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TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 Research Genre 1 Annotated Bibliography

Research Genre 1 Annotated Bibliography Peer Review Workshop

Directions: Mark your responses directly onto the paper you are editing. Or, you can write your answers here.
If you are unsure, simply state that something seems off but you are unsure of what.

1. What information does the author present consistently for each source? List all that you see.
The author mentions the purpose of each bibliography and explains the purpose that each author of each source
had, as well as explaining what methodology was used and the results of it. The author also briefly explains
each source and how that specific bibliography could be used for her investigation.
2. What type of information does the author give for a particular source (for example, does the author give
background for some and not others?)? Why does s/he do this? Indicate to the author where more or less of this
information is needed.
The author mentioned in one of her sources what the study actually investigated. In the rest of her sources, she
describes the purpose of the investigation from the bibliography. I think the purpose of all the sources were easy
to understand, the first one was described good, but on the second one I think is missing what methodology was
used, and on the last one I think there should be a bit more information regarding the study and how it was put
3. Where is the author giving a summary and where is s/he giving an analysis? Give specific examples from the
text. Indicate to the author where more or less summary is needed and where more analysis is needed.
While she explains the methodology used, she uses a brief description while still mentioning the purpose and
the important details of the study, as well as mentioning how the results were presented visually. She also
briefly describes the results in a simple way while still capturing the important details.
4. Where is the author subjective versus objective? Give specific examples from the text. How can the author
maintain objectivity and remove themselves from the research.
When she explains the source, like the thesis statement, the method used, the purpose, and the results, the author
is very objective and clear. The author also does a good job of subjectively explaining how each source can help
her enrich her investigation.
5. Briefly describe the tone and style of the writing. Is this tone and style appropriate for the audience of
The tone is informative and clear; the author uses an easy-to-understand style while being objective with each
source. I think this is helpful when it comes to the audience that this annotated bibliography is intended for, as a
lot of people are not familiar with the topic, and the author makes it easy to understand each source.
6. How do you think the author determined what parts of the text to include in the annotation? What makes you
think this? Do the parts that are included in the annotation help you understand the source and how it will be
used in the essay?
I think the author read each source looking for the purpose of their research, as well as the methods used, the
results, and the conclusion of their investigation to see whether or not they succeeded in their research, or it
wasn’t fully supported because of lack of information.
7. How does the author use examples? Are they important? Why/Why not? Where could the author use more or
fewer examples?
In the second source, the author mentions aspects that can be affected because of phone usage in children. I
think it is important because the source talks about the access people now have to cell phones and how there
have been good and bad consequences for this, especially for children.
TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 Research Genre 1 Annotated Bibliography

8. What three things does the author deserve praise for the annotations?
Being clear and objective with the purpose of each source, describing how each bibliography will help their
investigation, and explaining the results and methods used in a simple way.
9. What three things should the author fix before submitting the annotated bibliography?
Regarding the format, there are still some mistakes in how the sources are aligned; in the last source, I think she
should expand a little bit more on how the study was done, and in the second source, explain the methodology

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