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‫جمهوريــــــــــــــــــة العـــــــــــراق‬

‫وزارة الداخلــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــية‬

‫المعهد العالي للتطوير األمني واإلداري‬

‫الــــــــــدورة التأهيليـــــــــــة (‪)٢٩‬‬

‫تحسين المحرك احادي االسطوانة بأستخدام الغاز السائل‬

‫بحث تقدم به الطالب‬

‫اسيد عمار حميد‬

‫إلى مجلس إدارة المعهد العالي للتطوير األمني واإلداري و هو جزء من متطلبات نيل شهادة التخرج في الدورة التأهيلية‬


‫الرائد الدكتور‬

‫علي سعيد يعقوب‬

‫‪٢٠٢٤‬م‬ ‫بغداد‬ ‫‪ ١٤٤٥‬هـ‬

‫اْقَر ْأ ِباْس ِم َر ِّبَك اَّلِذ ي َخ َلَق ﴿‪َ ﴾1‬خ َلَق‬
‫اِإْل ْنَس اَن ِم ْن َع َلٍق ﴿‪ ﴾2‬اْقَر ْأ َو َر ُّبَك‬
‫اَأْلْك َر ُم ﴿‪ ﴾3‬اَّلِذ ي َع َّلَم ِباْلَقَلِم ﴿‪َ ﴾4‬ع َّلَم‬
‫اِإْل ْنَس اَن َم ا َلْم َيْع َلْم ﴿‪﴾5‬‬

‫العلق‪ :‬االية (‪)5 -1‬‬

‫إلى صاحب السيرة العطرة‪ ،‬والفكر الُم ستنير؛‬
‫فلقد كان له الفضل األَّو ل في بلوغي التعليم العالي‬
‫(والدي الحبيب)‪ ،‬أطال هللا في ُع مره‪.‬‬

‫إلى من وضعتني على طريق الحياة‪ ،‬وجعلتني رابط الجأش‪،‬‬

‫وراعتني حتى صرت كبيًرا‬
‫(أمي الغالية)‪ ،‬طَّيب هللا ثراها‪.‬‬

‫إلى إخوتي؛ من كان لهم بالغ األثر في كثير من العقبات والصعاب‪.‬‬

‫إلى جميع أساتذتي الكرام؛ ممن لم يتوانوا في مد يد العون لي‬
‫ُأهدي إليكم بحثي‬

‫شكر وتقدير‬
‫ال يسعني إال أن اعبر عن حسن تقديري و فخري باألسماء التي‬

‫معانيها لترسم طريقي هذا‪ ,‬فهم العالمة البارزة في كل خطوة‬
‫سرت بها‪.‬‬
‫شكري إلى أساتذتي في المعهد العالي وأخص منهم بالذكر المشرف‬
‫على المشروع‪:‬‬

‫الرائد الدكتور‬
‫علي سعيد يعقوب‬

‫على الجهود المثمرة التي بذلها إلنجاح هذا العمل ليقدم بشكل يرتقي‬
‫إلى مراتب العال‪.‬‬

‫‪List of Contents‬‬

‫‪Topic One..............................................................................1‬‬

‫‪Requirement One : Introduction...................................................1‬‬

1.1 Engine-generator.............................................................1

1.2 Types............................................................................1

1.2.1 Engines...................................................................... 2

1.2.2 Three phase.................................................................3

1.2-3 Inverter Generator.........................................................3

1.2-4 Mid-size stationary engine–generator................................4

1.2-5 Large scale generator sets..............................................5

Requirement Two : Literature Review...........................................6

2.1 Single-cylinder engine.......................................................6

2.2 Characteristics.................................................................6

2.3 the Carburetor.................................................................7

2.4 Advantages of Single Cylinder Engine...................................8

2.5 Disadvantages of Single Cylinder Engine...............................9

2.6 Applications of Single-Cylinder Engine..................................9

2.7 Benefits of Fuel Conversion Kits........................................11

2.7.1 Convenience............................................................11

2.7.2 Flexibility.................................................................12

2.7.3 Contingency in emergencies.........................................12

2.7.4 Reliability...................................................................13

2.7.5 Economical................................................................13

2.8 Other single-cylinder engines............................................13

Topic Two............................................................................ 15

Requirement One : Experimental Setup.......................................15

1.1 components..................................................................15

