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Listening and Speaking 4

Unit 8 Achievement Test

© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


Date: 02/24/2024


Listen to a radio show. Then use the information to complete the activities that follow.

A. Choose the best answer.

1. This interview is mainly about ____.
A. how often children should play video games
B. which video games are safe for children
C. what violent games do to children
D. how video games affect children

2. According to Dr. Nottingham, some studies show that ____.

A. children who play video games all day are more violent
B. children who play any kind of video game are in danger
C. it is helpful for children to play puzzle games involving coordination
D. video games are not harmful for children who play them with their parents

3. The studies show that children can get obsessed with video games if they play the games ____.
A. every day
B. every other day
C. once a week
D. twice a week

4. Tina believes the studies on children and gaming are ____.

A. addictive
B. confusing
C. dangerous
D. incorrect

B. Listen to the excerpts from the radio show. Choose the best answer to each question.
5. Dr. Nottingham says children who play video games have more violent thoughts, then he
offers a counterargument. What does he think?
A. The study should have tested only violent video games.
B. The study cannot be relied upon because it was not objective.
6. Which phrase or sentence does he use to introduce the counterargument?
A. Except, it’s not that easy.
B. In this particular study,
Listening and Speaking 4
Unit 8 Achievement Test
© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

7. Which words receive special emphasis?

A. a few more minutes
B. one last question
C. anything good

8. What does the speaker want to emphasize?

A. that video games pose a lot of dangers for kids
B. that some video games are better to play than others


A. Listen to the sentences. Circle S if the boldfaced word in each sentence is stressed or U if
it is unstressed.

Stressed Unstressed
9. Did you see that zombie pop out from behind S U
the wall?
10. We turned down the volume of the game. S U
11. My daughter plays video games with a friend S U
who lives up the block.
12. I need you to log on so that we can start S U
13. He told the dog to get off the couch. S U
14. We forgot our receipt and had to go back. S U
15. Why don’t you sit down and stay for a while? S U

Listening and Speaking 4
Unit 8 Achievement Test
© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

B. Match each concession with its counterargument. Write the letter of the counterargument
next to the concession.

Concession Counterargument
D 16. I agree that video games can be very A. But restricting how long you play can
violent. keep you from getting obsessed.
A 17. It’s true that games can become B. On the other hand, they also tend to
addictive. fight more about details in the game.
E 18. You’re correct that games can be bad C. However, one must be careful meeting
for your health. new people online.
F 19. I agree that games can help with D. On the other hand, there is no evidence
stress relief. that violent games make someone
become violent.
B20. You’re correct in saying that kids E. But I always feel very tense whenever I
learn how to cooperate when they play.
play games as a team.
C 21. It’s true that students can make F. However, therapists also use games to
friends while playing video games. improve mental and physical wellness.


A. Complete the sentences using words or phrases from the box. Not all of the words and
phrases will be used.

compulsion features is capable of lose contact with

crave go cold turkey keep a close eye on substitute

22. This video game is capable of helping you improve motor skills in your right hand.

23. One substitute for playing video games is doing something active outside.

24. The video features in this game are so realistic that I feel like I’m part of the
fantasy world.

25. Whatever you do, don’t lose contact with the wizard at the edge of the screen; it’s really
important that we stay with him.

26. Do you ever crave a big bowl of popcorn while playing video games?

27. Always keep a close eye on kids or teens when they play violent video games.

Listening and Speaking 4
Unit 8 Achievement Test
© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

B. Complete the chart with the correct word forms.

Noun Adjective Adverb Verb

interaction Interactive interactively interact
reinforcement reinforced X reinforce
randomization random randomly randomize
obsession obsessive obsessively obsess
cooperation cooperative cooperatively cooperate
strategy strategic strategically strategize


Complete the interview by choosing the appropriate tags.

Interviewer: Good morning. Thanks for coming in today. It wasn’t too long of a ride for

you, 34. (was it? / wasn’t it?)

Job Candidate: Oh, no. Not at all, thank you.

Interviewer: Excellent. So, you’re here today about the entry-level game design position,

35. (aren’t you? / weren’t you?)

Job Candidate: Yes, that’s correct.

Interviewer: Let’s take a look at your résumé. You didn’t bring a portfolio, 36. (have you? /

did you?)

Job Candidate: As a matter of fact, yes! It’s right here. You wouldn’t want to see some other

pieces of art that I brought, 37. (would you? / could you?)

Interviewer: Perhaps later. I’m confused about your experience, though. You do know this

is an entry-level position?

Job Candidate: Yes, you can see from my résumé that I do have some experience. You don’t
Listening and Speaking 4
Unit 8 Achievement Test
© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

happen to have any upper-level positions available, 38. (will you? / do you?)

Interviewer: Hmm. Allison Han from Human Resources contacted you, 39. (did she? /

didn’t she?)

Job Candidate: I believe so.

Interviewer: Let’s give her a call right now and find out if there is anything a little more

suited for you, 40. (shall we? / can we?)

Job Candidate: That would be wonderful. Thank you so much!

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