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Verification and Clarification of Patterns of Sensory

Integrative Dysfunction

Zoe Mailloux, Shelley Mulligan, Susanne Smith Roley, Erna Blanche,

Sharon Cermak, Gina Geppert Coleman, Stefanie Bodison,
Christianne Joy Lane

KEY WORDS Building on established relationships between the constructs of sensory integration in typical and special
 sensation disorders needs populations, in this retrospective study we examined patterns of sensory integrative dysfunction in 273
children ages 4–9 who had received occupational therapy evaluations in two private practice settings. Test
 touch perception
results on the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, portions of the Sensory Processing Measure repre-
 vestibular diseases senting tactile overresponsiveness, and parent report of attention and activity level were included in the
 visual perception analyses. Exploratory factor analysis identified patterns similar to those found in early studies by Ayres
(1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1969, 1972b, 1977, & 1989), namely Visuodyspraxia and Somatodyspraxia, Vestibular
and Proprioceptive Bilateral Integration and Sequencing, Tactile and Visual Discrimination, and Tactile
Defensiveness and Attention. Findings reinforce associations between constructs of sensory integration and
assist with understanding sensory integration disorders that may affect childhood occupation. Limitations
include the potential for subjective interpretation in factor analysis and inability to adjust measures available
in charts in a retrospective research.

Mailloux, Z., Mulligan, S., Roley, S. S., Blanche, E., Cermak, S., Coleman, G. G., et al. (2011). Verification and clarification
of patterns of sensory integrative dysfunction. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 143–151. doi:

Zoe Mailloux, MA, OTR/L, FAOTA, is Executive

Director of Administration and Research, Pediatric Therapy
Network, 1815 West 213th Street, Suite 100, Torrance, CA
S ensory integration theory was developed by A. Jean Ayres beginning in the
late 1950s and early 1960s (Ayres, 1963, 1964). The concepts and body of
knowledge subsumed under this framework, now recognized as Ayres Sensory
Integration  (ASI), are aimed at understanding the sensory and praxis func-
Shelley Mulligan, PhD, OTR/L, is Chair, tions that provide the foundation for many aspects of development, social
Department of Occupational Therapy, University of New participation, and occupational performance. In addition to the theoretical
Hampshire, Durham.
constructs that provide a road map for understanding normal development, ASI
Susanne Smith Roley, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, is includes a large body of research validating the existence of patterns of sensory
Director of Education and Research; Gina Geppert integrative dysfunction. This study was designed to clarify patterns of sensory
Coleman, MA, OTR/L, is Executive Director of Practice
integration dysfunction to assist with the development and validation of a di-
and Education; and Stefanie Bodison, OTD, OTR/L, is
Director of Clinical Education and Professional agnostic typology for the disorder and to assist therapists with the interpretation
Development, Pediatric Therapy Network, Torrance, CA. of assessment data for intervention planning.

Erna Blanche, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is Associate

Professor of Clinical Practice, Division of Occupational
Review of the Literature
Science and Occupational Therapy, and Sharon The early formulation of ASI included the development of a set of measures
Cermak, EdD, OTR, FAOTA, is Professor, Division of
Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Ostrow
for the systematic investigation of patterns of sensory integrative function and
School of Dentistry University of Southern California, dysfunction. The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT; Ayres 1989), and
Los Angeles. their earlier version, the Southern California Sensory Integration Tests (Ayres,
1972a), as well as measures in areas such as tactile defensiveness, hyperactivity,
Christianne Joy Lane, PhD, is Biostatistician, Center
for Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer,
distractibility, and language, were included as variables in multiple studies. A
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern series of factor and, later, cluster analysis studies conducted between 1963 and
California, Los Angeles. 1989 with samples of typically developing children, children with learning