1.1-1 Parts of Single Cylinder Engine......................................15

1.1-b The LPG Carburetor....................................................17

1.1-3 Load board................................................................19

1.1-d LPG bottle.................................................................20

1.1-e Gasoline bottle...........................................................20

1.2 Working of Single Cylinder Engine......................................20

1.3 How the lpg carburetor work.............................................21

1.4 Working steps...............................................................22

1.5 the equation..................................................................24

1.6 theoretical analyses.......................................................24

1.7 THE CALCULATIONS.....................................................25

Requirement Two: Results and Discussion...................................29

2.1 Introduction...................................................................29

2.2 optimization results.........................................................29

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMINDATIONS..................................34

1. Summary and conclusions..................................................34

2. SUGGSTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH............................35

REFRENCESES.................................................................... 36


In the current project, the basic operation, types and

applications of single cylinder air cooled internal combustion
engines have been demonstrated. It’s mainly concerns for the
application generating electricity. Two types of fuels (gasoline

and LPG) were utilized to feed the used single cylinder IC
engine in our experiment.

The IC engine was experimentally tested to assess its

performance regarding the fuel consumption, work production
and efficiency. The aim was to reduce the cost of operation by
utilizing LPG fuel instead of gasoline or even diesel. In
addition, the use of LPG fuel can be considered more safe
concerning handling and storage. It has been that the rate of
fuel consumption for liquid gas is less than that of gasoline. In
gas it consumes (0.25L) per hour, while for gasoline it
consumes (0.5L) per hour. In the output energy of liquid gas, it
produces (7.63kw) without putting any load, while for gasoline
it produces (6.25 kw) This means that liquid gas is better than
gasoline, in addition to that the efficiency in gasoline is 64% in
maximum load conditions, and in liquid gas it reaches 65.46%
in maximum load cases, and this means that liquid gas is
better than gasoline in efficiency.


An engine–generator is the combination of an electrical

generator and an engine (prime mover) mounted together to
form a single piece of equipment. This combination is also
called an engine–generator set or a gen-set. In many
contexts, the engine is taken for granted and the combined unit
is simply called a generator. An engine–generator may be a
fixed installation, part of a vehicle, or made small enough to
be portable.

A single-cylinder engine, sometimes called a thumper, is a

piston engine with one cylinder. This engine is often used for
motorcycles, motor scooters, go-karts, all-terrain vehicles,
radio-controlled vehicles, portable tools and garden machinery
(such as lawnmowers, cultivators, and string trimmers). Single-
cylinder engines are made both as 4-strokes and 2-strokes .

A single-cylinder engine is a combustion engine with only one

cylinder in which a piston moves to employ combustion.
Typically, single-cylinder engines are used on smaller vehicles
and tools due to the fact that only one piston is doing the

Topic One

Requirement One : Introduction

1.1 Engine-generator

An engine–generator is the combination of an electrical generator

and an engine (prime mover) mounted together to form a single
piece of equipment. This combination is also called an engine–
generator set or a gen-set. ( see Fig.11) In many contexts, the
engine is taken for granted and the combined unit is simply called
a generator. An engine–generator may be a fixed installation, part
of a vehicle, or made small enough to be portable [Denis, Linda].

Fig.1.1 schematic of working the single cylinder engine

1.2 Types

Engine–generators are available in a wide range of power ratings.

These include small, hand-portable units that can supply several
hundred watts of power, hand-cart mounted units that can supply

several thousand watts and stationary or trailer-mounted units
that can supply over a million watts. Regardless of the size,
generators may run on gasoline, diesel, natural gas, propane,
bio-diesel, water, sewage gas or hydrogen.(as shown in Fig1.2)
Most of the smaller units are built to use gasoline (petrol) as a
fuel, and the larger ones have various fuel types, including diesel,
natural gas and propane (liquid or gas). Some engines may also
operate on diesel and gas simultaneously (bi-fuel operation)[ L.

Fig.1.2 Types of single cylinder generator

1.2.1 Engines

Many engine–generators use a reciprocating engine, with fuels

mentioned above. This can be a steam engine, such as most
coal-powered fossil-fuel power plants use. Some engine–
generators use a turbine as the engine, such as the industrial gas

turbines used in peaking power plants and the microturbines used
in some hybrid electric buses. The generator voltage (volts),
frequency (Hz) and power (watts) ratings are selected to suit the
load that will be connected. Portable engine–generators may
require an external power conditioner to safely operate some
types of electronic equipment .

