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Once upon a time, in a bustling city filled with the aroma of spices and the
echoes of call to prayers, there lived two souls, Aisha and Ahmed. Both devout
Muslims, they crossed paths one fateful day at the local mosque during
Aisha was a passionate young woman, dedicated to her studies and her
community. Ahmed, a kind-hearted man, worked tirelessly to support his
family and those in need. Their eyes met during a prayer session, and from that
moment, they felt a connection that transcended words.
As they got to know each other, they discovered shared values, dreams, and a
deep love for their faith. Despite facing challenges and opposition from their
families due to cultural differences, their bond only grew stronger.
With the guidance of their elders and the blessings of Allah, Aisha and Ahmed
embarked on the journey of marriage on 20 october 2016. Their wedding was a
celebration of love, unity, and faith, bringing together people from all walks of

DATE: 20th october, 2016
This agreement has been entered into on 20th October,2016
between Mr.Ahmed Khan (Groom), age of 22 years
son of Mr. Farman Khan
residing at Meena colony , Wazirabad, New Delhi
hereinafter referred to as the “Husband”
and Ms. Aisha(Bride), age of 21 years
daughter of Mr. salman Ali
residing at Mukherjee Marg, Ajmeri Gate, Delhi
hereinafter referred to as the “Wife”.
The conditions of this marriage to be valid:
I. The Husband and Wife have mutually consented to enter into the sacred
bond of marriage according to Islamic traditions and laws.
II. The Husband agrees to provide financial support and maintenance to the
Wife in accordance with Islamic principles.
III. The Wife agrees to fulfil her responsibilities as a wife and partner in
accordance with Islamic teachings.
IV. Both parties agree to respect and support each other’s rights and
obligations as prescribed by Islam and mutually agreed upon in this contract.
This Nikah Nama shall be binding upon both parties and shall serve as the
foundation of their marital relationship.
Prompt - payable immediately by the husband to the wife as and when demanded
Amount - ₹ 50,00,000

Aisha ALI
Signature of husband
Signature of wife
I. Mr Ameer Khan
II. Mr shoayeb Ammen

Ahmed prepared his will, ensuring the well-being of his family and the
distribution of his assets according to Islamic principles.

In the name of Allah, the most gracious , the most gracefull
This is the last will and testament of Ahmen Khan , son of Framan khan ,
residing at Meena colony , Wazirabad, New Delhi, Made on 18 decemeber
 I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His
 I appoint my trusted friend, Mr. Farhan Akthar, Son of of Mr. Abdul
Rahman residing at 7, Patel Chowk, Sansad Marg area, New Delhhi as
the executor of this will, to execute and distribute my estate according to
Islamic law

I Ahmed Khan, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this
document to be my last will and testament. I bear witness that there is
no god but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His
final messenger.

To my beloved son Rehan and My wife Aisha , I leave the following

guidance and wishes regarding my property:

1. Inheritance: As per Islamic law, a portion of my estate will be

distributed according to the laws of inheritance outlined in the Quran.
Seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars or legal advisors to ensure
proper distribution among heirs.

2. Property Ownership: I entrust you with the responsibility of managing

and maintaining any property or assets that I leave behind. Take care of
them diligently and ensure they are used for the benefit of the family.

3. Family Home: If there is a family home, I bequeath it to you, Rehan, to

serve as a place of shelter and security for you and your family. May it be
a place of warmth and love for generations to come.

5. Fairness and Equity: Treat any siblings or other heirs with fairness and
equity in matters related to inheritance and property. Strive to resolve
any disputes amicably and according to Islamic principles.
May Allah bless you with wisdom and guidance in managing the
property entrusted to you, and may it be a source of blessings and
prosperity Signed
18 december 2018

Despite the depth of their love and their strong foundation in faith,
Aisha and Ahmed faced challenges that tested their marriage. Over time,
they found themselves drifting apart as the demands of work, family,
and personal struggles weighed heavily on them.

Miscommunication, unmet expectations, and external pressures took a

toll on their relationship, causing resentment and hurt to build up
between them. Despite their efforts to reconcile and seek guidance, they
couldn't overcome the growing rift between them.

With heavy hearts and after much reflection, Aisha and Ahmed made the
difficult decision to part ways, knowing that it was the best choice for
their individual growth and happiness. Though their marriage came to an
end, they remained respectful of each other and committed to co-
parenting their children with love and understanding. Their divorce
became a lesson in acceptance, forgiveness, and the realization that
sometimes, despite all efforts, love alone may not be enough to sustain a


DATE: 1st january 2023

I, Ahmed khan, son of Mr.Farmankhan, and Aisha Ali Khan, daughter of
Mr.Salman Ali, hereby declare and confirm the mutual dissolution of our
marriage through Mubarat (divorce by mutual consent) in accordance
with Islamic law.
 This Talaq Nama serves as the formal documentation of our separation.
 Both parties have agreed to end their marital relationship with mutual
respect and understanding, acknowledging that reconciliation is no
longer possible.
 This Talaq Nama would relieve the parties from any claims or rights
against each other arising from the marriage and agree to separate
amicably, without any obligation or liability towards each other.
Both parties affirm that this dissolution is initiated voluntarily and
without coercion and we hereby release each other from all marital
obligations and responsibilities.
 The iddat (waiting) period for the wife shall commence from the date of
the issuance of this Talaq Nama and shall last for the prescribed period in
accordance with the Islamic law (3 months i.e. from 1st January, 2023 to
1st march 2023).
The Husband agrees to provide financial support and maintenance to the
Wife during the iddat period in accordance with Islamic principles,
including the provisions of housing, food, and other necessities.
Both parties hereby agree to waive any claims or rights to inheritance
from each other’s estates, except as prescribed by the Islamic law.
The Wife has agreed to take only half amount of dower (₹25,00,000)
from the Husband.
The custody and maintenance of the child would be provided by both
the parents i.e. the child will reside with a parent for 6 months in a year
and rest with another parent.
This Talaq Nama shall be binding upon both the parties – the Husband
and the Wife.
signature of Husband signature of Wife

AHMED KHAN. Aisha aAli

I. Mr Ameer Khan
II. Mr shoayeb Ammen

I,Ahmed khan, hereby make this codicil to my last will and testament dated 2 nd
january 2023
I hereby revoke any provisions in my last will and testament that bequeath any
assets, properties, or benefits to my wife, Aisha Ali , if such provisions exist.
I affirm that all other provisions of my last will and testament remain
unchanged and in full force and effect.
This codicil shall be construed and interpreted in conjunction with my last will
and testament.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on 1 January 2023

Signed in the presence of:
I. Mr Ameer Khan
II. Mr shoayeb Ammen
As Ahmed and Aisha parted ways after their divorce, they embraced the new
chapter of their lives with grace and dignity. Though their journey together had
come to an end, they found solace in the knowledge that their shared
experiences had shaped them into stronger individuals.

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