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disorders, and children with suspected sensory integration typically developing children and children with sensory
problems yielded fairly consistent patterns of sensory in- integration problems. Three of the six cluster groupings
tegrative dysfunction: were thought to represent patterns not specifically asso-
• Tactile and motor planning deficits, termed somato- ciated with sensory integration dysfunction. Two of the
dyspraxia in the later studies (Ayres, 1965, 1966a, groupings were characterized by sensory integration
1966b, 1969, 1971, 1972b, 1977, 1989); functions in the average range (low-average and high-
• Visual perception and visual praxis deficits, termed average sensory integration and praxis). The third pat-
visuodyspraxia in the later studies (Ayres, 1963, 1965, tern involved language processing (dyspraxia on verbal
1966a, 1966b, 1969, 1972b, 1977, 1989); command) that Ayres (1989, p. 182) suggested might
• Vestibular, postural, bilateral integration, and se- reflect left cerebral hemisphere functions rather than
quencing deficits, given various names as knowledge sensory integration dysfunction.
of these functions evolved and new measures were ad- The three clusters characterized by recognizable
ded (Ayres, 1965, 1966b, 1969, 1971, 1972b, 1977, patterns of sensory integration were Bilateral Integration
1989); and and Sequencing, Visuo-Somato Dyspraxia, and Gener-
• Tactile defensiveness with hyperactivity and distracti- alized Sensory Integration Dysfunction (Ayres, 1989).
bility, also known as sensory overresponsiveness (Ayres, Mulligan’s (2000) cluster analysis of a large data set
1964, 1965, 1966b, 1969, 1972b). of children tested with the SIPT revealed that children
Other patterns, such as those involving language functions fell into one of five cluster groupings: average sensory
or associations between two or more areas of sensory per- integration and praxis, moderate sensory integration dys-
ception, were found in some studies (Ayres, 1969, 1972b, function, severe sensory integration dysfunction and dys-
1977, 1989). praxia, dyspraxia, and low-average bilateral integration and
The patterns that emerged supported an understanding sequencing. The results of this study suggested that in
of disorders in sensory integration as multidimensional. addition to the type of dysfunction, severity of dysfunction
Clarity of the associations or subtypes developed as the was an important consideration.
measures of sensory integration functions became greater Other researchers (Dunn 1997, 1999; Parham &
over time. Other researchers have also contributed to the Ecker, 2007; Miller-Kuhanek, Glennon, & Henry, 2007)
understanding of patterns of sensory integration dysfunc- have focused more attention on patterns related to re-
tion. Lai, Fisher, Magalhaes, and Bundy (1996) proposed sponses to sensory experiences than have previous re-
that praxis might be a possible underlying construct for searchers. Some of these studies revealed strong associations
both bilateral integration and sequencing deficits as well as between various sensory patterns, again reinforcing the
for somatodyspraxia. Mulligan (1998) conducted a large- interrelationships of sensory integration constructs.
scale factor analysis on a sample of >10,000 children and The body of research by Ayres (1965, 1966a, 1966b,
found patterns similar to those found in Ayres’ earlier 1969, 1971, 1972b, 1977, 1989) and Mulligan (1996,
studies (1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1969, 1972b, 1977, 1989), 1998, 2000), showing consistent patterns of sensory
including problems with bilateral integration and se- integration dysfunction and the strong ability of the
quencing, somatosensory deficits, visual–perceptual defi- SIPT and its precursors to discriminate between typically
cits, and dyspraxia. Her study also found that although developing children and children with learning, behavior,
subtypes emerged from the data, the patterns were highly attention, or suspected sensory integration deficits has es-
correlated with one another. Mulligan suggested that they tablished the tests’ validity. However, previous studies ex-
had a common underlying construct and reinforced the amining patterns of sensory integration dysfunction have
concept of integration of multiple sensory inputs from had some limitations or weaknesses. Some of the earlier
multiple sensory systems as being important for neuro- studies included variables that were measured by observa-
logical functioning. The factor loadings found in the tion or other nonstandardized procedures. Later, in more
studies by Mulligan (1998) and Ayres (1965, 1966a, rigorous studies, certain measures, especially those related
1966b, 1969, 1972b, 1977, 1989) also provided insight to overresponsiveness to sensation (e.g., gravitational in-
into specific relationships among functions, such as the role security, tactile defensiveness), were omitted in Ayres’
of somatosensory perception in relation to motor planning factor analysis (1977, 1989). However, over- and under-
and the relationships between vestibular, postural–ocular, responsiveness to sensation have always been recognized in
and bilateral functions. practice (Parham & Mailloux, 2010) and have been studied
On the basis of SIPT scores, Ayres (1989) identified with both parent questionnaires and physiological
six cluster patterns that emerged from a mixed sample of measures (Brett-Green, Miller, Schoen, & Nielson, 2010;