Engine-driven generators fueled on natural gas fuel often form

the heart of small-scale (less than 1,000 kW) combined heat and
power installations [Hampson NB].

1.2.2 Three phase

There are only a few portable three-phase generator models

available in the US. Most of the portable units available are
single-phase generators and most of the three-phase generators
manufactured are large industrial type generators. In other
countries where three-phase power is more common in
households, portable generators are available from a few kW and

1.2-3 Inverter Generator

Small portable generators may use an inverter. Inverter models

can run at slower RPMs to generate the power that is necessary,
thus reducing the noise of the engine and making it more fuel-

efficient. Inverter generators are best to power sensitive electronic
devices such as computers and lights that use a ballast, as they
have a low Total Harmonic Distortion [Hampson NB].

Since the load on the electric generator causes the speed of the
engine to fall, this has an adverse effect on the frequency and
voltage of the electrical output. By using an electronic inverter to
produce the required AC output, its voltage and frequency can be
stable over the power range of the generator.

Another advantage is that the generated electric power from the

engine-driven generator can be a polyphase output at a higher
frequency and at a waveform more suitable for rectification to
produce the DC to feed the inverter. This reduces the weight and
size of the unit. A typical modern inverter–generator produces
3kVA and weighs ~ 26 kg making it convenient for handling by
one person [Waite, Thomas].

1.2-4 Mid-size stationary engine–generator

The mid-size stationary engine–generator pictured here is a 100

kVA set which produces 415 V at around 110 A. It is powered by
a 6.7-liter turbocharged Perkins Phaser 1000 Series engine, and
consumes approximately 27 liters of fuel an hour, on a 400-liter
tank. Diesel engines in the UK can run on red diesel and rotate at
1,500 or 3,000 rpm. This produces power at 50 Hz, which is the

frequency used in Europe. In areas where the frequency is 60 Hz
(United States), generators rotate at 1,800 rpm or another divisor
of 3600. Diesel engine–generator sets operated at their peak
efficiency point can produce between 3 and 4 kilowatt hours of
electrical energy for each liter of diesel fuel consumed, with lower
efficiency at partial loads [Waite, Thomas].

1.2-5 Large scale generator sets

Many generators produce enough kilowatts to power anything

from a business to a full-sized hospital. These units are
particularly useful in providing backup power solutions for
companies which have serious economic costs associated with a
shutdown caused by an unplanned power outage. For example, a
hospital is in constant need of electricity, because several life-
preserving medical devices run on electricity, like ventilators.

A very common use is a railway diesel electric locomotive, some

units having over 4,000 hp (2,983 kW). Large generators are also
used on board ships that utilize a diesel-electric powertrain.
Voltages and frequencies may vary in different installations
[Murray, Virginia] .

Requirement Two : Literature Review

2.1 Single-cylinder engine

A single-cylinder engine, sometimes called a thumper, is a piston

engine with one cylinder. This engine is often used for
motorcycles, motor scooters, go-karts, all-terrain vehicles, radio-
controlled vehicles, portable tools and garden machinery (such as
lawnmowers, cultivators, and string trimmers). Single-cylinder
engines are made both as 4-strokes and 2-strokes .

A single-cylinder engine is a combustion engine with only one

cylinder in which a piston moves to employ combustion. Typically,
single-cylinder engines are used on smaller vehicles and tools
due to the fact that only one piston is doing the work [Suzuki's

2.2 Characteristics

Compared with multi-cylinder engines, single-cylinder engines

are usually simpler and compact. Due to the greater potential for
airflow around all sides of the cylinder, air cooling is often more
effective for single cylinder engines than multi-cylinder engines.
This reduces the weight and complexity of air-cooled single-
cylinder engines, compared with liquid-cooled engines [Lanz

Drawbacks of single-cylinder engines include a more pulsating
power delivery through each cycle and higher levels of vibration.
The uneven power delivery means that often a single-cylinder
engine requires a heavier flywheel than a comparable multi-
cylinder engine, resulting in relatively slower changes in engine
speed. To reduce the vibration level, they often make greater use
of balance shafts than multi-cylinder engines, as well as more
extreme methods such as a dummy connecting rod (for example
the Ducati Supermono). These balancing devices can reduce the
benefits of single-cylinder engines regarding lower weight and
complexity [Lanz Bulldog].

