Physics (Paper 6) Final Revision

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Final Revision


Dr. Mustafa Allam



Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision

Paper 6

Mustafa Allam

Paper 6

Paper 6
• Care:
When asked to include the origin when drawing a graph, you must start both axes from
(0,0) because the following will be asked:

1. To prove that the graph is directly proportional if it’s a straight line passing through
the origin (0,0)
(June 2017, V2, Q4, b)
(March 2016, Q1, d)
(Nov 2014, Q3, c)
2. To get the y-intercept (the point where the line meets the y-axis)
(Nov 2017, V3, Q3, c, i)
(June 2016, V1, Q1, c)
(June 2016, V3, Q2, d)
(Nov 2015, Q3, c)
(Nov 2012, V3, Q4, c)

• Care:
➢ Check zero error balance, micrometer
➢ Start measuring from zero rule(r)
➢ Reset to zero before using stopwatch

• Care:
Any experiment should be repeated at least 5 times

gradient has no unit
(November 2022 , Q1, d, v1, p 6)
(November 2022, Q3, e , v2 , p6)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Care:
When asked to suggest precautions that you would take in order to obtain reliable readings
when determining the focal length of a lens
➢ Your answer must include:

darkened room / bright object

object AND lens AND screen perp. to bench / vertical
object and lens same height (from bench)
move screen (not lens) slowly / backwards and forwards
clamp rule / fix rule to bench
(Nov 2017, V2, Q3, d)

• Care:
When asked to suggest why different students, all carrying out the same experiment
carefully, with the same apparatus, may not obtain identical results when investigating the
resistances of two resistance wires
➢ Your answer must include the following:

different heating effects on wires/wires may be at different temperatures

different interpolation of readings between marks on meters/difficult to read the meter (or
ammeter/voltmeter/current/voltage) accurately
cell may run down/power of cell may be less
(June 2017, V2, Q1, d)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Care:
When asked to explain how you would find the best position for the screen as reliably as
possible, when it is difficult to decide on the exact position of the screen that gives the best

Your answer must be:
move (the screen) slowly/carefully back and forth until the best position is found
(June 2017, V2, Q3, b)

• Care:
When asked to write a conclusion, stating how increasing the surface area of the hot water
affects the rate of cooling of the water. Justify your answer by reference to the results.

Your answer must include:
Which beaker cooled faster in the same given time, and values from the table given.
(Nov 2016, V3, Q1, c, i)

• Care:
When a student is investigating the rate of cooling of water, some variables must be kept
constant, such as:
1. Room temperature (or suitable reference to draughts or similar)
2. Starting temperature (of water)
3. Density of packing / amount / type of insulation
4. Thickness of lids / identical lids
(June 2016, V2, Q5, c)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• If we have optical pins, look at the base of the pins (not middle or top) because the
pins may not be vertical.
(Nov 2006, Q3, b)

• As significant figures increase  accuracy and reliability decreases

m = 371.296 Kg
temp.= 29.394 C
The reason is error of measurements
angle = 73.81
(June 2013, V1, Q5, c)
(June 2012, V1, Q1, e)

• If he said the experiment is done with reasonable care:

parallax error
errors due to:
1. Thickness of the mirror
2. Thickness of the pins
3. Thickness of the lines
+ Normal precautions
(Nov 2011, V1, Q4, b)
(June 2011, V1, Q4, c)

• To place the optical pins let them as far as possible from each other (at least 5 cm
i.e. one pin beside the eye & the other beside the mirror
(Nov 2005, Q4)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• If he said plot only after plotting connect the points with a thin line or thin curve.