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Dunn, 1999; Parham & Ecker, 2007; McIntosh, Miller, Hypotheses
Shyu, & Hagerman, 1999; Parush, Sohmer, Steinberg &
We hypothesized that the population under study would
Kaitz, 1997; Schaaf, Miller, Seawell, & O’Keefe, 2003;
demonstrate patterns of sensory integration dysfunction
Reynolds & Lane, 2009). Mulligan’s (1998) work used
similar to those found in previous studies. The specific
a convenience sample from a stored database, and knowl-
hypotheses were that the following associations and patterns
edge about the characteristics of the children included in
would emerge:
the analysis was limited. Moreover, Mulligan’s research did
• Visual perception and visual praxis would be associ-
not include a measure of over- or underresponsiveness to
ated, reflecting a pattern of visuopraxis.
sensory experiences. In a an evidence review of subtypes of
• Tactile perception and praxis would be associated, re-
problems in sensory integration, Davies and Tucker (2010)
flecting a pattern of somatopraxis.
identified the need for “comprehensive assessment of sen-
• Vestibular functions and bilateral motor coordination
sory function and sensory-based motor performance that
and sequencing would be associated, reflecting a pat-
includes sensory perception, discrimination, modulation,
tern of vestibular bilateral integration and sequencing.
and praxis in a single study” (p. 399).
• Tactile perception tests would be associated with each
In this study, we aimed to improve on these method-
other or with other sensory perception tests.
ological challenges by examining data from a large clinical
• Sensory overresponsiveness and attention would
sample in which (1) the test examiners were known to have
be associated.
had extensive training in the use of the tests and in ASI theory
and its application in occupational therapy practice, (2) the
background and presenting problems of the children were
known, and (3) parent report measures regarding over- Research Design
responsiveness to sensory experiences and the presence or
Four licensed occupational therapists and research assis-
absence of difficulties with attention were available in ad-
tants conducted a retrospective chart review to extract data
dition to SIPT scores.
from the charts of children who received occupational
Another challenge faced by researchers who have con-
therapy evaluations from two pediatric therapy practices
ducted studies examining patterns of dysfunction using
in California. The sample was extracted from the files of
the SIPT concerned the management of data from the
425 children who had been tested with the SIPT and the
Postrotary Nystagmus (PRN) test. PRN, 1 of the 17 SIPT
Sensory Processing Measure–Home Form (SPM–Home
components, is a measure of vestibular function. PRN is
Form; Parham & Ecker, 2007) or the precursor to this
unique in that it is the only SIPT measure in which both
instrument, the Evaluation of Sensory Processing (ESP;
a high and a low Z score are indicative of dysfunction (for
Johnson-Ecker & Parham, 2000; Parham & Ecker,
all other tests, only low scores are indicative of dysfunc-
tion). Moreover, a low PRN score is believed to be asso- 2007). Deidentified scores from these measures then un-
ciated with a type of problem different from a high PRN derwent descriptive analyses and factor analysis to examine
score. This distribution of high and low scores in children patterns of sensory integration dysfunction. Permission to
with sensory integrative challenges is suspected to have conduct the study was obtained from the University of
diminished this measure’s clarity in relation to the other New Hampshire Institutional Review Board.
measures (such as bilateral coordination and balance), The research team developed a protocol for data extrac-
particularly when mean scores and correlation statistics tion that included the review and recording of data primarily
have been applied. from the occupational therapy assessment report, assessment
To verify and clarify patterns of sensory integrative forms, and intake form. Interrater reliability was established
dysfunction, with consideration of previous research find- with three members of the research team, who compared
ings and challenges regarding variables, we reexamined their ratings of 20 parents’ report of their child’s attention
associations identified in previous studies by including and activity level. The raters obtained 70% agreement on the
comprehensive measures of sensory integration functions initial ratings. The ratings were discussed, and operational
(SIPT) and items from a parent report of responses to definitions for rating attention were refined. On a second
sensory experiences and parent reports of problems with set of 20 reports, the four raters achieved 100% agreement.
attention. In addition, we explored methods for managing
the PRN test, which vary from those for other sensory Sample
integration tests because both high and low scores are re- Participants < age 4 yr or > age 9 yr at the time of their
flective of dysfunction. evaluation were excluded so that the sample included