Most single-cylinder engines used in motor vehicles are fueled

by petrol (and use a four-stroke cycle), however single-cylinder
engines are also used in stationary applications (such as
the Lombardini 3LD and 15LD).A variation known as the split-
single makes use of two pistons which share a single combustion
chamber [Lanz Bulldog].

2.3 the Carburetor

A carburetor is a device which helps in mixing fuel and air

together for facilitating internal combustion inside an internal
combustion engine. This device passes the mixture of fuel and air
to the intake manifold (a device delivering air/fuel mixture to the
cylinders) of an internal combustion engine. While the earlier
versions of carburetors used to do this merely by allowing air to

pass over the fuel surface, the advanced version of carburetors
dispenses a metered amount of fuel into the stream of air to
achieve this purpose [Damon SA, Poehlman JA].

An engine needs the mixture of fuel and engine to drive a vehicle.

Now, exactly how much air and fuel an engine requires to move a
vehicle varies every moment depending on several factors like the
speed and how long the vehicle is running. Carburetors are the
devices which help in mixing air-fuel in an engine to help it work
efficiently. In other words, a carburetor is a clever gadget which
mixes the fuel and air in correct proportions as per the demand of
the engine. It is a tube which lets air and fuel pass into the
engine through valves, mixes them together in different quantities
to meet the engine requirements in varied driving conditions[
Rupert DJ, Williams PN].

2.4 Advantages of Single Cylinder Engine

1. These engines are usually compact and straightforward as

compared to multi-cylinder engines.
2. Air cooling is often more effective for single-cylinder engines
because there is more airflow around the cylinders. Therefore,
it reduces the weight and complexity of an air-cooled engine
compared to a liquid-cooled engine.
3. It is less expensive to manufacture the engine as it requires
fewer components, and the overall weight is less.

4. Single-cylinder engines produce high torque at low revs,
making them more suitable for load lagging and applications
requiring high torque.
5. For any given cubic capacity, single-cylinder engines are more
fuel efficient than twin-cylinder engines.
6. Maintenance and repair of single-cylinder engines are simple
due to their fewer moving parts and simple construction
[Rupert DJ, Williams PN].
2.5 Disadvantages of Single Cylinder Engine

1. Single-cylinder engines deliver more pulsating power

and higher vibration levels through each cycle.
2. This engine requires a heavy flywheel, resulting in relatively
slow changes in engine speed.
3. The single-cylinder engine isn’t the smoothest engine
design to run on.
4. Even though single-cylinder engines produce better torque
in the low to mid revs, their maximum power output is not as
much as a twin-cylinder engine.
5. They cannot be used in applications over a specific cubic
capacity because the components become too heavy and
bulky for practical use [W. Danley].
2.6 Applications of Single-Cylinder Engine

Single-cylinder engines were common in early motorcycles,

automobiles, and other applications such as marine engines. This

design is only used in portable tools and garden machinery such
as lawnmowers.

Apart from motorcycles, these engines are also used in motor

scooters, go-karts, auto rickshaws, and radio-controlled
models. Lanz Bulldog tractors were powered by horizontally-
mounted single-cylinder two-stroke engines from 1921-1960.
(see the fig. 1.2) [W. Danley].

Fig.2.1 DKW RT 250 (1952–1953) motorcycle engine

The Honda Super Cub uses a 49 cc four-stroke single-cylinder

engine. Many single-cylinder sportbikes use single-cylinder
engines, such as the dual-sport motorcycle and the classic-styled
Royal Enfield 500 Bullet. Early motorcycles, automobiles and
other applications such as marine engines all tended to be single-
cylinder. The configuration is almost exclusively used in portable
tools, along with garden machinery such as lawn mowers . Single

cylinder engines also remain in widespread use in
motorcycles, motor scooters, go-karts, auto rickshaws, and radio-
controlled models. From 1921-1960, the Lanz Bulldog tractor
used a large horizontally-mounted single cylinder two-stroke
engine. However they are rarely used in modern automobiles and
tractors, due to developments in engine technology.

