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Ex 1:
You should base on them to do this exercise:
count: đếm
assume: giả sử/ cho rằng/ biết là

Ex 2: Solve these problem:

x + (x+1) +(x+2)= 51
x + (x+ 1) = 51

jar: cái lọ
beetle: con bọ cánh cứng

2012: two thousands and twelve Call the number of 1$ coins is A

twenty twelve Given: She used the same number of each coin
(A x 1$)+ (A x 2$) =69$
feed: nuôi/ chăm sóc/ cho ăn (A x1) + (A x 2)= 69
A+ 2A= 69
3A= 69
diary A=23

I hope that I can get the help of everyone. So: She had to use 23 coins 1 $ to pay for her picture frame

surface area 10%= 10/100
1%= 1/100
1.42 x 2=

1 ones x2\
4 tenths

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