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only those within the age range for which normative involves tactile processing simultaneously with two
data on the SIPT are available. Children whose parents hands, the two scores for this test were kept separate. The
reported coexisting neurodevelopmental or other me- PRN test has created challenges in previous studies be-
dical conditions, such as cerebral palsy, autism, Down cause both low (£–1) and high (³1) Z scores represent
syndrome, mental retardation, hearing or visual impair- dysfunction; combining high and low PRN scores results
ment, and seizure disorders, were also excluded. After age in mean scores for the group that appear average, so the
and diagnostic exclusions, we selected for analysis data research team entered this variable in several ways, in-
from 273 children who were referred for a comprehensive cluding initially entering high and low scores as separate
occupational therapy evaluation for suspected sensory in- variables. However, initial review of the data revealed that
tegration problems. only about 8% (23 of 273) of the children in the sample
demonstrated prolonged (³1.0 standard deviation) PRN.
Instruments Because the canceling effect was not present in this sam-
The variables measuring sensory integration and praxis ple, the major Z scores were entered in the same manner as
functions included in the study are summarized in Table 1 the other SIPT scores, thus resulting in a total of 18 var-
and described here. iables for the SIPT.
Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests. The SIPT is a Sensory Processing Measure–Home Form. The SPM–
battery of 17 tests measuring visual form and space per- Home Form is a parent questionnaire standardized on
ception, somatosensory functions (tactile and propriocep- children in Grades K–6. Test–retest reliability was strong
tive processing), vestibular processing (including balance), (r 5 .94; Parham & Ecker, 2007). Internal consistency of
bilateral coordination, sequencing, and praxis. The test is items yielded a coefficients >.80, and data support the
standardized on children ages 4 yr, 0 mo, to 8 yr, 11 mo. SPM–Home Form’s construct and content validity
The validity and reliability data provided in the test (Parham & Ecker, 2007). Items considered for analysis
manual (Ayres, 1989) are strong. The major Z scores for were those that targeted areas of overresponsiveness to tac-
all SIPT measures described in the test manual were in- tile, auditory, and movement experiences; vestibular and
cluded in the analysis, with the exception of the Manual proprioceptive seeking; and ocular and postural control.
Form Perception test, for which both Part 1 and Part 2 Because many of the children included in the study had
scores were entered separately. Because Part 1 involves been administered an earlier research version of the SPM,
matching tactile stimuli with visual stimuli and Part 2 the ESP, only items in these areas on both forms were
included. After preliminary analyses, we decided that the
Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations for Variables Included six items related to tactile defensiveness would be most
in Factor Analysis
useful because relatively few items were included in the
Standard other areas and tactile defensiveness was a pattern that
SIPT Data Mean Deviation
had emerged in previous studies (Ayres, 1965, 1966a,
1. Space Visualization (Z score) 20.52 0.90
1966b, 1969, 1972b). Thus, the following items (listed
2. Figure Ground 20.06 0.50
3. Standing and Walking Balance 21.20 1.07
by their accompanying SPM or ESP item number) were
4. Design Copying 20.54 1.06 included:
5. Postural Praxis 20.52 1.12 • SPM 30/ESP T4 (overresponsive): Does your child pull
6. Bilateral Motor Coordination 20.44 1.01 away from being touched lightly?
7. Praxis on Verbal Command 20.33 1.28 • SPM 32/ESP T7 (overresponsive): Does your child re-
8. Constructional Praxis 20.30 1.14
act negatively to the feel of new clothes?
9. Postrotary Nystagmus 20.50 1.09
10. Motor Accuracy 20.74 1.14
• SPM 33/ESP T16 (overresponsive): Does your child
11. Sequencing Praxis 20.62 1.06 prefer to touch rather than be touched?
12. Oral Praxis 20.91 1.15 • SPM 34/ESP T27 (overresponsive): Does it bother your
13. Manual Form Perception I 20.14 1.16 child to have his/her finger or toe nails cut?
14. Manual Form Perception II 20.23 1.22 • SPM 35/ESP T36 (overresponsive): Does it bother your
15. Kinesthesia 20.74 1.26
child to have his/her face touched?
16. Finger Identification 20.47 1.24
17. Graphesthesia 21.11 1.04
• SPM 36/ESP T12 (overresponsive): Does your child
18. Localization of Tactile Stimuli 20.78 1.28 avoid getting his/her hands in finger paint, paste, sand,
19. Tactile Defensiveness 1.40 0.71 clay, mud, glue, or other messy things?
20. Attention Behavioral Rating (rating 0–2) 0.99 0.93 The items were scored on a scale ranging from 1 to 4,
Note. SIPT 5 Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests. with a lower score indicating more difficulty, to match the