Single cylinder engines remain the most common engine layout

in motor scooters and low-powered motorcycles.The Honda
Super Cub (the motor vehicle with the highest overall sales since
its introduction in 1958) uses a 49 cc (3.0 cu in) four-stroke
single-cylinder engine. There are also several single-
cylinder sportbikes (such as the KTM 690 Duke R), dual-sport
motorcycles (such as the BMW G650GS) and the classic-
styled Royal Enfield 500 Bullet. The Moto3 class in the MotoGP
World Championship have used four-stroke 250cc (15.2 cu in)
single cylinder engines since the class replaced 125cc two-
strokes in 2012 [W. Danley].

2.7 Benefits of Fuel Conversion Kits

Fuel conversion kits have many advantages that can enhance the
efficiency of your portable generator. In this section, we will let
you know some critical benefits of fuel conversion kits.

2.7.1 Convenience

One of the biggest reasons fuel conversion kits are desirable is

they are convenient to handle and easy to obtain the fuel source.

gasoline and propane are readily available in many places, and
it’s comfortable to change the fuel source depending on its

If you run out of one fuel source while using the generator, you
can easily switch to another source and continue using the
generator with the help of conversion kits.

They are also very convenient if you want to take the portable
generator on the road while camping or traveling [Poehlman JA].

2.7.2 Flexibility

Fuel conversion kits offer you the flexibility as you can change the
fuel type according to the weather conditions.

You can use propane in summers as the volume of propane is

directly proportional to temperature. It becomes dense during
winters and expands during summers.

In winter, you can start the generator with gas and later change to

You can convert a portable dual fuel generator into a tri-fuel

system using the conversion kits with minimal effort.

2.7.3 Contingency in emergencies

During emergencies like hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, it is

hard to get propane or get natural gas delivery to your home
through the piping system [Poehlman JA].

If you use a single fuel generator operating on any one of the
above fuel sources, you won’t be able to use your generator as a
backup anymore.

In these situations, fuel conversion kits offer the best contingency

as you can switch to stored gasoline or propane as a backup.

2.7.4 Reliability

Fuel conversion kits offer high reliability as different fuels can be

stored and used whenever you want.
This way, you can be ensured with a continuous and safe power
supply to your home when needed.

2.7.5 Economical

The fuel prices are always fluctuating, and no one can predict
when the prices will skyrocket high or to the ground.

You can save money from changing to cheaper fuel during these
situations with the help of fuel conversion kits.

2.8 Other single-cylinder engines

Engines of other sorts, like the beam engine and certain types
of Stirling engine, operate using one cylinder and thus can also
be considered single-cylinder engines. (see the fig.2.2) [Rupert

Fig.2.2 single cylinder engine in Villiers engine in a 1959 Bond

Topic Two

Requirement One : Experimental Setup

1.1 components

1.1-1 Parts of Single Cylinder Engine

The following are the important parts of single cylinder engine:


1. Cylinder
2. Piston
3. Intake manifold
4. Exhaust manifold
5. Inlet valve
6. Exhaust valve
7. Carburetor
8. Fuel Injector
9. Connecting rod

Fig.3.1 parts of single cylinder engine [Rupert DJ]

Cylinder 1
A cylinder is generally made of cast iron. It consists of a piston
that moves inside the cylinder to conduct the combustion
Piston 2
A piston is a reciprocating device that reciprocates inside the
cylinder. The other end of the piston is attached to the
connecting rod and is usually made of aluminum alloy.
Intake Manifold 3
Through this, the fresh charge is supplied to the cylinder.
Intake manifolds distribute charge evenly between the cylinders
of multiple-cylinder engines.
4 Exhaust Manifold
The exhaust manifold is the first area of a vehicle’s exhaust
system mounted directly to the engine block. It directs all
exhaust gases from all cylinders to the atmosphere.
5 Inlet Valve
The inlet valve controls the flow of fresh charge into the
cylinder. It opens only on the suction stroke to receive the
air/fuel mixture and remains closed on other strokes.
6 Exhaust Valve
The purpose of the exhaust valve is to control the flow of burnt
exhaust gases. It opens only on the exhaust stroke to force the
burnt air/fuel mixture out of the cylinder and remains closed on
other strokes. The camshaft sets the speed of the exhaust
valves [Williams PN].

7 the carburetor

In this engine liquid fuel is atomised, vaporized and mixed with

air in correct proportion before being taken to the engine
cylinder through the intake manifolds. The ignition of the
mixture is caused by an electric spark and is known as spark
8 Fuel Injector

A fuel injector is used in diesel engines. It is responsible for

delivering fuel to the engine cylinders while carefully controlling
injection timing, fuel atomization, and other factors.