(June 2005, V1, Q1)

• Column headings = units

i.e. θ/ C t/s m/g
(June 2005, V1, Q1)

• To measure length:
▪ Too small micrometre , screw gauge
▪ Moderate rule(r), meter rule(r)
▪ Too large trundle wheel, tape measure

(Nov 2012, V1, Q5, a)

(Nov 2011, V1, Q5, b)

• One tenth = 1/10 to get the correct value, make your measurement ×10
i.e. (Nov 2012, Q5, b)

• If we place an object on a ruler and it covers the scale

X+Y/2 = required
Or marking the center
(June 2008, Q1, b) x y

• Limits of experimental accuracy ± (5 % - 10 %)

i.e. if the correct answer is 20A
20 × 5% = 1A
So, the range 19A  20A 21A
(June 2008, Q2, b)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Let the final answer 2 or 3 significant figures

(June 2006, Q1)

• To draw the normal:


ruler + set square

(June 2005, Q5)

• The center of gravity (mass) may not intersect at one point

(June 2011, V1, Q1, b)

• If the image is formed on a screen, it will be real and inverted. The size isn’t very

(Nov 2008, Q4, c)

• For the modelling clay, it may stick with the knife, may absorb water, its density isn’t
homogenous throughout it, it may have air bubbles.
(Nov 2014, V2, Q1, e)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Safety precautions:
• Spring:
1. Stay away from the bench to avoid falling objects
2. Wearing goggles to avoid spring snapping
• Electricity:
1. Avoid wet hands
2. Avoid damaged insulation
• Heating:
1. Stay away from hot objects
2. Wearing gloves

• The mass of the meter rule (100cm) ∼100g

(Nov 2010, V2, Q1, b)

• How many times do we repeat an experiment?

from 3 20∼5 or 6 times
(June 2013, V1, Q1, b)

• Care:
degree angle
C Coulomb charge
C degree Celsius Temperature
(Nov 2008, Q3, a)

• Care the difference between:

➢a circuit diagram “label”

➢A labelled diagram “label”

(June 2006, Q2)

➢on fig. 5.1
➢ in the space bellow draw

(Nov 2010, V1, Q3, d)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Draughts = air currents

• Care: from the reason of error of your graph drawing is incorrect scale
(Nov 2005, Q3)

• Insulation:
- Base
- Top (lid, cover)
(Nov 2005, Q3)

• If you couldn’t place the ruler very close to the object to measure its length use
(Nov 2011, V2, Q5, d)

• For a large number of significant figures approximate before drawing.

2.789 2.8
3.659 3.6 and so on
(June 2006, Q2)

• Care that there is (×10-4) as a common factor. So, if he said d=2

d=2×10 m -4
d×10 /m

(Nov 2013, V1, Q5, b)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Spirit level a piece of equipment that is placed on the surface to check whether
the surface is horizontal. To use it, it must be placed on the ground.
(June 2012, V2, Q1)

• If he said to:
➢Decrease error
➢Increase accuracy Repeat the experiment, if it is correct

➢Be more reliable

➢Decrease uncertainty

(Nov 2013, V1, Q1, d)

(June 2012, V1, Q1, d)
(Nov 2010, V2, Q4, c)

• You may extend the line to pass through the origin (0,0)

(June 2008, Q3, a)

2 2
• R α 1/A α 1/ (radius) α 1/(diameter)
• Values must be 2 or 3 SF

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

Precautions to increase the accuracy

Ruler Lens, screen, lamp Thermometer (heating, Electricity
• Avoid parallax error • Dark room cooling) • Correct connection +ve
• Let the object and the • All at the same level • Same room temp. pole of the battery with
ruler too close • All perpendicular to the • Same initial temp. +ve (ammeter, voltmeter)
• Start measuring from the bench • Same amount of water • Switch off between
zero • Move the lens and the • Same kind of thermometer readings to reduce heat E.
• Repeat screen till we have a clear • Same time intervals loss
image • Repeat • Suitable instrument with
• Repeat (Nov 2013, V1, Q2, c) suitable ranges
Measuring cylinder
• Avoid parallax error (ruler) (Nov 2012, V1, Q2) • Repeat
• Meniscus (Nov 2010, V2, Q2)
• Same level of the liquid • Measure from the centre (June 2008, Q2, b)
(June 2010, V2, Q2)
• Cylinder perpendicular of the lens
on bench (June 2014, V2, Q4)
(Nov 2013, V2, Q4)
• Place the object gently (June 2013, V3, Q5)
(June 2014, V2, Q2, c) (Nov 2012, V3, Q4)
(June 2012, V1, Q4)
(Nov 2011, V3, Q4)
(Nov 2010, V2,3, Q4)
(June 2010, V2,3, Q5)
(Nov 2009, Q5)
(June 2009, Q4)
(June 2007, Q4)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Paper 6