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other variables and facilitate interpretation. The mean Exploratory factor analysis using principal components
score for the six ESP and SPM variables was calculated extraction with varimax rotation was performed using the
and included in the analysis. variables listed in Table 1 to assist with determining the
Behavior Rating of Attention. Because we were interested patterns of dysfunction or domains of sensory integration
in revisiting the existence of patterns related to over- dysfunction being measured.
responsiveness to sensory experiences, we included a
behavioral measure of attention–inattention and distract- Results
ibility. Descriptive data from the intake form in the charts The sample included 193 boys (70.7%) and 80 girls
provided a means of capturing the presence of problems (29.3%) ranging in age from 4 to 9. Most of the children
and parental concerns related to the child’s ability to attend (78.1%) had no diagnosis on file and were referred for
to tasks, activity level, and impulsiveness. A scale ranging evaluation because of occupational performance prob-
from 0 to 2 was used to rate attention problems provided by lems suspected to be the result of underlying sensory
parents (2 5 definite evidence, significant problem; 1 5 some integration dysfunction. Diagnoses or conditions that
evidence, mild or potential problem; 0 5 no evidence of were reported included sensory integration disorder
problems with attention). Interrater reliability was estab- (n 5 29; 10.6%), attention deficit disorders (n 5 20;
lished on this measure using 20 cases across three raters, 7.3%), and speech–language or learning disorders (n 5
who achieved 100% agreement on the ratings after re- 17; 6.2%).
finement of definitions. The results of the factor analysis yielded six factors
with eigenvalues >1. However, because two factors
Data Analysis included only one variable, we felt that a four-factor so-
After exploratory, descriptive data analysis, we conducted lution best fit the data, accounting for 48% of the vari-
factor analysis to examine patterns of sensory integration ance. The four-factor solution with accompanying factor
dysfunction. We calculated descriptive statistics, including loadings is shown in Figure 1. All factors in this study
frequencies, means, and standard deviations, for all var- were significantly related to one another (Table 3).
iables, and estimated bivariate Pearson correlation coef- The first factor, named Visuodyspraxia and Somato-
ficients between all variables (Table 2). Factor analysis dyspraxia, is characterized by high loadings on the tests of
was performed using SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago). visual perception and visuopraxis functions, including

Table 2. Pearson Correlations for Variables Included in Factor Analysis

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. ATTN —
2. BMC .08 —
3. CPR .06 .28 —
4. DC .08 .34 .51 —
5. FG .08 2.02 .13 .10 —
6. FI .14 .21 .29 .33 .16 —
7. GRA .20 .37 .25 .35 .18 .35 —
8. KIN .07 .25 .31 .36 .07 .30 .37 —
9. LTS .10 .09 .25 .22 .10 .34 .30 .21 —
10. MAC .10 .32 .22 .46 .07 .31 .40 .33 .26 —
11. MFP 1 .07 .27 .48 .42 .14 .31 .28 .26 .16 .25 —
12. MFP 2 .05 .23 .29 .26 .02 .30 .25 .23 .16 .25 .39 —
13. OPR 2.04 .38 .15 .21 2.07 .17 .36 .17 .15 .23 .14 .15 —
14. PPR .03 .31 .29 .42 .07 .35 .25 .26 .05 .30 .33 .14 .37 —
15. PRN .04 .07 .02 .07 .04 .09 .17 .17 .00 .19 .08 .15 .10 .09 —
16. PRVC .19 .36 .36 .39 .12 .29 .34 .34 .08 .24 .32 .33 .22 .40 .14 —
17. SPR .14 .52 .38 .49 .16 .38 .48 .41 .24 .39 .36 .31 .33 .37 .19 .44 —
18. SV .21 .18 .34 .48 .16 .32 .35 .24 .17 .35 .33 .27 .14 .34 .08 .30 .41 —
19. SWB .03 .35 .29 .39 .01 .30 .36 .28 .23 .52 .21 .25 .32 .35 .22 .33 .41 .32 —
20. TD .04 2.05 2.03 .04 .00 2.07 .02 .03 2.03 2.07 2.02 .10 2.05 2.05 2.06 .03 .04 .06 .00 —
Note. ATTN 5 Attention Behavioral Rating; BMC 5 Bilateral Motor Coordination; CPR 5 Constructional Praxis; DC 5 Design Copying; FG 5 Figure Ground; FI 5
Finger Identification; GRA 5 Graphesthesia; KIN 5 Kinesthesia; LTS 5 Localization of Tactile Stimuli; MAC 5 Motor Accuracy; MFP 1 and MFP 2 5 Manual Form
Perception, Parts 1 and 2; OPR 5 Oral Praxis; PPR 5 Postural Praxis; PRN 5 Postrotary Nystagmus; PRVC 5 Praxis on Verbal Command; SPR 5 Sequencing
Praxis; SV 5 Space Visualization; SWB 5 Standing and Walking Balance; TD 5 Tactile Defensiveness.