9 Connecting Rod

The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft, which

helps transfer the combustion pressure to the crankpin. It has
bearing parts on both ends, the piston side is called the small
end, and the crankshaft side is the large end [Williams PN].

1.1-b The LPG Carburetor

A carburetor (also spelled carburettor or carburetter) is a

device used by an internal combustion engine to control and mix
air and fuel entering the engine. The primary method of adding
fuel to the intake air is through the Venturi tube in the main
metering circuit, though various other components are also used

to provide extra fuel or air in specific circumstances [Как

Since the 1990s, carburetors have been largely replaced by fuel

injection for cars and trucks, but carburetors are still used by
some small engines (e.g. lawnmowers, generators and concrete
mixers) and motorcycles. Diesel engines have always used fuel
injection instead of carburetors.

Gasoline carburetor use the gasoline fuel to operate the single

cylinder engine also it has a channel to inter and leave the air to
and from it .

Lpg , gasoline carburetor use the lpg , gasoline fuel in operation ,

include two entrance one of them to inter the gasoline and other
to inter lpg fuel .

Components Of a Carburetor
Though the components of carburetors vary according to their
types, the modern spray carburetors have certain components in
common which are as follows: (fig.2.3) [David Blasco]

1 venturi (an air passage)

2 throttle linkage

3 a throttle valve

4 a power valve or metering/step-up rod

5 a choke

6 an accelerator pump

7 a float chamber

8 a bowl

9 adjustment screws, etc

Fig 3.2 (Lpg , gasoline) carburetor

1.1-3 Load board

Consists of :(fig.3.3)

1-Thermal insulator: The five thermal plugs are placed inside it.

2-Thermal candles: Five thermal candles tied each one


3-Heaters: Five heaters, two of which are 500 watts and the
remaining three are 400 watts.

4-Connection Wires: Thermal wires used to connect thermal

plugs together and connect them to the electricity source.

5-Electric switch: used to turn on each candle individually.

Fig.3.3 Electrical load board of single cylinder engine

1.1-d LPG bottle

1.1-e Gasoline bottle

1.2 Working of Single Cylinder Engine

The single-cylinder engines are available in two different kinds of

configurations, four-stroke, and two-stroke.( intake stroke ,
compression stroke , power stroke , exhaust stroke). In the
carburetor engine In this engine liquid fuel is atomised, vaporized
and mixed with air in correct proportion before being taken to the
engine cylinder through the intake manifolds. The ignition of the
mixture is caused by an electric spark and is known as spark
ignition So [David Blasco]:

A carburetor’s job is to supply an internal combustion engine with

air/fuel mixture

Carburetors regulate the flow of air through their Main bore

(Venturi), this flowing air draws in fuel and the mixture enters the

engine via the intake valve The Venturi Principle/Effect (discussed
below) is critical to successful operation. Carburetors consist of a
bowl, center bore, passages, jets, vents, a slide, enrichener (aka
Choke), idle speed adjustment, air/fuel ratio adjustment and often
an accelerator pump [David Blasco].

1.3 How the lpg carburetor work

The fuel conversion kit consists of a high-pressure regulator

which opens and closes depending on the flow of the fuels.

When working with natural gas, the pressure regulator is not

used; instead, a manual shutoff valve is used.

The kits have supply lines through which the fuel is supplied. In
the case of natural gas, connecting hoses are used to get the
natural gas from the house’s supply line separately.

If you want to convert the generator from one fuel type to another,
let’s say gasoline to LPG, first close gasoline tank outlet valve.
Then run the engine until all the gasoline is burned out from the
line and carburetor. Now, open the LPG valve and restart the
engine. Some kits come with a manual primer to start the engine
quickly. A Carburetor Adapter allows your generator to use
natural gas safely [David Blasco].

You should make sure to use the fuel conversion kit that matches
your generator.

If not, space is formed behind the carburetor, and air filter and the
conversion of fuel will be inefficient.( see the fig.3.4)

Fig.3.4 working of carburetor in single cylinder engine

1.4 Working steps

1 checking up before the working

2 put the lpg carburetor

3 putting the gasoline fuel( known quantity)

4 Ensure that the recess in the carburetor is placed on the

gasoline side

5 operate the generator without any loud and putting a timer
[David Blasco].