• A x-intercept
B y-intercept

(Nov 2012, V3, Q4)

• If he said draw a power supply

+ -

(Nov 2013, V1, Q3, c)

• How to get the centre of mass (gravity)?

Regular Irregular Ruler

The point at which
the ruler is balanced,
and we place the
pivot there.

(June 2011, V1, Q1 b)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• If the centre of mass is at the 50.2 cm, measure the distance from
the 50.2cm
X = 50.2 – 16
Y = 93.4 – 50.2
93.4 Y 16

(Nov 2011, V1, Q1, d)

• The function of the variable resistor is to control the current R , I

(June 2006, Q4, c)

• Care if you place the object, the rule will incline as shown

(June 2009, Q5)

• Difficulties of this experiment:

The load may fall over.
Solution  tape it
(June 2012, V1, Q1, c)

• Safety precautions while dealing with radioactive material:

▪ Pb shield
▪ Be away from it

▪ Closed locker

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• The symbol of the:

➢The motor

➢The relay

➢ power supply
+ -
➢ dc power supply

➢ ac power supply

➢ variable power supply

(Nov 2009, Q3, d)

Use a protractor, it’s edge
• How to check if a body is : body must be at the 90 mark. OR
▪Vertical: use a ruler and a set square.


(Nov 2012, V3, Q1, d)
(June 2007, Q2, a)
(June 2012, V2, Q1, d)
▪ Horizontal:
Measure its height above the bench from different positions
they must be equal
(Nov 2007, Q4, b)

• To decrease the heating effect  Decrease current

How? I = V/R
1. Decrease (V)
2. Increase (R)
(June 2009, Q3, e)

• Power pack = power supply

(Nov 2012, V1, Q3)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

About the estimation table

• The mass of the meter rule is ≈ 100 g, 0.100 Kg

• About the examination paper:

▪Length ≈ 20 cm
▪ Width ≈ 30 cm

▪Thickness ≈ 0.01 cm

Volume = L×W×H = 20×30×0.01 = 6 cm
2 2
Area = L×W = 20×30 = 600 cm or 0.06 m (like the computer

• The time taken for 1 swing ≈ 1 sec.

• The student’s mass ≈ 60 Kg, so his weight ≈ 600N

• 2 2
The area of your foot is 10 × 20 ≈ 200 cm or 0.02 m
• Current of a 12v ray box less than normal brightness = 0.5A
• Volume of the Pepsi can 330 cm 3
Volume of the coffee cup 100 cm3
3 2
• Surface area of 250cm beaker ≈ 30cm
• The diameter of the 100 cm beaker ≈ 10 cm
So, its circumference = 2πr = 2×3.14×5 ≈ 30 cm

• The current needed for the lamp to be with normal must be too
small 0.1A 0.8A
• The weight of the 250 cm is ≈ 0.7 N

Because its mass is 70g = 0.07Kg , Weight = m×g = 0.07 ×10 = 0.70N

• The diameter of a test tube ≈1.5cm, while its

volume ≈10 cm 3

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Temp./ C t/s
Arrange the readings 20, 30, 40, 50, …
(Nov 2013, V3, Q5)

• Any needed unit is given into the question

• About the protractor place its mark on the edge for the
required angle.
(Nov 2005, Q1, c)