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Design Copy, Construction Praxis, and Space Visualization. Walking Balance, Postrotary Nystagmus, Bilateral Motor
These three tests were all previously associated with factors Coordination, Graphesthesia, Motor Accuracy, and Se-
generally named Visuopraxis or Visuodyspraxia (Ayres, quencing Praxis. Of the tests loading on this factor, Oral
1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1969, 1972b, 1977, 1989). The Praxis, Standing and Walking Balance, Bilateral Motor
presence of Postural Praxis, Praxis on Verbal Command, Coordination, Graphesthesia, and Sequencing Praxis all
and Manual Form Perception on this factor suggests a mild loaded on the Bilateral and Sequencing factor reported in
association with a pattern of Somatodyspraxia. Postural the SIPT manual (Ayres, 1989). All of these tests were
Praxis (formerly called Imitation of Postures) consistently noted to involve bilateral and sequential actions. In this
loaded on factors characterized by an association between study, the addition of Motor Accuracy to this group is
tactile perception and praxis tests in previous studies hypothesized to reflect the vestibular and bilateral func-
(Ayres, 1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1969, 1972b, 1977, 1989). In tions needed for the coordination of eye, head, and hand
addition, Praxis on Verbal Command does not have a vi- movements; postural adjustments; and crossing of body
sual component, and the Manual Form Perception Test midline needed in this test. Another significant finding in
involves tactile processing and visual perception. There- this study was the presence of the PRN test on this factor,
fore, in relation to the patterns that were hypothesized, this which had been hypothesized as an important measure of
factor represents Visuodyspraxia with some secondary as- this pattern in the past but had not loaded with similar
pects of Somatodyspraxia. factors in previous work. It is likely that the distribution of
The second factor, Vestibular and Proprioceptive scores in this sample (relatively few children with ab-
Bilateral Integration and Sequencing, was consistent with normally high PRN scores) contributed to this finding.
the second hypothesized pattern. Many previous studies Also noteworthy was that the test of Kinesthesia, as would
demonstrated a bilateral integration and sequencing be expected, loaded on this factor, although modestly. The
pattern, associating bilateral integration with vestibular presence of both Standing and Walking Balance and
and proprioceptive functions. This pattern was charac- Kinesthesia led to adding the term “proprioceptive” to the
terized by high loadings on Oral Praxis, Standing and name of this factor.

Figure 1. Primary loadings for four-factor solution.

Note. ATTN 5 Attention Behavioral Rating; BMC 5 Bilateral Motor Coordination; CPR 5 Constructional Praxis; DC 5 Design Copying; FG 5 Figure Ground; FI 5
Finger Identification; GRA 5 Graphesthesia; KIN 5 Kinesthesia; LTS 5 Localization of Tactile Stimuli; MAC 5 Motor Accuracy; MFP 1 and MFP 2 5 Manual Form
Perception, Parts 1 and 2; OPR 5 Oral Praxis; PPR 5 Postural Praxis; PRN 5 Postrotary Nystagmus; PRVC 5 Praxis on Verbal Command; SPR 5 Sequencing
Praxis; SV 5 Space Visualization; SWB 5 Standing and Walking Balance; TD 5 Tactile Defensiveness.