6 register the time and calculate the fuel consumption rate

7 operate the generator with a known loud and fuel ( 500w) and
putting a timer

8 register the time and calculate power and efficiency

9 retry the (7,8) steps but with louds (1000,1400,1800,2200)w

and calculate power and efficiency

10 retry steps from (3 to 9) but with LPG fuel

11 make a comparison between LPG and gasoline fuels

12 make a discussion in results [David Blasco].

Fig.3.5 parts of project(1)

Fig.3.6. parts of project (2)

1.5 the equation

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

ղ= ×100 %

1.6 theoretical analyses

Given from the generator

@ gasoline

mf = 0.69 L/h / cv = 45000 kJ/kg

1 / mf = 0.000166 kg/s / on loud = 500w / 2.3A / time = 50 min

2/ mf = 0.00020833 kg/s / on loud = 1000w / 4.5A / time = 40 min

3/ mf = 0.000277 kg/s / on loud = 1400w / 8A / time = 30 min

4/ mf =0.000347 kg/s / on loud = 1800w / 10A / time = 24min

5/ mf = 0.000416 kg/s / on loud = 2200w/ 12A /time = 20min


mf = 0.69 L/h / cv = 55000 kJ/kg

1 / mf = 0.000079 kg/s / on loud = 500w / 2.3A / time = 50 min

2/ mf = 0.00025 kg/s / on loud = 1000w / 4.5A / time = 40 min

3/ mf = 0.000277 kg/s / on loud = 1400w / 8A / time = 30 min

4/ mf =0.0002917 kg/s / on loud = 1800w / 10A / time = 24min

5/ mf = 0.000333 kg/s / on loud = 2200w/ 12A /time = 20min

NOTE : The accuracy of the scale in reading the weights is high,

and this has been confirmed practically by placing blocks of
information of weight and measuring it using the scale.


For gasoline:

1/ on loud =2.3 A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

7.49 kJ 0.000166 × 45000 =

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= ×100 %= 30.6%

2/ on loud = 4.5 A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.0002083 × 45000 = 9.37 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= ×100 %= 48 %

3/ on loud = 8A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.000277× 45000 = 11.99 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= ×100 %= 66.7 %

4/ on loud = 10A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.000347 × 45000 = 15.62 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= ×100 % = 64 %
21 ,56

5/ on loud = 12A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.000416 × 45000 = 18.749 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= × 100 %= 64 %

for LPG :

1/ on loud = 2.3A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.000079 × 55000 = 4.39 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= × 100 %= 52.27 %

2/ on loud = 4.5A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.00025 x 55000 = 13.75 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= ×100 %= 32.72 %

3/ on loud = 8A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.000277 x 55000 = 15.277 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= × 100 %= 52.36 %

4/ on loud = 10A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.0002917 x 55000 = 16.04 kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= × 100 %= 62 %

5/ on loud = 12A

energy of fuel=mf ×cv

0.000333 x 55000 = 18.3315kJ

ղ= ×100 %

ղ= ×100 %= 65.46 %
25 .666

Requirement Two: Results and Discussion

2.1 Introduction

In the results, we explained that we can calculate the fuel
consumption rate of the generator by using ( lpg , gasoline)
without putting an external load and with putting an external load
We also calculated the output power of the generator for (lpg ,
gasoline) when there is an external load, in addition to calculating
the efficiency of the generator ( lpg / gasoline) and making a
comparison between the results [David Blasco].

2.2 optimization results

TABLE 4.1: fuel consumption rate (gasoline , lpg) with a loud

No. mf (gasoline)kg/s mf ( lpg)kg/s

1 0.000166 0.000079
2 0.000208 0.00025
3 0.000277 0.000277
4 0.000347 0.0002916
5 0.000416 0.000333
the fuel consumption rate (gasoline , lpg) without a loud are equal
to =0.69 L/h = 0.5 kg/s

TABLE 2.2: energy of fuel( gasoline , lpg) with a loud

No. energy of fuel(gasoline) kJ energy of fuel( lpg) kJ

1 7.49 4.39
2 9.37 13.75
3 11.99 15.277
4 15.62 16.04
5 18.749 18.3315
The energy of gasoline fuel without the loud = 6.25 KJ

The energy of (LPG) fuel without the loud = 7.634kJ

The cost of Lpg fuel is 250 IQD for each 1 litter

The cost of gasoline fuel is 500 IQD for each 1 litter

That mean the LPG is better than gasoline in a cost .