• Care we reduce not prevent the energy heat loss

• If we have 2 answers 10 & 13, the difference isn’t within the limits
of experimental accuracy because here the difference is 13–10 = 3
but the limits of experimental accuracy of 13 is 1.3
3 > 1.3 outside limits of experimental accuracy
• The current in a 1.5v torch lamp at normal brightness 0.12A

2 2
T /s

L =? at T = 2s T= 4s


• Look perpendicular to the scale (ruler, thermometer, ammeter,

balance, protractor) to avoid parallax error

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• Measure (d) from 0 80 C

i.e. 7.4 cm
the 80 0 C 7.4 cm
10 C ?
(June 2013, V1, Q2)

Problem How to solve it?

Can’t measure time of a high slow motion and play back

speed object

Measuring the distance from Draw a vertical line on the lens

the centre of the lens & the screen holder

Can’t measure the time of 1 Get the time of 10 swings, then

swing divide by 10 divide by 10

• if the volume total 3  7.4 cm, then the volume of the rods only
without the air gaps 3 7.0 cm
(Nov 2006, Q1)

• To get the circumference of that container:

Get the circumference at the smallest position and at the largest
position, then get their average.
Make a mark on the string for counting easily.
(Nov 2014, V1, Q5, b)

• After drawing, angle of incidence may not equal angle of

(June 2011, V1, Q4)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

×2 1 5 15
2 10
As (x) increases, (y)
Directly proportional will increase.

X Y 10
÷2 ×2 10 2
Inversely proportional As (x) decreases, (y) will

• To get the circumference (1 turn) , get the length of 5 turns, then

divide by 5. Make a mark to be sure that the starting point is the
ending point, no gaps between the turns, use a thin string.

• In this experiment we have:

Difficulty How to overcome it?

The mass may fall off Tape it
The ruler may slide above the pivot Fix it
Balance can’t be obtained Repeat and get the best position

(June 2012, V1, Q1, c)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

To draw a graph
1. Label the axes (given)
2. Correct scale at least 50% of the line. Start with the smallest
number or just before it
i.e. 32 39 (start 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40)
Equally spaced, equal values.
3. Plotting crosses not points x or .
4. Draw
line (continuous, thin)
curve of best fit
2 or 3 points may be out of that line
5. Gradient  triangle method from the first point to the last point
on the line (Nov 2016, V1, Q3, d)

G = y2-y1/x2-x1
Care gradient has NO

• If we have a curved surface  use 2 blocks and a ruler

(June 2009, Q1)

(June 2008, Q1, b)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• The final unit is very important

• Cm mm
i.e. 3.8 cm = 38 mm

• Here, all the rules are given in paper 6

• He may write a new rule. Don’t worry, just substitute in in this

• If x=0.5 cm, and its drawing is

X = 0.5 × 10 X = 0.5 × 20
=5 cm =10 cm

(June 2014, V1, Q1)

• t/s  of 20 oscillations = 19.0 sec

T/s  of one oscillation = 19.0/20 = 0.95 sec
(Nov 2013, V2, Q1)
(June 2013, V2, Q4)

• If he said T2/s2  make T squared.

Care that after the (/) we have the unit.
(Nov 2009, Q1, c)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 6

• If d= 45cm  1/d = 1/45 = 0.022

• The answer must be 2 or 3 significant figures

• If he said uniform rule centre of mass (weight) is at the middle.

(Nov 2013, V1, Q1, a)

• Average = sum/number (2 or 3 significant figures)

(Nov 2013, V1, Q4, d)

• The meter rule “wooden”:

➢ L = 100 cm
➢M  100 g

• Draw the line of the eye sight. Most of the students lost the score
of this question !!

(Nov 2014, V1, Q5, d)

• Load = weight = tension = force (N)

• We repeat the experiment from 5 10 times

(June 2013, V1, Q1, b)

• Extension = Lf - Lo

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


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