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Table 3. Rotated Loadings for Final Solution praxis that she named Apraxia and Dyspraxia (later,
Factor Loading Visuodyspraxia and Somatodyspraxia). In the 1989 data
Visuodyspraxia and Somatodyspraxia from the SIPT manual, these independent patterns were
Constructional Praxis .834 notably stronger (i.e., first-order factors) in the samples
Manual Form Perception Part 1 .805 that had large numbers of typically developing children. A
Design Copying .670 cluster analysis of the same data revealed a Visuodyspraxia
Postural Praxis .510
and Somatodyspraxia cluster group that included more
Praxis on Verbal Command .498
Space Visualization .480
children with learning disabilities or sensory integration
Manual Form Perception Part 2 .437 issues (n 5 22) than children from the normative group
Vestibular and Proprioceptive Bilateral (n 513). It is possible that visuo- and somato-based
Integration and Sequencing praxis functions overlap more in samples of children with
Oral Praxis .727
identified problems, as was the case with this study’s sample.
Standing and Walking Balance .657
Postrotary Nystagmus .611
The second factor finding that is especially important
Bilateral Motor Coordination .575 for both therapists and researchers is the demonstrated link
Motor Accuracy .573 between the PRN test and the low scores on tests of vestib-
Graphesthesia .562 ular and bilateral functions. Although the relationship
Sequencing Praxis .462
of hyporesponsiveness to vestibular input, evidenced by
(Kinesthesia) (.330)
Tactile and Visual Discrimination
low PRN scores, has been hypothesized, this study marks
Localization of Tactile Stimuli .729 the first time this relationship has been supported by em-
Finger Identification .483 pirical data. The small percentage of cases with prolonged
Figure Ground Perception .497 nystagmus (8.4% [n 5 23] vs. 35.9% [n 5 98] with
Tactile Defensiveness and Attention Problems
shortened-duration nystagmus) in this sample avoided
Tactile Defensiveness .688
Attention .523
the averaging effect that occurs when both high and low
PRN scores are prevalent in a sample. Thus, these find-
Factor 1 2 3 4
ings reinforce a long-held view of the significance of low
1. Visuo- and Somatodyspraxia —
PRN scores and validate Ayres’ (1989) theoretical as-
2. Vestibular and Proprioceptive Bilateral .55 —
Integration and Sequencing sumption that bilateral integration problems and other
3. Tactile and Visual Discrimination .30 .29 — signs of vestibular inefficiencies are associated with a
4. Tactile Defensiveness and Attention Problems .13 .11 .23 — shortened duration of postrotary nystagmus. The added
Note. Parentheses indicate that the loading approaches a moderate level. factor loading of the Motor Accuracy Test (which requires
vestibular- and proprioception-related coordination of
The third factor, Tactile and Visual Discrimination, head, eye, and hand movements and crossing the body
was consistent with the third hypothesis and was charac- midline) and a moderate loading on Kinesthesia also
terized by two tests of tactile discrimination and one test of reinforce the underlying commonality of vestibular and
visual discrimination. This pattern is similar to sensory proprioceptive functions in this group. Although the hy-
system factors identified in previous work (Ayres, 1989; pothesis related to the association of low PRN with bilateral
Mulligan 1998), which revealed associations between tests and sequencing measures was supported, an association
of tactile function and tests measuring another sensory between the measures of directionality, crossing midline,
system, without the accompanying loadings of praxis, bi- and laterality with this pattern was not found. The sub-
lateral, or postural measures. scores used to measure these functions may not have had
The fourth factor, Tactile Defensiveness and Attention adequate biometric properties, or these measures may not
Problems, was consistent with the hypothesized pattern and reflect functions specific to this pattern.
with the relationship between inattention and hyperactivity The absence of the Dyspraxia on Verbal Command
and tactile defensiveness described in Ayres’ (1965, 1966a, pattern (characterized by moderately high PRN and low
1966b, 1969, 1972b) early studies. Praxis on Verbal Command in previous studies) is an ad-
ditional finding in this study that may be related to the
Discussion nature of the sample. The Ayres (1989) standardization
The importance of this study lies in the verification of study that identified this pattern, as well as Mulligan
patterns of sensory integrative dysfunction that have been (1998), most likely included more children with learning
studied for nearly 50 years. Ayres found factors related to disabilities and speech–language deficits, a group more