TABLE 2.3: efficiency of fuel( gasoline , lpg) with a loud

No. ( gasoline) ղ ( lpg) ղ

1 30.6% 52.27%
2 48% 32.72%
3 66.7% 52.36%
4 64% 62%
5 64% 65.46%

energy of fuel
16 16.04
14 13.75 30
12 11.99
4 4.39
50 40 30 24 20

lpg gasoline

Fig.2.1 energy comparison between LPG / gasoline fuel with the


From the figure it can be seen that the energy using liquid gas as
a fuel starts with a low value at load 2.3A and begins to rise
through loads 4.5A, 8A, 10A until it reaches its maximum value at
load 12A, but when using gasoline as fuel we notice that it starts
with a value Low at completion 2.3, but this value is higher than
the lowest value in (liquid gas) and begins to rise through loads
4.5 A, 8 A, 10 A, reaching its maximum value at load 12 A, and
this value is higher than the maximum value when using (liquid
gas), and this indicates that the energy when using gasoline is
better than the energy when using liquid gas .

fuel consumption rate
0.00035 0.000347 0.000333
0.0003 0.0002916
0.00025 0.00025
0.0002 0.000208
50 40 30 24 20

lpg gasoline

Fig.2.2 mf comparison between (IPG/ gasoline) fuel with the loud

From the figure, it is possible to notice the difference between the

fuel consumption rate when using liquid gas and gasoline. When
using liquid gas, we notice that the lowest value of the fuel
consumption rate is at load 2.3A, and the maximum value is at
load 12A. When using gasoline, it starts with the lowest value as
well at load 2.3A . But it is higher than the lowest value when
using (liquid gas), and its maximum value is at load 12A, and it is
considered the maximum between (liquid gas, gasoline), and this
indicates that the fuel consumption rate in liquid gas is less than
the fuel consumption rate fuel in gasoline

66.7 65.46
62 64
50 52.27 52.36
30.6 32.72
2.3 4.5 8 10 12

lpg gasoline

Fig.2.3 efficiency comparison between (LPG/ gasoline) fuel with

the loud

From the figure, it is possible to notice the difference in efficiency

between gasoline and liquid gas when using them as fuel. When
using liquid gas, we notice that it starts with an average value at
load 2.3A and decreases at load 4.5A. It is considered the lowest
value for efficiency when using gas and then increases. The
value of efficiency at loads 8A, 10A, and reaches its maximum
value at load 12A, but when using gasoline, we notice that its
lowest value is at load 2.3, then it starts ascending passing
through load 4.5A, reaching its maximum value at load 8A and
Then it starts to descend until it stabilizes at load 12A, and this
indicates that the efficiency when using liquid gas is better than
the efficiency when using gasoline.


1. Summary and conclusions

When conducting the experiment, the following should be done:

Ensure that the generator contains engine oil, and if it does not
contain oil, we add engine oil before starting.

Ensure that gasoline is added to the generator before operating,

and the quantity must be known, in addition to ensuring that the
gasoline is clean of impurities.

Ensure that the liquid gas bottle is well connected to the

generator when the generator is running with liquid gas.

When connecting the liquid gas system to the generator, it must

be placed completely tightly, because this leads to problems in
the operation of the engine and, therefore, to a defect in the
extracted result.

When operating, it must be ensured that there is no gas leakage,

because this leads to danger to the person who performs the
work, in addition to an error in the extracted results.


In future work, more than the used loads can be used to obtain
more accuracy in the results. High-octane gasoline can also be
used to ensure the combustion process inside the engine, in
addition to using a high-quality generator to ensure high accuracy
in the results. It is also possible to work in atmospheric conditions
with an appropriate temperature to ensure Do not freeze the gas
inside the gas cylinder because this affects the results.


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Republic of Iraq

Ministry Interior

Higher Institute for Security and Administrative Development

Qualifying course 29))

Improving the single-cylinder engine in the

Internal Security Forces mechanisms

Research submitted by the student

Osaied Ammar Hamied

To the Board of Directors of the Higher Institute for Security and Administrative
Development, which is part of the requirements for obtaining a graduation certificate in
the qualifying course



Ali Saeed Yacoub

1445AH Baghdad 2024 AD

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