imagina que / Asumiendo que)

Imagine you were told a lie, would you forgive that person?= = If you were told a lie, would you forgive that person? Assuming that you were to give him another chance, what would you ask for him?

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