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 149

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likely to have both prolonged PRN and speech–language Second, the methods for measuring attention and tactile
problems than the sample in this study. overresponsiveness in this study do not have established
Finally, the hypothesized association between attention reliability and validity data; however, other means for as-
problems and heightened sensitivity to touch rather than to sessing these variables were not available in this retrospec-
tactile discrimination and practic functions was supported tive sample. Finally, data were retrieved from only two
by empirical data. At this time, fully exploring the hy- private practices and may therefore have limitations in gen-
pothesis that other forms of sensory overresponsiveness eralizability. However, the similarity with previous findings
(e.g., auditory defensiveness and gravitational insecurity) and hypothesized constructs reduces this potential concern.
are associated with problems in attention was not possible
because the number of items representing those variables
Future Research
was smaller and less specific to overresponsiveness than Future research should continue to identify and enhance
the items for tactile defensiveness. Continued clarifica- our understanding of the underlying neurodevelopmental
tion of the relationships between generalized sensory problems that affect health, performance, and participa-
overresponsiveness and specific sensory responsiveness is tion. Measures for children younger and older than the
still needed. Efforts to clarify underlying physiological range included in the SIPT normative sample are needed to
functions associated with over- and underresponsiveness determine whether these patterns of dysfunction hold true
will also provide insight into the impact of these problems for these age groups and are also needed to conduct out-
on behavior, learning, and participation (Reynolds & Lane, come studies. To conduct outcome studies, changes in
2009). The significant relationship between the factors in sensory integration and praxis functions must correlate
this study and Ayres’ (1989) studies reinforces the long- with needed and desired changes in health, performance,
held idea that the patterns revealed in these studies show and participation of the child with identified sensory in-
specific associations among sensory, motor, and praxis; tegration and praxis difficulties, the family, and commu-
these associations reflect that sensory systems function in nity. Although this study confirmed and clarified the
presence of various subtypes of sensory integrative dys-
a synergistic, rather than isolated, way.
function, current assessment tools are still limited in several
Identifying and understanding underlying problems
areas, including aspects of vestibular and proprioceptive
that affect health, performance, and participation are im-
processing, postural ocular control, and ideational praxis.
portant first steps for practice and research in occupational
Validity studies are also needed to enhance our under-
therapy. The results of this study confirm the presence of
standing of low- and high-duration PRN. Finally, future
sensory integration patterns of dysfunction in children
research that includes confirmatory factor analysis of the
commonly referred for an occupational therapy evaluation.
model with a new data set to determine whether the model
Knowledge of these patterns allows therapists to understand
holds true is suggested.
the nature of difficulties interfering with performance, con-
tributes to more precise intervention planning, and pro- Conclusion
vides a means by which to determine the interventions’
ASI is one of the most developed and distinctive frames of
effectiveness. Using standardized assessments, such as the
reference to emanate from the profession of occupational
SIPT, in conjunction with caregiver reports will enhance therapy. Occupational therapists with specialized knowl-
participant selection in efficacy studies of occupational ther- edge of ASI have a unique understanding of the ways
apy applying a sensory integrative intervention approach. in which functions such as vestibular processing, tactile
Limitations perception, and praxis contribute to daily life participation
and success. Understanding the different patterns of sen-
This study’s limitations include the subjectivity of factor- sory integration dysfunction allows occupational therapists
analytic studies, the subjectivity of the tools used to mea- to be better equipped to design, implement, and study
sure attention and tactile overresponsiveness, and the intervention programs to alleviate challenges and, ulti-
degree of representation in the sample. First, as with all mately, to support occupational performance. s
factor analysis, the interpretation of the factors has a level
of subjectivity (e.g., the decision to use the four-factor Acknowledgments
solution and the naming of the factors). However, given This study was supported by donations contributed by
the breadth of previous studies on which to base decisions participants at the annual R2K research conferences hosted
and the many researchers who collaborated throughout by Pediatric Therapy Network. We thank Allison McGuire
the interpretation process, subjectivity was minimized. Young, Kacey MacManus, A. Brooks Roley, Katie Meyer,

150 March/April 2011, Volume 65, Number 2

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and Summer Kendricks for their assistance with data entry conceptual model. Infants and Young Children, 9, 23–25.
and project coordination. doi: 10.1097/00001163-199704000-00005
Dunn, W. W. (1999). Sensory Profile: User’s manual. San
Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
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